2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (2024)

  • 1 Day before the event
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5

Sunday, August 11, 2024






Early Registration/Check-in

John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Main Entrance - 524 W 59th Street

Monday, August 12, 2024






Overview of the Institute

Felix Jimenez

River Terrace 1

CIGI Monday 01.Jimenez Institute Overview rev. May 2024.pdf






History and Overview of the IG Function and AIG Standards

Felix Jimenez

CIGI Monday 02 Jimenez IG History Overview and Standards.pdf






Intake, Complaints, and Allegations

Felix Jimenez

CIGI Monday 03 Jimenez Intake Complaints and Allegations.pdf













Kim Chatelain

CIGI Monday 04. Ethics Chatelain.pdf






Employee Misconduct Investigations

Deborah Witzburg

CIGI Monday 05. Witzburg Employee Misconduct Investigations August2024 rev May 2024.pdf

Tuesday, August 13, 2024






Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media

Adam Wandt

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 1.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 2.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 3.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 4.pdf












Legal Issues

Pasqualino "Pat" RussoStephen Street

CIGI Tuesday 02.Street.Legal Issues New 2024 1.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 02.Street.Legal Issues New 2024 2.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 02. Street Legal Issues New 2024 3.pdf






Networking Reception

Wednesday, August 14, 2024






Cognitive Bias

Stephen Street

CIGI Wednesday 01 Street Cognitive Bias.pdf






OIG Terminology

John Carey

CIGI Wednesday 02 Carey OIG Terminology.pdf






Working Procurement Fraud Investigations

Yvonne Brooks

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 1.pdf

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 2.pdf












Working Procurement Fraud Investigations (cont'd)

Yvonne Brooks

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 1.pdf

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 2.pdf






Conducting Multi-Agency Investigations

Deborah Witzburg

CIGI Wednesday 04 Witzburg Multi-Jurisdictional Investigations.pdf






Analytics in Procurement Fraud Investigations

Erik Halverson

CIGI Wednesday 05 Halvorson Analytics in Procurement Fraud Investigations.pdf

Thursday, August 15, 2024






Internal Controls

Flora Miller (Tran)

CIGI Thursday 01 Miller Internal Controls.pdf






Report Writing

Flora Miller (Tran)

CIGI Thursday 02 Miller Report Writing.pdf






Interviews and Interrogations

Nelson Andreu












Interviews and Interrogations Cont.

Nelson Andreu

CIGI Thursday 03. Andreu Interview and Interrogation.pdf






Peer Review

Flora Miller (Tran)

Friday, August 16, 2024






Grant Fraud

Nick Macedonia

CIGI Friday 01 Macedonia Grant Fraud Training.pdf







Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (1)

Adam Wandt

Assistant Professor at John Jay College

Adam Scott Wandt is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Vice Chair for Technology of the Department of Public Management at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He is a member of the graduate faculty in the Master of Public Administration program and the Master of Digital Forensics and Cyber Security program.

Professor Wandt is a practicing Attorney and Counselor-at-Law (New York). He has worked on sponsored research for, or in partnership with, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Interpol, the United Nations, Sprint, BlackBoard, Entourage, the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, as well as law enforcement and educational institutions from around the world.

His primary research and consulting interests include technology law and policy, information security, investigative/surveillance technology, OSINT, cryptocurrency, darknet, social engineering, and UCR crime data. He has over two decades of experience developing custom investigative, forensic, educational, and data management solutions for federal, state and local government agencies. Along with two co-principal investigators, he has recently been awarded a $600,000 grant from the National Institute of Justice to study fentanyl sales on the dark web.

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 1.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 2.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 3.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 01 Wandt Digital Evidence, Cloud Computing and Social Media 4.pdf

Cognitive Bias


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (2)

Stephen Street

State Inspector General at LA Louisiana State OIG

Stephen Street has served as Louisiana's Inspector General since 2008, and is the immediate past President of the National Association of Inspectors General (AIG). The mission of the Louisiana Inspector General is to investigate white collar criminal and public corruption cases, and to root out and prevent fraud and corruption in government.

Mr. Street received his law degree in 1989 from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University. Most of his 30 plus years as an attorney have been spent in the field of criminal law at the state and federal levels, first as a criminal staff lawyer with the Third Circuit Court of Appeal in Lake Charles, and then later both defending and prosecuting serious criminal cases. Mr. Street has extensive experience as lead trial counsel in a wide variety of cases, from capital murder to complex white collar and economic crime.

Since becoming Louisiana's Inspector General, Mr. Street has overseen the transformation of the office from an internal audit shop into a fully functioning statutorily empowered law enforcement agency. Experience has demonstrated that the most effective way to ensure integrity in government is to hold those who violate the public trust criminally accountable whenever the evidence warrants. In addition, other desired outcomes, such as improved internal controls and safeguards designed to better prevent and detect criminal fraud and corruption, are often achieved more quickly and with greater public support in the wake of successful criminal prosecutions. The Louisiana OIG therefore focuses primarily on fraud and public corruption investigations, with results that speak for themselves. Since transitioning to law enforcement, the Inspector General has experienced great success, working numerous criminal cases, both independently and with law enforcement partners. (Case highlights available at www.oig.louisiana.gov).

Mr. Street is a Certified Inspector General (CIG), and regularly conducts training for law enforcement, prosecutors, inspectors general and other oversight personnel on white collar and economic crime investigation. He was recently elected to the Board of Directors for the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and also continues to serve as an NW3C Adjunct Instructor, teaching courses on Financial Investigation Practical Skills (FIPS) offered to law enforcement throughout the United States.

CIGI Wednesday 01 Street Cognitive Bias.pdf

Internal Controls


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (3)

Flora Miller (Tran)

Regional Investigator / Accreditation Manager at Florida Dept of Children & Families, Office of Inspector General

Flora Miller started her career in state government in 2000 (Public Assistance Eligibility and Public Assistance Fraud Investigations), joining the Office of Inspector General in approximately 2003, serving as a Regional Investigator and Regional Investigator Supervisor. She currently serves as both a Regional Investigator (covering portions of the Central, Northeast, SunCoast, and Southeast Regions), as well as the Accreditation Manager for her agency.

Mrs. Miller is a Team Leader for Inspector General Assessments for the Florida Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) and has completed over 25 assessments (mock, onsite, and technical assistance) as both Team Leader and Team Member. She has also completed approximately 20 Peer Reviews, serving as both Team Leader and Team Member for the Association of Inspectors General Peer Review Committee, and is the current Chair of the AIG's Peer Review Committee. Mrs. Miller is an instructor for the Florida Police Accreditation Coalition (FLA-PAC) and the AIG Institute. She holds certifications as a Certified Inspector General Investigator (CIGI) through the AIG and Certified Accreditation Professional (CAP) through the FLA-PAC. In her downtime, Mrs. Miller is active in the martial arts community with her husband sanctioning amateur competitive events through the Florida Boxing Commission, as well as in the Bahamas.

