Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (2024)

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (1)

Dissertation submitted to the

Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences and for Mathematics of the Ruperto-Carola University of Heidelberg, Germany

for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences

presented by M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan

born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: 03.02.16

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Comparative secretome study of brown

adipocytes and the role of ITIH4 in adipose


Referees: PD Dr. Karin Müller‐Decker Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (4)

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Adipose tissues in mammals can be broadly classified into two main types: white and brown

adipose tissue. Although both are defined as adipose tissues, they differ drastically in their

function. The main function of white adipose tissues (WAT) is the storage of fat. Unlike its

white counterpart, brown adipose tissue (BAT) specializes in burning fat via thermogenesis

and is known to play an important role in non-shivering thermogenesis especially in

hibernating animals and newborn babies. Recent evidence of functional BAT in adult humans

and its ameliorating effect on metabolic disorders has brought BAT under the spotlight for

treatment of metabolic diseases like obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

WAT also acts as an endocrine organ by secreting signaling molecules called

adipokines such as leptin and adiponectin. Adipokines constitute the secretome of WAT and

not only play an important role in WAT function but also affect whole-body energy

homeostasis. Various studies have investigated the role of adipose tissue secretome in

metabolic disorders like obesity and insulin resistance. The WAT secretome has also been

extensively characterized in various settings such as in whole WAT, mature white adipocyte

etc. However, the BAT secretome and its adipokines (‘batokines’) have not yet been


Thus, the main aim of this dissertation work was a comparative study of the white

and brown adipocyte secretomes using a combination of Click-iT® AHA labeling and pulsed-

SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino-acid in cell culture). In total 1013 proteins were

detected and a subset of these proteins was selected based on their secretion with

norepinephrine stimulation. An in vitro assay was developed and optimized to test their

putative effect on insulin secretion. In addition, one of the secretome candidates, inter-

alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (ITIH4) was investigated as a potential batokine and

BAT activity marker. Although, the serum levels of ITIH4 did not correlate with BAT activity

under cold stimulation, its expression was found to increase with adipogenesis and browning

of white adipocytes. Using in vitro knockdown studies, a reduction in differentiation was

observed which was characterized by reduction in mature adipocyte functions such as

lipolysis, lipid and intracellular triglyceride storage, glucose uptake and lipogenesis.

Therefore, rather than being a batokine, ITIH4 was shown to be important for adipogenesis

and adipocyte biology.

In summary, this dissertation sheds light on BAT secreted proteins and also

introduces a new player in field of adipogenesis, both of which might have a significant

impact in BAT biology and in the treatment of metabolic disorders like obesity.

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (6)

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In Säugetieren existieren zwei Arten von Fett: das weiße und das braune Fettgewebe.

Obwohl beide als Fettgewebe bezeichnet werden, gibt es bedeutende funktionelle

Unterschiede. Während das weiße Fettgewebe (white adipose tissue, WAT) hauptsächlich

eine Speicherfunktion besitzt, ist das braune Fettgewebe (brown adipose tissue, BAT) darauf

spezialisiert, Energie zur Wärmegewinnung zu verbrauchen. Dieser Thermogenese genannte

Prozess dient vor allem bei Säuglingen und Winterschläfern zur Regulation der

Körpertemperatur. Neuere Erkenntnisse haben gezeigt, dass aktives BAT auch bei

erwachsenen Menschen existiert. Sein Potential zur Steigerung des Energieumsatzes hat

dieses Gewebe in den Fokus neuer Therapien gegen metabolische Erkrankungen wie

Adipositas und Typ 2 Diabetes gestellt.

Neben seiner Speicherfunktion, fungiert WAT als endokrines Organ, welches

sogenannte Adipokine sezerniert, die nicht nur lokal im Fettgewebe, sondern auch

systemisch wirken. Bekannte Beispiele sind die Peptidhormone Leptin und Adiponektin. In

ihrer Gesamtheit bilden die Adipokine das Sekretom des WAT. Während das WAT Sekretom

auf der Ebene von Gewebe und einzelnen Adipozyten bereits gut untersucht ist, wurde das

Sekretom des BAT und seine spezifischen Adipokine („Batokine“) bislang nicht systematisch


Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war deshalb die Durchführung einer

vergleichenden Studie der Sekretome von WAT und BAT. Mittels einer Kombination von

Click-iT® AHA Markierung und Pulsed-SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino-acid in cell

culture) konnten insgesamt 1013 sezernierte Proteine nachgewiesen werden. Ein Teil davon

wurde selektiv in Abhängigkeit von Noradrenalin-Stimulation sezerniert. Es wurde ein in

vitro Assay entwickelt, um die Effekte der Sekretome auf die Insulinsekretion von Betazellen

darzustellen. Der Noradrenalin-abhängig sezernierte Faktor inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor

heavy chain H4 (ITIH4) wurde als beispielhaftes Batokin und potentieller BAT

Aktivitätsmarker eingehend untersucht. Obwohl die ITIH4 Serumlevel nicht mit der Aktivität

des BAT nach Kälteexposition korrelierten, konnte gezeigt werden, dass seine Expression

während der Adipogenese sowie des „browning“ von weißen Adipozyten gesteigert war.

Adipozyten mit Knockdown von ITIH4 zeigten eine Reduktion typischer Fettzellfunktionen,

wie beispielsweise Lipolyse, Einlagerung von Triglyzeriden und anderen Lipiden,

Glukoseaufnahme und Lipogenese. Folglich kann ITIH4 eine wichtige Rolle in der Entwicklung

und Funktion von Fettzellen zugewiesen werden, es scheint aber kein spezifisches Batokin zu


Zusammengefasst, leistet die vorliegende Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum

Verständnis des BAT als endokrines Organ und identifiziert eine neue Komponente in der

Adipogenese. Beide Aspekte sind von enormer Bedeutung für das Verständnis der Biologie

des BAT und können Ansatzpunkte für zukünftige Therapien gegen Adipositas und seine

Folgeerkrankungen liefern.

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (8)

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First and foremost, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig for giving me the

opportunity to carry out this dissertation in his lab. I am grateful for his constant support,

guidance and mentorship. I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Karin Müller-Decker for being

my TAC member and 1st referee. In addition, I would like to thank Dr. Jeroen Krijgsveld

(EMBL) for being my 3rd TAC member and also for collaborating with us for the secretome

screen. I would also like to thank Dr. Jenny Hansson and Sophia Foehr from the Krijgsveld lab

for performing the screen. This project would not have been possible without their help. I

would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hell and Prof. Dr. Peter Angel for accepting to be

part of my defense committee.

My deepest thanks go to my colleagues and friends from the A170 lab for their

support, helpful discussions, useful inputs and amiable working environment. I am grateful

to Dr. Anke Sommerfeld for guiding and teaching me when I first started my PhD and for the

useful inputs and discussions for my projects. I would also like to thank Dr. Mauricio Berriel

Diaz for taking over this role and for his helpful input and discussions during our meetings.

My gratitude goes to Dr. Tobias Schafmeier for his impeccable lab management, for

translating the summary and for being one of the driving forces behind the DIABAT EU

consortium. I would also like to thank Dr. Karin Mössenböck, Dr. Roldan Medina de Guia, Dr.

Dasa Medrikova and Dr. Milen Kirilov for sharing their experimental samples with me. I am

also very grateful for the constant professional and person support from Aishwarya

Sundaram, Dr. Frits Mattijssen and Dr. Adriano Maida. I would also like to thank Carolina De

La Torre, Maria Muciek and Dr. Carsten Sticht for performing and analyzing the microarrays.

Very special thanks to Dr. Anja Krones-Herzig, Annika Zota and Daniela Sohn for ordering the

mice and helping me with the adipose tissue isolations.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to my friends who were responsible for some

of my fondest memories in Heidelberg: Phivos - my brother; Reinhard – a true friend; Alex -

my nutritional support; Oliver - my climbing partner; Elena, Milene and Joana - my muses.

My deepest thanks to my pals from my masters and PhD program: Claudia, Teresa, Joschka,

Katha, Daniel, Ivo, Irem, Krishna, Paula, Susi and Franzi for all the wonder times together.

Thank you one and all. You all made life in Heidelberg an unforgettable experience.

Lastly, I would like express my deepest gratitude to my family without whose support

I would not be where I am today. To Abrar, for inspiration and unwavering support and to

Mum and Dad, for always believing in me and being there through the highs and lows. I owe

it all and then some to you all.

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (10)

“The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is

reason.” – Terry Goodkind, Faith of the Fallen

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (11)


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1

Obesity and overweight ...................................................................................................................... 1

Obesity: the modern day pandemic ................................................................................................ 1

Obesity and obesity-related co-morbidities .................................................................................... 3

Adipose tissues .................................................................................................................................... 4

Different shades of adipose tissues................................................................................................. 4

Adipose tissue in health and disease .............................................................................................. 7

Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ ............................................................................................. 8

Overview of some important adipokines ...................................................................................... 10

Leptin ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Adiponectin ............................................................................................................................... 10

Resistin ...................................................................................................................................... 12

Adipokines in obesity and related disorders ................................................................................. 12

BAT as an endocrine organ ............................................................................................................ 13

Aim of the study ................................................................................................................................ 15

Results ................................................................................................................................................... 16

Brown adipocyte secretome study.................................................................................................... 16

Secretome analysis of adipocytes in complete culture media ...................................................... 16

Optimum incubation time with SILAC-Met media was 24 hours .................................................. 17

Comparative secretome screening of inguinal white and brown adipocytes ............................... 19

Proteins common between WA (+NE) vs. BA (+NE) and BA ±NE screens were selected for further

studies. .......................................................................................................................................... 23

Batokine study ................................................................................................................................... 26

Optimization of glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) assay for secretome candidates ..... 26

Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate HEPES buffer gives the highest fold increase in GSIS. ..................... 26

Recombinant proteins lead to higher GSIS compared to conditioned media........................... 30

ITIH4 and its role in adipocyte biology .............................................................................................. 32

ITIH4 is preferentially secreted from brown adipocytes but serum levels are not changed after

cold-exposure ................................................................................................................................ 32

Itih4 mRNA levels increase with adipogenesis and are higher in brown adipocytes .................... 34

Rosiglitazone and isoproterenol significantly reduce Itih4 mRNA expression in differentiated

PreBAT cells while IL-6 has no effect. ............................................................................................ 35

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (12)

Itih4 expression increases with Treg depletion in BAT and decreases with adipose tissues in

db/db mice..................................................................................................................................... 37

ITIH4 knockdown in vitro was achieved using siRNA ........................................................................ 39

Effects of ITIH4 knockdown ............................................................................................................... 40

ITIH4 knockdown in PreBAT cells leads to lower acidification of culture media and lower glucose

utilization ....................................................................................................................................... 40

ITIH4 knockdown leads to reduced lipid staining in both PreBAT cells and primary adipocytes . 42

ITIH4 knockdown does not lead to decrease in BAT and adipogenic markers ............................. 43

Intracellular triglyceride amounts and lipolysis were significantly reduced with ITIH4 knockdown

....................................................................................................................................................... 44

ITIH4 knockdown reduces glucose uptake and lipogenesis in PreBAT cells ................................. 46

Transcriptome analysis of ITIH4 knockdown in PreBAT cells at different time points of

differentiation ............................................................................................................................... 47

Further analysis of ITIH4 knockdown transcriptome reveals regulation of important metabolic

pathways and possible targets ...................................................................................................... 49

ITIH4 knockdown in mature differentiated PreBAT cells .................................................................. 53

Discussion .............................................................................................................................................. 55

Current technologies used in adipose tissue/adipocyte secretome studies .................................... 55

Comparative brown adipocyte secretome screen ............................................................................ 57

Potential batokine candidates ........................................................................................................... 57

GSIS and other functional assays for batokines ................................................................................ 59

ITIH4 as a batokine and BAT activity marker ..................................................................................... 60

ITIH4 as a regulator of adipocyte differentiation .............................................................................. 62

Summary and outlook ....................................................................................................................... 64

Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 67

Molecular biology .............................................................................................................................. 67

Genomic DNA Isolation from differentiated primary adipocytes ................................................. 67

Plasmid DNA isolation ................................................................................................................... 67

RNA isolation using Trizol .............................................................................................................. 68

Quantification of nucleic acids ...................................................................................................... 68

cDNA synthesis from mRNA templates ......................................................................................... 68

Quantitative real-time PCR ............................................................................................................ 69

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) .................................................................................................. 70

Gel electrophoresis & extraction of DNA from agarose gel .......................................................... 71

Restriction digestion of DNA ......................................................................................................... 72

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (13)

Molecular Cloning ............................................................................................................................. 72

Insert generation ........................................................................................................................... 72

Ligation .......................................................................................................................................... 73

Transformation .............................................................................................................................. 73

Plasmid purification and analysis of clones ................................................................................... 73

Sequencing of plasmid DNA .......................................................................................................... 73

Cloning of recombinant plasmids .................................................................................................. 74

Cloning of pdsAAV-Ucp1p-GFPmut-mir122site-miR-Itih4......................................................... 74

Cloning of pCMV6-Entry-mmItih4-Myc-DDK-tag ...................................................................... 74

Cell biology ........................................................................................................................................ 74

Thawing, subculturing, and cryopreservation of Cells .................................................................. 75

Determination of cell number, viability and seeding of cells ........................................................ 75

Isolation of mouse preadipocytes from stroma vascular fraction (SVF) of intrascapular brown

adipose tissue and inguinal white adipose tissue ......................................................................... 76

Differentiation of mouse brown and white preadipocytes from the stroma vascular fraction

(SVF) ............................................................................................................................................... 77

Transient transfection methods .................................................................................................... 78

Calcium phosphate .................................................................................................................... 78

Cationic polymer or polyethyleneimine (PEI) ............................................................................ 78

Lipofectamine® 2000 transfection reagent ............................................................................... 79

Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX transfection reagent ....................................................................... 79

Neon® transfection system ....................................................................................................... 80

Biochemistry ...................................................................................................................................... 80

Total protein isolates from cells .................................................................................................... 80

Quantification of proteins by BCA assay ....................................................................................... 80

SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immnuoblotting (western blotting) ....................... 81

Immunoprecipitation for Flag-tag and Myc-tag proteins .............................................................. 81

ELISA .................................................................................................................................................. 82

MILLIPLEX® MAP mouse metabolic hormone panel ..................................................................... 82

Mouse ITIH4 ELISA ......................................................................................................................... 82

Rat Insulin ELISA ............................................................................................................................ 83

Cell lines ............................................................................................................................................. 83

PreBAT mouse brown preadipocyte cell line ................................................................................ 83

INS-1E rat insulinoma cells ............................................................................................................ 85

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (14)

HEK 293A Human Embryonic Kidney cells..................................................................................... 86

3T3-L1 mouse embryonic white preadipocyte cell line ................................................................ 87

In vitro metabolic assays ................................................................................................................... 88

Adipocyte staining with Oil Red O ................................................................................................. 88

Measurement of glucose in cell culture supernatant ................................................................... 89

Lipolysis assay for adipocytes ........................................................................................................ 89

Intracellular triglyceride measurement from mature adipocytes ................................................. 90

Measurement of cytotoxicity using the cytotoxicity detection kit (LDH) ..................................... 90

Glucose metabolism and lipogenesis assay for mature adipocytes .............................................. 91

Glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) assay for INS-1E cells ............................................... 91

SILAC and AHA incorporation of primary adipocytes .................................................................... 92

Adenoviral vector production ........................................................................................................... 93

Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 95

Antibodies ......................................................................................................................................... 95

Buffers ............................................................................................................................................... 95

Chemicals........................................................................................................................................... 97

Instruments ..................................................................................................................................... 100

Kits ................................................................................................................................................... 101

Plasmids ........................................................................................................................................... 102

Plastic consumables ........................................................................................................................ 103

Primers and oligonucleotides .......................................................................................................... 105

Restriction digestion enzymes......................................................................................................... 106

Software and programs ................................................................................................................... 107

Appendices .......................................................................................................................................... 108

Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. 108

Supplementary figures .................................................................................................................... 112

Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 117

Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 118

References ........................................................................................................................................... 119

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Obesity and overweight

Obesity: the modern day pandemic

Obesity and overweight are defined as the excessive and harmful accumulation of fat. The

WHO defines obesity in terms of the body mass index (BMI) which is the ratio of a person’s

weight to their height squared (kg/m2). A BMI of 25 or greater is classified as overweight

while a BMI of 30 or more is obesity. Since 1980 global obesity has doubled and currently

most of the world’s population lives in countries where obesity and overweight kills more

people than underweight and malnutrition (Figure 1). A large number of children are also

affected by this disease. In 2013, the WHO estimated that 42 million children globally under

the age of 5 years were overweight and obese. Previously considered a ‘disease of

affluence’, obesity is now also prevalent in developing countries with middle or low incomes

especially in urban environments (WHO fact sheet 311, 2015).

The main cause of overweight and obesity is the perturbation of energy balance

caused by an excessive amount of calories consumed relative to those expended (positive

energy balance). This imbalance is becoming more prevalent due to the global increase in

the consumption of high-calorie foods and the decrease in physical activity. Obesity is also

associated with several severe co-morbidities like cardiovascular diseases (several heart

diseases and stroke), diabetes, musculoskeletal diseases (like osteoarthritis), metabolic

syndrome and cancer. Childhood obesity is a major risk factor for developing prediabetes

(Li, Ford et al. 2009), bone and joint problems, breathing complications (Daniels, Arnett et

al. 2005) and hypertension (Freedman, Mei et al. 2007). It also has a serious consequence in

adulthood and contributes to increased predisposition to obesity and almost all the

associated co-morbidities.

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (16)



Figure 1: Prevalence of obesity worldwide. Age-standardized prevalence of obesity in men (A) and women (B)

aged 18 and over (BMI>30 kg/m2), 2014. Figures obtained from the global status report on non-communicable

diseases 2014. © Copyright World Health Organization (WHO), 2014.

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Obesity and obesity-related co-morbidities

As mentioned earlier, obesity leads to a number of other metabolic disorders or co-

morbidities. A systematic review by Guh, Zhang et al. (2009) identified 18 co-morbities

associated with obesity. Statistically significant associations were identified by meta-analysis

between obesity and type 2 diabetes, all cancers (with the exception of esophageal and

prostate cancer), all cardiovascular diseases, asthma, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis and

chronic back pain.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of disorders consisting of insulin resistance,

obesity, low-grade pro-inflammatory state, hypertension and dyslipidemia (Alberti, Zimmet

et al. 2006). Metabolic syndrome in turn further increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases

and type 2 diabetes in addition to other disorders like thrombophilia, non-alcoholic fatty

liver disease and reproductive disorders (Cornier, Dabelea et al. 2008).

The insulin resistance observed in obesity is generally a consequence of nutritional

overload. During nutritional overload, adipose tissue dysfunction occurs which leads to the

accumulation of fat in other organs and the release of harmful pro-inflammatory factors

(discussed in next section). Both these events lead to obesity-related systemic insulin

resistance (Sethi and Vidal-Puig 2007).

Obesity leads to hypertension due to an increase in total blood volume and cardiac

output. In general, cardiac workload is higher in obesity which makes obese patients

hypertensive (Messerli, Ventura et al. 1982). Wong and Marwick (2007) suggested the

existence of a cardiomyopathy of obesity supported by experimental models and

epidemiological and clinical studies. The myocardial changes observed in obesity

cardiomyopathy cannot be attributed to diabetes, hypertension or coronary heart disease

alone and can be considered a direct consequence of obesity. These myocardial changes

affect ventricular structures as well as systolic and diastolic function.

The high metabolic and inflammatory environment of obesity is one of the main

reasons for the development of osteoarthritis. Adipose-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines

affecting joint degradation and local inflammatory processes are another factor in the

development of obesity-related osteoarthritis. In addition, obesity-related perturbations in

glucose and lipid metabolism and mechanical loads (that activate mechanoreceptors on

chondrocytes) are other reasons for the development of osteoarthritis (As reviewed by

Sowers and Karvonen-Gutierrez 2010).

Similar to insulin resistance, adipocyte dysfunction is also one of the reasons behind

obesity-related carcinogenesis. The insulin resistance, increased levels of secreted factors

like leptin and endogenous sex steroids and chronic inflammation caused by obesity

promote carcinogenesis and cancer progression by either having a growth-promoting effect

on cancer cells or/and by inhibiting apoptosis. For example, the mitogenic and anti-

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (18)



apoptotic properties of IGF-1, insulin and leptin have shown to promote carcinogenesis

(Pollak, Schernhammer et al. 2004, Hoda, Keely et al. 2007).

Therefore, adipose tissue and its dysfunction contribute to the development of

obesity and its related disorders and are important facets in the struggle against the global

obesity pandemic.

Adipose tissues

Different shades of adipose tissues

There are two main types of adipose tissues in mammals: white and brown (Table 1). White

adipose tissue (WAT) is the classical fat storage organ. It has important immune and

endocrine functions and also provides thermal insulation and mechanical protection to

internal organs. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) on the other hand is adept in burning fuel

reserves to produce heat and modulate body temperature through non-shivering

thermogenesis. This is accomplished by uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) that uncouples ATP

production from the mitochondrial electrochemical gradient and generates heat. The

presence of UCP1 is a defining feature of BAT. Both, white and brown adipose tissues play a

vital role in maintaining whole body energy homeostasis and regulating insulin sensitivity

and are important for health. For example, disruption of normal white adipose tissue

function is associated with insulin resistance (Rosen and Spiegelman 2006) and on the other

hand, activation of brown adipose tissue improves insulin sensitivity and weight loss

(Cypess, Lehman et al. 2009).

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Table 1: Characteristics of white and brown adipose tissues. Adapted and modified form

Saely, Geiger et al. (2012)

White adipose tissue Brown adipose tissue

Function Energy storage. Heat production


Morphology Single large lipid droplet,

variable amount of


Multilocular lipid droplets,

high number of


Development From Myf5-negative

progenitor cells.

From Myf5-positive

progenitor cells (some Myf5-

negative brown fat cells

which are derived from other

lineages also exist).

Human data Large amounts and

dysfunction are associated

with increased risk of

obesity-related disorders.

Large amounts are

associated with decreased

risk of obesity-related


Impact of aging on fat mass Increases with age relative to

total body weight.

Decreases with age.

One of the pivotal discoveries in the field of adipose tissue biology was the detection

of functional brown adipose tissue in adult humans (Nedergaard, Bengtsson et al. 2007).

Until this discovery, BAT was only thought to be present in human infants where it

contributed to non-shivering thermogenesis. Morphologically, brown adipocytes differ from

white adipocytes by having smaller multilocular lipid droplets (in contrast to a large

unilocular lipid droplet in white adipocytes) and higher number and larger mitochondria

(Cinti 2002). The large number of mitochondria confers the darker brown color to these


Adipocyte differentiation or adipogenesis for both white and brown adipocytes

consists of first commitment to a preadipocyte lineage and subsequent differentiation. The

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white and brown adipocytes arise from different mesenchymal precursor cells: Myf5-

negative, for white adipocytes and Myf5-positive (myogenic precursor) for brown

adipocytes. Despite their different developmental origins, both white and brown adipocytes

share some common core adipogenic components like the transcription factor peroxisome

proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBPs)

like C/EBPα, C/EBPβ and C/EBPδ and bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) (Farmer 2006).

Other adipogenic factors are unique to brown adipocyte differentiation. These include PR

domain–containing protein-16 (PRDM16) that induces brown adipocyte specific gene

induction (Seale, Kajimura et al. 2007) and peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor γ-

coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) (Puigserver, Wu et al. 1998) that regulates oxidative metabolism,

mitochondrial biogenesis and thermogenesis (As reviewed by Lin, Handschin et al. 2005).

As mentioned earlier, UCP1 is responsible for BAT thermogenesis. There are several

different means by which the thermogenic program, and in turn UCP1, can be activated in

BAT (As reviewed by Villarroya and Vidal-Puig 2013). The most well characterized activation

of BAT is via the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in response to thermogenic stimuli. In

this case norepinephrine binds to adrenergic receptors and activates protein kinase A (PKA).

PKA in turn activates p38 MAP kinase and thyroxine 5’-dediodinase (5’-D), ultimately leading

to the induction of the thermogenic genes. The liver can also activate BAT via the release of

bile acids and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) that interact with TGR5 receptors and FGF

receptor/b-Klotho (KLB) complexes respectively. On the other hand, natriuretic peptides

(NPs) released by the heart activate BAT via interaction with NP receptors (NPRs) and

activation of protein kinase G and p38 MAP kinase.

In addition to brown and white adipocytes, a third type of adipocytes called ‘beige’

or ‘brite’ adipocytes are also present (Loncar 1991). These cells are brown-like adipocytes in

white adipose tissues and resemble white adipocytes in their basal characteristics and origin

but upregulate the expression of UCP1 upon cAMP stimulation (Wu, Bostrom et al. 2012).

