ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (2024)

Examples of using Elegantné a štýlové

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (1)

{-}ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (2)

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (3)

  • colloquial ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (4)
  • official ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (5)
  • medicine ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (6)
  • financial ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (7)
  • ecclesiastic ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (8)
  • official/political ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (9)
  • computer ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (10)
  • programming ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (11)

Veľmi elegantné a štýlové izby s výzdobou v béžovej alebo šedej tóne.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (12)Very elegant and stylish look rooms, decorated in beige or gray tones.

Elegantné a štýlové šaty, ktoré by nemali chýbať vo vašom šatníku.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (13)Elegant and stylish dress, which should not be missing in your wardrobe.

Elegantné a štýlové vstavané svietidlo, ktoré využíva modernú a inovatívnu LED technológiu.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (14)Sleek and stylish recessed luminaire that uses modern and innovative LED technology.

Musí byť elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (15)Must be elegant and stylish.

New Balance- elegantné a štýlové tenisky do mesta na každý deň.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (16)New Balance sneakers are sleek and stylish into the everyday city.

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Týmto spôsobom možno maskovať zbytočné celuloid pri zachovaní to elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (23)This way, you can camouflage the unnecessary celluloid while keeping it chic and stylish.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (24)Elegant and stylish wolf head tattoo ideas on ear back for Girls and women.

Priemyselné kuchyne sú elegantné a štýlové, aj keď nemusí byť pre každého.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (25)Industrial kitchens are sleek and stylish, although they may not be for everyone.

V tomto prípade krásne čisté línie nechtov budú z nich elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (26)In this case,beautiful clear lines of nails will make them neat and stylish.

Elegantné a štýlové na svadbe by nemali byť len nevestou a ženícha.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (27)Elegant and stylish at the wedding should not only be the brideand groom.


Kto hovorí, že garáže nemôžu byť elegantné a štýlové?

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (32)Who says garages can't be sleek and stylish?

Musí byť elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (33)She must be elegant and stylish.

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Extured obyčajný tapety, mimicing vzhľad tkaniny pre elegantné a štýlové pocit.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (34)Extured plain wallpaper, mimicing the look of fabric for an elegant and stylish feel.

Je to ideálna voľba pre elegantné dievčatá, veľmi elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (35)This is an ideal option for graceful girls, very elegant and stylish.

Môže to byť aj elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (36)It can also be elegant and stylish.

Športové, Elegantné a štýlové,

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (37)Sports, Elegant and Trendy,

Midi sukne vyzerajú nie menej elegantné a štýlové, ľahšie sa kombinujú s vecami v kancelárskych štýloch.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (38)Midi skirts look no less elegant and stylish, they are easier to combine with things in office style.

Elegantné a štýlové, všetky talianske, naše výrobky navrhnuté tak, aby maličkosti, na každodenné domáce práce vám dáva radosť.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (39)Sleek and stylish, all Italian, our products are designed to trifles, to the daily household chores gives you pleasure.

Je to skutočne sofistikované, elegantné a štýlové umenie nechtov, ktoré je vhodné pre takmer akúkoľvek príležitosť.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (40)This is a truly sophisticated, elegant and stylish nail art, which is appropriate for almost any occasion.

Rovným dielom elegantné a štýlové možnosti pozrieť, kdeskrine pre všetky druhy detaily sú skryté za stenových panelov.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (41)Equally elegant and stylish look options whereCabinets for all kinds of small things are hidden behind the wall panels.

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elegantné a štýlovéa dokonale sa hodia do kuchyne, ktorá má jednoduchý a príjemný dekor.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (42)They're sleek and stylishand fit perfectly in a kitchen that has a simple and welcoming décor.

Tahle holka miluje chodiť po ulici s veľkým slúchadlá,ale tiež chce vyzerať elegantné a štýlové s jej zdobiť.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (43)This girl loves to walk down the street with big headphones butshe also wants to look chic and stylish with her dress up.

Jednoducho sa implementuje a poskytuje elegantné a štýlové rozhranie pre vaše formuláre, obrazovku na pokladnicu, registračné kroky atď.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (44)It is easy to implement and gives a neat and stylish interface for your forms, checkout screen, registration steps etc.

Výrobky z bambusu, ktoré pôsobia ako elegantné a štýlové kusy nábytku alebo dekorácie, sa čoraz častejšie nachádzajú v našich domoch.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (45)Products made of bamboo, acting as elegant and stylish pieces of furniture or decor, are increasingly found in our homes.

Basy funkcie biela perloid peg hlavíc, ktoré pomáhajú udržiavať rovnováhudlhý krk stupnice, zatiaľ čo pridávať na jeho elegantné a štýlové estetické.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (46)The bass also features white perloid peg heads that help tobalance the long neck scale whilst adding to its sleek and stylish aesthetic.

Jej šaty až na veľmi elegantné a štýlové šaty, urobiť jej vlasya vybrať perfektný účes a drahokamy pre dievča.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (47)Dress her up in a very elegant and stylish dress, do her hairand choose a perfect hairstyle and jewelries for the girl.