CIGI Thursday 01 Miller Internal Controls.pdf

Grant Fraud


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (4)

Nick Macedonia

Special Agent at U.S. Dept of Energy OIG

Nick Macedonia is a Special Agent with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Inspector General (OIG) in Washington, D.C. He has worked in the Federal anti-fraud community in various roles for approximately 13 years and became a criminal investigator in August 2015. Nick has extensive experience in both supporting and leading Federal criminal, civil, and administrative investigations and proactive reviews, the results of which have included criminal prosecution, civil settlement, suspension and debarment, and the administrative recovery of government funds. Nick has also been an agency-level firearms and defensive tactics instructor and has taught fraud-related topics for entities including the Federal Inspector General Criminal Investigator Academy and the Association of Government Accountants.

Nick earned Bachelor's degrees in Biology and Spanish and a Minor in Astronomy at the University of Virginia (UVA). Following graduation, he took additional business and accounting classes at the Northern Virginia Community College and earned a Certificate in Accounting from UVA. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist. In his spare time, Nick enjoys competitive swimming and spending time with his wife and four young children.

CIGI Friday 01 Macedonia Grant Fraud Training.pdf

Overview of the Institute

River Terrace 1


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (5)

Felix Jimenez

Inspector General at Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General

Felix Jimenez is the Inspector General for the Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General. He has been with the OIG since February 2009. He oversees the multi-disciplinary efforts of investigators, auditors, attorneys, and contract oversight specialists.

Mr. Jimenez is a 28-year veteran of the Miami-Dade Police Department, where he served 10 years supervising homicide investigations and was later tasked with developing the department’s Public Corruption Investigations Unit. He has taught at law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, including the South Florida Metropolitan Police Institute and at the FBI Academy, in the areas of Public Corruption Investigation and Violent Crime Investigation.

As a supervisor in the Homicide Bureau, Mr. Jimenez participated in over 500 death investigations and was directly involved in several high-profile investigations. He also led the department’s Centac-26 squad investigating homicides involving organized drug trafficking organizations.

While in the Public Corruption Unit, Mr. Jimenez supervised investigations involving government employees, law enforcement officers, contractors, and elected officials. He later directed a task force consisting of federal, state and local law enforcement agents resulting in numerous state and federal prosecutions.

Mr. Jimenez received his Bachelor of Public Administration degree from Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida. He received his certification from the Association of Inspectors General as a Certified Inspector General Investigator in 2011, as a Certified Inspector General in 2015, and as a Certified Inspector General Evaluator in 2018. He currently serves on the AIG’s board of directors.

CIGI Monday 01.Jimenez Institute Overview rev. May 2024.pdf

OIG Terminology


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (6)

John Carey

Inspector General at FL Palm Beach County OIG

John Carey became Inspector General of Palm Beach County, Florida on June 23, 2014. His office oversees 42 separate government entities to include the County government and all municipalities within the county.

John is a retired U.S. Marine colonel and retired federal government senior executive. He has more than 46 years of government service in the areas of intelligence, operations, law enforcement, and Inspector General oversight. For the last 22 years, John has served in the Inspector General field. He was the Deputy Inspector General of the Marine Corps; the Deputy Inspector General for Director of National Intelligence; and finally, the Inspector General for the Defense Intelligence Agency before coming to Palm Beach County. John is on the Board of the Association of Inspectors General and the Chair of its Professional Certification Board. He is a Certified Inspector General, Certified Inspector General Auditor, and Certified Inspector General Inspector/Evaluator.

He holds a Bachelors of Arts degree (cum laude) from the Grace College, a Masters of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, and a Masters of Arts in Christian Studies from Palm Beach Atlantic University. He also attended the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy, the Federal Executive Institute, and the Kellogg School of Management.

CIGI Wednesday 02 Carey OIG Terminology.pdf

Report Writing


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (7)

Flora Miller (Tran)

Regional Investigator / Accreditation Manager at Florida Dept of Children & Families, Office of Inspector General

Flora Miller started her career in state government in 2000 (Public Assistance Eligibility and Public Assistance Fraud Investigations), joining the Office of Inspector General in approximately 2003, serving as a Regional Investigator and Regional Investigator Supervisor. She currently serves as both a Regional Investigator (covering portions of the Central, Northeast, SunCoast, and Southeast Regions), as well as the Accreditation Manager for her agency.

Mrs. Miller is a Team Leader for Inspector General Assessments for the Florida Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) and has completed over 25 assessments (mock, onsite, and technical assistance) as both Team Leader and Team Member. She has also completed approximately 20 Peer Reviews, serving as both Team Leader and Team Member for the Association of Inspectors General Peer Review Committee, and is the current Chair of the AIG's Peer Review Committee. Mrs. Miller is an instructor for the Florida Police Accreditation Coalition (FLA-PAC) and the AIG Institute. She holds certifications as a Certified Inspector General Investigator (CIGI) through the AIG and Certified Accreditation Professional (CAP) through the FLA-PAC. In her downtime, Mrs. Miller is active in the martial arts community with her husband sanctioning amateur competitive events through the Florida Boxing Commission, as well as in the Bahamas.

CIGI Thursday 02 Miller Report Writing.pdf

History and Overview of the IG Function and AIG Standards


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (8)

Felix Jimenez

Inspector General at Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General

Felix Jimenez is the Inspector General for the Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General. He has been with the OIG since February 2009. He oversees the multi-disciplinary efforts of investigators, auditors, attorneys, and contract oversight specialists.

Mr. Jimenez is a 28-year veteran of the Miami-Dade Police Department, where he served 10 years supervising homicide investigations and was later tasked with developing the department’s Public Corruption Investigations Unit. He has taught at law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, including the South Florida Metropolitan Police Institute and at the FBI Academy, in the areas of Public Corruption Investigation and Violent Crime Investigation.

As a supervisor in the Homicide Bureau, Mr. Jimenez participated in over 500 death investigations and was directly involved in several high-profile investigations. He also led the department’s Centac-26 squad investigating homicides involving organized drug trafficking organizations.

While in the Public Corruption Unit, Mr. Jimenez supervised investigations involving government employees, law enforcement officers, contractors, and elected officials. He later directed a task force consisting of federal, state and local law enforcement agents resulting in numerous state and federal prosecutions.