This phenomenon is called ‘browning’. There are several mediators of browning known like

COX2, SIRT1, BMP7, Irisin etc. but all of them act via three core transcriptional regulators:

PPARγ, PRDM16 and PGC-1α (As reviewed by Lo and Sun 2013). All browning agents known

so far bind, interact, activate or inhibit these core factors. The most commonly used

browning agents for in vitro studies are rosiglitazone (a PPARγ agonist) and

carbaprostacyclin or cPGI2 (a stable analog of PGI2 that also activates PPARγ). The browning

process and brite adipocytes are important in combating obesity as mouse strains with a

higher predisposition to browning show a lower tendency for becoming obese and vice

versa (Guerra, Koza et al. 1998). In addition, it is also speculated that browning increases the

plasticity of the white adipose depots by allowing a functional switch from energy storage to

energy consumption (Wu, Cohen et al. 2013).

Although brite adipocytes are functionally similar to classical brown adipocytes,

there are a few key differences that set them apart. They are formed from Myf5-negative

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precursor cells (Seale, Bjork et al. 2008) and also have distinct gene signature profiles

compared to brown adipocytes (Wu, Bostrom et al. 2012). Moreover, the expression of

Ucp1 and other thermogenic genes is upregulated upon activation in brite adipocytes (for

example with β-adrenergic receptor agonists) while brown adipocytes express high levels of

these genes at the basal conditions.

Adipose tissue in health and disease

Adipose tissues play a very important role in metabolic health. WAT is crucial for the

maintenance of normal glucose and serum triglyceride levels and insulin sensitivity. Mice

lacking WAT were found to suffer from severe metabolic abnormalities like insulin

resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and fatty liver (Gavrilova, Marcus-Samuels et al.

2000). BAT, due to its thermogenic capacity, is a promising candidate for counter-acting

nutrient overload, obesity and diabetes. In humans, the activity of BAT inversely correlates

with adiposity and the activation of BAT clears glucose at a systemic level thereby improving

insulin sensitivity (Orava, Nuutila et al. 2011). In addition, it has been shown that BAT in

mice can also clear triglyceride rich proteins from circulation and reduce hyperlipidemia

(Bartelt, Bruns et al. 2011). It is estimated that BAT in humans could contribute as much as

20% daily energy expenditure (Stock and Rothwell 1983). In a recent review, Betz and

Enerback (2015) have highlighted the importance of human BAT in diabetes and obesity as

well as the possibility of BAT being a potential drug target to treat these maladies.

Dysfunctional adipose tissues are now considered one of the main contributing

factors to obesity and obesity-related metabolic disorders like the metabolic syndrome, type

2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (Goossens 2008, Bluher 2013). A positive energy

balance, wherein the amount of calories ingested is higher than required, leads to obesity

and increase in adipocyte size (hypertrophy). This leads to adipocyte dysfunction when the

hypertrophic adipocytes are limited in their expansion due to factors like hypoxia and

extracellular matrix (ECM) mechanics. Adipocyte dysfunction disrupts normal adipose tissue

lipid metabolism and leads to release of pro-inflammatory factors (called adipokines,

discussed in the next section). These factors not only impair adipocyte differentiation but

also increase the infiltration of immune cells into the adipose tissue which further

exacerbates the inflammation. In addition to changes in lipid metabolism and release of pro-

inflammatory secreted factors, adipose tissue dysfunction also leads to spillover of lipids in

to the circulation and subsequent accumulation in to other non-adipose organs like liver and

muscle (Figure 2). This ectopic fat storage is thought to lead to lipotoxicity and causes low-

grade systemic inflammation thereby accelerating the development of obesity and related

metabolic disorders (Goossens 2008).

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Figure 2: The dysfunction of adipose tissues and consequence on metabolic health. A positive-energy balance

because of excess energy intake leads to hypertrophic adipocytes. This impairs adipose tissue function and

causes lipid spill-over and increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Subsequently, this leads to ectopic

lipid accumulation in other organs and low-grade systemic inflammation. Adapted from Goossens (2008).

Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ.

As mentioned before, white adipose tissues are the primary site for fat storage in the body.

They mobilize these stored fats to meet the energy demands of the body. Owing to recent

advancement in obesity research, it is now widely appreciated now that white adipose

tissues are also endocrine organs and secrete a wide range of hormones and signaling

factors called adipokines.

Some of the important adipokines are chemokines that are closely related to adipose

tissue inflammation. As mentioned in the previous section, changes in the production of

these adipokines occur because of the expansion and subsequent dysfunction of adipose

tissues during obesity. TNF-α, a pro-inflammatory cytokine, was the first adipokine to be

described (Hotamisligil, Shargill et al. 1993). Apart from being expressed in adipocytes, TNF-

α is also expressed in macrophages. Similar to TNF-α, interleukin-6 (IL-6) is also an important

adipokine secreted by adipocytes and skeletal muscle (Keller, Keller et al. 2003). Another

pro-inflammatory cytokine is monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) that plays a role in

macrophage recruitment to the adipose tissue (Sartipy and Loskutoff 2003).

In addition, there are adipokines that are solely produced by adipocytes. Leptin is

one such important adipokine controlling satiety and body weight (Fruhbeck 2002).

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Adiponectin is another adipocyte-derived adipokine that influences insulin sensitivity and

exhibits anti-inflammatory properties (Yamauchi, Kamon et al. 2001).

Adipokines are important mediators of organ cross-talk between white adipose

tissues and different organs of the body like the brain, muscles, liver etc. They can also act in

an autocrine or paracrine manner and influence energy homeostasis, insulin sensitivity and

the immune system (Figure 3). Thus, via adipokines, white adipose tissues not only control

their own metabolism but also affect the systemic metabolism by acting on other organs.

Due to their important role in metabolic health, several adipokines have been implicated in

the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders like obesity and type 2 diabetes. Some of the

important adipokines are described in the next section.

Figure 3: Adipose tissue and multi-organ cross talk. Adipose tissues secrete factors called adipokines that act in

an autocrine, paracrine and endocrine manner affecting various different organs. Via adipokines, adipose

tissues are able to influence important systemic attributes like systemic insulin sensitivity, energy homeostasis,

inflammation and the immune system.

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Overview of some important adipokines


Leptin is a 16 kDa peptide hormone produced by adipocytes, encoded by the obese (ob)

gene in mice and LEP gene in humans. Circulating plasma levels of leptin correlate with

adiposity (i.e. white adipose tissue mass). The main function of leptin is to increase energy

expenditure and decrease food intake by acting on distinct neural cell populations in the

hypothalamus. However, leptin is also considered to be a ‘pleiotropic’ hormone because of

its involvement in a variety of different functions like angiogenesis, reproduction, cytokine

production, phagocytosis etc. (Fietta 2005).

The receptor for leptin is encoded by the diabetes gene (db) which is a class I

cytokine receptor. It is subjected to alternative splicing and gives rise to six different

isoforms out of which only the Ob-Rb (long form) participates in signal transduction. The

extracellular leptin signal is received by this isoform and in turn activates the JAK-STAT

pathway (Fruhbeck 2006). The most common mutations affect the tyrosine residue Y1138

on the intracellular domain of Ob-Rb in mice, preventing STAT3 activation. However, such

mutations occur rarely in humans (Farooqi and O'Rahilly 2006).

Ob/ob and db/db mice exhibit a host of different metabolic phenotypes like

increased body weight due to increased adiposity and hyperphagia, lower energy

expenditure, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia (Campfield 2000). Obesity,

independent of mutations in leptin or its receptor, is usually characterized with partial leptin

resistance and hyperleptinemia. In leptin resistance, the high levels of leptin are not able to

modulate energy homeostasis which results in excessive weight gain and development of

metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes mellitus. Selectivity is another aspect of leptin

resistance. The concept of selective leptin resistance describes the phenomenon of leptin

resistance with intact leptin sympathoexcitatory functions like its effect on arterial blood

pressure but resistance to its metabolic functions like satiety and weight reduction. (Mark,

Correia et al. 2002). Hyperleptinemia on the other hand is sometimes considered a

consequence of aging, unrelated to changes in fat mass and suggested to play a causative

role in age-related metabolic decline (Gabriely, Ma et al. 2002, Ma, Muzumdar et al. 2002).


Adiponectin (also called apM1, Acrp30, GBP28, and AdipoQ) is a 30 kDa protein produced in

mature adipocytes. Adiponectin is structurally similar to collagen VIII and X. It makes up

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0.01% of the total plasma protein and circulates in the blood in its oligomeric forms, which

include its multimeric (high molecular weight, HMW), hexameric (middle molecular weight,

MMW) and trimeric (low molecular weight, LMW) isoforms.

Unlike other adipokines, adiponectin is the only known adipokine that is reduced

during obesity and has an insulin sensitizing effect. Low levels of plasma adiponectin are

indicative of insulin resistance and diabetes (Tschritter, Fritsche et al. 2003). Adiponectin

acts in an autocrine/paracrine manner within the adipose tissues and has been shown to

regulate pro-inflammatory adipokine secretion in human adipocytes thereby preventing

insulin resistance (Dietze-Schroeder, Sell et al. 2005). In addition, over-expression of human

adiponectin in Apolipoprotein E-deficient mice, a mouse model that spontaneously develops

atherosclerotic lesions on a standard chow diet, suppresses the development of

atherosclerosis. (Okamoto, Kihara et al. 2002).

Adiponectin acts via two receptors: AdipoR1 (skeletal muscle) and AdipoR2 (liver).

Adiponectin signaling involves AMPK, PPAR α and PPAR γ. The stimulation of AdipoR2 leads

to increased β-oxidation and reduced gluconeogenesis in liver while in skeletal muscle,

AdipoR1 signaling leads to increased β-oxidation and glucose uptake. This leads to lowering

of blood glucose, increased insulin sensitivity and reduced fat content in tissues

The most widely characterized effects of adiponectin include the improvement in

insulin sensitivity and its anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic properties. The insulin

sensitizing effect of adiponectin is due to the activation of AMPK which increases glucose

uptake, glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation. Another mechanism through which adiponectin

reduces inflammation is by promoting phagocytosis of early apoptotic cells by macrophages

(Takemura, Ouchi et al. 2007). Adiponectin reduces atherosclerosis by protecting the

vascular endothelium against inflammation (Kadowaki and Yamauchi 2005), reducing

monocyte adhesion to the endothelium and lowering NFκB levels (Tan, Xu et al. 2004).

In contrast to leptin, there is an inverse relationship of fat mass and adiponectin

levels. Increased visceral adiposity decreases adiponectin levels more strongly than

subcutaneous adiposity. Adiponectin gene expression is also inhibited by pro-inflammatory

cytokines like TNF-α and IL-6 (Bruun, Lihn et al. 2003). Insulin reduces the expression of the

adiponectin receptors and leads to a state of adiponectin resistance during

hyperinsulinemia (Kadowaki and Yamauchi 2005). Hypoadiponectinemia has been linked to

insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular complications like hypertension,

progressive ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction and therefore, considered an

independent risk factor in the development of cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities.

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Resistin is a cysteine-rich protein that is secreted as a dimer. It was discovered while

screening for genes that were downregulated in mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes by

thiazolidinedione (TZD) drugs like rosiglitazone (Steppan, Bailey et al. 2001). Resistin is

mainly expressed in murine white adipocytes but in humans, it is expressed in macrophages

and is induced by TNF-α (Patel, Buckels et al. 2003).

Neither the receptor nor the signaling pathway for resistin has been discovered yet.

In mice, resistin inhibits AMPK in liver, skeletal muscle and WAT. It has also been shown to

be an important factor in the development of hepatic insulin resistance in high fat diet (HFD)

fed mice (Muse, Obici et al. 2004). In addition, resistin also inhibits insulin secretion by

inducing the expression of SOCS-3 both in vitro and in vivo (Steppan, Wang et al. 2005).

Resistin has been extensively studied in rodent models (Summarized by Lazar 2007).

Resistin secretion is similar to leptin i.e. levels increase with adiposity and after feeding.

High levels of resistin contribute to the development of insulin resistance and type 2

diabetes. Moreover, resistin has a pro-inflammatory effect and stimulates macrophages to

release pro-inflammatory cytokines. It also upregulates vascular adhesion molecules like

VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in mice and human endothelial cells. There is also a direct correlation

between serum resistin levels and atherosclerosis in humans.

Adipokines in obesity and related disorders

During obesity several pro-inflammatory factors are released by the adipose tissue. These

factors include TNF-α, IL-6, MCP-1 and TGF-β1 (Hotamisligil, Shargill et al. 1993, Samad,

Yamamoto et al. 1997, Sartipy and Loskutoff 2003). Macrophage infiltration also increases in

obesity and leads to the increased circulating and local levels of these pro-inflammatory

cytokines. The local adipose tissue expression of both TNF-α and IL-6 were also shown to be

higher in patients with obesity-related insulin resistance (Kern, Ranganathan et al. 2001).

TNF-α mostly exerts its influence in an autocrine and paracrine manner while the effect of

IL-6 is more systemic (endocrine). Both cytokines increase lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation

in adipocytes and increase the fatty acids in the blood. As mentioned earlier, this leads to

ectopic fat deposition in other organs. It has also been shown that IL-6 can cause hepatic

insulin resistance in mice by inhibiting early insulin receptor signaling and downstream

insulin action (Klover, Zimmers et al. 2003). Interestingly, it has also been shown that the

increase in expression of these cytokines precedes a rise in insulin secretion in obese mice

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(Xu, Barnes et al. 2003). This points to the fact that adipose tissue inflammation is an

important antecedent to obesity-related insulin resistance.

BAT as an endocrine organ

In relation to its white counterpart, BAT and its role as an endocrine organ has not been

extensively studied. It is well documented that the activation of BAT (for example, by cold

stimulation) leads to systemic metabolic changes in the body. These changes include

decreased blood glucose and increased insulin sensitivity (Bukowiecki 1989). BAT partly

contributes to this by an increased glucose uptake and improved insulin sensitivity

(Gasparetti, de Souza et al. 2003). WAT and skeletal muscle also increase their catabolic

processes (such as lipolysis in WAT) to provide fuel for BAT thermogenesis (Gasparetti, de

Souza et al. 2003). These observations beg the question as to whether BAT has an important

endocrine function beyond its role in thermogenesis. Another important observation that

supports this idea is that mice completely lacking BAT (Lowell, V et al. 1993) were

metabolically worse off than mice only deficient in UCP1 and lacking their thermogenic

capacity (Enerback, Jacobsson et al. 1997). These studies suggest that BAT can affect whole-

body energy homeostasis by UCP1-independent mechanisms.

Adipokines from BAT (‘batokines’) can be assumed to have the following

characteristics: they might have different actions or effects compared to WAT adipokines,

their target organs would be different from conventional adipokines and lastly, they would

be released upon BAT activation (Villarroya, Cereijo et al. 2013). Recent studies in mice and

rats have helped identify several paracrine and autocrine factors released by BAT. Some of

them include vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-

I), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2), IL-6 and bone morphogenetic protein-8b (BMP8b).

These factors have varied functions like promoting angiogenesis (VEGF-A) to increasing

sensitivity to noradrenergic stimuli (BMP8a) (As reviewed by Villarroya, Cereijo et al. 2013).

Apart from these paracrine and autocrine factors, there are very few endocrine

factors shown to be released from BAT. One of the earliest examples of BAT’s endocrine role

was triiodinthyronine (T3) (Silva and Larsen 1983). It is considered a classical BAT endocrine

product and has been shown via tracer studies that activated BAT is a major source of T3 in

the body (Silva and Larsen 1985). Another important and well-documented endocrine factor

released by BAT is the fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) (Hondares, Iglesias et al. 2011).

FGF21 increases glucose oxidation in several tissues and has shown to be protective against

obesity and type 2 diabetes (Sarruf, Thaler et al. 2010). Normally, liver is the prime source of

FGF21 but upon thermogenic activation BAT contributes to circulating FGF21 levels

(Hondares, Iglesias et al. 2011). Studies using BAT transplantation have also shown that

FGF21 levels are increased after transplantation and FGF21 could be a major factor in the

metabolic improvement seen in transplant-recipient mice (Stanford, Middelbeek et al.

2013). In addition, FGF21 can pass the blood-brain barrier reaffirming the idea that certain

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batokines can act on the central nervous system. Lastly, FGF21 has also been shown to be

expressed in brite/beige adipocytes, both in mice and humans (Wu, Bostrom et al. 2012,

Lee, Werner et al. 2014). The most recent endocrine factor found to be enriched in BAT is

neuregulin4 (Nrg4). The expression of Nrg4 was found to increase with brown adipocyte

differentiation, adrenergic stimuli and acute cold exposure. Using binding assays on frozen

tissue sections, Nrg4 was found to bind to liver most likely through direct binding of its ErbB

receptors and reduce de novo lipogenesis (Wang, Zhao et al. 2014).

Figure 4: Adipokines released from BAT. Apart from its role in non-shivering thermogenesis, BAT is also known

to release its own set of adipokines. Albeit not as extensive as its white counterpart, these adipokines have

various different target organs like liver, nervous system, WAT, endothelial cells and immune cells. They also

exhibit a wide spectrum of functions like affecting hepatic metabolism, browning of WAT, angiogenesis,

sensitization to sympathetic stimuli etc. Abbreviations: BAT, brown adipose tissue; BMP: bone morphogenetic

protein, EGF, epidermal growth factor; ErbB, epidermal growth factor receptor; FFA, free fatty acid; FGF,

fibroblast growth factor; IL, interleukin; NGF, nerve growth factor; Nrg, neuregulin; RA, retinoic acid; Rald,

retinaldehyde; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor. Adapted from Wang, Zhao et al. (2015).

Thus, it can be appreciated that BAT possesses an endocrine role in regulating

whole-body metabolism (Figure 4). However, further work is needed to uncover the

different players in BAT endocrine function. In this direction, a high-throughput screening

approach could be vital in identifying several novel batokines.

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Aim of the study

The overall aim of this doctoral project was to investigate the secretome of primary brown

adipocytes using a high-throughput screening approach involving mass spectroscopy and

define the impact of individual mediators on BAT function.

The project is divided into two main parts. The first part comprises the comparative

study of the white and brown primary adipocyte secretomes and secretomes from

norepinephrine-stimulated and unstimulated primary brown adipocytes. We hypothesized

that secreted candidates from the secretome screens can improve the insulin secretion

from beta-cells. The optimization of a glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) assay was

carried out to test this hypothesis. The second part consists of investigating the role of inter-

alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family, member 4 (ITIH4), a candidate obtained from the

secretome screening, as a batokine or BAT activity marker and its role in adipocyte biology

and differentiation.

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Brown adipocyte secretome study

Secretome analysis of adipocytes in complete culture media

A comparative secretome study was carried out to study the secretome of primary brown

adipocytes by following the technique described by Eichelbaum, Winter et al. (2012). Briefly,

the study technique was a combination of two metabolic pulse labeling methods: Click-iT®

AHA labeling (Figure 5A) and stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)

(Figure 5B). The Click-iT® AHA labeling involved labeling a cell population with an azide

bearing analog of methionine called L-azidohom*oalanine (AHA). Labeling with AHA allowed

the enrichment (by selective and covalent capture) of newly synthesized AHA-containing

proteins using an alkyne-activated resin via click chemistry. A pulsed SILAC on the other

hand was used to compare the proteome of two different cell types labeled with either

‘intermediate’ or ‘heavy’ labeled arginine and lysine. The resultant secreted proteome

obtained by the combination of these two techniques was then qualitatively analyzed using

mass spectroscopy (Figure 5B).

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Figure 5: Click-iT® AHA principle and secretome analysis workflow. (A) The desired monolayer culture was

incubated with appropriate media (lacking methionine) supplemented with L-Azidohom*oalanine (AHA). After

an appropriate period of incubation, the media was collected and the newly synthesized secreted proteins

were bound to an agarose resin. After washing the resin, the proteins were released from the resin by trypsin

digestion. (B) The secretome analysis workflow started with a traditional SILAC setup where two cell

populations were incubated with intermediate and heavy isotope labeled amino acids (lysine and arginine). In

addition, the cells were incubated with AHA and NE (if stimulation was required). After incubation, the

supernatants were collected and the secreted proteins were fished out and enriched using the Click-iT® AHA

principle described above. Next, the secreted proteins were washed, digested fractionated and analyzed in a

LC-MS/MS setup to obtain a qualitative comparison. The enrichment and LC-MS/MS were carried out in the

lab of Dr. Jeroen Krijgsveld (EMBL).

Optimum incubation time with SILAC-Met media was 24


The effect of AHA on cell viability and the optimum secretion of adipokines from primary

adipocytes was investigated before the secretome screening. For determining the

cytotoxicity of AHA supplemented SILAC-Met media, primary inguinal white and brown

preadipocytes from the SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice were differentiated until day

08 and then incubated with either AHA-supplemented, methionine-supplemented, normal

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DMEM or methionine-deficient SILAC-Met media for 6, 24 and 48 hours. After the

incubation the amount of LDH released was measured in the supernatant. The LDH released

was an indication of the amount of cell death. In addition to the cytotoxicity of the SILAC-

Met media, the optimum incubation time for maximal detection of secreted adipokines was

also determined. To accomplish this, leptin and resistin were detected in the supernatant of

primary inguinal white and brown adipocytes after different time points using the

MILLIPLEX® MAP Mouse Metabolic Hormone panel on the Luminex xMAP® platform


Figure 6: Optimization of secretome conditions. Primary inguinal white and brown adipocytes from the SVF of

C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice were isolated and differentiated. At day 08, the optimum incubation in SILAC-

Met media was determined by measuring the percentage of cell death (measured by LDH release) in the

presence of AHA-supplemented, methionine-supplemented, normal DMEM and methionine-deficient SILAC-

Met media (A). The optimum time point for maximum secretion of leptin and resistin was also determined in

these cells (B) using the MILLIPLEX® MAP Mouse Metabolic Hormone panel. Abbreviations: iWA, inguinal white

adipocytes; BA, brown adipocytes; AHA, L-azidohom*oalaine; Met, methionine; DMEM, dulbecco's modified

eagle medium. n=3, means ±SEM, * indicates significance.

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As shown in Figure 6A, the amount of cell death in all of the treatments was

significantly higher after 24 and 48 hours of incubation compared to 6 hours. Surprisingly,

there was no significant difference between the 24 and 48 hours treatment. It was also

observed that primary brown adipocytes were more sensitive to the deficiency of

methionine in the growth media. As depicted in Figure 6B the amount of leptin and resistin

secreted was significantly higher after 24 hours of incubation compared to 6 hours. As

expected, inguinal white adipocytes (iWA) secreted higher amounts of both adipokines

compared to brown adipocytes (BA) when compared to their respective undifferentiated


Thus, taking together effect of AHA on cell viability and the secretion of leptin and

resistin, a 24 hours incubation period was selected for incubation of both iWA and BA in

SILAC-Met media for the subsequent secretome studies.

Comparative secretome screening of inguinal white and

brown adipocytes

Three secretome studies were conducted using the workflow and incubation time

mentioned earlier. Two of the screens compared the secretome of iWA and BA, one with

norepinephrine (NE) treatment designated as WA (+NE) vs. BA (+NE) and the other without

any stimulation or treatment (basal state) designated as WA (-NE) vs. BA (-NE). The third

screen compared the secretome between NE-treated and untreated BA (BA ±NE). The

following table contains the details of the three screens.

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Table 2: Number of proteins detected in the secretome screens

Screen Biological




In at least 2


In all 3






Replicate 1 719



251 Replicate 2 279

Replicate 3 718


(+NE) vs.

BA (+NE)

Replicate 1 478



69 Replicate 2 453

Replicate 3 485

WA (-NE)

vs. BA (-


Replicate 1 397



50 Replicate 2 357

Replicate 3 329

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Figure 7: Classification and replicate correlation of the secretome screens. (A) All the proteins identified from

the three secretome screens were classified according to the panther protein classes and GO biological

processes. (B) The correlation and adjusted p-values between the replicates was determined for each of the

three replicates for the three secretome screens. This analysis was carried out in the lab of Dr. Jeroen

Krijgsveld (EMBL). Abbreviations: BA, brown adipocytes; WA, white adipocytes; NE, norepinephrine.

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In total 1013 proteins were identified in the three secretome screens. Among these

proteins, 406 were annotated as secreted. Figure 7A, shows the classification of all the

proteins identified based on the Panther protein classes and Gene Ontology biological

processes. According to the Panther protein classes, the top five classes represented in the

screens were: hydrolases, nucleic acid binding proteins, enzyme modulators, signaling

molecules and extracellular proteins. Similarly, according to the GO biological process

proteins involved in metabolic process were highly represented, surpassing proteins

associated with cellular processes and cell communication by nearly two fold higher

representation. These classifications were in accordance to what is reported in other

adipocyte secretome studies.