Preto ponúkame celý radpresných myší, ktoré sú rovnako elegantné a štýlové ako funkčné.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (48)That's why we offer afull line of precision mice that are as sleek and stylish as they are functional.

Elegantné a štýlové podlahové svietidlá a exkluzívne steny, vyrobené v jednoduchom dizajne, vyžarujú jemné tlmené svetlo.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (49)Elegant and stylish floor lamps and exclusive wall sconces, made in a simple design, emit a soft, subdued light.

Možno to nie je prekvapujúce, pretože tieto účesy vždy vyzerať ženské,zmyselné, elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (50)Probably, it is quite natural, because these hairstyles always look feminine,sensual, elegant and stylish.

V kombinácii s ťažkými stenami, zdobené tehál,strop vyzerá veľmi elegantné a štýlové.

ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (51)In combination with heavy walls, decorated by brick,the ceiling looks like a very elegant and stylish.

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ELEGANTNÉ A ŠTÝLOVÉ in English Translation (2024)


What is the translation of enough? ›

Meaning of enough in English. as much as is necessary; in the amount or to the degree needed: enough for Is there enough dessert/Are there enough desserts for everyone?

How do you say "enough" in French slang? ›

that's enough!, enough! ça suffit ! ⧫ assez !

What is the meaning of "I am enough exactly as I am"? ›

If I say, “I am enough,” it means, “I know that I'm enough just as I am” If I accept who I am, then I will be able to love who I am. This acceptance of being good enough will help us to spend all our time and energy on what we really deserve.

What does the quote I am enough mean? ›

At its core, the phrase is about self-acceptance and self-worth, and it's about understanding that you are worthy of love, respect, and all of the good things that life has to offer, just as you are. ​

How do you say enough in English? ›

Break 'enough' down into sounds: [I] + [NUF] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying 'enough' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.

How do you use enough in English? ›

'Enough' as a determiner stands before a noun or a noun phrase. It does not matter if the noun is countable or uncountable. For example: That's enough money for this trip; let's get started.

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It is the inverse of the word 'femme', which means 'woman. ' You can use meuf to mean girl, woman, girlfriend… However, 'ma femme' means 'my wife', while ma meuf generally means 'my girlfriend. ' Meuf is a pretty useful term that is used in many different social contexts – although always casual, not professional.

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a pretty girl [example]

une jolie môme [slg.]

How do you say nice in French slang? ›

Chouette (great, nice, cool)

As a noun itself, chouette is the word for owl in French. But as a slang term, you can use it to describe something you like or to say something or someone is cool. Example: Mon prof est chouette.

Why do people say I am enough? ›

You are enough means that you don't have to strive to become more worthy, more valid, more acceptable, or more loved. You already are all of those things. There are things you might want to be more of.

What does it mean when people say you are enough? ›

“You are enough” means that there is nothing you need to be deemed as valuable and worthwhile.

What is the similar meaning of enough? ›

Synonyms: sufficient , suitable , ample , adequate , abundant, acceptable , satisfactory , full , complete , replete, plentiful, copious, satisfying, bounteous, lavish , aplenty. Antonyms: inadequate, insufficient, unsatisfactory, deficient. Sense: Adverb: sufficiently.

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How to know that you are good enough
  1. Step 1: Face your fears. When you start asking yourself the right questions about why you're not feeling good enough, you'll find it's related to fear and anxiety. ...
  2. Step 2: Become accountable. ...
  3. Step 3: Re-focus on your goals. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a personalized plan.

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10 Empowering 'You Are Enough' Quotes to Boost Your Self-Worth
  1. “You alone are enough. ...
  2. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. ...
  3. “You don't need anyone's permission to be yourself.” ...
  4. “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do.” ...
  5. “You alone are enough.
Jul 28, 2023

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Idioms and Phrases

For example, No more speeches—enough is enough , or as Robert Southey put it ( The Doctor , 1834): “As for money, enough is enough; no man can enjoy more.” This expression already appeared in John Heywood's proverb collection of 1546 and is often used as an interjection (first example).

What is the Hebrew meaning of enough? ›

What is the Translation of Dai (דַּי) from Hebrew to English? “Dai” is a Hebrew word that means “enough,” “stop,” or “that's sufficient.” It is used to halt an action or request.

What is enough is enough in hebrew? ›

The word דַּי (DAH-ee) in the sense of enough is used in Modern Hebrew primarily in the exclamation, ! די – enough! ! מספיק is used in the same sense.

In what language does basta mean enough? ›

Italian and Spanish verb

bas·​ta ˈbä-stä : that's enough : stop it!

What is the old English word for enough? ›

The Early English "genōg" is connected with other Germanic dialects' words for "enough," like the Old High German "ginuog" and the Gothic "ganohs." Very similar to the word 'Enoch' as with the 'book of Enoch'.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.