Mr. Jimenez received his Bachelor of Public Administration degree from Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida. He received his certification from the Association of Inspectors General as a Certified Inspector General Investigator in 2011, as a Certified Inspector General in 2015, and as a Certified Inspector General Evaluator in 2018. He currently serves on the AIG’s board of directors.

CIGI Monday 02 Jimenez IG History Overview and Standards.pdf

Working Procurement Fraud Investigations


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (9)

Yvonne Brooks

Deputy Inspector General at MD Office of the Inspector General for Education

Yvonne K. Brooks is a seasoned professional in the legal and public service sectors, bringing more than two decades of experience to her role as Deputy Inspector General at the Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education. Her career is marked by a deep commitment to integrity and professionalism, underscored by her status as a licensed member of the Maryland State Bar and a Certified Inspector General.

Starting her career in Baltimore City as a prosecutor after receiving her Juris Doctor degree, Yvonne quickly established herself as a fervent advocate for justice and accountability. Her journey took her to the Prince George's County State's Attorney's Office, where she honed her expertise in developing felony cases focused on economic crimes, complex fraud, and police misconduct. Yvonne's passion for protecting the environment then led her to the Maryland Attorney General's Environmental Crimes Unit, where she played a crucial role in prosecuting environmental crimes and promoting regulatory compliance.

In 2015, Yvonne transitioned into the realm of Inspector General work, applying her extensive legal knowledge and investigative skills to effectively oversee investigations into fraud, waste, and abuse within government operations. Her significant experience at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), particularly in procurement fraud investigations, equipped her with the insights and strategies necessary to tackle fiscal irregularities head-on and prepared her to take on the role of Deputy Inspector General for the City of Baltimore.

Outside of her professional life, Yvonne is actively involved in her community and pursues a variety of interests that feed her creativity. She contributes her time and skills to the Association of Inspectors General and the Junior League of Annapolis, demonstrating her commitment to community service. A passionate photographer, Yvonne enjoys capturing the beauty of the world through her lens, focusing on portrait photography. Additionally, she finds joy in upcycling old furniture, showcasing her creative flair and dedication to sustainability.

Yvonne K. Brooks embodies a blend of professional excellence and personal passion, making her a respected figure in her field and an inspiration to those around her. Her career and interests showcase her as a dedicated professional, creative spirit, and active community member.

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 1.pdf

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 2.pdf

Interviews and Interrogations


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (10)

Nelson Andreu

Lieutenant at Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute and Research Center

Nelson Andreu Jr. has been employed with the Miami-Dade Police Department for over 25 years. He began his career in the Miami Lakes District, where he served as a patrol officer, Neighborhood Resource Officer, and Gang Unit Detective. He was transferred to the Special Victim’s Unit in 2003, were he worked as a Sexual Battery Detective for 10 years. In 2013, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and served in Neighborhood Resource Unit, Sexual Crimes Unit, Vulnerable Victim’s Unit, and the Professional Compliance Bureau. In 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and served as the General Investigations Unit Commander at the Hammocks District. In 2019, he was transferred to the Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute and Research Center, where he currently oversees high liability training and is the lead instructor for most criminal investigation courses. Nelson was the Distinguished Officer of the Year for Miami-Dade County in 2022. He received his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Union Institute and University. Nelson is a graduate of the Senior Leadership Program, Class 26.

Intake, Complaints, and Allegations


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (11)

Felix Jimenez

Inspector General at Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General

Felix Jimenez is the Inspector General for the Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General. He has been with the OIG since February 2009. He oversees the multi-disciplinary efforts of investigators, auditors, attorneys, and contract oversight specialists.

Mr. Jimenez is a 28-year veteran of the Miami-Dade Police Department, where he served 10 years supervising homicide investigations and was later tasked with developing the department’s Public Corruption Investigations Unit. He has taught at law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, including the South Florida Metropolitan Police Institute and at the FBI Academy, in the areas of Public Corruption Investigation and Violent Crime Investigation.

As a supervisor in the Homicide Bureau, Mr. Jimenez participated in over 500 death investigations and was directly involved in several high-profile investigations. He also led the department’s Centac-26 squad investigating homicides involving organized drug trafficking organizations.

While in the Public Corruption Unit, Mr. Jimenez supervised investigations involving government employees, law enforcement officers, contractors, and elected officials. He later directed a task force consisting of federal, state and local law enforcement agents resulting in numerous state and federal prosecutions.

Mr. Jimenez received his Bachelor of Public Administration degree from Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida. He received his certification from the Association of Inspectors General as a Certified Inspector General Investigator in 2011, as a Certified Inspector General in 2015, and as a Certified Inspector General Evaluator in 2018. He currently serves on the AIG’s board of directors.

CIGI Monday 03 Jimenez Intake Complaints and Allegations.pdf



2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (12)

Kim Chatelain

Inspector General at LA Jefferson Parish OIG

Ms. Chatelain was appointed the 1st Assistant Inspector General for the newly created Jefferson Parish Office of Inspector General (JPOIG) in September 2013. As the 1st Assistant, Ms. Chatelain provides legal counsel and direction across all areas of operations, audit and investigation, as well as provides program oversight and administration. Ms. Chatelain joined the AIG as a member shortly after her appointment, and she became a Certified Inspector General in August 2014.

Ms. Chatelain is a licensed attorney of twenty-eight years, including fourteen years as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Louisiana. She has extensive experience representing governmental entities in state and federal court and advising governmental entities on legislative, administrative, and regulatory matters. Immediately prior to joining the Jefferson Parish Office of Inspector General, Ms. Chatelain was the Director of Governmental and Ethics Compliance for Jefferson Parish. As Director, she developed and implemented new administrative policies across government and launched a program of ethics education.

Ms. Chatelain received her law degree in 1992 from Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana and her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Louisiana State Univesity, Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1989. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Ethics and Compliance Professional. She is a member of the the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics Professionals.