The secretome studies were conducted with reciprocally labeled arginine and lysine,

i.e. for example, among the three replicates of a screen, two of the replicates had heavy

labeling of amino acids while the third replicate was labeled with the intermediate isotope.

This accounted for selective incorporation of specific amino acids isotopes and to determine

the reproducibility of the screen by assessing the correlation between the replicates. As

shown in Figure 7B, the reproducibility of the screens was in the acceptable range of 70-85

%, with the highest correlation for the BA ± NE screen (85 %).

Thus, due to the expected classification of the secreted proteins and acceptable

reproducibility of the screens, the protein hits obtained from the secretome studies were

used considered for further functional studies.

Proteins common between WA (+NE) vs. BA (+NE) and BA

±NE screens were selected for further studies.

Among the significant candidates (p.adj-value <0.01) obtained from the three screens, the

proteins common between the two screens involving NE-treated white vs. brown adipocyte

and NE-treated and untreated BA were selected for further functional characterization.

These proteins were selected on the hypothesis that the systemic beneficial effects of BAT

are associated with its beta-adrenergic activation via the sympathetic nervous system in

response to cold stimuli and therefore, potential ‘batokines’ would not only be differentially

secreted between NE-stimulated iWA and BA but also between NE-stimulated and

unstimulated BA.

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Figure 8: Significant candidates from the secretome screen and mRNA expression of some candidates. (A) Venn

diagram depiction of the significant secretome candidates from the three secretome studies and the common

significant candidates between the screens. (B) Heat map with the 29 secretome candidates common between

two screens: WA (+NE) vs. BA (+NE) and BA ±NE. The list represents significant candidates with p.adj<0.01 and

average log2 normalized ratio. (C) Validation of mRNA levels of three candidates: Anxa1, Erffi1 and Itih4 in

three different experiments: (i) differentiated primary brown adipocytes from the SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old

male mice at day 08 with and without norepinephrine (NE) treatment, (ii) BAT from of C57BL/6J 12 weeks old

females injected with NaCl for 14 days via an osmotic pump and CL-316,243 (CL), a thermogenic beta 3-agonist

or NaCl (control) for 3 hours and lastly, (iii) BAT from cold-treated NMRI 8 weeks old females exposed to

thermoneutrality as controls (30°C) for 2 weeks followed by 4°C for 3 hours. n=3, means ±SEM, * indicates

significance compared to the appropriate controls.

Based on the above criteria, 29 proteins common between the two screens (Figure

8A) were selected as potential batokine candidates. Figure 8B shows the heat map of these

29 candidates along with their evidence of secretion. Among the candidates, 9 proteins

were not known to be secreted. Majority of the common candidates also showed lower

secretion from BA with NE- treatment. The mRNA expression of three candidates from the

BA±NE screen was investigated in three different BAT activation experiments to determine

their co-relation to the secretome studies and to activated BAT. The expression of

candidates Anxa1, Erffi1 and Itih4 was measured using qPCR in i) NE-treated primary BA, ii)

BAT from CL-treated mice (3h) and iii) BAT from cold-exposed (3h) mice. As observed from

Figure 8C, Anxa1 showed a reduced expression in BAT from CL-treated mice, while Erffi1

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showed a consistent increase in mRNA expression in all three experiments which correlated

with the secretion in the secretome screen. Itih4 on the other hand showed a very strong

reduction with NE and CL-treatment in primary BA and BAT respectively that matched its

secretion levels in the screen and a moderate increase with cold-exposure.

Thus, the selected candidates showed mRNA expression in at least one experiment

that corresponded to their protein secretion. In addition, expression data from microarray

transcriptome analysis of BAT from the afore-mentioned cold-exposed mice correlated with

the secretion of the secretome candidates (data not shown). These observations reinforced

the notion that the 29 candidates could be promising batokine candidates for further

unbiased functional studies.

Batokine study

The 29 candidates selected from the secretome screens were considered for a series of

unbiased in vitro assays that highlight possible batokine functions. As depicted in Figure 9A,

these studies would start with transfection of HEK 293A cells with cDNA expression vectors

and collection of conditioned media (CM) from these cells. The CM, potentially containing

the secreted proteins, would then be utilized in different functional assays. These in vitro

assays include: glucose stimulated insulin secretion, lipolysis, hepatic gluconeogenesis,

insulin sensitivity and browning (Figure 9A).

Optimization of glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS)

assay for secretome candidates

Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate HEPES buffer gives the highest fold

increase in GSIS.

As mentioned above, the functional characterization of the candidates involves the use of

CM. Different types of CM were analyzed for their effect on GSIS to determine how the CM

alone would in turn affect the assay. RPMI and Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate HEPES (KRBH)

buffer with the addition of glucose, bovine serum albumin (BSA), fetal bovine serum (FBS) or

combinations of them were used in the assay (Table 3). The concentration of these additives

was selected based on experiments to determine their effect on the growth of HEK 293A

cells and ectopic EGFP expression (data not shown). RPMI and KRBH buffer were used

because RPMI is the growth media of INS-1E cells and KRBH buffer is used in GSIS assays.

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Table 3: The composition of the different types of CM used in the GSIS optimization assay.

Name Media/Buffer Glucose FBS BSA

RPMI - - RPMI - - -

RPMI+G RPMI 0.5 g/L - -


RPMI+G+FBS RPMI 0.5 g/L 5 %

RPMI+G+BSA RPMI 0.5 g/L - 1 %

RPMI-fresh RPMI - - -

KRBH - - KRBH - - -

KRBH+G KRBH 0.5 g/L - -


KRBH+G+FBS KRBH 0.5 g/L 5 %

KRBH+G+BSA KRBH 0.5 g/L - 1 %

KRBH-fresh KRBH - - -

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Figure 9: Batokine study and optimization of GSIS assay. (A) The setup to study the batokine candidates would

include the 29 candidates from the secretome studies and transfection of their expression constructs in to HEK

293A cells. The conditioned media containing the over-expressed secreted candidate would then be used for

different functional assays like insulin secretion (INS-1E cells), lipolysis (3T3-L1), gluconeogenesis (FAO cells),

insulin sensitivity (Hepa 1-6) and browning (HIB1B). (B) The set up for optimizing the GSIS assay involves

incubating HEK 293A cells with different compositions of condition media (CM) for 24 hours and then treating

INS-1E cells with this CM followed by glucose stimulation for 30 minutes. The secreted insulin is measured

from the supernatant using ELISA. (C) Using the setup mentioned above, different compositions of CM were

used and the fold change in insulin secretion (glucose stimulated to unstimulated insulin secretion) was

measured. Abbreviations: BSA, bovine serum albumin; FBS, fetal bovine serum; G, glucose; KRBH, Krebs-Ringer

bicarbonate HEPES. n=2 (B), means ±SEM, * indicates significance.

The optimization experiment was carried out as shown in Figure 9B. Briefly, different

CMs were incubated on HEK 293A cells for 24 hours. After the incubation, the CMs were

used to treat INS-1E cells for 2 hours, followed by 2 hour glucose stimulation by the addition

of 20 mM glucose. In addition to these CMs, fresh RPMI (‘RPMI fresh’) and KRBH (‘KRBH

fresh’) - which were not in contact with HEK 293A cells, were also used in the assay. The

supernatant was collected and the secreted insulin was measured using ELISA. As shown in

Figure 9C, the highest fold change (ratio of glucose treated to untreated) in insulin secretion

was observed for KRBH fresh although the absolute values of secreted insulin values were

low (data not shown) compared to the other samples.

Thus, the highest fold change in GSIS and in turn the highest responsiveness to

glucose was achieved when INS-1E cells were stimulated with glucose in fresh KRBH.

Therefore, KRBH buffer was used for GSIS assays in the subsequent experiments.

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Recombinant proteins lead to higher GSIS compared to conditioned


Next, the INS-1E cells were treated with either adiponectin CM or recombinant protein to

determine an optimum method to expose the INS-1E cells to the secretome candidates.

Adiponectin was used as a positive control in this experiment because it increases GSIS in

INS-1E cells (Patane, Caporarello et al. 2013) and was also one of the 29 secreted proteins.

The two pilot assays involved the use of adiponectin CM or recombinant adiponectin


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Figure 10: GSIS assay with conditioned media and recombinant proteins. (A) Conditioned media (CM) from HEK

293A cells transfected with adiponectin cDNA expression vector (Origene, MC208100) was collected after 48

hours and used to treat INS-1E cells. After 2 hours or 6 hours incubation with the CM, the INS-1E cells were

washed with KRBH and starved in fresh KRBH for 30 minutes, washed again and stimulated with 20 mM

glucose. The insulin secreted was measured using ELISA. The graphs depict the normalized insulin secretion for

CM containing adiponectin (as a positive control) with subsequent glucose stimulation. (B) The INS-1E cells

were directly treated with recombinant proteins either in RPMI for 2 hours (a) or with glucose in KRBH after 30

minutes of starvation (b). The supernatant was collected and insulin was measured using ELISA. The graphs

show normalized insulin secretion using recombinant adiponectin (as positive control) with 20 mM glucose

stimulation. n=4, means ±SEM, * indicates significance compared to respective control.

The setup of the assays is depicted in Figure 10. Briefly, the adiponectin CM was

obtained from HEK 293A cells and used to treat INS-1E cells for 2 hours and 6 hours

followed by GSIS in KRBH with glucose stimulation (Figure 10A). As shown in the graphs,

GSIS was not significantly increased with treatment with adiponectin CM but a trend was

visible with 2 hour treatment. On the other hand, the use of recombinant adiponectin

involved either (a) addition of the protein in RPMI with 2 hours of incubation or (b) addition

of the protein in KRBH along with 20 mM glucose stimulation (Figure 10B). As can be seen

from the graphs, both protocols resulted in a significant increase in GSIS in the presence of

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recombinant adiponectin. The increase was larger when INS-1E cells were treated with

recombinant adiponectin in RPMI.

Thus, it can be concluded from the above data that, at least in the case of

adiponectin, the use of recombinant protein was more effective than the use of CM to

increase GSIS.

ITIH4 and its role in adipocyte biology

As stated above, the use of recombinant proteins seemed to be the most plausible option

for use in the GSIS assay. However, obtaining the recombinant proteins for all the 29

candidates was not feasible in the limited project period and the focus of the project was

shifted to a single secretome candidate: inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (ITIH4).

ITIH4 is a 120-kDa acute phase protein that is cleaved by plasma kallikrein and is detectable

in human and mouse serum. ITIH4 was one of the candidates from the initial secretome

comparison between inguinal white and brown adipocytes. It was found to be about 4-fold

highly secreted from brown adipocytes compared to white (Figure 11A) and its secretion

was suppressed 4-fold by treatment with norepinephrine (NE) (data not shown).

ITIH4 is preferentially secreted from brown adipocytes but

serum levels are not changed after cold-exposure

Owing to its secretion profile in the secretome screening, it was hypothesized that changes

of ITIH4 levels in the serum would reflect the degree of BAT activity or its role as a possible

batokine. To investigate this, ITIH4 levels were measured in the serum of cold-treated mice.

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Figure 11: ITIH4 in the preliminary secretome screen, serum and mRNA levels. (A) ITIH4 was found to be

preferentially secreted from primary brown adipocytes compared to white adipocytes in one of the secretome

screens. ITIH4 was measured in the serum of cold-treated NMRI 8 weeks old females exposed to

thermoneutrality as controls (30°C) for 2 weeks followed by 4°C for 3 hours, 8 hours and 24 hours (B). (C) Itih4

mRNA expression was measured in the iWAT and BAT from the same animals from (B). (D) Itih4 mRNA

expression was measured in differentiated primary inguinal white and brown adipocytes at day 08 from the

SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice. n=6 means ±SEM, * indicates significance.

As shown in Figure 11B, the levels of ITIH4 were detectable in the serum but were

unchanged in cold-exposed mice. Interestingly, Itih4 mRNA levels increased in the

intrascapular BAT of these mice (Figure 11C) and a 70-fold higher mRNA expression in

primary brown adipocytes compared to inguinal white adipocytes was also detected (Figure

11D). Therefore, it was concluded that ITIH4 might not correlate with BAT activity or be a

potential batokine candidate under cold stimulation but could play a role in brown

adipocytes biology or function.

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Itih4 mRNA levels increase with adipogenesis and are higher

in brown adipocytes

Having observed an increase with cold-exposure in mRNA expression and higher mRNA

levels in primary brown adipocytes, Itih4 mRNA levels were investigated in vitro in different

adipocyte cell lines and in primary adipocytes (Figure 12).

Figure 12: ITIH4 expression in cell lines and primary adipocytes during differentiation. PreBAT cells were

differentiated and Itih4 mRNA (A) and protein expression (B) (with quantification relative to VCP using Image

Labs) was measured on day 0, 02, 04 and 06. (C) 3T3-L1 cells were differentiated with or without rosiglitazone

and Itih4 mRNA expression was measured at the end of differentiation (day 06 and day 08). Itih4 mRNA

expression was measured during the differentiation of primary brown adipocytes (D), inguinal and abdominal

white adipocytes (F) from the SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice. n=6, means ±SEM, * indicates


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ITIH4 expression was first measured in PreBAT cells. This cell line was generated by

immortalizing pre-adipocytes from the intrascapular BAT of newborn mice using the SV40

Large T antigen (Hoppmann, Perwitz et al. 2010). These cells can be differentiated in to

mature brown adipocytes by treatment with an induction media followed by differentiation

media for 6 days. As shown in Figure 12A and B, Itih4 mRNA and protein expression

increased with differentiation (adipogenesis) of PreBAT cells. Interestingly, the protein

expression of full length 120 kDa ITIH4 was not changed with differentiation apart from

small increase at day 02. However, the amount of the 57 kDa N-terminal fragment was

increased with differentiation of PreBAT cells. Similarly, Itih4 mRNA expression also

increased with differentiation of 3T3-L1 and the expression was higher in the presence of

rosiglitazone - a potent Pparg agonist and browning agent (Figure 12C). Concerning primary

adipocytes, Itih4 mRNA levels were higher in differentiated primary brown adipocytes

compared to primary inguinal white adipocytes (Figure 12 D-F) but in addition, Itih4 mRNA

expression increased with the differentiation of primary brown adipocytes, inguinal and

white adipocytes.

Thus, ITIH4 expression increased with differentiation in both adipocyte cell lines and

primary adipocytes with a higher expression associated with brown adipocytes and


Rosiglitazone and isoproterenol significantly reduce Itih4

mRNA expression in differentiated PreBAT cells while IL-6 has

no effect.

As shown in the previous section, Itih4 mRNA expression increases with adipogenesis. In

addition, Itih4 mRNA expression has also been shown to increase in hepatocytes and HepG2

cells with IL- 6 treatment (Pineiro, Alava et al. 1999, Bhanumathy, Tang et al. 2002).

Therefore, Itih4 expression levels in mature adipocytes were investigated after treatment

with IL-6 and compounds that affect mature adipocyte functions. PreBAT cells at day 06 of

differentiation were treated with etomoxir (fatty acid oxidation inhibitor), AICAR (AMPK

activator), rosiglitazone (PPARg agonist), isoproterenol (beta adrenergic agonist), LPS

(endotoxin that stimulates the innate immune response) and thapsigargin (ER stress

inducer) for 6 hours and also with different amounts of IL-6 for 48 hours.

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Figure 13: Itih4 mRNA expression with different extracellular treatments. Differentiated PreBAT cells at day 06

were treated with etomoxir (100 µM), AICAR (1 mM), rosiglitazone (10 µM), isoproterenol (10 µM), LPS (10

ng/ml), thapsigargin (0.2 µM) for 6 hours (A) and with 1 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml IL-6 for 48 hours (B). Itih4 mRNA

expression was measured using qPCR. n=6, means ±SEM, * indicates significance. Abbreviations: AICAR, 5-

Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide; LPS, lipopolysaccharides.

As observed from Figure 13A, etomoxir, AICAR, rosiglitazone and isoproterenol

reduced the expression of Itih4 mRNA after 6 hours of treatment. Among these four

compounds, treatment with rosiglitazone and isoproterenol resulted in almost 50 %

reduction in Itih4 expression. Interestingly, unlike in hepatocytes and HepG2 cells, IL-6

treatment failed to increase Itih4 mRNA expression (Figure 13B).

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Itih4 expression increases with Treg depletion in BAT and

decreases with adipose tissues in db/db mice

ITIH4 is an acute-phase protein and is associated with inflammatory processes (Pineiro,

Alava et al. 1999) and infections (Pineiro, Andres et al. 2004, Gangadharan, Antrobus et al.

2007) . In order to check the effect of a pro-inflammatory environment, Itih4 mRNA

expression was measured in two different mouse models. In the first model, Iith4 mRNA

expression was measured in the inguinal WAT and intrascapular BAT of regulatory T cell

(Treg)-depleted mice. These are the same transgenic mice used by Medrikova, Sijmonsma et

al. (2015) and express the diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor under the control of Foxp3 gene

regulatory elements driving the expression of DTR in Tregs. Administering DT led to the

whole body depletion of Treg cells and resulted in a significant increase in the invasion of

pro-inflammatory macrophages in BAT. In the second model, Itih4 levels were investigated

in the adipose tissue of ob/ob obese mice (experiment conducted by Dr. Roldan de Guia)

that are known to have a chronic state of adipose tissue inflammation (Xu, Barnes et al.

2003). This would also be an interesting comparison to ITIH5, another member of the inter-

α-trypsin inhibitor (ITI) family that has been shown to increase with obesity in human

adipose tissue (Anveden, Sjoholm et al. 2012).

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Figure 14: Itih4 mRNA expression in iWAT and BAT from Treg depleted mice and db/db mice. Itih4 mRNA

expression was measured using qPCR in inguinal WAT and intrascapular BAT from 7 week old FoxP3DTR female

mice that were either injected with 1xPBS (control) or diphtheria toxin (Treg depleted) (A) and from random-

fed 12 week old BKS.Cg-m+/+ Lepr DB/J (db/db) or C57Bl6/J control mice (wt) (B). (C) Differentiated PreBAT

cells at day 06 were treated with indicated amounts of leptin for 48 hours. n=9 (A), n= 4 (B), means ±SEM, *

indicates significance. Abbreviations: iWAT, intrascapular white adipose tissue; BAT, brown adipose tissue;

Treg, T regulatory cells.

As shown in Figure 14A, depletion of Tregs in BAT led to a 20-fold and 70-fold

increase in Itih4 mRNA expression compared to control BAT and iWAT respectively.

However, the increase in Itih4 mRNA expression after Treg depletion in iWAT was only 2-

fold compared to control iWAT. Interestingly, a significant degree of reduction in Itih4 mRNA

expression was observed in iWAT and BAT from db/db mice (Figure 14B). This decrease was

only observed in the adipose tissues while other metabolic organs like liver and the

gastrocnemius muscle (GC) showed no change in Itih4 mRNA levels (data not shown). To

investigate if this decrease in Itih4 mRNA levels was due to high amounts of leptin

(hyperleptinemia) in db/db mice, differentiated PreBAT cells were treated with different

amounts of leptin for 48 hours. Interestingly, leptin had no effect on Itih4 expression (Figure


Thus, Itih4 mRNA levels increased drastically with Treg depletion in BAT and

decreased in iWAT and BAT of obese db/db mice.

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ITIH4 knockdown in vitro was achieved using siRNA

ITIH4 was postulated to play an important role in adipocyte function because of its

expression in adipogenesis (in vitro), inflammation and obesity (in vivo). Therefore, to

further understand its role in adipocyte biology ITIH4 knockdown was attempted using

siRNA in PreBAT cells. First, the transfection and siRNA knockdown was optimized in PreBAT

cells using siPka (siRNA against Prkaca - Protein Kinase, CAMP-Dependent, Catalytic, Alpha)

as a positive control siRNA and different transfection reagents.

Figure 15: Knockdown of ITIH4 in vitro using siRNA. (A) PreBAT cells were transfected with 20 nM of siPka

(positive control) and siAllstar (negative control) using different transfection reagents before the start of

differentiation. pKa mRNA expression was measured on day 06 of differentiation. (B) Five different siRNAs for

ITIH4 were used to transfect PreBAT cells using RNAiMAX before differentiation. Itih4 mRNA expression was

measured on day 06 of differentiation. siItih4_1 (20 nM) was used to transfect undifferentiated PreBAT cells

and ITIH4 mRNA (C) and protein (D) expression (with quantification relative to VCP using Image Labs) was

measured at different time points after differentiation using qPCR and immunoblotting. (E) Brown and inguinal

white preadipocytes from the SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice were transfected with siItih4 (20 nM)

and negative control (siAllstar) and mRNA expression was measured after 8 days of differentiation. n=6, means

±SEM, * indicates significance to siAllstar (negative control).

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Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX transfection reagent gave the highest knockdown of Pka

when compared to the negative control (siAllstar) (Figure 15A). Using RNAiMAX, five

different siRNAs against Itih4 were tested. The PreBAT cells were transfected with 20 nM of

siRNAs 2 days before the start of differentiation and mRNA expression was measured after 6

days of differentiation. Among them, siItih4_1 gave a 70 % reduction in Itih4 mRNA levels

(Figure 15B). A time course experiment was also carried out to check the prevalence of ITIH4

knockdown during different time points of differentiation using siItih4_1 siRNA. As shown in

Figure 15C, Itih4 mRNA levels were consistently low throughout 7 days of differentiation.

The 57 kDa N-terminal subunit of ITIH4, which was previously shown to increase with

differentiation, was also reduced when the cells were transfected with siItih4_1 (Figure

15D). Using similar transfection conditions, a high degree of knockdown (> 80 %) was also

observed in differentiated primary inguinal white and brown adipose tissues (Figure 15E).

Thus, an effective knockdown of ITIH4 was achieved using 20 nM of siItih4_1 and

Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX transfection reagent in PreBAT cells and primary adipocytes. In

further experiments siItih4_1 was used as the default siRNA for ITIH4 knockdown.

Effects of ITIH4 knockdown

ITIH4 knockdown in PreBAT cells leads to lower acidification

of culture media and lower glucose utilization

Next, the effects of ITIH4 knockdown in vitro were investigated using the optimized siRNA

knockdown conditions.

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Figure 16: Changes in media color, pH and media glucose with ITIH4 knockdown. PreBAT cells were transfected

with siItih4 (20 nM) or siAllstar (negative control, 20 nM) before differentiation and changes in media color (A),

pH (C) and glucose in the media (D) were recorded at different time intervals of differentiation. (B) Primary

brown and inguinal white preadipocytes from the SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice were also

transfected with siItih4 and the change in media color was measured on day 02 of differentiation. n=3, means

±SEM, * indicates significance.

The most striking and noticeable change after ITIH4 knockdown was the reduction of

acidification of the PreBAT culture media. This reduction in acidification, as visualized by red

media color (Figure 16A) and quantified by a higher media pH (Figure 16C) for siItih4

transfected cells, was observable till day 06 of differentiation albeit the difference was

stronger at the early stages of differentiation. These observations point to possible reduced

metabolism which was indirectly confirmed by a higher residual glucose amount in the

culture media for cells with ITIH4 knockdown (Figure 16D). However, similar changes were

not observed with primary adipocytes (Figure 16B).

Thus, ITIH4 knockdown appeared to have an effect on PreBAT cells which could be

due to reduced growth or lower overall differentiation.

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ITIH4 knockdown leads to reduced lipid staining in both

PreBAT cells and primary adipocytes

Next, lipid staining of PreBAT cells after ITIH4 knockdown was investigated to explain the

afore-mentioned reduction in media acidification and glucose utilization.

Figure 17: Oil red O staining of differentiated PreBAT and primary adipocytes with ITIH4 knockdown. ITIH4 was

knocked down using siItih4 (20 nM) before the start of differentiation in PreBAT cells and primary brown and

inguinal white preadipocytes from the SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice. Oil red O staining was carried

out at different differentiation time points for PreBAT cells (A) and at day 08 of differentiation (B) for primary

differentiated adipocytes after the start of differentiation.

As shown from the time course Oil Red O staining in Figure 17A, ITIH4 knockdown

before differentiation in PreBAT cells resulted in a reduction in lipid staining when

compared to untreated or negative (siAllstar) controls. This effect was even stronger in the

case of primary intrascapular brown and inguinal white adipocytes (Figure 17B). Although

the differentiation efficiency of the primary brown adipocytes was low in this experiment,

subsequent knockdown experiments showed that the effect of ITIH4 knockdown was

stronger in brown adipocytes than in inguinal white adipocytes (data not shown).