CIGI Monday 04. Ethics Chatelain.pdf

Legal Issues


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (13)

Pasqualino "Pat" Russo

Partner at Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP

Pat Russo is a member of the Association of Inspectors General Board of Directors. Pat served as the Treasurer of the Association for more than a decade, and still serves on the Finance Committee.
In 1990, he graduated from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York with a B.A. in History cum laude. Pat then attended Brooklyn Law School and graduated as a member of the class of 1993.
After graduating from law school, Pat began working at Cullen and Dykman, where he represented a variety of financial institutions, corporations and individuals. In 1997, he began a career in public service when he was asked to serve as Counsel to the Office of the New York State Welfare Inspector General by Inspector General (and former Association President) Paul Balukas, where he led and supervised investigations and criminal prosecutions of fraud, abuse and corruption involving social services contractors, employees and recipients. Pat continued in public service when he was appointed an Administrative Law Judge for the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (“TLC”). Pat was elevated to the Appeals Unit, and was subsequently appointed as the TLC’s Chief Administrative Law Judge.
In 2007, Pat joined the NYC Department of Investigation (“DOI”) as Inspector General for the City’s social services agencies. At DOI, he supervised and led public corruption investigations involving public servants, contractors, and elected officials. Most notably, Pat spearheaded the federal corruption prosecution of a former NYC Councilmember for using discretionary funding for personal and political gain, as well as numerous, successful state and federal prosections of public officials and contractors who had defradued the City.
In March 2012, Pat joined Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP as Special Counsel. He provides counseling to corporations, non-profit organizations and individuals on a variety of matters, including internal investigations, integrity monitoring and corporate governance. Pat was promoted to Partner in April 2016.
In March 2014, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo appointed Pat, with the consent of the NYS Senate, to the MTA Inspector General Management Advisory Board, where Pat still serves.
Since 2001, Pat has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he instructs courses in the Master in Public Administration Inspector General Program.
Pat served as the Treasurer of the Association of Inspectors General from 2011 to Decemebr 2022. In addition, Pat completed the Certified Inspector General Institute in August 2008 and attained the designation of Certified Inspector General. Since 2014, Pat has served as an instructor for the Legal Issues program of the Certified Inspector General and Certified Inspector General Investigator programs.
From 2015 to 2021, Pat has served as a Board Member for the Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity (CAPI) at Columbia University Law School. CAPI is currently inactive.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (14)

Stephen Street

State Inspector General at LA Louisiana State OIG

Stephen Street has served as Louisiana's Inspector General since 2008, and is the immediate past President of the National Association of Inspectors General (AIG). The mission of the Louisiana Inspector General is to investigate white collar criminal and public corruption cases, and to root out and prevent fraud and corruption in government.

Mr. Street received his law degree in 1989 from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University. Most of his 30 plus years as an attorney have been spent in the field of criminal law at the state and federal levels, first as a criminal staff lawyer with the Third Circuit Court of Appeal in Lake Charles, and then later both defending and prosecuting serious criminal cases. Mr. Street has extensive experience as lead trial counsel in a wide variety of cases, from capital murder to complex white collar and economic crime.

Since becoming Louisiana's Inspector General, Mr. Street has overseen the transformation of the office from an internal audit shop into a fully functioning statutorily empowered law enforcement agency. Experience has demonstrated that the most effective way to ensure integrity in government is to hold those who violate the public trust criminally accountable whenever the evidence warrants. In addition, other desired outcomes, such as improved internal controls and safeguards designed to better prevent and detect criminal fraud and corruption, are often achieved more quickly and with greater public support in the wake of successful criminal prosecutions. The Louisiana OIG therefore focuses primarily on fraud and public corruption investigations, with results that speak for themselves. Since transitioning to law enforcement, the Inspector General has experienced great success, working numerous criminal cases, both independently and with law enforcement partners. (Case highlights available at www.oig.louisiana.gov).

Mr. Street is a Certified Inspector General (CIG), and regularly conducts training for law enforcement, prosecutors, inspectors general and other oversight personnel on white collar and economic crime investigation. He was recently elected to the Board of Directors for the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and also continues to serve as an NW3C Adjunct Instructor, teaching courses on Financial Investigation Practical Skills (FIPS) offered to law enforcement throughout the United States.

CIGI Tuesday 02.Street.Legal Issues New 2024 1.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 02.Street.Legal Issues New 2024 2.pdf

CIGI Tuesday 02. Street Legal Issues New 2024 3.pdf

Working Procurement Fraud Investigations (cont'd)


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (15)

Yvonne Brooks

Deputy Inspector General at MD Office of the Inspector General for Education

Yvonne K. Brooks is a seasoned professional in the legal and public service sectors, bringing more than two decades of experience to her role as Deputy Inspector General at the Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education. Her career is marked by a deep commitment to integrity and professionalism, underscored by her status as a licensed member of the Maryland State Bar and a Certified Inspector General.

Starting her career in Baltimore City as a prosecutor after receiving her Juris Doctor degree, Yvonne quickly established herself as a fervent advocate for justice and accountability. Her journey took her to the Prince George's County State's Attorney's Office, where she honed her expertise in developing felony cases focused on economic crimes, complex fraud, and police misconduct. Yvonne's passion for protecting the environment then led her to the Maryland Attorney General's Environmental Crimes Unit, where she played a crucial role in prosecuting environmental crimes and promoting regulatory compliance.

In 2015, Yvonne transitioned into the realm of Inspector General work, applying her extensive legal knowledge and investigative skills to effectively oversee investigations into fraud, waste, and abuse within government operations. Her significant experience at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), particularly in procurement fraud investigations, equipped her with the insights and strategies necessary to tackle fiscal irregularities head-on and prepared her to take on the role of Deputy Inspector General for the City of Baltimore.

Outside of her professional life, Yvonne is actively involved in her community and pursues a variety of interests that feed her creativity. She contributes her time and skills to the Association of Inspectors General and the Junior League of Annapolis, demonstrating her commitment to community service. A passionate photographer, Yvonne enjoys capturing the beauty of the world through her lens, focusing on portrait photography. Additionally, she finds joy in upcycling old furniture, showcasing her creative flair and dedication to sustainability.

Yvonne K. Brooks embodies a blend of professional excellence and personal passion, making her a respected figure in her field and an inspiration to those around her. Her career and interests showcase her as a dedicated professional, creative spirit, and active community member.

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 1.pdf

CIGI Wednesday 03 Brooks Working Procurement Fraud Investigations 2.pdf

Interviews and Interrogations Cont.


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (16)

Nelson Andreu

Lieutenant at Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute and Research Center

Nelson Andreu Jr. has been employed with the Miami-Dade Police Department for over 25 years. He began his career in the Miami Lakes District, where he served as a patrol officer, Neighborhood Resource Officer, and Gang Unit Detective. He was transferred to the Special Victim’s Unit in 2003, were he worked as a Sexual Battery Detective for 10 years. In 2013, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and served in Neighborhood Resource Unit, Sexual Crimes Unit, Vulnerable Victim’s Unit, and the Professional Compliance Bureau. In 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and served as the General Investigations Unit Commander at the Hammocks District. In 2019, he was transferred to the Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute and Research Center, where he currently oversees high liability training and is the lead instructor for most criminal investigation courses. Nelson was the Distinguished Officer of the Year for Miami-Dade County in 2022. He received his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Union Institute and University. Nelson is a graduate of the Senior Leadership Program, Class 26.