Thus, using Oil Red O staining it was shown that ITIH4 knockdown leads to decreased

lipid staining and this effect is stronger in primary adipocytes compared to the PreBAT cell


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ITIH4 knockdown does not lead to decrease in BAT and

adipogenic markers

In order to fully characterize the effect of ITIH4 knockdown in adipocytes, the expression of

some BAT and adipogenic markers was measured after ITIH4 knockdown.

Figure 18: mRNA expression of BAT and mature adipocyte markers after ITIH4 knockdown. PreBAT cells were

transfected with siItih4 (20 nM) or siAllstar (negative control, 20 nM) before differentiation and mRNA

expression of various BAT markers like Ucp1 (A), Pparg (B), Cidea (C), Prdm16 (D), Pgc1a (D), Cebpb (D) and

mature adipocyte markers like Atgl (D) and Hsl (D) were measured using qPCT at different time points of

differentiation. n=3, means ±SEM, * indicates significance compared to siAllstar.

Contrary to what was expected BAT differentiation markers like Ucp1, Cidea and Pgc-

1a were increased at the end of differentiation of ITIH4 knockdown PreBAT cells. Moreover,

Ucp1 and Cidea mRNA expression increased with differentiation of these cells. Other BAT

markers like Prdm16 and Cebpb and adipogenic marker Pparg were not changed (Figure 18

A - D). Interestingly, mature adipocyte markers like Atgl and Hsl were decreased with ITIH4

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knockdown (Figure 18D). In the case of primary adipocytes, markers like Cidea and Fabp4

were reduced with ITIH4 knockdown before differentiation (Supplementary figure 1).

Thus, at least in PreBAT cells the knockdown of ITIH4 did not lead to a decrease in

the expression of BAT differentiation markers.

Intracellular triglyceride amounts and lipolysis were

significantly reduced with ITIH4 knockdown

As mentioned above, the effect of ITIH4 on differentiation of PreBAT cells could not be

confirmed using BAT and adipogenic markers. In order to validate this effect, both lipolysis

and intracellular triglyceride (TG) accumulation were investigated in ITIH4 knockdown cells

since lower overall lipolysis and TG amounts would be indicative of reduced differentiation

and mature adipocytes. PreBAT cells were transfected with siItih4 and siAllstar (negative

control) 2 days prior to the start of differentiation and lipolysis and TG amounts were

analyzed on day 06 of differentiation. For the lipolysis assay, the cells were first starved and

then stimulated with isoproterenol (10 µM). The non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were

measured in the supernatant using a commercial NEFA kit. TG amounts were also measured

at day 06 of differentiation. The cells were harvested, sonicated and centrifuged to obtain

cell lysates containing TGs. The intracellular TG was measured using the Serum Triglyceride

Determination Kit from Sigma.

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Figure 19: Lipolysis and triglyceride (TG) amounts after ITIH4 knockdown. ITIH4 was knocked down using siIth4

(20 nM) 2 days before differentiation in PreBAT cells. Lipolysis (depicted as non-esterified fatty acids, NEFA)

after 3 hours of 10 µM isoproterenol treatment (A) and intracellular TG amounts (B) were measured at day 06

of differentiation. Primary brown and inguinal white preadipocytes were transfected with siItih4 (20 nM) or

siAllstar (negative control, 20 nM) 2 days before the start of differentiation and lipolysis for inguinal white

adipocytes (C) and TG amounts for both brown and inguinal white adipocytes were measured at day 08 of

differentiation (D). n=3, means ±SEM, * indicates significance compared to siAllstar (negative control).

As observed from Figure 19A, ITIH4 knockdown resulted in a significant decrease in

lipolysis when the differentiated PreBAT cells were treated with isoproterenol (β-adrenergic

agonist) for 3 hours but no change in TG amounts was observed (Figure 19B). In primary

cells however, ITIH4 knockdown led to significant reduction in lipolysis as well as TG

amounts (Figure 19 C and D). Lipolysis in primary brown adipocytes could not be measured

because ITIH4 knockdown led to very few differentiated brown adipocytes.

Thus, ITIH4 knockdown affected both lipolysis and TG amounts in primary adipocytes

while only lipolysis was affected with PreBAT cells.

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ITIH4 knockdown reduces glucose uptake and lipogenesis in

PreBAT cells

In order to further validate the role of ITIH4 in differentiation, glucose uptake and

lipogenesis- both crucial functions of differentiated adipocytes- were investigated in

absence of ITIH4. As with previous experiments, ITIH4 was knocked down using siRNA

before the start of differentiation. At day 02 of differentiation, the cells were incubated with

D-[14C(U)]-Glucose and stimulated with insulin for 2 hours after which the cells were

harvested and glucose uptake and lipogenesis were measured using a scintillation counter.

Figure 20: Glucose uptake and lipogenesis after ITIH4 knockdown in PreBAT cells. ITIH4 was knocked down in

PreBAT cells using 20 nM siRNA before the start of differentiation. Glucose uptake (A) and lipogenesis (B) were

measured at day 02 of differentiation after incubating the cells with D-[14C(U)]-Glucose (0.5 µCi/well) and

insulin (10 nM) for 2 hours. n=3, means ±SEM, * indicates significance compared to untreated.

As shown in Figure 20A, ITIH4 knockdown led to a significant decrease in glucose

uptake when compared to both untreated and negative controls (siAllstar). Similarly,

lipogenesis was significantly reduced in the absence of ITIH4 (Figure 20B).

Thus, it can be concluded that ITIH4 knockdown in undifferentiated PreBAT cells

alters mature adipocyte functions like lipolysis, TG accumulation, glucose uptake and

lipogenesis possibly due to its effect on differentiation.

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Transcriptome analysis of ITIH4 knockdown in PreBAT cells at

different time points of differentiation

Next, global gene expression profiling was carried out on samples from different time points

of differentiation following siRNA-mediated ITIH4 knockdown. This was done to fully

characterize the gene expression changes occurring during differentiation with ITIH4

knockdown using Affymetrix chips. Similar to previous ITIH4 knockdown experiments,

PreBAT cells were transfected with siAllstar (negative control) or siItih4 and differentiation

was started after 2 days. Cells were harvested at day 02, day 04 and day 07 of

differentiation and were subjected to microarray analysis. The microarray and subsequent

analysis was carried out by Dr. Carsten Sticht from the Center of Medical Research,

University of Heidelberg.

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Figure 21: Gene expression profiling of PreBAT cells at different differentiation time points with ITIH4

knockdown. PreBAT cells were transfected with siItih4 (20 nM) and siAllstar (depicted here as NC, 20 nM) 2

days before induction of differentiation. Cells were harvested at day 02, 04 and 07 of differentiation and

microarray analysis was carried out on GeneChip® Mouse Transcriptome Assay 1.0 chips. The 3D scatterplot

(A), heat map (B), volcano plots for day 02 (C), day 04 (D), day 07 (E) and Venn diagram of significant hits (F)

(from comparing negative control and siItih4 samples from the same time point) were generated from the

transcriptome data. Abbreviations: d2, day 02; d4, day 04; d7, day 07; NC, negative control (siAllstar). n=3 for

each group.

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Figure 21 shows the data obtained from the microarray analysis. It can be observed

from the 3D scatterplot (Figure 21A) and heat map (Figure 21B) that most of the biological

replicates (with the exception of d7_NC1: day 07 negative control 1) cluster together. Thus,

there was a high degree of reproducibility among the replicates. It can also be inferred from

the heat map that the effect of time (day of differentiation) is stronger that the siRNA

treatment since both the negative control (NC) and siItih4 samples for a time point cluster

together. The volcano plots (Figure 21 C, D and E) show all the 25,190 genes obtained from

the microarray analysis compared day-wise (in other words, negative control vs. siItih4 for

day 02, for day 04 and for day 07) and all significantly altered genes (q-value < 0.05) are

shown above the threshold (red dotted line). Figure 21F depicts the same day-wise

comparison of significant genes (significant index = 1) including the genes common between

the groups in the form of a Venn diagram.

Further analysis of ITIH4 knockdown transcriptome reveals

regulation of important metabolic pathways and possible


The transcriptome data obtained from the microarray analysis of ITIH4 knockdown PreBAT

cells during differentiation was further analyzed using Cytoscape and gene set enrichment

analysis (GSEA) of KEGG pathways. Significant genes with a 2-fold or higher change in

expression were selected and visualized using the ‘Venn and Euler Diagrams’ plugin for

Cytoscape. Alternatively, for the GSEA of KEGG pathways, the list of genes were first

annotated using entrez-IDs which resulted in reduction of the dataset to about 22,000

probe sets/genes. Using this dataset GSEA was performed using the KEGG pathway

database. Dr. Carsten Sticht from the Center of Medical Research, University of Heidelberg,

carried out this analysis.

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Figure 22: Further analysis of microarray data from ITIH4 knockdown cells. (A) A 2-fold cut off was selected for

significant genes for the different groups and the Venn diagram was generated using Cytoscape. (B) Gene Set

Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) was carried out on KEGG pathways and some of the pathways important in

metabolism are depicted. Some of the promising targets from the microarray like Ahsg (C), Arxes1 (D) and

Depp (E) were validated using qPCR.. n=3, means ±SEM, * indicates significance compared to day 02 siAllstar

(negative control). Abbreviations: NC, negative control (siAllstar); NES, normalized enrichment score.

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Table 4: List of top 10 genes that were downregulated with ITIH4 knockdown according to

the rank metric score from GSEA.

Day 02 Day 04 Day 07

Egln3 (Egl-9 Family Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 3)

Depp (Decidual Protein Induced By Progesterone)

ITIH4 (Inter-Alpha-Trypsin Inhibitor Heavy Chain Family, Member 4)

C10orf99 (Chromosome 10 Open Reading Frame 99)

Doc2b (Double C2-Like Domains, Beta) Ppp1r15a (Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit 15A)

Cox7a1 (Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit VIIa Polypeptide 1)

Cxcl13 (Chemokine (C-X-C Motif) Ligand 13)

Depp (Decidual Protein Induced By Progesterone)

Prelid2 (PRELI Domain Containing 2)

Serpina3n (Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor, Clade A Member 3N)

Tbx5 (T-Box 5)

Tshr (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor)

Prg4 (Proteoglycan 4) Gadd45a (Growth Arrest And DNA-Damage-Inducible, Alpha)

Pdk1 (Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase, Isozyme 1)

Mmp11(Matrix Metallopeptidase 11) Hoxc10 (Homeobox C10)

Elovl3 (ELOVL Fatty Acid Elongase 3)

Fbxo31 (F-Box Protein 31) Tas2r126 (Taste Receptor, Type 2, Member 41)

Ppp1r3b (Protein Phosphatase 1, Regulatory Subunit 3B)

Tat (Tyrosine Aminotransferase) Gm867 (predicted gene 867)

Adrb2 (Adrenoceptor Beta 2, Surface)

Ahsg (Alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein) Slc9b2 (Solute Carrier Family 9, Subfamily B Member 2)

Ero1l (ERO1-Like) Ctla2a (Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-Associated Protein 2 Alpha)

Gm7168 (predicted gene 7168)

As can be observed from the Venn diagram in Figure 22A, very few targets with a

fold change of two or greater were common between the different day-wise groups.

Interestingly, the common target between all three different groups was miRNA-3079. In

order to validate the microarray data three genes: Ahsg, Arxes1 and Depp were selected

from the different sample groups (Figure 22A) and their mRNA expression was analyzed

using qPCR (Figure 22 C - E). The mRNA expression of the three candidates corresponded

with the expression from the microarray analysis. Figure 22B shows the important metabolic

pathways that were regulated with ITIH4 knockdown. Some of the pathways that were

upregulated include the p53 signaling and TGF-β signaling pathway. Other pathways like

circadian rhythm, hedgehog signaling pathway, type I diabetes mellitus, insulin secretion,

pentose phosphate pathway, fructose and mannose metabolism and biosynthesis of amino

acids were downregulated with ITIH4 knockdown. Other pathways that were significantly

downregulated (NES>2) at day 02 were the oxidative phosphorylation pathway, PPAR

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signaling, insulin signaling, carbon metabolism, glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and biosynthesis

of unsaturated fatty acids (Supplementary figure 2). This initial time point (day 02) is

important since effects of ITIH4 knockdown on differentiation would be strongest at the

early stages of differentiation. Table 4 shows the top 10 genes that were downregulated

with ITIH4 knockdown. These genes include Egln3 (HIF-1 signaling), Cox7a1 (oxidative

phosphorylation), Ppp1r3b (insulin signaling), Elovl3 (fatty acid elongation), Tshr (cAMP

signaling pathway), Gadd45a (MAPK, FoxO and p53 signaling) and Pdk1 (PPAR, FoxO and

AMPK singaling). Thus, it can be concluded from this data that ITIH4 knockdown affects

important metabolic pathways and genes.

ITIH4 knockdown in mature differentiated PreBAT cells

So far the effect of ITIH4 knockdown had been studied with its knockdown before the

initiation of differentiation. To investigate its possible effects on mature adipocyte function,

adenoviral vectors were used to knockdown ITIH4 near the end of differentiation. PreBAT

cells were differentiated and transduced at day 06 of differentiation with Ad_sh*tih4 or

Ad_NC (negative control virus) with an MOI of 100. Itih4 mRNA expression and lipolysis was

measured 2 days after transduction.

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Figure 23: ITIH4 knockdown in mature adipocytes using adenoviral vectors. PreBAT cells were differentiated

and were transduced with adenoviral vectors: Ad_NC (negative control) and Ad_sh*tih4 at an MOI of 100. Itih4

mRNA expression (A) and lipolysis (B) was measured 2 days after transduction. (C) Immunoblotting of similarly

transduced cells two days post-transduction. * indicates significance compared to untreated control.

Abbreviations: NC, negative control (siAllstar); MOI, multiplicity of infection.

As shown in Figure 23A, transduction with Ad_sh*tih4 resulted in 75 % reduction of

Itih4 mRNA levels compared to the untreated and negative controls. However, there was no

change in lipolysis in these cells (Figure 23B). Immunoblotting of Ad_NC and Ad_sh*tih4

transduced mature PreBAT cells surprisingly did no show a reduction in protein expression

of the 57 kDa N-terminal subunit (which was observed with siRNA knockdown) or the full

length ITIH4 (Figure 23C).

Thus, using adenoviral vectors ITIH4 knockdown was possible at the mRNA level but

not at the protein level in differentiated PreBAT cells. No change in lipolysis was observed

with adenoviral ITIH4 knockdown. Therefore, ITIH4 knockdown at least at the mRNA levels

did not result in changes in the lipolytic capacity of the mature adipocytes.

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Current technologies used in adipose tissue/adipocyte

secretome studies

Due to their high sensitivity and speed soft ionization techniques like MALDI (matrix-assisted

laser desorption) and electrospray along with mass analyzers like time of flight (TOF), ion

trap or quadrupole analyzers have made mass spectroscopy the technique of choice for

extensive proteomic studies. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that liquid chromatography-

tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is used in most secretome studies and screens. The

most challenging problem in secretome studies is the elimination of protein contaminants

that usually mask the presence of relevant protein candidates. The common techniques to

circumvent this problem include: 1) the treatment of cells with Brefeldin A (BFA) which

blocks the classical secretory pathway and distinguishes the secreted proteins from leaked

proteins, 2) growth of cells in the absence of serum and serum contaminating proteins and

3) the use of labeling techniques like radioactive labeling with 35S methionine to

discriminate contaminating non-labeled serum proteins. In general these methods help

identify proteins secreted by the classical secretory pathway and discriminate secreted

proteins from serum contaminants. However, treatment with BFA and the absence of serum

are stressful to the cells and affect the cell physiology while 35S labeling induces DNA

damage and leads to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis (Hu, Heikka et al. 2001). Thus, these

methods have profound effects on the cells and could alter the normal cellular secretome.

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Figure 24: Common workflow involved in adipose tissue/adipocyte secretome screening. Quantitative

applications are depicted in red. Abbreviations: SILAC, stable isotope labeling by amino-acid in cell culture;

CILAIR, comparing isotope-labeled amino acid incorporation rates; ICAT, isotope-coded affinity tag; DIGE,

Difference gel electrophoresis. Adapted from Pardo, Roca-Rivada et al. (2012).

Figure 24 shows a workflow of a typical adipose tissue secretome study. First, either

adipose tissue explants or adipocytes are subjected to appropriate labelling techniques that

allows labeling of newly synthesized proteins. These techniques include: SILAC (stable

isotope labeling by amino-acid in cell culture) in which cells are treated with different amino

acid isotopes in cell culture media, CILAIR (comparing isotope-labeled amino acid

incorporation rates) which consists of comparing secreted proteins based on different

incorporation rates of a labeled amino acid (like 13C-labeled lysine) and radioactive 35S

methionine labeling. Next, the supernatant containing the secreted proteins are collected

and enriched using a variety of methods which include desalting, precipitating and

concentrating using appropriate columns. The next step usually involves techniques for

electrophoretic protein separation like 1D SDS-PAGE or 2-dimenstional electrophoresis (2-

DE) followed by LC-MS/MS and bioinformatics analysis of the identified proteins.

The secretome workflow used in this study uses the SILAC method to label the newly

synthesized proteins. However, the novel aspect of this secretome study was the use of

Click-iT® AHA labeling which replaces methionine with its analogue L-azidohom*oalanine

(AHA) in the newly synthesized proteins. Due to this incorporation the secreted proteins can

be efficiently and selectively fished out by covalent capture on alkyne-activated resin using

click chemistry (copper-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition). The advantage of this step

allows for the efficient elimination of protein contaminants especially from media serum

which is a major hurdle in secretome studies (as mentioned earlier). In addition, the

incorporation of AHA does not seem to have adverse effects on cellular growth as was

measured here with the degree of LDH release. Click-iT® AHA labeling also eliminates the

need for extensive time-consuming peptide fractionation. Another advantage of the present

secretome study is use of pulsed-SILAC (pSILAC). pSILAC, unlike full SILAC labeling, is capable

of differentiating and quantifying newly synthesized proteins from pre-existing proteins. The

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efficacy of this screening system had been validated by Eichelbaum, Winter et al. (2012) by

comparing the secretomes of primary hepatocytes and cell lines – Hepa1-6 and Hepa1c1.

Thus, the combination of Click-iT® AHA and pSILAC labeling circumvents some of the

fundamental drawbacks of common secretome screens and can be considered a powerful

and reliable tool in the study of adipose tissue/adipocyte secretomes.

Comparative brown adipocyte secretome screen

The secretome screening carried out in this study is the first documented secretome

analysis involving brown adipocytes. The secretome screens involved comparing the

secretome from inguinal white adipocytes and brown adipocytes in the presence and

absence of norepinephrine stimulation as well as factors from only brown adipocytes under

the same stimulatory conditions. Among the 1013 unique proteins identified, 406 proteins

had evidence of secretion (experimental and prediction by SignalP). This list does not

include proteins that were secreted through alternative non-classical secretory pathways.

Therefore, this number might underrepresent the actual number of truly secreted proteins.

Moreover, this number is close to what was obtained in other adipocyte secretome studies.

For example, the first whole human adipose tissue secretome by Alvarez-Llamas, Szalowska

et al. (2007) identified 259 proteins, of which 108 contained a signal peptide. Similarly,

Roca-Rivada, Alonso et al. (2011) detected about 50% secreted proteins from the secretome

mapping of their secretome analysis of different rat adipose tissue depots. Another aspect

of the current study is the number of detected secreted proteins that were represented as

extracellular proteins and signaling molecules according to Panther protein classification.

This is also in accordance to other adipocyte secretome studies (Alvarez-Llamas, Szalowska

et al. 2007, Chiellini, Cochet et al. 2008) and further underlines the importance of

extracellular remodeling and extracellular matrix proteins secreted by the adipose tissue (As

reviewed by Mariman and Wang 2010).

Potential batokine candidates

As mentioned earlier, 29 candidates that were differentially secreted proteins between two

screens were selected for further evaluation. Namely, these candidates were common

between NE-stimulated white vs. NE-stimulated brown adipocytes and NE-stimulated vs.

unstimulated brown adipocytes. This criterion was selected on the assumption that a

potential batokine would have differential secretion when BAT is activated by the

sympathetic nervous system (SNS) (for example, with cold stimulation). Of course these

candidates also include proteins that show increased or decreased secretion with NE stimuli.

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The following table shows the classification of these 29 candidates and what their secretion

levels imply.

Table 5: Distribution of the 29 batokine candidates and their potential classification

BA +NE vs. BA –NE WA +NE vs.BA +NE Classification and description

Number of candidates



Proteins secreted

in NE-stimulated

BA and WA.



batokines: Higher

with NE in BA and

higher than NE-

stimulated WA.


Novel adipokine

from WA: Down-

regulated with NE

stimulation in BA

but higher in WA.



batokine: Down-

regulated with NE

in BA but higher in

BA compared to



As evident from Table 5, the secretion of most batokine candidates was lowered

with NE stimulation of BA. Therefore, the secretion of these candidates is inversely

correlated with activated BA and a reduction in their secretion could perhaps bring about

the beneficial systemic effects of activated BAT. It is also feasible that the list of batokine

candidates contains a pair of counter-regulatory hormones whose secretion is regulated in

opposite directions with BAT activation.

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Known adipokines like adiponectin, resistin, ANGPTL4, LPL, adipsin (complement

factor D) etc. were present in the list of selected 29 batokine candidates. In contrast, other

prominent adipokines like leptin, IL-6 and TNF-α were absent in the selected list as well in

the complete the secretome screen. This could be due to primary adipocyte culture and

stimulation conditions, stability of the factors during the 24 hour incubation period or no

secretion from one cell population of the comparative study.

Interestingly, 5 members of the collagen alpha chain proteins were among the 29

batokine candidates. As mentioned earlier, extracellular matrix proteins like the collagen

alpha chains are important secreted factors for the maintenance of the adipose tissue

extracellular matrix. An interesting secretome candidate is osteopontin (OPN) which so far

has been known to be primarily secreted from immune cells including adipose tissue

macrophages and contributes to obesity-induced macrophage infiltration, inflammation and

insulin resistance (Nomiyama, Perez-Tilve et al. 2007). In addition, OPN also stimulates

hepatic gluconeogenesis (Kiefer, Zeyda et al. 2010). It would be interesting to investigate the

relationship between OPN function and BAT activation. Other interesting candidates are

dermatopontin (DPT) which regulates ECM architecture (Kato, Okamoto et al. 2011) and

nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 (ENPP2, autotaxin) that has been shown

to influence BAT activity, energy expenditure and adipose tissue expansion (Nishimura,

Nagasaki et al. 2014).

It is worth noting that other extracellular stimuli, apart from SNS response to cold,

can also activate thermogenesis in BAT. These activators include irisin, natriuretic peptides,

bile acids and FGF21 (As reviewed by Villarroya and Vidal-Puig 2013). Therefore, it is

possible that batokines released by such alternative activation of BAT might not be included

in this secretome study.

GSIS and other functional assays for batokines

The GSIS assay using INS-1E cells was the first functional assay to be optimized for

investigating the effects of the batokine candidates on insulin secretion. It was concluded

from these experiments that glucose stimulation in fresh KRBH buffer and the use of

recombinant batokine adiponectin were the optimum conditions for this assay. It was

surprising to note that fresh RPMI and KRBH - - CM resulted in a very low fold change in

insulin secretion due to very high basal insulin secretion in the absence of glucose. This

would suggest that an insulin secretagogue (or secretagogues) is present in the RPMI media

and is also released by HEK 293A cells that stimulates insulin secretion on its own

independent of glucose. Nonetheless, this complicates the direct use of CM for the GSIS

assay and makes the use of fresh KRBH the optimum method for the stimulation and

detection of GSIS.

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At least in the case of adiponectin, the recombinant protein resulted in an increase

in GSIS while adiponectin CM had no effect. Furthermore, preliminary experiments using

two commercially available recombinant secretome candidates affected GSIS (data not

shown) but additional experiments are needed to confirm this observation. However, not all

29 candidates were commercially available and it could be possible that the other candidate

CMs are more effective than adiponectin in modulating GSIS. Therefore, it would be still be

worthwhile to pursue the optimization of the assay using conditioned media.

ITIH4 as a batokine and BAT activity marker

Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (ITIH4) is a 120 kDa acute-phase glycoprotein

which is strongly expressed in liver where it has shown to be important in early liver

development and regeneration (Bhanumathy, Tang et al. 2002). It is well documented as a

biomarker for various diseases like prostrate cancer (Davalieva, Kiprijanovska et al. 2015),

heart disease (Nayak, Kashyap et al. 2012), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Tanaka,

Shimazawa et al. 2013). It is highly sensitive to cleavage by plasma kallikrein and is cleaved

in to smaller fragments that are thought to be bioactive (Pu, Iwamoto et al. 1994,

Nishimura, Kakizaki et al. 1995) .

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Figure 25: Proteolytic cleavage of ITIH4. Full length ITIH4 (120 kDa) is initially cleaved in to two polypeptides

with molecular weights of 85kDa (N-terminal) and 35 kDa (C-terminal). The 85 kDa polypeptide is further

cleaved culminating with extensive cleavage in the proline-rich region (PRR).

As shown in Figure 25, the full-length ITIH4 is first cleaved into the 35 kDa C-terminal

and 85 kDa N-terminal polypeptides. The 85 kDa polypeptide is further cleaved into several

fragments including the 57 kDa N-terminal polypeptide that was detected in PreBAT cells.

The 35 kDa fragment is O-glycosylated and not cleaved further. Interestingly, Mohamed,

Abdul-Rahman et al. (2008) showed that this fragment is increased in the serum of certain

cancer patients like breast cancer, epithelial ovarian carcinoma and germ cell ovarian

carcinoma but not in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and osteosarcoma. In addition, Song, Patel

et al. (2006) characterized the cleavage products from the proline-rich region (PRR) of ITIH4

and showed that certain diseases like diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer etc. have

specific cleavage patterns in this region.

Thus, it is possible that BAT activation could lead to changes in certain ITIH4

bioactive fragments in the serum rather than the whole protein and this change in ITIH4

cleavage profile could bring about the systemic changes observed with BAT activation and

reflect BAT activity. In conclusion, an ELISA would be insufficient to capture the complete

ITIH4 profile in the serum and more sensitive and comprehensive methods like LC-MS/MS

would be needed.

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ITIH4 as a regulator of adipocyte differentiation

The role of ITIH4 in adipocyte biology was investigated after observing a 70-fold higher

expression of Iith4 mRNA expression in primary brown compared to inguinal white

adipocytes. Itih4 mRNA levels were shown to increase with differentiation of various

adipocyte cell lines and primary adipocytes. Itih4 expression was also higher with

rosiglitazone treatment during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells which induces a brite-like

phenotype in these cells. Moreover, only Itih4 mRNA levels among the six members of the

ITIH protein family were increased with differentiation of inguinal white precursor cells in

the presence of cPGI2 (a potent browning agent) (Supplementary figure 3). Therefore, Itih4

expression was also upregulated with browning and differentiation in vitro.

Upon ITIH4 knockdown, impairment of differentiation was observed with a stronger

phenotype displayed in primary adipocytes compared to PreBAT cells. This was concluded

from reduction in lipolysis, TG accumulation, glucose uptake, lipogenesis and Oil Red O

staining. However, the adipogenic markers were not changed with differentiation for

PreBAT cells. The change in adipogenic markers is generally considered a gold standard in

studying effects on adipogenesis. One reason for the lack of changes in adipogenic markers

could be the PreBAT cell physiology. The presence of the Large T antigen could push these

cells to a stronger differentiation phenotype thereby making them immune to the effects of

ITIH4 knockdown to a certain extent. This could also be the reason for the stronger

differentiation phenotype observed in the primary adipocytes compared to PreBAT cells.

Only two adipogenic markers - Cidea and Fabp4 - were measured in primary adipocytes.

These markers were decreased after ITIH4 knockdown. Other markers also need to be

measured in primary adipocytes to conclusively prove the effect of ITIH4 on differentiation.

Alternatively, another plausible explanation for no changes in adipogenic markers could be

that ITIH4 has a differentiation independent effect on adipocyte function. For example, the

observed changes in lipolysis, lipogenesis and TG accumulation could be due to increased

fatty acid oxidation after ITIH4 knockdown. To investigate this hypothesis, fatty acid

oxidation assays using the Seahorse XF analyzers or radioactive tracers can to be carried out.

Alternatively, the same metabolic assays like lipolysis, lipogenesis and TG accumulation can

be carried out after ITIH4 knockdown in differentiated adipocytes to investigate the

differentiation independent effects of ITIH4. This was attempted in differentiated PreBAT

cells using adenoviral vectors. Adenoviral-mediated knockdown resulted in reduction of

mRNA levels but not in protein levels. This could be due to fact that ITIH4 is heavily

glycosylated (Chandler, Brnakova et al. 2014), which increases its stability.

The exact mechanism as to how ITIH4 affects differentiation could not be elucidated.

However, the transcriptome analysis of ITIH4 knockdown cells was able to shed light on

possible target genes and pathways affected. An interesting target is Depp (Decidual

protein induced by progesterone) or Fig (Fasting-induced gene) which is highly expressed in

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human WAT. Mouse Depp mRNA expression was shown to increase with fasting in lung,

skeletal muscle and WAT and also with differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells (Kuroda, Kuriyama et

al. 2010). Another target could be Arxes1 (Adipocyte-related X-chromosome expressed

sequence 1) which was shown to be required for adipogenesis (Prokesch, Bogner-Strauss et

al. 2011). Various microRNAs have been shown to be important for adipogenesis (As

reviewed by Peng, Yu et al. 2014). In this regard, miR-3079 is also a promising target since its

expression was significantly altered at all time points after ITIH4 knockdown. Interestingly,

at day 02 its expression was transiently increased and later decreased. So far miR-3079 has

not been functionally characterized. However, it should be noted that ITIH4 is not a

transcription factor and most likely affects the expression of these targets indirectly.

The pathways affected with ITIH4 knockdown also hint to the possible mechanism

behind its effect on adipocyte differentiation. The oxidative phosphorylation pathway was

initially downregulated with ITIH4 knockdown. The top component decreased in this

pathway was Cox7a1 which was shown to be highly expressed at the protein level with cold

exposure (4°C) in mice BAT (Forner, Kumar et al. 2009) as well as hypothesized to be the

more active isoform of COX7a which might increase the thermogenic capacity of BAT

(Maurer, Fromme et al. 2012). Similar to the oxidative phosphorylation pathway, PPAR

signaling was also decreased initially with ITIH4 knockdown. The expression of CD36 - which

promotes adipocyte differentiation and adipogenesis (Christiaens, Van Hul et al. 2012) - was

significantly decreased in this signaling pathway. Other important pathways were also

downregulated at the initial time point like insulin signaling, carbon metabolism etc.

Interestingly, these pathways and the afore-mentioned genes were back to normal levels at

later time points of differentiation. This would imply that the PreBAT cells adapt and

compensate for the downregulation of these pathways. In contrast, one of the pathways

that were upregulated was the TGF-β signaling pathway. TGF-β signaling pathway plays an

important role in browning (As reviewed by Yadav and Rane 2012) and inhibition of this

pathways leads to browning in WAT (Yadav, Quijano et al. 2011). Therefore, it could be

possible that ITIH4 interacts with a component of the TGF-β signaling pathway and

influences differentiation.

It is interesting to note the control of ITIH4 expression in mature adipocytes. A

reduction in Itih4 mRNA expression was observed in differentiated PreBAT cells with

isoproterenol and rosiglitazone treatment. Both these stimuli are adipogenic and a

significant reduction in ITIH4 expression could again point to a differentiation independent

function of ITIH4 in mature adipocytes. In addition, Iith4 mRNA expression did not increase

with IL-6 treatment as was observed in hepatocytes and HepG2 cells. Taken together, this

would indicate that in adipocytes transcription of Itih4 is not under the control of IL-6

signaling but is influenced by AMPK, β-adrenergic and PPARγ signaling.

Surprisingly, Itih4 mRNA levels were decreased in the adipose tissues of db/db mice

while they were increased with Treg depletion. Both these models exhibit a pro-

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inflammatory state in their adipose tissue depots but a possible explanation for this

difference could be that the adipose tissues in db/db mice exhibit a more chronic grade

inflammation while Treg depletion leads to an acute type of inflammation. As mentioned

earlier, ITIH4 is an acute phase protein and therefore, its expression increases with Treg

depletion. The high amounts of leptin in db/db mice could not be the reason for the

decrease in Itih4 levels as in vitro treatment of differentiated PreBAT cells with recombinant

leptin did not lead to changes in Itih4 mRNA levels. Other differences between the Treg

depleted and db/db models like the presence of crown-like structures (CLS) and

hypertrophic adipocytes in the adipose tissues of db/db mice could somehow affect Itih4

expression and result in this discrepancy in Itih4 mRNA expression between the two models

(Murano, Barbatelli et al. 2008). The decrease in Itih4 levels in db/db mice also hint to a

possible role of ITIH4 in stabilizing the extracellular matrix (like the other members of the ITI

family) since chronic models of inflammation and obesity involve extensive remodeling of

the extracellular matrix and expansion of adipose tissues (Bost, Diarra-Mehrpour et al.


ITIH4 is a special member of the Inter-α-trypsin inhibitors (ITI) family of plasma

protease inhibitors in terms of its structural properties. It possesses some unique features in

its C-terminal region like a plasma kallikrein cleavage site, an ATP-dependent-protease like

domain and a proline rich region (PRR). In addition, unlike the other members it cannot bind

to hyaluronic acid and bikunin (light chain member of the ITI family) and is only 30-38 %

identical to the other members of the ITI family both in humans and mice. By virtue of its

difference structural properties, it is possible that ITIH4 has distinct functions compared to

the other ITI family members and is therefore, an interesting serine protease inhibitor worth


Summary and outlook

The combination of Click-iT® AHA labeling and pulsed-SILAC is a powerful tool for studying

secretomes. In addition, the brown adipocyte secretome has not been investigated in detail.

Thus, using these techniques to characterize the brown adipocyte secretome is a promising

strategy to discover novel adipokines secreted from brown adipocytes (‘batokines’) that

help BAT communicate with different organs and influence whole-body metabolism. Indeed

the data obtained from the three screens was in accordance to previously reported adipose

tissue/adipocyte secretome studies in terms of number and functional classification of the

secreted proteins. In addition, a number of unique and interesting secretome candidates

were detected in the screen like dermatopontin, osteopontin and ectonucleotide

pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2. To identify the metabolically relevant candidates a

series of unbiased functional assays were planned. In this regard, the glucose stimulated

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insulin secretion (GSIS) assay was optimized with regard to buffer/CM conditions for glucose

stimulation and the use of CM or recombinant proteins. The use of CM would be further

optimized and the assay will be tested in other insulin secreting cell lines like the mouse

MIN6 cell line. This is a mouse insulinoma cell line and would be more compatible with the

secretome candidates which are over-expressed mouse proteins. In addition, the high

throughput lipolysis assay will be a promising assay to test whether the candidate batokines

induce lipolysis in white adipocytes. An additional approach to study the batokine

candidates would be to investigate the expression of corresponding receptors in different

organs in order to narrow down possible function. For example, higher receptor expression

of a batokine candidate in iWAT would point to its possible role in browning, lipolysis or

glucose uptake in white adipocytes.

The data presented in this dissertation work elucidates the function of ITIH4 in

adipocyte biology. Knockdown of ITIH4 in primary preadipocytes and preadipocyte cell lines

showed that ITIH4 is required for adipogenesis and affects key adipocyte functions. The only

other known reported function of ITIH4 is its role in liver growth and regeneration

(Bhanumathy, Tang et al. 2002). The findings presented here underlie the biological

significance of ITIH4 apart from its extensive documentation as a biomarker for various

diseases. In this regard, it would also be important to reaffirm the role of ITIH4 in

adipogenesis through over-expression and rescue experiments as well as measuring

adipogenic markers in primary adipocytes after ITIH4 knockdown. For ITIH4 over-expression

and rescue studies, the electroporation of PreBAT cells using EGFP expression construct

(pEGFP-N1) was optimized for use with ITIH4 expression constructs (Supplementary figure

4). However, the mechanism through which ITIH4 influences adipocyte differentiation still

needs investigation. MiR-3079 is a promising target and experimental modulation of its

expression in PreBAT cells could yield valuable insights to the function of ITIH4. Also a co-

immunoprecipitation screen for ITIH4 interacting proteins would provide useful information

in this direction. A recombinant ITIH4 myc-flag tag protein was successfully co-

immunoprecipitated using the flag tags (Supplementary figure 5). Another potential

experiment would be to carry out a proteome analysis with ITIH4 knockdown and combine

it with the transcriptome analysis. In addition to its mechanism, the role of ITIH4 in vivo also

needs to be investigated. For this purpose, an adeno-associated virus (AAV) was generated

which expresses Itih4 microRNA only in UCP1 expressing cells. Furthermore, it will be

interesting to investigate the function of ITIH4 in other models of genetic and experimental

obesity such as ob/ob or HFD fed mice respectively.

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Figure 26: Overview of the project. The dissertation work started with three different secretome screens

involving BA and WA with or without NE stimulation to identify batokine candidates. ITIH4 was among the

1013 distinct proteins identified and was differentially secreted in the screens. Serum levels of ITIH4 did not

change with cold treatment but Itih4 mRNA was increased in BAT. In vitro experiments in adipocyte cell lines

and primary adipocytes pointed to a function of ITIH4 in adipogenesis. Abbreviations: BA, brown adipocytes;

WA, white adipocytes; NE, norepinephrine.

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Molecular biology

Genomic DNA Isolation from differentiated primary


The cells were first lysed using 500 µl of Lysis Buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 100mM NaCl, 15

mM EDTA, 0,5% SDS, 0,5 mg/mL Proteinase K) and incubated overnight at 37°C. The lysis

solution was then transferred to 2ml tubes and 250 µl of 6M NaCl was added. The tubes

were gently mixed by inverting them and shaken at 800 rpm at room temperature for 5

minutes. The tubes were then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 13000 rpm (4°C) and the

supernatant was transferred to pre-chilled peqGOLD PhaseTrap A 2ml tubes (peqlab, 30-

0020A-01). Next, 700 µl of phenol/chloroform was added and mixed by inverting the tubes.

The tubes were again centrifuged for 10 minutes at 13000 rpm (4°C) and the supernatant

separated by the PhaseTrap™ was transferred to fresh pre-chilled peqGOLD PhaseTrap A

2ml tubes. Next, 700 µl of chloroform was added and the same procedure of mixing and

centrifugation was carried out as above. The supernatants were transferred to new 1.5 ml

tubes and 1 µl of Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant (Millipore, 69049) was added to each sample

along with 550 µl isopropanol. The samples were mixed by inverting, shaken for 2 minutes

(800 rpm) and centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 10 minutes (4°C). The supernatants were

decanted and the pellets (visible due to the Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant) were washed with

1 ml 75% ethanol then centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C. The pellets were air-

dried for 5 minutes and then re-solubilized in 150 µl Tris-EDTA buffer (pH 8.0) at 60°C for 2

hours or overnight at 4°C.

Plasmid DNA isolation

Plasmid DNA from E.coli cultures was isolated using Qiagen kits. For small cultures of 2 ml –

5 ml, QIAprep Plasmid Miniprep Kit was used while QIAGEN Plasmid Mega Kit was used for

larger cultures of 200 ml or more. The manufacturer’s protocol provided along with the kit

was followed for the plasmid isolations.

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RNA isolation using Trizol

Animal tissues (10-30 mg) were transferred into a 2 mL nuclease-free reaction tube

containing 1 mL of Qiazol™ Lysis reagent and a stainless steel bead. The samples were lysed

using the TissueLyser™ for 90 sec/30 Hz. In the case of adherent cells, 700 µl (for 12-well

plates or 500 µl for 24-well plates) of Qiazol™ Lysis reagent was added per well after

removing the growth media. Lysates were incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes

and then transferred to fresh 1.5 mL nuclease-free safe-lock tube containing 150 μl of

chloroform (1/4th the volume of Qiazol™ Lysis reagent). The tubes were mixed well and

incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes. The tubes were then centrifuged at 13,000

rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. The upper aqueous phase was carefully transferred into a fresh

reaction tube containing 350 μl of isopropanol (half the volume of Qiazol™ Lysis reagent

used). The tube was inverted several times then incubated at room temperature for 10

minutes followed by a 10-minute centrifugation step at 12,000 rpm, 4°C. The supernatant

was aspirated completely and the pellet was washed once with 1 mL of 70% ethanol. The

tube was spun at 8000 g for 5 minutes at 4°C. The solvent was discarded and the pellet was

briefly air-dried and re-suspended in 30 μl of pre-heated water, 65°C.

Quantification of nucleic acids

DNA/RNA concentration along with the degree of contamination was determined by using

the NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Inc., Delaware, USA).

2 µl of DNA or RNA samples were used for each measurement. TE buffer or water was used

as the reagent blank depending in which solvent the DNA/RNA was eluted. The

concentration was determined based on the absorbance of the sample at 260 nm. The

purity was in turn assessed based on the ratios of the absorbances: 260/280 = ~1,8 (“pure”

DNA), = ~2,0 (“pure” RNA); 260/230 = ~2,0 – 2,2 (“pure” nucleic acid), < 1,8 or 2,0 (with

residual contaminants – phenol, guanidine, glycogen).

cDNA synthesis from mRNA templates

The First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas GmbH, Sankt Leon-Rot, Germany) was used

to generate full length cDNA from mRNA templates. Briefly, 1 μg of purified RNA in a total

volume of 10 µl nuclease-free water was used for the cDNA synthesis. After adding 1 µl of

oligo(dT)18 primers, the samples were denatured at 70°C for 5 minutes. After the

denaturation, 9 µl of reaction mixture (4 μL 5x Reaction buffer, 2 μL 10 mM dNTP mix, 1 μL

Ribolock™ Ribonuclease Inhibitor and 2 µL Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (M-MuLV)

Reverse Transcriptase) was added to the tubes. A ‘-RT’ control, without M-MuLV, was also

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included to check for possible genomic DNA contamination in the RNA samples and

reagents. The samples were then incubated for 60 minutes at 37°C followed by heat

inactivation at 70°C for 10 minutes. The samples were then diluted 10 folds with the

addition of 180 µl of water. The samples were stored at -20°C.

Primer Sequence:

Oligo(dT)18 primer Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. No. S0132


100 µM (0,5 µg/µL)

Quantitative real-time PCR

The following reaction mixture was set up in 1.5 ml tubes based on the number of samples:


Volume, µL

Gene of Interest


Control Gene

(i.e. TBP)

2X TaqMan® Gene Expression Master Mix 10 10

qPCR Probe (5 mM)/TaqMan® Small RNA Assay (20X) 0.5 0.5

Forward primer, 10 mM - 1

Reverse primer, 10 mM - 1

Nuclease-free water 4.5 2.5

15 15

The reaction mixture of 15 µl was pipeted into each well of a MicroAmp Fast

Optical 96-well reaction plate along with technical duplicates of the cDNA samples (5 µL) for

a final reaction volume of 20 µL. Water was used as a negative no template control (NTC)

and ‘-RT’ as a control for genomic DNA contamination. The plate was covered with a

MicroAmp Optical Adhesive Film and then centrifuged to spin down contents. The plate

was run on the StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System (Life Technologies GmbH, Darmstadt,

Germany) using the standard running mode with the following thermal cycling conditions:

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Activation PCR

HOLD 40 Cycles:

Denaturation Annealing/Extension


C 95 95 60

Time 10 minutes 15 seconds 60 seconds

For data analysis, the amplification plots were visualized and the baseline &

threshold values were set to determine the threshold cycles (CT) for the amplification

curves. All quantifications were normalized to the endogenous control (TBP) to account for

variability in the initial concentration and quality of the total RNA. Relative-comparative CT

(CT) method was used for quantitation.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Phusion high-fidelity DNA polymerase (Thermo Scientific) was used for PCR reactions. The

manufacturer’s protocol (shown below) was followed for setting up the reactions.

Components Volume, µL

50 µl reaction Final conc.

Nuclease-free water Add to 50 µl 1x

5x Phusion HF Buffer 10 µl 200 µM each

10 mM dNTPs 1 µl 0.5 µM

Primer A X µl 0.5 µM

Primer B X µl -

Template DNA (100 ng) X µl -

Phusion DNA polymerase 0.5 µl 0.02 U/µl


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The PCR was performed in a T300 Thermocycler (Biometra) using the following

cycling conditions:

2-step protocol 3-step protocol Cycles

Temperature Time Temperat

ure Time

Initial Denaturation 98°C 30 s 98°C 30 s 1







5-10 s


15-30 s/kb


X °C


5-10 s

10-30 s




Final extension 72°C


5-10 min

hold 1 µl



5-10 min



The 2-step protocol was utilized for large PCR products (> 1.5kb) and when the

primer Tm values are at least 72°C. The annealing temperature was Tm +3°C of the lower

Tm primer for primers larger than 20 nucleotides. For cDNA templates, the extension time

was increased to 40s/1kb.

Gel electrophoresis & extraction of DNA from agarose gel

DNA Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Agarose gel electrophoresis (AGE) was used to analyze

DNA samples like PCR products and digested plasmids for contamination and fidelity. The

agarose gel (1-3 %) was prepared with 1X TBE/TAE. The appropriate amount of agarose was

melted in a microwave oven until the solution became clear. After cooling, 0.5 μg/mL

ethidium bromide was added. The melted agarose was poured into appropriate casting tray

with the well-comb and allowed to solidify. The gel was placed in the electrophoresis

chamber and TBE/TAE buffer was poured until there was about 2-3 mm of the buffer over

the gel. Appropriate amount of the DNA Sample Loading Buffer was added to the PCR

product or digested plasmid (~0.5 µg). Gels were run at 120 V with constant current. The

power was allowed to run until the blue dye approaches the end of the gel. The gel was

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then visualized & documented with Intas Gel Imager and Intas GDS v3.32 program (Intas

Scientific Imager Instruments GmbH, Göttingen, Germany) at =312 with varying intensity.

RNA Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Agarose electrophoresis was also used for assessing

quality of total RNA isolated. The gel tray and electrophoresis chamber were washed

thoroughly and cleaned with RNaseZap® RNase Decontamination Solution (ThermoFisher

Scientific). A 2% agarose gel was used for 0.5 – 1 µg RNA with 10 µL of the RNA Sample

Buffer. The mixture was heated at 60C for 10 minutes then allowed to cool on ice for 2

minutes prior to gel loading. A clear, smear-free 2:1 ratio of band intensity for the 28S (~3

kb) and 18S (~1.5 kb) ribosomal RNA was used as an indication of good RNA quality.

Extraction of DNA from Agarose Gel. DNA fragments (70 bp to 10 kb up to ~10 µg) were

excised from agarose gels under a UV lamp (=312, low instensity) using a scalpel and

purified using the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

The column was eluted with 30 µL of TE buffer.

Restriction digestion of DNA

PCR-amplified products or plasmid vectors (minimum of 500 ng) were incubated with 5 units

of restriction enzyme/s (New England Biolabs or Fermentas) per µg of the DNA and 1X

Reaction buffer for 2 hours. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was also added depending on the

enzyme/s. Final volume of the reaction varied from 20-50 µL using water as diluent. For

majority of the enzymes, digestion was done at 37C on a heat block. Inhibition of the

enzymes was done according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. The digested

products were then analyzed via Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.

Molecular Cloning

Insert generation

Insert DNA was generated by either annealing artificial oligonucleotides (denatured at 95 °C

followed by slow cooling on a thermocycler), by restriction digest from existing constructs as

described above or by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The insert DNA after the restriction

digestion or PCR reactions were purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen).

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Restriction digested plasmids (100 ng) were ligated with either double stranded insert DNA

generated by PCR, restriction digestion (at a vector to insert molar ratio of 1:4) or with 10 -

100 picomoles of annealed artificial oligonucleotide, using T4 Ligase (New England Biolabs)

and corresponding buffers for 2 hours at room temperature.


One Shot TOP10 Chemically Competent E.coli (Life Technologies) (25 µl) were supplemented

with 2.5 μl of ligation reaction, incubated for 30 minutes at 4 °C, heat shocked for 30 sec at

42 °C, supplemented with 250 μl S.O.C. medium (Life Technologies), incubated for 60

minutes at 37 °C at 600 rpm and plated on LB agar plates (Roth) containing either 50 mg/L

Ampicillin (Sigma) or 50 mg/ml Kanamycin (Sigma). After overnight incubation at 37°C,

single colonies were picked and cultured in LB medium containing appropriate antibiotic for

another round of overnight incubation at 37°C at 180 rpm.

Plasmid purification and analysis of clones

Plasmid DNA was isolated using the QIAprep Plasmid Miniprep Kit (Qaigen) and 500 ng of

plasmid DNA was digested with respective restriction digestion enzymes and analyzed by

AGE to test for positive clones.

Sequencing of plasmid DNA

After confirmation using restriction digestion, the plasmid DNA was sequenced using sample

sequencing services provided by LGC Genomics GmBH. For ‘Ready2 Run’ samples, 10 µl of

plasmid DNA (minimum concentration 100 ng/ml) and 4 µl of primer (5 µM) were submitted

in a 1.5 ml tube with the appropriate bar code sticker.