CIGI Thursday 03. Andreu Interview and Interrogation.pdf

Conducting Multi-Agency Investigations


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (17)

Deborah Witzburg

Inspector General at City of Chicago - Office of the Inspector General

Deborah Witzburg serves as Inspector General for the City of Chicago, leading Chicago’s independent, non-partisan watchdog agency charged with promoting economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity in City government. Previously, she served as the City’s Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety, conducting oversight of Chicago’s police and police accountability agencies. She also served as OIG’s Chief Investigator for Public Safety, OIG’s Associate General Counsel for Public Safety, and as an Assistant Inspector General. Witzburg previously worked as an Assistant State’s Attorney in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, where she prosecuted a wide range of misdemeanor and felony cases and worked closely with law enforcement agencies and community stakeholders. She is a Certified Inspector General by the Association of Inspectors General and a Certified Practitioner of Oversight by the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. Witzburg earned a BA in Anthropology from Brown University and a JD from Northwestern University School of Law; she is licensed to practice law in Illinois.

CIGI Wednesday 04 Witzburg Multi-Jurisdictional Investigations.pdf

Employee Misconduct Investigations


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (18)

Deborah Witzburg

Inspector General at City of Chicago - Office of the Inspector General

Deborah Witzburg serves as Inspector General for the City of Chicago, leading Chicago’s independent, non-partisan watchdog agency charged with promoting economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity in City government. Previously, she served as the City’s Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety, conducting oversight of Chicago’s police and police accountability agencies. She also served as OIG’s Chief Investigator for Public Safety, OIG’s Associate General Counsel for Public Safety, and as an Assistant Inspector General. Witzburg previously worked as an Assistant State’s Attorney in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, where she prosecuted a wide range of misdemeanor and felony cases and worked closely with law enforcement agencies and community stakeholders. She is a Certified Inspector General by the Association of Inspectors General and a Certified Practitioner of Oversight by the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. Witzburg earned a BA in Anthropology from Brown University and a JD from Northwestern University School of Law; she is licensed to practice law in Illinois.

CIGI Monday 05. Witzburg Employee Misconduct Investigations August2024 rev May 2024.pdf

Early Registration/Check-in

John Jay College of Criminal JusticeMain Entrance - 524 W 59th Street

Analytics in Procurement Fraud Investigations


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (19)

Erik Halverson

Special Agent at US Dept of Energy OIG

Erik Halvorson currently serves as an Operations Officer focused on anti-fraud programs for DOE’s new funding. As an agent, he specialized in financial fraud and public corruption investigations. He has 17 years of federal law enforcement experience including both domestic and international work. Erik enjoys using advanced analysis techniques to proactively detect and investigate fraud. A Columbia University graduate, he holds degrees in criminal justice, accounting, and applied analytics. He is currently enrolled in a PhD program where his dissertation will focus on text mining and sentiment analysis as a method to help inform emergency responses.

Finally, Erik started a small consulting business (Archimedes Evaluation Services) to help other businesses and non-profits with psychometrics, analytics, statistical analyses, program evaluations, research, and anti-fraud consulting.

CIGI Wednesday 05 Halvorson Analytics in Procurement Fraud Investigations.pdf

Peer Review


2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (20)

Flora Miller (Tran)

Regional Investigator / Accreditation Manager at Florida Dept of Children & Families, Office of Inspector General

Flora Miller started her career in state government in 2000 (Public Assistance Eligibility and Public Assistance Fraud Investigations), joining the Office of Inspector General in approximately 2003, serving as a Regional Investigator and Regional Investigator Supervisor. She currently serves as both a Regional Investigator (covering portions of the Central, Northeast, SunCoast, and Southeast Regions), as well as the Accreditation Manager for her agency.

Mrs. Miller is a Team Leader for Inspector General Assessments for the Florida Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) and has completed over 25 assessments (mock, onsite, and technical assistance) as both Team Leader and Team Member. She has also completed approximately 20 Peer Reviews, serving as both Team Leader and Team Member for the Association of Inspectors General Peer Review Committee, and is the current Chair of the AIG's Peer Review Committee. Mrs. Miller is an instructor for the Florida Police Accreditation Coalition (FLA-PAC) and the AIG Institute. She holds certifications as a Certified Inspector General Investigator (CIGI) through the AIG and Certified Accreditation Professional (CAP) through the FLA-PAC. In her downtime, Mrs. Miller is active in the martial arts community with her husband sanctioning amateur competitive events through the Florida Boxing Commission, as well as in the Bahamas.

  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (21)

    Felix Jimenez

    Inspector General at Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (22)

    Nelson Andreu

    Lieutenant at Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute and Research Center

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (23)

    Yvonne Brooks

    Deputy Inspector General at MD Office of the Inspector General for Education

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (24)

    John Carey

    Inspector General at FL Palm Beach County OIG

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (25)

    Kim Chatelain

    Inspector General at LA Jefferson Parish OIG

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (26)

    Ken Dieffenbach

    Deputy Assistant IG for Investigations at U.S. Dept of Energy OIG

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (27)

    Erik Halverson

    Special Agent at US Dept of Energy OIG

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (28)

    Nick Macedonia

    Special Agent at U.S. Dept of Energy OIG

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (29)

    Flora Miller (Tran)

    Regional Investigator / Accreditation Manager at Florida Dept of Children & Families, Office of Inspector General

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (30)

    Pasqualino "Pat" Russo

    Partner at Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (31)

    Erica Smith

    Deputy Inspector General for Audit at LA Jefferson Parish OIG

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (32)

    Stephen Street

    State Inspector General at LA Louisiana State OIG

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (33)

    Adam Wandt

    Assistant Professor at John Jay College

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  • 2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (34)

    Deborah Witzburg

    Inspector General at City of Chicago - Office of the Inspector General

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2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (35)



Inspector General at Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General

Felix Jimenez is the Inspector General for the Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General. He has been with the OIG since February 2009. He oversees the multi-disciplinary efforts of investigators, auditors, attorneys, and contract oversight specialists.

Mr. Jimenez is a 28-year veteran of the Miami-Dade Police Department, where he served 10 years supervising homicide investigations and was later tasked with developing the department’s Public Corruption Investigations Unit. He has taught at law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, including the South Florida Metropolitan Police Institute and at the FBI Academy, in the areas of Public Corruption Investigation and Violent Crime Investigation.