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Cloning of recombinant plasmids

The following are the DNA constructs/ recombinant plasmids that were used in the present


pdsAAV-Ucp1p-GFPmut-mir122site-miR-Itih4: Double stranded AAV vector expressing Itih4

miRNA under the control of Ucp1 mini-promoter and a miR-122 binding site.

pCMV6-Entry-mmItih4-Myc-DDK-tag: Double stranded expression plasmid expressing a

mouse ITIH4 myc-flag protein.

Cloning of pdsAAV-Ucp1p-GFPmut-mir122site-miR-Itih4

Briefly, pdsAAV-Ucp1p-GFPmut-mir122site-miR-Itih4 was cloned by cutting out the 170 bp

miR-Itih4 insert from pcDNA™6.2-GW/EmGFP-miR-mmItih4 using SalI/XbaI and cloning it

into the pdsAAV-Ucp1p-GFPmut-mir122site-miR-Tbl1 backbone.

Cloning of pCMV6-Entry-mmItih4-Myc-DDK-tag

The mouse ITIH4 C-terminal Myc-DDK tag expression construct was generated by first

cloning out the 3kb insert from pCMV6-Kan/Neo-mmItih4-untag (MC206371, OriGene

Technologies) using the primers: mItih4_AsiSI_Fwd (TC GCGATCGCATGAAGAGCCCTGCCCC)

and mItih4_MluI_Rev (TAACGCGTTATCTCCACTGTCCAGCA) along with the phusion

polymerase 2-step protocol; digesting it with AsiSI/MluI and inserting it into the pCMV6-

Entry-mmTigit-Myc-DDK-tag (MR213712, OriGene Technologies) backbone.

Cell biology

All cell culture experiments were performed in Class II laminar flow hoods under aseptic

conditions. Cells were incubated in a controlled atmosphere (humidified 95% air/5% CO2) at

37C. Culture media, antibiotics, fetal calf or bovine serum and buffers like Krebs-Ringer

Buffer (KRB) were warmed at 37C before use. Unless otherwise stated, cell lines were

cultivated in high glucose (4.5 mg/L) DMEM medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 100U/mL

Penicillin, and 100 U/mL Streptomycin. The medium was changed every 3 or 4 days.

Passages were performed at the beginning and end of the week.

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Thawing, subculturing, and cryopreservation of Cells

Cryopreserved cells were resuscitated by taking the vial out of the liquid nitrogen and

immediately (<60 seconds) thawing in a water bath maintained at 37C. Two-milliliters of

warm complete medium were combined with the cells. The cell suspension was transferred

to properly labeled 15-cm culture plate containing appropriate amount of the medium.

Passaging was done by removing the medium with a Pasteur pipet and washing the

adhering cellular monolayer once with 1X D-PBS (without Ca2+ & Mg2+). The cell monolayer

was trypsinized with 2 mL trypsin/EDTA solution. After incubation at 37C for 5 minutes, the

plates were gently tapped to detach the cellular monolayer. The plates were incubated

again for 2-3 minutes if the monolayer did not detach. The cells were then suspended

thoroughly by adding appropriate amount of the complete culture medium. The suspension

was transferred into a 15-mL Falcon tube, centrifuged (2000 rpm, 2-3 minutes), and the

pellet resuspended with appropriate amount of complete medium for further passaging.

For cryopreservation, cells were harvested in the log-phase of growth, resuspended in 1 mL

of the freezing medium i.e. complete medium:DMSO (9:1) and transferred to 2-mL cryovials.

The vial were then placed in the freezing container containing isopropanol and stored at -

80C for up to one week prior to eventual long term storage in a liquid nitrogen tank.

Determination of cell number, viability and seeding of cells

For manual cell counting, 10 µL of uniformly suspended cells were mixed with equal volume

of 0.4% tryphan blue. The mixture was allowed to stand for 5-10 minutes and 10 µl was

loaded on to the Neubauer hemocytometer. Cell number was counted in the four corner

squares using an inverted cell culture microscope. The concentration of the cells was

calculated using the following formula:

Concentration (cells/mL) = (Number of cells counted x 10,000 x dilution factor)/(Number of


For automated cell counting and viability determination, Invitrogen Countess

Automated Cell Counter was used. Similar to the hemocytometer, 10 µl of cell suspension

was mixed with 10 µl of tryphan blue in a 1.5 ml tube and 10 µl of this cell solution was

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pipetted on to one of the chamber of a disposable countess® chamber slide. Next, the focus

on the Countess is adjusted and the cells were counted.

After counting, the cells were seeded on required culture dishes containing the

recommended medium volume: 15-cm dish (25 ml), 10-cm dish (10 ml), 6-well plate (2

ml/well), 12-well plate (1 ml/well), 24-well plate (500 µl/well) or 96-well plate (100 µl/well).

Isolation of mouse preadipocytes from stroma vascular

fraction (SVF) of intrascapular brown adipose tissue and

inguinal white adipose tissue

On the day before the isolation, 20 mg of Collagenase II was weighed in 2 ml tubes and the

amount of constituents needed for the collagenase solutions was calculated. Before the

beginning the isolation, the work space was covered with SCIENCEWARE® LABMAT™ Bench

Liner (Bel-Art), the surgical instruments placed in 80% ethanol and petri dishes containing

1X D-PBS (without Ca2+ & Mg2+) were placed on ice. After sacrificing the mice, the inguinal

white adipose tissues (iWAT) and intrascapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) were excised and

placed in ice-cold 1X D-PBS. Next, the organs were cleaned: lymph nodes were removed

from the inguinal white adipose tissue and residual white adipose tissue was removed from

the intrascapular brown adipose tissue. The collagenase solutions were prepared for iWAT

and BAT as follows:

Components 10 ml Volume

iWAT BAT Final conc.

Collagenase (2 mg/ml) 0.75 ml 0.75 ml 1.5 mg/ml

Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 %

HEPES (1 M) - 0.15 ml 15 mM

CaCl2 (1 M) - 0.032 ml 3.2 mM

Fetal Calf or Bovine Serum

(FCS, FBS) - 1 ml

10 %

DMEM (4.5 g/l glucose) 8.75 ml 7.54 ml -

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The collagenase solutions were sterile filtered using 0.45 µm syringe filters and the

minced tissue was added to the sterile solutions in 15 ml falcon tubes. For iWAT, 5ml of

collagenase solution for 4 fat pads and 3ml for 2 BAT pads was used for digestion. The

collagenase solutions were incubated for 10 minutes at 37°C in a water bath and then

transferred to a 37°C incubator at 180 rpm for 1 hour. The tissue samples were checked for

the completion of digestion by observing the presence of tissue clumps and the incubation

time was decreased or increased accordingly. After the incubation, growth medium (DMEM,

10% FBS, 1% Pen/Strep) was added to the collagenase solutions to a volume of 14 ml and

the solutions were allowed to stand for 10 minutes to separate the floating lipid and

adipocyte fraction from the heavier SVF fraction at the bottom of the tubes. The lighter

upper fraction was removed and the tubes were centrifuged for 10 minutes at room

temperature at 1000 rpm. The supernatant was aspirated and the SVF pellets were collected

in 1 ml growth media. Growth media was added to the cell suspension to a final volume of

10 ml and passed through a 70 μM cell strainer (BD biosciences). Additional growth media

was added to the SVF cell suspension and the suspension was plated in appropriate cell

culture plates or dishes.

Differentiation of mouse brown and white preadipocytes

from the stroma vascular fraction (SVF)

The preadipocytes were washed twice with 1x D-PBS and fresh media was added for the

first three days after isolation. Fresh media was added every second day till the cells

reached confluency and differentiation was started (day 0).

Primary pre-adipocyte differentiation media:

475 ml DMEM high glucose (4.5 g/l glucose)

25 ml FBS (5%)

5 ml Pen/Strep (1%)

In addition to:

1:1000 dilution of 1 mg/ml Insulin (1 µg/ml final)

1:1000 dilution of 250 µM Dexamethasone (0.25 µM final)

1:100 dilution of 50 mM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) (0.5 mM final)

1:1000 dilution of Ascorbate Biotin Pantothenate (ABP)

1:30000 dilution of 30 µM Triiodothyronine (T3) (1 nM final) - only for brown preadipocytes

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Transient transfection methods

Plasmid constructs and siRNAs were transfected into cells (70-80% confluency) using one of

the following methods:

Calcium phosphate

Plasmid DNA (100 – 1000 ng/well) was mixed with 0.25 M CaCl2 (80 µL for 6-well) and the

same volume of 2X BBS. After incubation for 15-20 min at RT, the mixture was added to the

cells in fresh medium. Medium was changed 6-12 h after transfection.

Cationic polymer or polyethyleneimine (PEI)

Cells were plated at the desired concentration of 70-80 % the day before the experiment on

a 6-well plate. The amount of polyethyleneimine (PEI) was calculated according to the

amount of DNA to be transfected, i.e. for a 6-well plate 3.5 µl of PEI (7.5 mM) per 1 µg of

plasmid DNA was used. The PEI and DNA tubes per well were prepared as follows:

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Components 50 µl Volume


PEI (7.5 mM) 3.5 µl -

Plasmid DNA (100 ng/ml) - 10 µl

Nuclease-free water 21.5 µl 15 µl

NaCl (300 mM) 25 µl 25 µl

The PEI and DNA tubes were mixed and incubated at room temperature for 15

minutes and DNA:PEI mixture was added to the cells dropwise. Medium was replaced after

18 hours and cell extracts were prepared 48 hours post-transfection.

Lipofectamine® 2000 transfection reagent

The manufacturer’s protocol was followed for transfection of cells using the Lipofectamine®

2000 transfection reagent. Briefly, for 100 ng of DNA per well in a 96-well plate, 1.5 µl of

Lipofectamine® 2000 in 25 µl of Opti-MEM® medium was mixed with 500 ng of plasmid DNA

in 25 µl of Opti-MEM® medium. The mixture was incubated at room temperature for 5

minutes and 10 µl of it was added dropwise to each well. The growth media was replaced

after 18 hours or earlier if cellular toxicity was observed. For a 6-well plate (1 µg of plasmid

DNA per well), 9 µl of Lipofectamine® 2000 in 150 µl Opti-MEM® medium was mixed with

1.3 µg of plasmid DNA in 150 µl Opti-MEM® medium and added to the cells after 5 minutes

of incubation.

Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX transfection reagent

For transfection of siRNAs, Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent was used. Briefly

per well for a 12-well plate, 20 nM of siRNA was dissolved in 32 µl of Opti-MEM® medium

and mixed with 4 µl of Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent in 32 µl of Opti-

MEM® medium. The mixture was incubated for 10 minutes at room temperature and then

growth media (DMEM, 10% FBS) was added to a volume of 1ml. The media was aspirated

from the cells and the siRNA/ Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX solution was added dropwise. The

growth media was replaced after 18 hours.

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Neon® transfection system

The Neon® transfection system was used with large plasmids and/or for cells that were

difficult to transfect like differentiated PreBAT cells. Briefly, an appropriate number of cells

(3x105 differentiated PreBAT cells/well for 12-well plate; 7x104 undifferentiated PreBAT

cells/chamber for 8-well chamber slide) were resuspended in appropriate amount of Buffer

R (10 µl/well for 10 µl Neon® tips) along with 1 µg of plasmid DNA. The Neon® tube was

filled with 3ml of Buffer E2 and the corresponding plate/chamber slide for plating was filled

with growth media (DMEM, 10% FBS) and placed in the incubator at 37°C. The cell

suspension was then electroporated using the 10 µl tip at specific voltage, time pulse and

number of pulses. Care should be taken that there should be not any bubbles in the Neon®

tip as this will cause arcing. This can be prevented by carefully aspirating the cell suspension

in to the tip. After electroporation, the cells were added to the plate/chamber slide

containing the growth media. The growth media was exchanged and the cells were

observed after 18 hours. For expression of the transgene, the cells were incubated for at

least 48 hours.


Total protein isolates from cells

Cells were harvested in RIPA buffer which consists of 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 150 mM

NaCl, 1% NP-40, 0.25% Na-deoxycholate, 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) and 1x protease inhibitor

co*cktail (PIC) (Sigma), 1x phosphatase inhibitor co*cktail (Sigma). The growth media was first

aspirated and cells were washed with 1X D-PBS and ice-cold RIPA buffer was added (5-10%

volume of growth media). The cells were transferred into 1.5 ml tubes using flat-bottomed

pipette tips. The tubes were placed on a rotary wheel at 4°C for 30 minutes and the

centrifuged at top speed for 5 minutes. The supernatant was transferred to a fresh ice-cold

1.5 ml tube. The samples were then stored at -80°C, used to measure protein concentration

or to run an immunoblot.

Quantification of proteins by BCA assay

Protein concentration was determined using the Pierce® BCA Protein Assay Kit following the

manufacturer’s instructions. Protein lysates were diluted 1:10 so as not to exceed the linear

range of the BSA standard curve (0.1 - 2 mg/ml) and were measured in 10µl duplicates along

with BSA standards (10µl) with the addition of 200 µl of assay reagent.

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SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immnuoblotting

(western blotting)

For SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 30 µg of protein samples containing SDS loading

dye (1x) were denatured at 98°C for 5 minutes. The samples along with PageRuler™

prestained protein ladder were loaded on to a 10% or 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and

separated at 120 V. The samples where then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane using

a wet blot transfer system at 4°C at 90 V for 60 minutes or 30 V for 18 hours. After the

transfer, the immunoblots were stained with Ponceau S to determine the quality and

efficiency of transfer. The immunoblots were then blocked in 5% skimmed milk in TBS-T for

1 hour and incubated at 4°C overnight with the primary antibody in 5% skimmed milk TBS-T

or 5% BSA as per supplier’s instructions. The immunoblots were then washed thrice with

TBS-T for 10 minutes each and incubated with secondary antibody conjugated to horse

radish peroxidase (HRP) at a dilution of 1:5,000 in 5% BSA or 5% skimmed milk for 1 hour.

The immunoblots were washed again and the ECL™ Western Blotting Detection Reagent

was applied on them to visualize the chemiluminescence using the ChemiDocTM XRS+


Immunoprecipitation for Flag-tag and Myc-tag proteins

For co-immunoprecipitation of a desired protein, the cells were first harvested by aspirating

the media and washing twice with ice-cold 1x D-PBS. Next, the cells were harvested in 300

µl per well (for 6-well plate) of lysis buffer (BLB-CHAPS with 1x protease and phosphatase

inhibitors) and transferred to pre-chilled 1.5 ml tubes. The tubes were centrifuged at 13000

rpm for 5 minutes (4°C) and the supernatant was transferred fresh pre-chilled tubes. The

protein concentration was measured using the BCA assay. The protein amount was

normalized for each sample (250-500 µg) and the volume was adjusted to 400 µl with BLB-

CHAPS. At this stage 10µl of the sample was stored separately as ‘input’. Next, ANTI-FLAG®

M2 affinity gel (25 µl) (A2220, Sigma-Alderich) was added to every sample and incubated in

the cold room for 2 hours or overnight on the rotary wheel. After the incubation, the

samples were washed thrice with BLB-CHAPS and 50 µl of 2X SDS sample buffer was added.

The samples were heated at 98°C for 5 minutes. Similar procedure was followed for Myc-tag

co-immunoprecipitation: 1µl of anti-Myc antibody (05-724, Upstate) was added to the 400

µl protein samples. After the incubation at 4°C, 20 µl of Protein A/G PLUS-Agarose (sc-2003,

Santa Cruz) was added to each sample and the samples were incubated in the cold room for

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additional hour on the rotary wheel. The samples were then analyzed using



MILLIPLEX® MAP mouse metabolic hormone panel

The MILLIPLEX® MAP Mouse Metabolic Hormone panel (Cat. # MMHMAG-44K) was used

with the Luminex xMAP® platform (MAGPIX®) to detect leptin and resistin in tissue culture

supernatant from primary adipocytes. The immunoassay procedure was carried out

according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The supernatant samples were centrifuged at

3000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C to remove cellular debris and assayed immediately or

aliquoted and stored at -80°C. More than 2 freeze/thaw cycles were avoided. Briefly, 200 µl

of Assay Buffer was added per well and the plates were shaken for 10 minutes at room

temperature. Next, 10 µl of the matrix solution (growth medium- DMEM, 10% FBS, 1%

Pen/Strep in this case) was added to the background, standard and control wells followed

by the addition of 10 µl Assay Buffer to the background and sample wells. Standards,

controls and samples (10 µl) were added to appropriate wells followed by 25 µl of the mixed

anti-body immobilized beads. The plate was wrapped in foil and incubated overnight on a

plate shaker at 4°C. After the incubation, the plate was allowed to reach room temperature

and then washed thrice using a hand-held magnet and Wash Buffer. Detection antibodies

(50 µl) were added to each well and the plate was sealed, covered with foil and stirred on a

plate shaker for 30 minutes at room temperature. Without aspiration 50 µl of Streptavidin-

Phycoerythrin was added to each well. The plate was again sealed, covered with foil and

stirred on a plate shaker for 30 minutes at room temperature. The plate was then washed

like previously and 100 µl of Drive Fluid was added to all wells. Lastly, the plate was analyzed

on the MAGPIX® with the xPONENT software. The Median Fluorescent Intensity (MFI) data

was analyzed using a 5-parameter logistic method for calculating the concentrations of

leptin and resistin in the samples.


The mouse ITIH4 ELISA for mouse serum was carried out using the ELISA kit from Uscn Life

Science Inc. (E97776Mu) following the manufacturer’s protocol. The sera samples were

diluted 10 and 1000 folds in 1 xD-PBS. Briefly, 100 µl of standards, blank (or control serum)

and samples were added to the wells and incubated at 37°C for 2 hours. The wells were

decanted and 100 µl of Detection Reagent A was added to each well followed by 1 hour

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incubation at 37°C. The wells were decanted again and washed thrice with 350 µl of 1x

Wash Solution. After washing 100 µl of Detection Reagent B was added and incubated at

37°C for 30 minutes. The wells were washed 5 times and 90 µl of Substrate Solution was

added each well. The wells were incubated with the Substrate Solution for 10 minutes at

37°C (protected from light) and 50 µl of Stop Solution was added to each well. The wells

were then measured at 450 nm on a microplate reader (Mithras LB 940). The concentration

of ITIH4 was determined using the standard curve.

Rat Insulin ELISA

Insulin in cell culture supernatant from INS-1E cells was measured using the Rat High Range

Insulin ELISA from ALPCO™ (80-INSRTH-E01). The ELISA protocol was followed according to

the manufacturer’s manual. Briefly, 5 µl of the standards, control and samples were added

to the respective wells. Next, 75 µl of the Working Strength Conjugate was added to each

well and incubated for 2 hours at room temperature while shaking at 700 rpm on a

microplate shaker. The wells were decanted and washed 6 times with 350 µl of Wash Buffer.

After the final wash, 100 µl of TMB Substrate was added to each well, covered with a plate

sealer and incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes (at 700 rpm). Next, 100 µl of Stop

Solution was added to each well and gently shaken before measuring the absorbance at 450

nm on a microplate reader (Mithras LB 940). A 5 parameter logistic (pI) fit was used to

calculate the insulin concentration from the standard curve.

Cell lines

PreBAT mouse brown preadipocyte cell line

The PreBAT cell line was created and provided by Hoppmann, Perwitz et al. (2010) by

immortalizing pre-adipocytes from the intrascapular BAT of newborn mice using the SV40

Large T antigen.

Media compositions:

Growth media:

400 ml DMEM (4.5 g/l glucose)

100 FBS (20 %)

5 ml Pen/Strep (1%)

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Differentiation media:

400 ml DMEM (4.5 g/l glucose)

100 FBS (20 %)

10 µl of 1 mM Insulin (20 nM final, 1:50,000 dilution)

16.7 µl of 30 µM Triiodothyronine (T3) (1 nM final, 1:30,000 dilution)

Induction media (prepared fresh):

Appropriate volume of differentiation media

1:1000 dilution of 0.125 M Indomethacin (0.125 mM final)

1:1000 dilution of 2 mg/ml Dexamethasone (2 µg/ml final)

1:100 dilution of 50 mM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) (0.5 mM final)

Passaging cells:

Cells were passaged when 60-70% confluency was reached and care should be taken that

the cells never be allowed to become completely confluent as this will hamper their

differentiation capacity. Cells were generally split at the ratio 1:80 in the beginning and end

of the week. For a 15 cm dish, the cells were first washed with 1x D-PBS and 3 ml of trypsin-

EDTA was added followed by 5 minute incubation at 37°C. The cells were collected in

growth media and plated on to fresh plates or dishes. The cells were discarded after passage


For transfections on 12-well-plates, 3x104 cells per well were plated one day before

transfection to reach the desired confluency.

Differentiation protocol:

Induction media was added to the cells when they reached complete confluency (day 0). On

the following day the media was changed to differentiation media and fresh differentiation

media was added every day till day 06.

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Freezing and thawing protocol:

The cells were frozen in growth media supplemented with 10% DMSO. Generally, 2ml of cell

suspension from a single 15 cm plate was split in to two cryotubes. Upon thawing, the cells

were 50-60% confluent in a 15cm dish on the following day.


Mycoplasma contamination will result in growth retardation, differentiation becoming

‘patchy’ and a ‘pale’ appearance under the microscope.

Thorough washing with 1x D-PBS and starvation of cells in serum free DMEM (4.5 g/l

glucose) for 4-48 hours is advisable for experiments involving growth factors like insulin (for

example, glucose uptake assays).

INS-1E rat insulinoma cells

The INS-1E cells were obtained from AG Lammert (DDZ Düsseldorf).

INS-1E growth media:

50 ml heat inactivated FBS

5 ml glutamine 200mM

5 ml Penicillin/Streptomycin

5.6 ml HEPES 1M

5 ml sodium pyruvate 100mM

1.75 ml 2-Mercaptoethanol 50mM

500 ml RPMI 1640(1x) + GlutaMAX

Passaging cells:

INS-1E cells were passaged at a ratio of 1:4 every 3 days using trypsin-EDTA and INS-1E

growth media.

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Freezing and thawing cells:

A 10 cm dish was harvested and the cells were resuspended in 4ml freezing media (50% INS-

1E growth media, 40% FBS, 10% DMSO). The cell suspension (1ml) was transferred to

cryotubes and placed in the freezing container containing isopropanol, stored at -80°C for

one week and transferred to long term storage in a liquid nitrogen tank. While thawing, one

vial was plated on to a 10 cm dish and fresh growth media was added the next day.

HEK 293A Human Embryonic Kidney cells

The HEK 293A cells from the lab stock were used for transfection experiments and

production of adenoviral vectors. The following culturing conditions were used:

HEK 293A growth media:

450 ml DMEM (4.5 g/l glucose)

50 ml FBS (10%)

5 ml Pen/Strep (1%)

Passaging cells:

The cells were split every 3 to 4 days by resuspending the cellular monolayer in 10 ml

growth media (15 cm dish) and passaging them at a ratio of 1:10.

For PEI transfections on 6-well plates, 2x105 cells per well were plated one day before

transfection to reach the desired confluency of 70-75%. For chamber slides, 1x104 cells per

chamber were plated for the same confluency.

Freezing and thawing protocol:

For cryopreservation, cells were harvested in the log-phase of growth, resuspended in 1 ml

of the freezing medium (growth media, 10% DMSO) and transferred to 2-ml cryotubes. The

tubes were stored at –80°C as described previously. One tube was thawed and plated on to

one 15 cm dish.

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3T3-L1 mouse embryonic white preadipocyte cell line

The 3T3-L1 cells were used from the lab stock. The following conditions were followed for

culturing them:

3T3-L1 growth media:

450 ml DMEM low glucose (1 g/l glucose)

50 ml FBS (10%)

5 ml Pen/Strep (1%)

3T3-L1 differentiation media:

450 ml DMEM high glucose (4.5 g/l glucose)

50 ml FBS (10%)

5 ml Pen/Strep (1%)

In addition to:

1:1000 dilution of 1 mg/ml Insulin (1 µg/ml final)

1:1000 dilution of 250 µM Dexamethasone (0.25 µM final)

1:100 dilution of 50 mM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) (0.5 mM final)

1:1000 dilution of Ascorbate Biotin Pantothenate (ABP)


ABP stock solution:

50 mg/ml L-Ascorbate (1 g Sodium Ascorbate in 10 ml water)

1 mM D-Biotin (4.89 mg Biotin in 0.5 ml 1M NaOH)

17 mM D-Pantothenic acid hemicalcium salt solution (81 mg D-Pantothenic acid

hemicalcium salt in 9.5 ml water)

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Passaging cells:

The cells were first washed with 1x D-PBS and trypsinized (2ml) for 5 minutes at 37°C. The

cells were then collected in 8ml growth media, centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 3 minutes and

plated at a density of 3x104 cells per 15 cm dish or at a ratio of 1:10. Cells were never

allowed to become more than 80% confluent.

Differentiation protocol:

For differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells, 2x 104 (6-well plate) and 4x 105 (15 cm dish) were seeded

and differentiation was started after 3 days when the cells were completely confluent (day

0). At day 0 and day 02, the differentiation media mentioned above was added to the cells

while at day 04 differentiation media with only Insulin and ABP solution was used. At the

end (day 06), normal 3T3-L1 growth media was added.

Freezing and thawing protocol:

The same protocol for HEK 293A cells was used for freezing and thawing 3T3-L1 cells.

In vitro metabolic assays

Adipocyte staining with Oil Red O

Adipocytes were stained with Oil Red O (a lipophilic dye) for the visualization of neutral

triglycerides and lipids. This gives a rough visual estimate of the degree of differentiation.

Briefly, differentiated adipocytes were first washed with 1x PBS and then with 10% formalin

(in PBS) for 5 min. The cells were then fixed by the addition of 10% formalin (in PBS) and

incubated for 1 hour at room temperature. After washing with 60% isopropanol the wells

were dried and subsequently stained with Oil Red O working solution for 10 min. The wells

were washed 5 times with water to remove any unbound dye and pictures of the stained

cells were taken under the microscope. The plates were preserved with water in the wells at

4°C. Alternatively, the dye was eluted out with 100% isopropanol and the O.D. measured at

550 nm (including an empty well stained by the dye to account for unspecific binding of the

dye to the plastic).

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Measurement of glucose in cell culture supernatant

The Glucose (HK) Assay Kit from Sigma (GAHK-20) was used to measure the glucose amount

in cell culture supernatant. Briefly, the standards (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 µl of 1 mg/ml Glucose

Standard Solution) were pipetted first on to the plate to a final sample volume of 10 µl with

water. The samples were pipetted next with a dilution of 1:2 or 1:4 with a final volume of 10

µl. The Glucose Assay Reagent (100 µl) was added and the measurements were taken at 355

nm. The glucose concentrations were calculated from the standard curve.

Lipolysis assay for adipocytes

The differentiated adipocytes were first washed once with Krebs-Ringer Buffer (KRB) (pH

7.4, 37°C) and then incubated in the same buffer for 2 hours at 37°C. The adipocytes were

then stimulated for 3 hours with KRB supplemented with 3% BSA (fatty acid free). After the

dissolution of the BSA, 25 mM HEPES and 5 mM glucose was added along with (or without)

0.5 µM norepinephrine or 10 µM isoproterenol to stimulate lipolysis in the cells. The cells

were stimulated for 3 hours, the supernatant was collected and the non-esterified fatty

acids (NEFAs) released by the cells were measured by the NEFA HR (2) Kit (WAKO). Briefly,

two different volumes (5 µl and 50 µl) of samples and standard in duplicates were measured

on 96-well microplates by first adding 100 µl of R1 buffer and incubating at 37°C for 10

minutes followed by adding 50 µl R2 buffer and followed by a similar incubation. The

measurement was carried out at 550 nm and the NEFA amounts were calculated using the

following formula:

NEFA (mg/dl) = (Esx28.2)/Estd

Es- Absorbance of the sample (= Raw absorbance of sample – absorbance of reagent blank

i.e. water)

Estd- Absorbance of standard (= Raw absorbance of standard – absorbance of reagent blank

i.e. water)

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Intracellular triglyceride measurement from mature


For isolation and measurement of triglyceride amount (TG) from adipocytes, the cells were

washed once with 1x D-PBS and 100 µl of Tx buffer (with 1x protease inhibitors) was added

to each well (for a 12-well plate) and the plate was frozen at -80°C for at least 24 hours.

After thawing the cells, the monolayer was scraped off and transferred to 1.5 ml tubes. The

tubes were then sonicated in a Bioruptor (Diagenode) with three cycles of sonication for 30

seconds (30 seconds on and 30 seconds off) at 4°C. The tubes were then centrifuged at

13000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. The middle aqueous phase (6 µl of it), avoiding the lipids

floating on top, was transferred to fresh pre-chilled tubes containing 54 µl of water for

protein measurement using the BCA assay. The remaining supernatant was used for TG

measurement using the Serum Triglyceride Determination Kit from Sigma (TR0100). Briefly,

the samples and standard were measured in 15 µl duplicates with 100 µl of Triglyceride

Working Reagent (‘Assay Solution’) and another set of duplicates with 100 µl of Triglyceride

Reagent Blank (‘Blank Solution’). The samples were incubated at 37°C for 5 minutes and the

absorbance was measured at 550 nm. The NEFA amounts were calculated using the

following formula and expressed per mg protein.

TG in samples (mg/ml) = (Es x 2.5 mg/ml)/Estd

Es- Absorbance of the sample (= absorbance of sample with Assay Solution - absorbance of

sample with Blank Solution)

Estd- Absorbance of standard (= absorbance of standard with Assay Solution - absorbance of

standard with Blank Solution)

Measurement of cytotoxicity using the cytotoxicity detection

kit (LDH)

The cytotoxic effect of AHA supplemented media on primary adipocytes was measured

using the Cytotoxicity Detection Kit (LDH) from Roche (Product No. 11644793001). Briefly,

the amount of Reaction mixture was first calculated and prepared in the ratio of 1:45 for

Catalyst to Dye solution. Next, 10 µl of the sample, blank (growth media) and positive

control (primary white adipocytes treated with 1% Triton x100, diluted 1:10) and 40 µl of

water were measured for LDH amount by adding 50 µl of Reaction mixture and incubating

at room temperature for 30 minutes in the dark. The absorbance was measured at 490 nm.

The LDH release (% cell death) was depicted as % LDH compared to the positive control (100

% cell death).

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Glucose metabolism and lipogenesis assay for mature


Cells were either grown and differentiated in 10 cm dishes and transferred to 12-well plates

or directly differentiated on to 12-well plates. For insulin stimulation, the cells were first

washed twice with KRB and then incubated with KRB (pH 7.4) supplemented with 25 mM

HEPES, 0.5% BSA, 5 mM glucose and 5 µl/well of D-[14C(U)]-Glucose (0.5 µCi/well) with 10

nM insulin for 2 hours at 37°C. The left-over hot buffer was stored for the ‘input’

measurement later. The plates were harvested on ice by aspirating the buffer, washing

twice with ice-cold KRB and lysing the cells in 200 µl 0.5 M NaOH/well with 5 minutes

incubation on ice. Next, 400 µl PBS/well was added and the lysates (whole cell extract, WCE)

were transferred to ice-cold 1.5 ml tubes. For measuring glucose metabolism 200 µl of the

WCE was used and 300 µl of the WCE was used for lipid extraction (and measurement of

lipogenesis). The rest of the WCE was frozen for protein measurement (BCA kit). For lipid

extraction, 400 µl of chloroform:methanol (3:1) was added to 300 µl of WCE. The samples

were mixed well, incubated for 2 minutes at room temperature and centrifuged for 2

minutes at 13,000 rpm. The lower phase (200 µl) was transferred to a scintillation tube and

the lipids were dried overnight under the fume hood. For the scintillation measurements,

4ml of scintillation fluid (Rotiszimt Eco Plus, Roth) was added to the glucose and lipid

samples, background sample (no radioactive material) and to 10 µl and 100 µl of input.

Extreme caution should be taken not to contaminate the outside of the scintillation tubes.

The samples were mixed properly and incubated for 1 day and the disintegrations per

minute (DPM) were measured in a scintillation counter with 10 minute measurement per

sample and automated background subtraction. The measurements were repeated after 2


Glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) assay for INS-1E


For the INS-1E GSIS assay, the plates were first coated with 0.01% poly-ornithin solution (10

µg/ml) and incubated overnight at 37°C. On the next day the poly-ornithin solution was

removed and the plates were washed twice with water and once with INS-1E growth media.

The cells were plated on a 24-well plate (1.5x105 cells/well in 500 µl) and the assay was

started after 5 days. For the assay, the cells were first incubated for 2 hours in RPMI 1640

media (without glucose, 1% FBS) and then washed twice with KRB (0.1% BSA) and incubated

in the same buffer for 30 minutes. The cells were washed again with the same buffer and

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then treated with 5 mM or 20 mM glucose in KRB (0.5% BSA) to stimulate insulin secretion.

Insulin amounts were measured in the supernatant using the rat insulin ELISA. The cells

were harvested in lysis buffer to measure protein amounts (BCA assay) or intracellular

insulin using the same ELISA kit.

SILAC and AHA incorporation of primary adipocytes

Primary adipocytes were treated with SILAC and AHA supplemented medium in order to

carry out the secretome analysis. Briefly, the mature primary adipocytes were washed once

with 1x D-PBS. Next, to remove methionine, lysine and arginine the cells were incubated

with SILAC-Met media for 30 minutes. The SILAC media was prepared with 0.2 µl of AHA

(500 mM) and 1 µl labeled amino acids per 1 ml media (arginine 84 mg/ml, lysine 146

mg/ml). The depletion media was aspirated and the cells were incubated for 24 hours with

appropriate replicate combinations of heavy and intermediate SILAC medium (as shown in

the figure). After the incubation, the media was collected in 15 ml tubes and centrifuged at

1000 rpm for 10 minutes. The supernatant was collected, 1x protease inhibitor was added

and the samples were frozen at -80°C. The cells were washed thrice with 1x D-PBS and

harvested for DNA isolation. The samples were then analyzed in the Krijgsveld lab (at EMBL,

Heidelberg) after normalization using the total DNA amounts.

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Adenoviral vector production

The adenoviral vectors were produced using the BLOCK-iT™ U6 RNAi Entry Vector Kit and

the BLOCK-iT™ Adenoviral RNAi Expression System from Invitrogen. Briefly, the adenoviral

vectors were generated as follows:

1. Designing the single-stranded DNA oligos: The Invitrogen’s BLOCK-iT™ RNAi Designer

tool was used to design the appropriate shRNA against a target gene. The ORF and

the 3’ UTR regions were selected as target regions and ‘pENTR™/U6’ was selected as

the vector. The top four oligos were selected and the forward and reverse strands

were ordered.

2. Generating the Double-Stranded Oligo (ds oligo): The annealing reaction was set up

according to the manufacturer’s protocol. However, after annealing at 95°C for 4

minutes, the temperature was decreased by 5°C every 1 minute till 20°C. The

efficiency of oligomerization was visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis.

3. Ligation of oligos and pENTR™/U6 vector to generate entry clones: The ligation

reaction between linearized pENTR™/U6 and diluted ds oligos was performed

according to the manual and subsequently used for transforming TOP10 cells.

4. Determination of shRNA knockdown efficiency of the entry clones: Next, the

knockdown efficiency of the shRNAs was determined by PEI-mediated transfection

of 293A cells by co-transfecting 1 µg each of the pENTR™/U6-ds oligos with over-

expression plasmid constructs and observing the protein levels of the target by


5. LR recombination reaction: Two entry clones with the highest knockdown efficiency

were selected for LR recombination reaction in to the pAd/BLOCK-iT™-DEST vector

to generate expression clones. The recombination protocol was carried out as

described in the manual. The expression clones were sequenced to confirm the


6. Adenovirus production:

a. PacI digestion: The expression clones were digested with PacI to expose the left

and right viral ITRs according to the manual. The digestion was confirmed by the

presence of a 2000 bp fragment with agarose gel electrophoresis.

b. Adenovirus production in 283A cells: The PacI-digested pAd/BLOCK-iT™-DEST

expression plasmids were used to transfect (PEI) 293A cells on 6-well plates

according to the protocol described in the manual. The cells were harvested from

the 10 cm dishes after the cytopathic effect was observed in 80% of the cells and

the cell suspension was used to make the crude viral lysate.

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c. Generating the crude viral lysate by freeze-thawing: The harvested cell

suspension was frozen at -80°C for 30 minutes and thawed in a 37°C water for 15

minutes. This process was repeated two more times. The cell debris was pellet by

centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes at room temperature.

d. Amplifying the adenovirus: Ten 15 cm dishes of 293 cells were infected with 100

µl of the crude viral lysate and the same procedure of cell harvest and freeze-

thawing was carried out as described above.

e. Cesium Chloride Gradient Purification and dialysis. The gradient purification of

the viral lysates was carried out by following the protocol developed in the lab.

Briefly, the amplified crude virus lysates were thawed on ice and the viral

solution diluted with PBS-TOSH buffer to a final volume of 20 ml. Before the

gradient was poured, the pH of all solutions used was adjusted to pH 7.2. Forty-

mL centrifuge tubes (Beckmann Polyallomer 25mm x 89 mm) were filled with 9

ml 4M CsCl and carefully covered by a second layer of 2.2M CsCl. Finally, the

virus-containing solution was added slowly to generate a third layer. The tubes

were weighed and balanced by adding the appropriate solution. The virus was

purified by ultracentrifugation (Beckmann ultracentrifuge XL-70) for 2 hours with

a swing bucket rotor (SW28 rotor) at 24000 rpm and 4°C. The virus band

(between the 4M and 2.2M CsCl layers) was removed by carefully puncturing the

tube with 5-mL syringe and diluted with the same volume of a saturated CsCl

solution and transferred into a 15-mL centrifuge tube (Beckmann Polyallomer

14mm x 89 mm). The solution was gently over layed with 4M CsCl (1.5-2.5 mL).

Subsequently, 2 to 3 mL 2.2M CsCl were added dropwise to form the third

distinct layer and the step gradient was centrifuged for 3 hours at 35000 rpm and

4°C in a swing bucket rotor (SW41 Ti rotor). After the second purification step, a

bluish-fluorescent virus band between the 4M and 2.2M layers was extracted

using 5 ml syringe. The extracted virus band was sealed in a dialysis tube (Roth)

and overnight dialysis was carried out in dialysis buffer (1 x PBS, 10% glycerol, pH

7.2) before adding 10% glycerol and storing the virus at -80 °C.

7. Virus titer determination: The Adenoviral titer was determined using the Tissue

Culture Infectious Dose 50 (TCID50) method used in the lab. Briefly, HEK293A cells

were seeded at a density of 104 cells/well on a 96-well plate. Two hours after

seeding, 100 µl of virus solution with decreasing concentrations (from 10-7 to 10-14)

was added, infecting 10 wells per dilution. After 10 days of incubation at 37 °C,

plaques were counted using the following formula:

Titer: Ta = 10 1+(s-0.5) for 100 µl; T = Tax10 for 1 ml (ifu/ml)

Where s is the sum of positive wells starting from the 10-1 dilution divided by 10 i.e., 10

positive wells per dilution is equal to 1.

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Mus Musculus Target Protein Source

Inter alpha-trypsin inhibitor, heavy chain 4 (ITIH4)

ab118283 Abcam

Valosin containing protein (VCP) ab11433 Abcam

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)


Anti-mouse IgG-HRP (goat) 170-6516, Biorad

Anti-rabbit IgG-HRP (goat) 172-1019, Biorad

Anti-goat IgG (H+L)-HRP (rabbit) R21459


Buffer/Solution Components

TX Lysis Buffer

150 mM NaCl, 0.05% Triton™ X‐100, 10 mM

Tris/HCl (pH 8.0), 1x

Protease Inhibitor co*cktail

Tris/HCl (10 mM, pH 8.0) 1.21 g Trizma® Base, 1 l Millipore H2O


Depletion/’SILAC-Met’ media 500 ml DMEM, high glucose, no glutamine,

no methionine, no cysteine, no arginine, no

lysine (21013-024), 50 ml dialysed FBS

(GIBCO 26400, heat-inactivted), 1 ml

Primocin, 10 ml 200 mM L-glutamine, 31.5

mg L-cystine (100 mg/ml in 1M HCL)

SDS Loading Dye (5x)

250 mM Tris/HCl (pH 6.8), 0.5 M DTT

(AppliChem), 10% SDS, 1 mg/ml

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Bromophenol Blue, 50% Glycerol


40 g LB‐Agar (Luria/Miller; 10 g/l tryptone, 5

g/l yeast extract, 10 g/l

NaCl, 15 g/l agar‐agar), 1 l Millipore H2O

(autoclaved and

supplemented with antibiotic poured on

petri dishes)

LB‐Medium 25 g LB‐Medium (Luria/Miller; 10 g/l

tryptone, 5 g/l yeast extract,

10 g/l NaCl), 1 l Millipore H2O (autoclaved)

SDS Running Buffer (1x) 200 mM Glycine, 25mM Trizma® Base, 0.1%


SDS Transfer Buffer (1x) 25 mM Trizma® Base, 192mM Glycine, 20%

Methanol, 0.01% SDS

PBS-TOSH (adenovirus production) 30.8 mM NaCl, 120.7 mM KCl, 8.1 mM

Na2HPO4, 1.46 mM KH2PO4, 10 mM MgCl2,

pH 7.2

Dialysis Buffer (adenovirus production) 1 x PBS, 10% glycerol, pH to 7.2

PEI Stock Solution 161.5 mg PEI in 500 mL dH2O; Stir for 1h;

autoclave; freeze‐thaw


Blenis Lysis Buffer (BLB) with CHAPS


10 mM KPO4 (PH 7.2), 1 mM EDTA, 5 mM

EGTA, 10 mM MgCl2, 0.3 % CHAPS

Krebs-Ringer Buffer (KRB) for lipolysis assay 115 mM NaCl, 5.9 mM KCl, 1,2 mM

NaH2PO4, 1.2 mM MgCl2, 1.2 mM Na2SO4,

2.5 mM CaCl2, 25 mM NaHCO3, pH 7.4

Krebs-Ringer Buffer (KRB) for GSIS assay 135 mM NaCl, 3.6 mM KCl, 5 mM NaHCO3,

0.5 mM NaH2PO4, 0.5 mM MgCl2, 1.5 mM

CaCl2, 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4

Lysis Buffer for DNA extraction 10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 100mM NaCl, 15 mM

EDTA, 0,5% SDS, 0,5 mg/mL Proteinase K

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Tris-EDTA buffer (TE buffer) 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris, bring to pH 8.0

with HCl

Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer (TBE) 10 mM Tris, 0.1 mM EDTA, 9 mM boric acid,

pH 8

1X RNA Sample Loading Buffer (for AGE) 0.5 μL Ethidium bromide (1:10) + 0.5 μL 10X

MOPS + 5 μL Formamide + 1.75 μL

Formaldehyde + 1.7 μL 6x Loading dye + 0.55

μL RNase‐free water

RIPA buffer 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 150 mM NaCl, 1%

NP-40, 0.25% Na-deoxycholate, 1 mM EDTA

(pH 8.0)


Chemical Supplier Catalogue number

(+)-sodium L-ascorbate Sigma A4034 14C glucose D-[14C(U)] Perkin Elmer NEC042X250UC 14C-Mannitol, D-[1-14C] Perkin Elmer NEC314050UC 2-Deoxy-D-glucose Sigma D8375 3,3′,5-Triiodo-L-thyronine sodium salt (T3) Sigma T6397 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) Sigma 32741 30% Acrylamide/Bisacrylamide 37.5:1 (Rotiphorese Gel 30)

Carl Roth 3029.1

3H-Deoxy-D-glucose, 2-[1,2-3H (N)] Perkin Elmer NET328001MC Acetic acid Sigma 45731 Agarose Applichem A8963 Ammonium persulfate (APS) Roth 9592.3 Ampicillin Sigma A9518 Attractene Transfection Reagent Qiagen 301005 Barium hydroxide solution 0.3 N (Ba(OH)2)

Sigma B4059

Biotin Sigma B4639 Boric acid Sigma 31146 BSA FA free (for ChIP and lipid assays) Sigma A8806 BSA fraction V (for WB) Biomol 1400 BSA in solution (for cell culture) Sigma A9576 Calcium chloride (CaCl2) Carl Roth CN93.1 Carbaprostacyclin (cPGI2) Biozol (Cayman) 69552-46-1 Cesium chloride Carl Roth 7878.2 Chloroform VWR 22.711.290 Cytochalasin B Sigma C6762 D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous Applichem A0883 Dexamethasone (Dex) Sigma D-8893 Dexamethasone water soluable (Dex) Sigma D2915

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Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) Sigma D2650 Disuccinimidyl glutarate (DSG crosslinker) Proteochem c1104 Dithiothreitol (DTT) Carl Roth 6908.2 D-Mannitol Sigma M4125-100G DMEM, high glucose, pyruvate Life Technologies (Gibco) 11965-092 DMEM, low glucose, pyruvate Life Technologies (Gibco) 31885-023 DMEM, high glucose, pyruvate Life Technologies (Gibco) 11965-092 DMEM, low glucose, pyruvate Life Technologies (Gibco) 31885-023 DMEM, no glucose Life Technologies (Gibco) 11966-025 DMEM, no glucose,/pyruvate/L-glutamine,/phenol red/sodium bicarbonate, powder

Sigma D5030

DNase / RNase free water Life Technologies (Gibco) 10977023 dNTPs (10 mM) Life Technologies R0191 D-pantothenic acid hemicalcium salt Sigma P5710 Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (D-PBS)

Life Technologies (Gibco) 14190094

Eosin G Carl Roth 7089.1 Ethanol 99% DKFZ

Ethanol absolute (for analysis) Sigma 32205 Ethidium bromide (EtBr) Carl Roth 2218.2 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) Sigma E5134 (+)-Etomoxir sodium salt hydrate (Etomoxir)

Sigma E1905

Fetal calf serum (FCS) Life Technologies (Invitrogen) 10091-148 Formaldehyde solution 37% J. T. Baker 7040 Forskolin Sigma F3917 Gene Ruler 1kb DNA Ladder Thermo Scientific SM0314 Glycerol 2-phosphate disodium salt hydrate (G2P)

Sigma G6251

Glycerol, 99% Sigma 15523 Glycine Sigma 33226 HEPES 1M Life Technologies (Invitrogen) 15630-056 Histofix 4% Formaldehyde Solution for Histology

Carl Roth P087.5

Hydrochloric acid 37% (12.1 M) Sigma 30721 IBMX (3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthin Sigma I5879-1G Indomethacine Sigma I7378 Insulin human Sigma I2643 Isopropanol Sigma 190764 Isoproterenol hydrochloride Merck (Calbiochem) 420355 L-(-)-norepinephrine bitartrate (NE) Sigma A9512 Laminin Santa Cruz sc-29012 LB agar Carl Roth X969.1 LB Medium Carl Roth X968.1 L-Carnitine Sigma C0158 L-glutamine Life Technoligies (Invitrogen) 25030-081 Lipofectamine 2000 Transfection Reagent Life Technologies (Thermo) 11668027 Lipofectamine RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent

Life Technologies (Thermo) 13778075

Lithium Chloride (LiCl) Carl Roth 3739.1 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2 *6H2O)

Sigma M927

MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (NAA)

Life Technologies 11140

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Methanol Sigma 32213 N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethane-1,2-diamine (TEMED)

Carl Roth 2367.3

NP-40 (IGEPAL) Sigma 56741 Oligo(dT)18 Primer Thermo Scientific SO132 One Shot TOP10 Chemically Competent E. coli

Life Technologies (Invitrogen) C4040

Orange G Sigma O3756 PageRuler Prestained Protein Ladder Thermo Scientific 26616 Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Life Technologies 15140-122 Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1)

Carl Roth A156.2

Phosphatase Inhibitor co*cktail 2 Sigma P5726 Polyethylenimin (PEI) Sigma 764647 Poly-L-lysine Sigma P9155 Potassium chloride (KCl) Carl Roth 6781.1 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)

Carl Roth 3904.1

Protease Inhibitor co*cktail Sigma P8849 QIAzol lysis reagent Qiagen 79306 Recombinant Mouse FGF basic (bFGF) R&D Systems 3139-FB-025 Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor (RNaseOUT)

Life Technologies (Invitrogen) 10777-019

Rosiglitazone Cayman Chemicals 71740 Restore PLUS Western Blot Stripping Buffer-500 mL

Thermo Scientific 46430

Rotiszint scintillation liquid Carl Roth 0016.3 S.O.C. medium Life Technologies (Invitrogen) 15544-034 Skim milk powder extra grade Gerbu 1602 Sodium acetate (NaAc) Applichem A1522 Sodium chloride (NaCl) Sigma 31434 Sodium deoxycholate (NaDOC) Sigma D6750 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4) Applichem A3559