As a supervisor in the Homicide Bureau, Mr. Jimenez participated in over 500 death investigations and was directly involved in several high-profile investigations. He also led the department’s Centac-26 squad investigating homicides involving organized drug trafficking organizations.

While in the Public Corruption Unit, Mr. Jimenez supervised investigations involving government employees, law enforcement officers, contractors, and elected officials. He later directed a task force consisting of federal, state and local law enforcement agents resulting in numerous state and federal prosecutions.

Mr. Jimenez received his Bachelor of Public Administration degree from Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida. He received his certification from the Association of Inspectors General as a Certified Inspector General Investigator in 2011, as a Certified Inspector General in 2015, and as a Certified Inspector General Evaluator in 2018. He currently serves on the AIG’s board of directors.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (36)



Lieutenant at Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute and Research Center

Nelson Andreu Jr. has been employed with the Miami-Dade Police Department for over 25 years. He began his career in the Miami Lakes District, where he served as a patrol officer, Neighborhood Resource Officer, and Gang Unit Detective. He was transferred to the Special Victim’s Unit in 2003, were he worked as a Sexual Battery Detective for 10 years. In 2013, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and served in Neighborhood Resource Unit, Sexual Crimes Unit, Vulnerable Victim’s Unit, and the Professional Compliance Bureau. In 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and served as the General Investigations Unit Commander at the Hammocks District. In 2019, he was transferred to the Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute and Research Center, where he currently oversees high liability training and is the lead instructor for most criminal investigation courses. Nelson was the Distinguished Officer of the Year for Miami-Dade County in 2022. He received his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Union Institute and University. Nelson is a graduate of the Senior Leadership Program, Class 26.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (37)



Deputy Inspector General at MD Office of the Inspector General for Education

Yvonne K. Brooks is a seasoned professional in the legal and public service sectors, bringing more than two decades of experience to her role as Deputy Inspector General at the Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education. Her career is marked by a deep commitment to integrity and professionalism, underscored by her status as a licensed member of the Maryland State Bar and a Certified Inspector General.

Starting her career in Baltimore City as a prosecutor after receiving her Juris Doctor degree, Yvonne quickly established herself as a fervent advocate for justice and accountability. Her journey took her to the Prince George's County State's Attorney's Office, where she honed her expertise in developing felony cases focused on economic crimes, complex fraud, and police misconduct. Yvonne's passion for protecting the environment then led her to the Maryland Attorney General's Environmental Crimes Unit, where she played a crucial role in prosecuting environmental crimes and promoting regulatory compliance.

In 2015, Yvonne transitioned into the realm of Inspector General work, applying her extensive legal knowledge and investigative skills to effectively oversee investigations into fraud, waste, and abuse within government operations. Her significant experience at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), particularly in procurement fraud investigations, equipped her with the insights and strategies necessary to tackle fiscal irregularities head-on and prepared her to take on the role of Deputy Inspector General for the City of Baltimore.

Outside of her professional life, Yvonne is actively involved in her community and pursues a variety of interests that feed her creativity. She contributes her time and skills to the Association of Inspectors General and the Junior League of Annapolis, demonstrating her commitment to community service. A passionate photographer, Yvonne enjoys capturing the beauty of the world through her lens, focusing on portrait photography. Additionally, she finds joy in upcycling old furniture, showcasing her creative flair and dedication to sustainability.

Yvonne K. Brooks embodies a blend of professional excellence and personal passion, making her a respected figure in her field and an inspiration to those around her. Her career and interests showcase her as a dedicated professional, creative spirit, and active community member.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (38)

John Carey

Inspector General at FL Palm Beach County OIG

John Carey became Inspector General of Palm Beach County, Florida on June 23, 2014. His office oversees 42 separate government entities to include the County government and all municipalities within the county.

John is a retired U.S. Marine colonel and retired federal government senior executive. He has more than 46 years of government service in the areas of intelligence, operations, law enforcement, and Inspector General oversight. For the last 22 years, John has served in the Inspector General field. He was the Deputy Inspector General of the Marine Corps; the Deputy Inspector General for Director of National Intelligence; and finally, the Inspector General for the Defense Intelligence Agency before coming to Palm Beach County. John is on the Board of the Association of Inspectors General and the Chair of its Professional Certification Board. He is a Certified Inspector General, Certified Inspector General Auditor, and Certified Inspector General Inspector/Evaluator.

He holds a Bachelors of Arts degree (cum laude) from the Grace College, a Masters of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, and a Masters of Arts in Christian Studies from Palm Beach Atlantic University. He also attended the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy, the Federal Executive Institute, and the Kellogg School of Management.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (39)



Inspector General at LA Jefferson Parish OIG

Ms. Chatelain was appointed the 1st Assistant Inspector General for the newly created Jefferson Parish Office of Inspector General (JPOIG) in September 2013. As the 1st Assistant, Ms. Chatelain provides legal counsel and direction across all areas of operations, audit and investigation, as well as provides program oversight and administration. Ms. Chatelain joined the AIG as a member shortly after her appointment, and she became a Certified Inspector General in August 2014.

Ms. Chatelain is a licensed attorney of twenty-eight years, including fourteen years as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Louisiana. She has extensive experience representing governmental entities in state and federal court and advising governmental entities on legislative, administrative, and regulatory matters. Immediately prior to joining the Jefferson Parish Office of Inspector General, Ms. Chatelain was the Director of Governmental and Ethics Compliance for Jefferson Parish. As Director, she developed and implemented new administrative policies across government and launched a program of ethics education.

Ms. Chatelain received her law degree in 1992 from Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana and her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Louisiana State Univesity, Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1989. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Ethics and Compliance Professional. She is a member of the the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics Professionals.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (40)



Deputy Assistant IG for Investigations at U.S. Dept of Energy OIG

Ken Dieffenbach has served as the Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations at the Department of Energy OIG since July 2021. Ken began his federal law enforcement career in 1996 when he was credentialed as a special agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). During his over six years with AFOSI, he conducted numerous general crime, major procurement fraud, and counterintelligence investigations and protective services operations related to U.S. Air Force personnel and resources.