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) Sigma 62862

Sodium fluoride Sigma S1504

Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) AppliChem A0384

Sodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) Neolab 4066

Sodium hydroxide standard solution 8


Sigma 35255

Sodium orthovanadate (Na3VO4) Sigma S6508

Sodium palmitate Sigma P9767

Sodium pyruvate Life Technologies 11360070

sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) Applichem A3487

Streptavidin MicroBeads Miltenyi Biotec 130-048-102

Streptozotocin Axxora LKT-S7870

Sucrose Sigma S1888

Sulforhodamine B sodium salt Sigma S9012

TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix Life Technologies 4369016

Triolein [9,10-3H(N)] Hartmann ART 0199

Tris base Sigma T1503

tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate Sigma 71405

Triton-X100 AppliChem A1388

Trypsin-EDTA solution Life Technologies (Invitrogen) 25200072

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Tween 20 Sigma P9416

Tyloxapol Sigma T0307

Xylene Merck 1.08681.2500

Zinc sulfate solution 0.3 N Zn(SO)4 Sigma Z2876


Instrument Supplier

0.5-10μl single-channel pipette (ErgoOne) Starlab 100-1000μl single-channel pipette (ErgoOne) Starlab 20-200μl single-channel pipette (ErgoOne) Starlab 2-20μl single-channel pipette (ErgoOne) Starlab Analytical scales (M-Power) Sartorius Automated cell counter (Countess) Life Technologies (Invitrogen) Automatic glucose monitor (Accu-Chek Performa) Roche Bacterial incubator (Function Line) Thermo Scientific (Heraeus) Bacterial shaker Infors AG Bacterial shaker / incubator (Multitron Standard) Infors HT Benchtop centrifuge (Microfuge Heraeus Pico) Thermo Scientific (Heraeus) Benchtop centrifuge, cooling (Microfuge Heraeus Fresco)

Thermo Scientific (Heraeus)

Blot imager (ChemiDoc XRS) Biorad Bunsen Burner Campingaz Calorimeter (IKA C7000) IKA Centrifuge (Biofuge Prime) (cell culture) Thermo Scientific (Heraeus) Centrifuge (Labofuge 400R) Thermo Scientific (Heraeus) Centrifuge (Mikro 22R) (cell culture) Hettich Centrifuge (Multifuge X3R) Thermo Scientific (Heraeus) Centrifuge (Super T21) Thermo Scientific (Heraeus) CO2 incubator Sanyo Electrophoresis chamber Steinbrenner Electrophoresis power supply (PowerPac™ Basic) Biorad Electrophoresis power supply (PowerPac™ HC) Biorad Extracellular flow bioanalyser (Seahorse XF96) Seahorse Bioscience FPLC system (ÄKTA purifier) GE Healthcare Life Sciences Freeze dryer (Alpha 1-2) Martin Christ Freezer -20 °C (comfort / med line) Liebherr Freezer -80 °C (Herafreeze) Thermo Scientific (Heraeus) Fridge 4 °C (comfort / med line) Liebherr Fumehood (Airflow RXC 90.1) WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen Gel imager (IX) Intas Handheld Reader System for Wireless temperature detection (model DAS-7006/7s)

BioMedic Data Systems

Hotplate stirrer (Model 375) VWR Labcoat Bierbaum Proenen Liquid nitrogen cryogenic tank Thermo Electron Liquid scintillation counter (Tri-Carb® 2100TR or 2900TR)

Perkin Elmer

Manual pipetting system (Liquidator 96) Mettler Toledo Micro dismembrator S Sartorius Microplate reader (Mithras LB 940) Berthold Microplatereader SPECTROstar Omega BMG Labtech

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Microscope (Axio Imager.M2) (histology) Zeiss Microscope (Axiovert 40 CFL) (cell culture) Zeiss Microwave Bosch Mini Trans-Blot® cell (buffer tank, lid, cassettes, electrodes)


Mini-PROTEAN Tetra cell (buffer tank, lid, running module)


Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra handcast systems (casting module, plates, combs)


Multichannel pipette reference 8- and 12-channel variable


Multistep pipette (Multipette Plus) Eppendorf pH meter (GMH350) GHM electronics, Greisinger PhenoMaster cages TSE Systems Photometer (NanoDrop ND-1000) Peqlab Biotechnology Pipette controller (accu-jet® pro) Brandtech Scientific Real-Time PCR system (StepOnePlus) Life Technologies (Applied Biosystems) Rocking platform (Duomax 1030) Heidolph Rotating wheel Neolab Rotating wheel (model 2-1184) Neolab Scales (EG 2200-2NM) Kern & Sohn Gmbh Sonicator (Bioruptor) Diagenode Sterile biosafety cabinet (e3 Class II Type A/B) SterilGARD Tabletop centrifuge (Mini Spin Plus) Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort Heatblock Eppendorf Timer (TR 118) Oregon Scientific TissueLyser II Qiagen Ultracentrifuge (XL 70) Beckman Vacuum pump Neolab


Kit Supplier and catalogue number

BCA Protein Assay Kit Thermo Scientific (Pierce), 23225 BLOCK-iT™ Adenoviral RNAi Expression System Life Technologies, K4941-00 BLOCK-iT™ U6 RNAi Entry Vector Kit Life Technologies, K4945-00 Cytotoxicity Detection Kit (LDH) Roche, 11644793001 ECL Western Blotting Substrate Thermo Scientific (Pierce) , 321061 First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit Fermentas, K1612 Glycerol Standard Solution Sigma, G7793 HiSpeed Plasmid Maxi Kit 25 QIAGEN, 12663 MILLIPLEX® MAP Mouse Metabolic Hormone panel Millipore, MMHMAG-44K Mouse ITIH4 ELISA Uscn Life Science Inc., E97776Mu Minute™ Adipose Tissue Fractionation Kit Invent Biotechnologies, Inc , AF-023 QIAprep Spin Miniprep QIAGEN, 27106 QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit QIAGEN, 28704 QIAquick PCR Purification Kit QIAGEN, 28104 RNeasy Micro kit QIAGEN, 74004 RNeasy Mini kit QIAGEN, 74104 Rat High Range Insulin ELISA ALPCO™, 80-INSRTH-E01 Glucose (HK) Assay Kit Sigma, GAHK-20 NEFA Standard Solution Wako, 276-76491

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NEFA-HR Reagent 1 Wako, 434-91795 NEFA-HR Reagent 2 Wako, 436-91995 Serum Triglyceride Determination Kit Sigma, TR0100


Name Description Source



Double stranded AAV vector

expressing control miRNA

under the control of UCP1

promoter and miR-122

binding site.

Cloned with help from Karin




Double stranded AAV vector

expressing Tbl1 miRNA

under the control of mini-

UCP1 promoter and miR-122

binding site.

Kindly provided by the

Herzig lab (generated by

Karin Moessenboeck).



Double stranded AAV vector

expressing Itih4 miRNA

under the control of mini-

UCP1 promoter and miR-122

binding site.

Generated by Asrar Ali Khan




vector (from BLOCK-iT™ Pol

II miR RNAi Expression

Vector Kits) containing Itih4


Generated by Asrar Ali Khan



pCMV6-Kan/Neo expressing

Mouse inter alpha-trypsin

inhibitor, heavy chain 4

(cDNA clone)

MC206371, OriGene




pCMV6-Entry expressing

Tigit (Myc-DDK-tagged) -

Mouse T cell

immunoreceptor with Ig and

ITIM domains (Tigit)

MR213712, OriGene


Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (117)



Plastic consumables

Product Supplier Catalogue number

10μl Graduated tips Starlab S1111-3800 1000μl Blue graduated tips Starlab S1111-2821 10ml Disposable Polystyrene Serological Pipet

Corning (Falcon) 356551

15ml Tube PP, sterile (cellstar) Greiner Bio One 188271 200μl Yellow tips Starlab S1111-0806 250mL Vacuum Filter/Storage Bottle System, 0.22μm Pore

Sigma (Corning) 430756

25ml Disposable Polystyrene Serological Pipet

Corning (Falcon) 356535

300 μM Nylon mesh (Polyamid Monofil)

Neolab 4-1411

50ml Disposable Polystyrene Serological Pipet

Corning (Falcon) 356550

50 ml Syringe BD Biosciences (Falcon) 1404297 50ml Tube PP, sterile (cellstar) Greiner Bio One 227261 5ml Disposable Polystyrene Serological Pipet

Corning (Falcon) 356543

70μM Cell strainer nylon BD Biosciences (Falcon) 352350 96 Well Black with Clear Flat Bottom

Corning (Falcon) 353219

96-Well Microplates, clear, flat bottom (MicroWell)

Thermo Scientific (Nunc) 95029780

Bench liner (Labmat) VWR 246750000 Cell counting chamber slides (Countess)

Life Technologies (Invitrogen) C10228

Cell Culture Dishes 100x20 mm Corning (Falcon) 353003 Cell Culture Dishes 150x25 mm Corning (Falcon) 353025 Cell Scrapers Sigma (Corning) CLS3010 Combitips advanced, 10 mL Eppendorf 30089464 Combitips advanced, 5 mL Eppendorf 30089456 Cover Slips Carl Roth H878.2 Cryo Cardboard Box, White Neolab Feb 01 Cryogenic vials, 1.8ml Starlab E3110-6122 Delicate Task Wipes Kimberley Clark 7216 Dialysis tubing Cellulose Ester Spectrum Laboratories 131270 Disposable Scalpels Feather EF7281 (2975-10) Disposal bags (Sekuroka) Carl Roth E706.1 FPLC column (Superose 6, 10/300 GL)

GE Healthcare Life Sciences 17-5172-01

Gas cartridge Campingaz Z00059581 Gloves, Powder Free Textured Latex Exam

blossom BM 11226-PF-AV

Glucose test strips (Acco-Chek Inform II)

Roche 473360

Grid insert for cryoboxes, 10x10 Neolab Feb 03 Histology Mega-Cassette System (Tissue-Tek)

Sakura 4173

Insulin syringes (Micro-fine 1ml U-40, 0.33 mm x 12.7 mm)

Becton Dickinson 320801

large volume centrifuge tubes Sigma (Corning) CLS431123

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(500ml) Liquidator96 LTS tips Steinbrenner SL-LT-L20 MicroAmp® Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate

Life Technologies 4346906

MicroAmp® Optical 8-Cap Strips Life Technologies 4323032 MicroAmp® Optical Adhesive Film Life Technologies 4311971 Micro-osmotic pump (model 1002) Alzet 4317 Microscopy Slides Carl Roth 0656.1 Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (GeneChip)

Affymetrix 900496

MS Columns Miltenyi Biotec 130-042-201 needles (Neolus 27G,40 x 20 mm) Terumo NN-2719R Nitril Gloves, Safeskin Purple Kimberley Clark 52001M Nitrocellulose membrane (Protran 0.45 N)

GE healthcare (Amersham) 10600002

Nuclease free SafeSeal Tubes (Mμlti)

Carl Roth 7080.1

Octo MACS Separator Starter Kit Miltenyi Biotec 130-042-108 Paper towels comfort Wepa 277200 Parafilm M Sigma P7793 Pasteur capillary pipetts long Brand 747720 Petri dishes, 94x16 mm Greiner Bio One 632 180 Pre-Separation Filters Miltenyi Biotec 130-041-407 Prot/Elec Tips (gel loading) Biorad 223-9916 Rodent Diet with 10% kcal% fat (low fat diet, LFD)

Research Diets D12450J

Rodent Diet with 60% kcal% fat (low fat diet, LFD)

Research Diets D12492

Round Bottom Polypropylene Tube with snap cap 14ml

BD Biosciences (Falcon) 352059

Safe-Lock Tubes 1.5 mL Eppendorf 22363204 Safe-Lock Tubes 2.0 mL Eppendorf 22363352 Safe-Lock Tubes, 1.5 ml Eppendorf 0030 120.086 Safe-Lock Tubes, 2.0 ml Eppendorf 0030 120.094 scintillation tubes, 5ml PP tube, PE cap

VWR 720-0495

Scintillation vials mini with screwcap

Carl Roth 5404.1

Soft-Ject Disposable Syringes 1ml Henke Sass Wolf 5010.200V0 Syringe Filter Unit, 0.45 μm (Millex-HV)

Millipore SLHV033RS

TipOne graduated filtertips, 10μl Starlab S1121-3810 TipOne graduated filtertips, 100μl Starlab S1120-1840 TipOne graduated filtertips, 1000μl

Starlab S1126-7810

TipOne graduated filtertips, 20μl Starlab S1120-1810 TipOne graduated filtertips, 200μl Starlab S1120-8810 Tissue Culture Plates 24 well Corning (Falcon) 353047 Tissue Culture Plates 48 well Corning (Falcon) 353078 Tissue Culture Plates 96 well Corning (Falcon) 353077 Transponder (implantable thermometer) (model IPTT-300)

BioMedic Data Systems -

Whatman cellulose blotting paper Sigma (Whatman) Z763187 XF96 FluxPak Seahorse Bioscience 102310-001 XF96 Polystyrene Cell Culture Microplates

Seahorse Bioscience 101085-004

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Primers and oligonucleotides

Name Sequence (5’ to 3’) Description



shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




shRNA oligos for

Adenoviral vector




miRNA oligos for


virus production.



miRNA oligos for


virus production.



miRNA oligos for


virus production.



miRNA oligos for


virus production.

Dissertation Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences ...archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20232/1/Ali Khan_Asrar_PhD...M.Sc. Asrar Ali Khan born in: Cuddapah (India) Oral-examination: - [PDF Document] (120)





miRNA oligos for


virus production.



miRNA oligos for


virus production.



miRNA oligos for


virus production.



miRNA oligos for


virus production.



For cloning Itih4

cDNA in to pEGFP-




For cloning Itih4

cDNA in to pEGFP-




For cloning the

Itih4 cDNA in to






For cloning the

Itih4 cDNA in to




Restriction digestion enzymes

Restriction enzyme Supplier and catalogue number

SalI New England Biolabs, R0138S

XbaI New England Biolabs, R0145L

MluI Fermentas, ER0561

NheI New England Biolabs, R0131L

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KpnI New England Biolabs, R0142S

AsiSI New England Biolabs, R0630S

Software and programs

Software Source/supplier

A plasmid Editor (APE) http://biologylabs.utah.edu/jorgensen/wayned/ape/ AxioVision Zeiss Cytoscape (version: 2.8.3) http://www.cytoscape.org/ Finch TV Geospiza GraphPad Prism 5 GraphPad Illustrator Adobe Image Lab Biorad Intas-Capture-Software Intas ND-1000 Nanodrop Office Microsoft Photoshop Adobe UCSC Genome Browser http://genome.ucsc.edu

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2-DE 2-dimenstional electrophoresis

Abd. Abdominal

AHA Azidohom*oalanine

Ahsg Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein

AICAR 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide

AMPK Adenosine Monophosphate‐Activated Protein Kinase

ANOVA Analysis of Variance

APR Acute Phase Response

Arg Arginine

Arxes1 Adipocyte-related X-chromosome expressed sequence 1

Atgl Adipose Triglyceride Lipase

ATP Adenosine Triphosphate

AAV Adeno-Associated Virus

BA Brown adipocytes

BAT Brown adipose tissue

BBS Borate Buffered Saline

BCA Bicinchoninic Acid

BMI Body Mass Index

BMP Bone morphogenic protein

bp Base pair

BFA Brefeldin A

BSA Bovine Serum Albumin

cAMP Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate

CD36 Cluster of Differentiation 36

cDNA Complementary DNA

Cebpb CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta

Cidea Cell death activator CIDE-A

CLS Crown-Like Structures

CM Conditioned Media

CoA Coenzyme A

Conc. Concentration

cPGI2 Carbaprostacyclin

CREB cAMP responsive element binding protein

cRNA Complementary RNA

CRP C‐Reactive Protein

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Ctrl Control

Depp Decidual protein induced by progesterone

Diff Difference

dH2O Distilled H2O

dl Deciliter

DMEM Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium

DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

dNTP Deoxyribonucleotide Triphosphate

DPBS Dulbecco’s Phosphate‐Buffered Saline

ECL Enhanced Chemiluminescence

E.coli Eschericha coli

EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid

ELISA Enzyme‐linked Immunosorbent Assay

EMT Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition

FA Fatty Acid

Fabp4 fatty acid binding protein 4

FBS Fetal Bovine Serum

FDR False Discovery Rate

FFA Free Fatty Acid

FGF21 Fibroblast growth factor 21

Fig Fasting-induced gene

FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate

GC Gastrocnemius Muscle

GI Gastrointestinal

Glut Glucose Transporter

GO‐BP Gene Ontology Biological Processes

GSEA Gene Set Enrichment Analysis®

GSIS Glucose Stimulated Insulin Secretion

HEK293 A Human Embryonic Kidney 293 A cell line

HFD High Fat Diet

HRP Horseradish Peroxidase

hrs Hours

Hsl Hormone Sensitive Lipase

Hz Hertz

IFN Interferon‐gamma

IGF‐1 Insulin‐like Growth Factor‐1

IgG Immunoglobulin G

iNAMPT Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase

IL‐1 Interleukin‐1

IL‐6 Interleukin‐6

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IL‐8 Interleukin‐8

ITI Inter-α-trypsin inhibitors

ITIH4 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4

iWA Inguinal white adipocytes

iWAT Inguinal white adipose tissue

kb Kilobase

KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes

LB Ludmilla Broth

LC‐MS/MS Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Lpl Lipoprotein Lipase

LPS Lipopolysaccharide

LTQ Linear Trap Quadrupole

Lys Lysine

MCP‐1 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein‐1

Met Methionine

mRNA Messenger RNA

mTOR Mammalian Target of Rapamycin

MYC V‐Myc Avian Myelocytomatosis viral oncogene hom*olog

NaAc Sodium Acetate

NC Negative control

NCI National Cancer Institute

NE Norepinephrine

NF‐κB Nuclear Factor‐kappa B

NIH National Institutes for Health

No. Number

OCR Oxygen Consumption Rate

PBS Phosphate‐Buffered Saline

PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction

PEI Polyethyleneimine

PenStrep Penicillin‐Streptomycin

pg Picogram

Pgc1a Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha

PI3K Phosphatidylinositol 3 Kinase

Prdm16 PR domain containing 16

Prkaca Protein Kinase, CAMP-Dependent, Catalytic, Alpha

PRR Proline-Rich Region

PPARα Peroxisomal Proliferator Activated Receptor alpha

pSILAC pulsed- Stable Isotope Label with Amino Acids in Cell Culture

qPCR Quantitative PCR

Rel. Relative

RNA Ribonucleic Acid

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ROS Reactive Oxygen Species

Rpm Revolutions per minute

SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate

siRNA Small Interfering RNA

SILAC Stable Isotope Label with Amino Acids in Cell Culture

SNS Sympathetic Nervous System

STAT3 Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3

SVF Stromal Vascular Fraction

T3 Triiodinthyronine

Taq Thermus aquaticus

TBE Tris‐Borat‐EDTA

TBS Tris‐Buffered Saline


TEMED Tetramethylethylendiamin

TG Triglyceride

TGF‐β Transforming Growth Factor‐beta

TNF‐α Tumor Necrosis Factor‐alpha

TP53 Tumor Protein 53

TX Triton™ X‐100

U Units

UCP Uncoupling Protein

UV Ultraviolet

VCP Valosin Containing Protein

VLDL Very‐Low Density Lipoprotein

Vol. Volume

vWA von Willebrand type-A

WAT White adipose tissue

WHO World Health Organization

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Supplementary figures

Supplementary figure 1: Cidea and Fabp4 expression in primary adipocytes after ITIH4 knockdown. Brown and

inguinal white preadipocytes from the SVF of C57BL/6J 8 weeks old male mice were transfected with siItih4 (20

nM) and negative control (siAllstar) and mRNA expression was measured after 8 days of differentiation. n=3,

means ±SEM, * indicates significance to siAllstar (negative control) according to student’s t-test.

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Supplementary figure 2: Metabolic pathways modified with ITIH4 knockdown. PreBAT cells were transfected

with siItih4 (20 nM) and siAllstar (depicted here as NC, 20 nM) 2 days before induction of differentiation. Cells

were harvested at day 02, 04 and 07 of differentiation and microarray analysis was carried out on GeneChip®

Mouse Transcriptome Assay 1.0 chips. The list of genes obtained from the transcriptome analysis was first

annotated using entrez-IDs. GSEA was performed on this dataset using the KEGG pathway database by Dr.

Carsten Sticht from the Center of Medical Research, University of Heidelberg.

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Supplementary figure 3: mRNA expression of inter-α-trypsin inhibitor (IαI) family members during the

differentiation of inguinal white adipocyte progenitors. Lin−CD29



+ cells from posterior

subcutaneous fat from 7-week old female NMRI mice were cultured and differentiated in adipogenic

media ± cPGI2 for 8 days. Expression levels of the inter-α-trypsin inhibitor (IαI) family members: Itih1, Itih2,

Itih3, Itih4, Itih5 and Itih5l were retrieved from the transcriptome data. Experiment carried out by Bayindir,

Babaeikelishomi et al. (2015).

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Supplementary figure 4: Optimization of electroporation conditions for PreBAT cells. PreBAT cells were

electroporated with pEGFP-N1 (100 ng) using the Neon® transfection system. Different pulse voltages (V),

pulse duration (ms) and number of pulses were tested for maximum number of EGFP-positive cells. Images

were taken 2 days after electroporation and were converted to grayscale and inverted in Adobe Photoshop.

Supplementary figure 5: Immunoblotting of ITIH4-my-DDK protein after co-immunoprecipitation. HEK 293A

cells were transfected with 0.5 µg/well of pCMV6-Entry-mmItih4-Myc-DDK-tag vector (untransfected cells

were controls) in a 6-well plate. Cells were harvested in RIPA buffer 48 hours after transfection and protein

samples were co-immunoprecipitated using ANTI-FLAG® M2 affinity gel beads and immunoblotted using either

anti-ITIH4 or anti-Flag antibodies.

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Figure 1: Prevalence of obesity worldwide ............................................................................................. 2

Figure 2: The dysfunction of adipose tissues and consequence on metabolic health ........................... 8

Figure 3: Adipose tissue and multi-organ cross talk. .............................................................................. 9

Figure 4: Adipokines released from BAT ............................................................................................... 14

Figure 5: Click-iT® AHA principle and secretome analysis workflow .................................................... 17

Figure 6: Optimization of secretome conditions .................................................................................. 18

Figure 7: Classification and replicate correlation of the secretome screens. ....................................... 22

Figure 8: Significant candidates from the secretome screen and mRNA expression of some

candidates ............................................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 9: Batokine study and optimization of GSIS assay ..................................................................... 29

Figure 10: GSIS assay with conditioned media and recombinant proteins .......................................... 31

Figure 11: ITIH4 in the preliminary secretome screen, serum and mRNA levels. ................................ 33

Figure 12: ITIH4 expression in cell lines and primary adipocytes during differentiation. .................... 34

Figure 13: Itih4 mRNA expression with different extracellular treatments ......................................... 36

Figure 14: Itih4 mRNA expression in iWAT and BAT from Treg depleted mice and db/db mice. ......... 38

Figure 15: Knockdown of ITIH4 in vitro using siRNA.. ........................................................................... 39

Figure 16: Changes in media color, pH and media glucose with ITIH4 knockdown. ............................ 41

Figure 17: Oil red O staining of differentiated PreBAT and primary adipocytes with ITIH4 knockdown

.............................................................................................................................................................. 42

Figure 18: mRNA expression of BAT and mature adipocyte markers after ITIH4 knockdown. ............ 43

Figure 19: Lipolysis and triglyceride (TG) amounts after ITIH4 knockdown. ........................................ 45

Figure 20: Glucose uptake and lipogenesis after ITIH4 knockdown in PreBAT cells. ........................... 46

Figure 21: Gene expression profiling of PreBAT cells at different differentiation time points with

ITIH4 knockdown. ................................................................................................................................. 48

Figure 22: Further analysis of microarray data from ITIH4 knockdown cells. ...................................... 51

Figure 23: ITIH4 knockdown in mature adipocytes using adenoviral vectors. ..................................... 54

Figure 24: Common workflow involved in adipose tissue/adipocyte secretome screening. ............... 56

Figure 25: Proteolytic cleavage of ITIH4. .............................................................................................. 61

Figure 26: Overview of the project ....................................................................................................... 66

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Table 1: Characteristics of white and brown adipose tissues. Adapted and modified form Saely,

Geiger et al. (2012) ................................................................................................................................. 5

Table 2: Number of proteins detected in the secretome screens ........................................................ 20

Table 3: The composition of the different types of CM used in the GSIS optimization assay. ............. 27

Table 4: List of top 10 genes that were downregulated with ITIH4 knockdown according to the rank

metric score from GSEA. ....................................................................................................................... 52

Table 5: Distribution of the 29 batokine candidates and their potential classification ........................ 58

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