In 2003, Ken joined the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General’s Fraud Detection Office where he served as a special agent, senior special agent, assistant special agent in charge, and special agent in charge as well as the deputy director of the OIG’s Office of Data Analytics. While with the Department of Justice, Ken led and oversaw hundreds of complex and sensitive investigations including procurement and grant fraud, ethics violations by senior DOJ employees, classified programs, and public corruption related to the Department of Justice’s over 115,000 employees and worldwide operations. For approximately ten years he has served as an adjunct instructor at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center's Grant Fraud Investigations Training Program and is a sought after public speaker. For almost ten years Ken coordinated DOJ's Grant Fraud Working Group where he grew participation from a dozen individuals to over 500 from dozens of federal agencies. In 2017, his work related to the racketeering conspiracy trial convictions of U.S. Representative Chaka Fattah and others was recognized with the Attorney General's Distinguished Service Award.

Ken has been a Certified Fraud Examiner since 1999 and in 2019, he was elected as a Regent for the 85,000+ member Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. In 2020 he was elected as Regent Chair.

Ken is a graduate of the Citadel in Charleston South Carolina and holds a graduate degree in criminal justice from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (41)



Special Agent at US Dept of Energy OIG

Erik Halvorson currently serves as an Operations Officer focused on anti-fraud programs for DOE’s new funding. As an agent, he specialized in financial fraud and public corruption investigations. He has 17 years of federal law enforcement experience including both domestic and international work. Erik enjoys using advanced analysis techniques to proactively detect and investigate fraud. A Columbia University graduate, he holds degrees in criminal justice, accounting, and applied analytics. He is currently enrolled in a PhD program where his dissertation will focus on text mining and sentiment analysis as a method to help inform emergency responses.

Finally, Erik started a small consulting business (Archimedes Evaluation Services) to help other businesses and non-profits with psychometrics, analytics, statistical analyses, program evaluations, research, and anti-fraud consulting.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (42)



Special Agent at U.S. Dept of Energy OIG

Nick Macedonia is a Special Agent with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Inspector General (OIG) in Washington, D.C. He has worked in the Federal anti-fraud community in various roles for approximately 13 years and became a criminal investigator in August 2015. Nick has extensive experience in both supporting and leading Federal criminal, civil, and administrative investigations and proactive reviews, the results of which have included criminal prosecution, civil settlement, suspension and debarment, and the administrative recovery of government funds. Nick has also been an agency-level firearms and defensive tactics instructor and has taught fraud-related topics for entities including the Federal Inspector General Criminal Investigator Academy and the Association of Government Accountants.

Nick earned Bachelor's degrees in Biology and Spanish and a Minor in Astronomy at the University of Virginia (UVA). Following graduation, he took additional business and accounting classes at the Northern Virginia Community College and earned a Certificate in Accounting from UVA. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist. In his spare time, Nick enjoys competitive swimming and spending time with his wife and four young children.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (43)


Miller (Tran)

Regional Investigator / Accreditation Manager at Florida Dept of Children & Families, Office of Inspector General


Flora Miller started her career in state government in 2000 (Public Assistance Eligibility and Public Assistance Fraud Investigations), joining the Office of Inspector General in approximately 2003, serving as a Regional Investigator and Regional Investigator Supervisor. She currently serves as both a Regional Investigator (covering portions of the Central, Northeast, SunCoast, and Southeast Regions), as well as the Accreditation Manager for her agency.

Mrs. Miller is a Team Leader for Inspector General Assessments for the Florida Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) and has completed over 25 assessments (mock, onsite, and technical assistance) as both Team Leader and Team Member. She has also completed approximately 20 Peer Reviews, serving as both Team Leader and Team Member for the Association of Inspectors General Peer Review Committee, and is the current Chair of the AIG's Peer Review Committee. Mrs. Miller is an instructor for the Florida Police Accreditation Coalition (FLA-PAC) and the AIG Institute. She holds certifications as a Certified Inspector General Investigator (CIGI) through the AIG and Certified Accreditation Professional (CAP) through the FLA-PAC. In her downtime, Mrs. Miller is active in the martial arts community with her husband sanctioning amateur competitive events through the Florida Boxing Commission, as well as in the Bahamas.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (44)

Pasqualino "Pat"


Partner at Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP

Pat Russo is a member of the Association of Inspectors General Board of Directors. Pat served as the Treasurer of the Association for more than a decade, and still serves on the Finance Committee.
In 1990, he graduated from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York with a B.A. in History cum laude. Pat then attended Brooklyn Law School and graduated as a member of the class of 1993.
After graduating from law school, Pat began working at Cullen and Dykman, where he represented a variety of financial institutions, corporations and individuals. In 1997, he began a career in public service when he was asked to serve as Counsel to the Office of the New York State Welfare Inspector General by Inspector General (and former Association President) Paul Balukas, where he led and supervised investigations and criminal prosecutions of fraud, abuse and corruption involving social services contractors, employees and recipients. Pat continued in public service when he was appointed an Administrative Law Judge for the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (“TLC”). Pat was elevated to the Appeals Unit, and was subsequently appointed as the TLC’s Chief Administrative Law Judge.
In 2007, Pat joined the NYC Department of Investigation (“DOI”) as Inspector General for the City’s social services agencies. At DOI, he supervised and led public corruption investigations involving public servants, contractors, and elected officials. Most notably, Pat spearheaded the federal corruption prosecution of a former NYC Councilmember for using discretionary funding for personal and political gain, as well as numerous, successful state and federal prosections of public officials and contractors who had defradued the City.
In March 2012, Pat joined Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP as Special Counsel. He provides counseling to corporations, non-profit organizations and individuals on a variety of matters, including internal investigations, integrity monitoring and corporate governance. Pat was promoted to Partner in April 2016.
In March 2014, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo appointed Pat, with the consent of the NYS Senate, to the MTA Inspector General Management Advisory Board, where Pat still serves.
Since 2001, Pat has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he instructs courses in the Master in Public Administration Inspector General Program.
Pat served as the Treasurer of the Association of Inspectors General from 2011 to Decemebr 2022. In addition, Pat completed the Certified Inspector General Institute in August 2008 and attained the designation of Certified Inspector General. Since 2014, Pat has served as an instructor for the Legal Issues program of the Certified Inspector General and Certified Inspector General Investigator programs.
From 2015 to 2021, Pat has served as a Board Member for the Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity (CAPI) at Columbia University Law School. CAPI is currently inactive.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (45)

Erica Smith

Deputy Inspector General for Audit at LA Jefferson Parish OIG

Erica Smith graduated from the University of Florida with her Master of Accounting in 2005 and Bachelor of Science in Accounting in 2003. Erica Smith started her career as an auditor with KPMG, LLP in Miami, Florida. She transferred to the New Orleans office in 2008. In 2010, she joined the City of New Orleans Office of Inspector General (OIG) and has served as the Deputy Inspector General for Audit since March 2016. During her tenure, the audit department has identified approximately $21 million in savings to the City of New Orleans. In July 2022, Erica accepted the Deputy Inspector General position with the Jefferson Parish OIG where she will supervise audits and evaluations.

Erica Smith is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and a Certified Inspector General Auditor (CIGA). She is also an adjunct instructor at the University of New Orleans and University of Holy Cross in New Orleans where teaches Advanced Accounting, Auditing, and various other accounting-related courses. Erica has presented to the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), and the Association of Inspectors General (AIG) on various fraud-related topics.

Erica is also active in the audit community. She is on the AIG Board of Directors and serves on the IIA Board of Governors for New Orleans.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (46)



State Inspector General at LA Louisiana State OIG

Stephen Street has served as Louisiana's Inspector General since 2008, and is the immediate past President of the National Association of Inspectors General (AIG). The mission of the Louisiana Inspector General is to investigate white collar criminal and public corruption cases, and to root out and prevent fraud and corruption in government.

Mr. Street received his law degree in 1989 from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University. Most of his 30 plus years as an attorney have been spent in the field of criminal law at the state and federal levels, first as a criminal staff lawyer with the Third Circuit Court of Appeal in Lake Charles, and then later both defending and prosecuting serious criminal cases. Mr. Street has extensive experience as lead trial counsel in a wide variety of cases, from capital murder to complex white collar and economic crime.

Since becoming Louisiana's Inspector General, Mr. Street has overseen the transformation of the office from an internal audit shop into a fully functioning statutorily empowered law enforcement agency. Experience has demonstrated that the most effective way to ensure integrity in government is to hold those who violate the public trust criminally accountable whenever the evidence warrants. In addition, other desired outcomes, such as improved internal controls and safeguards designed to better prevent and detect criminal fraud and corruption, are often achieved more quickly and with greater public support in the wake of successful criminal prosecutions. The Louisiana OIG therefore focuses primarily on fraud and public corruption investigations, with results that speak for themselves. Since transitioning to law enforcement, the Inspector General has experienced great success, working numerous criminal cases, both independently and with law enforcement partners. (Case highlights available at www.oig.louisiana.gov).

Mr. Street is a Certified Inspector General (CIG), and regularly conducts training for law enforcement, prosecutors, inspectors general and other oversight personnel on white collar and economic crime investigation. He was recently elected to the Board of Directors for the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and also continues to serve as an NW3C Adjunct Instructor, teaching courses on Financial Investigation Practical Skills (FIPS) offered to law enforcement throughout the United States.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (47)

Adam Wandt

Assistant Professor at John Jay College

Adam Scott Wandt is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Vice Chair for Technology of the Department of Public Management at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He is a member of the graduate faculty in the Master of Public Administration program and the Master of Digital Forensics and Cyber Security program.

Professor Wandt is a practicing Attorney and Counselor-at-Law (New York). He has worked on sponsored research for, or in partnership with, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Interpol, the United Nations, Sprint, BlackBoard, Entourage, the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, as well as law enforcement and educational institutions from around the world.

His primary research and consulting interests include technology law and policy, information security, investigative/surveillance technology, OSINT, cryptocurrency, darknet, social engineering, and UCR crime data. He has over two decades of experience developing custom investigative, forensic, educational, and data management solutions for federal, state and local government agencies. Along with two co-principal investigators, he has recently been awarded a $600,000 grant from the National Institute of Justice to study fentanyl sales on the dark web.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (48)



Inspector General at City of Chicago - Office of the Inspector General

Deborah Witzburg serves as Inspector General for the City of Chicago, leading Chicago’s independent, non-partisan watchdog agency charged with promoting economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity in City government. Previously, she served as the City’s Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety, conducting oversight of Chicago’s police and police accountability agencies. She also served as OIG’s Chief Investigator for Public Safety, OIG’s Associate General Counsel for Public Safety, and as an Assistant Inspector General. Witzburg previously worked as an Assistant State’s Attorney in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, where she prosecuted a wide range of misdemeanor and felony cases and worked closely with law enforcement agencies and community stakeholders. She is a Certified Inspector General by the Association of Inspectors General and a Certified Practitioner of Oversight by the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement. Witzburg earned a BA in Anthropology from Brown University and a JD from Northwestern University School of Law; she is licensed to practice law in Illinois.

2024 NYC AIG Certified Inspector General Investigator® Institute | Association of Inspectors General (2024)


What does the New York Inspector General do? ›

The Inspector General's functions and responsibilities include receiving and investigating complaints concerning allegations of corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest or abuse in any entity under the Inspector General's jurisdiction.

How many US inspector generals are there? ›

Approximately half of the 74 federal IGs are appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, and approximately half are appointed by the agency head.

What is the purpose of the Inspector General? ›

Our function is to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, misconduct, and mismanagement in the government, and to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in our agency's operations and programs.

Are Inspector Generals appointed? ›

The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress. The OIG consists of the Immediate Office, Office of General Counsel, and six divisions. Each division is headed by an Assistant Inspector General.

How powerful is the Inspector General? ›

They have the independent authority to investigate, audit, and report on the full range of government programs. An effective IG has the power to improve government and raise public trust in agencies; an incompetent or ineffective inspector general can have the opposite effect.

How much power does the Inspector General have? ›

DHS Office of Inspector General investigators have statutory law enforcement authority, including the power to make arrests, execute warrants, and carry firearms.

What triggers an OIG investigation? ›

OIG initiates investigations based on information received from a variety of sources, including: OIG's fraud, waste and abuse hotline; Department, GAO, and DOJ referrals; Congressional requests; and referrals from OSC regarding whistleblower disclosures.

Who controls the Inspector General? ›

The President nominates IGs at Cabinet-level departments and major agencies with Senate confirmation. These IGs can only be removed by the President. The agency heads appoint and can remove IGs at designated Federal entities.

What should be reported to the Inspector General? ›

The purpose of the OIG Hotline is to receive complaints of fraud, waste, or abuse in our client agencies' programs and operations, including mismanagement or violations of law, rules, or regulations by employees or program participants.

Can civilians use Inspector General? ›

Anyone can bring an issue to the IG: Warriors, DA civilian employees, family members, anonymous sources, members of the chain-of-command — anyone. What types of issues can I take to the IG? You can bring any issue to an IG.

Does the CIA have an Inspector General? ›

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is a statutorily independent component of CIA.

Can an inspector general be removed? ›

The removal procedure for presidentially appointed IGs is found in Title 5, Section 403(b), of the U.S. Code. The section reads in part: An Inspector General may be removed from office by the President.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.