Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)

of Mrs. Storm turned John 55 via street, and from Jamea the a Mitchell Wilmington. highway. Bear The a week's daughters, Mrs. 51 Washington, pienie return Karl Mountain Atlantic Jean have F.

trip Mount ave- son. Oef- was and the re- 80 to at are nue, tie take meet 121 parish after den, Caryl St. returned 8 Warren Mr. children at Factoryville and and and and and o'clock, the Mr. to family Seminary and their school, are reunion and week Mrs.

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the of son 25. son and Convent 420 P. at R. City, has 26, of Paul has past to Miller her C. 8 to year 2 to and E.

in is THE BINGHAMTON PRESS, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1925, Personal and Social Notes of Timely Interest The Abraham Lincoln ParentTeachers' club has resumed its activities and meetings will be held the first third Wednesdays of month from October to. May incluAnd, every officers of the club are: President, Mrs. Albert B. Englebert; first vice president, Mrs. Clarence Doolittle: second vice president, Mrs.

Udelhofen; secretary, Mrs. C. Douglas Smith: treasurer, Mrs. Walter Bensley. The chairmen of the standing committees are: Membership, Mrs.

May Kenner; press, Mrs. B. H. Greenia: program, Mrs. Clarence Doolittle: program.

Miss Lucy Stone, principal of the school; shine. Mrs. Henry Beach; sunshine, Mrs. Ralph VanAtta: rellet, Mrn. Edward Allen: health.

Mrs. F. Ahearn: hospitality, Mrs. George Barker: ways and means, Mrs. E.

V. Jackson and Mrs. Adam Drumtra; question box, Mrs. Ralph Van Atta: entertainment, Mrs. Francis Larkin; bulletin, Mrs.

Walter Bensley; school Mrs. Albert Vosbury: club Mrs. L. M. Badger: visits, child welfare magazine, Mrs.

J. Fitzgerald. Special entertainments, including Parent Teachers' night (Fathers' Night), a for the graduating class in January and for the graduating class in May and other social events will be held during the season. The annual state convention report will be read at the October meeting. The membership drive will be staged in November.

Dr. Carro Croff will be the special speaker on Social Hygiene at one of November meetings. Red Cross work will the December meetings. Child Welfare Day will observed Feb. 17, Special school programs under the direction of Miss Stone and the teachers will be given every month.

Mrs. John Hogan and Miss Chrystine J. Needham entertained at the home of the former on Murray street last night in honor of Mrs. Victor Short, who will leave Thursto spend the winer in Melbourne. Fla.

Bridge was played. Vari-colgladiolus adorned the table. Those present were Mra. James J. Case, Mrs.

George Mahoney, Mrs. William Flynn. Mrs. Byron French, Mrs. Charles French, Mrs.

Henry Murphy, Daniel Nealon, Mrs. William Collett, Mrs. G. Fay Evans, Mrs. John Saxe and Miss Edna Bennett.

Mrs. Earl LaGrange entertained at a family dinner party and variety shower at her home on street, last night, In honor of Miss Marion Beaty. who will be married to Herman Dibble Thursday noon, in the church. Fall flowers The Presbyterian, guests were Mrs. Asa Taft, Mrs.

A. W. Crandall. Mrs. Thomas Beaty, Mra.

James Brownlow, Mrs. Henry Alden. Mrs. Ella Daybrum, Mra. LaVerne Doolittle, Mrs.

Elizabeth Vanaman, Mrs. Frank LaGrange, Miss Leora LaGrange, Miss Mary Alice Brownlow, Miss Harriet Shute and Miss Ruth Daybrum. A party of friends held a clambake on the Kirkwood road last night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Cavanaugh son William, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hobart, Mr. and Mrs.

T. L. Cavanaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kinney, Mrs.

Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. D. J.

Flaherty and children, Junior and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cavanaugh and children, Jean, Jack and Lawrence, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Callan and children, Edwin, Booth. Mary and Robert, Mrs. Margaret Flaherty, Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Ward, Miss Etta Odell, Mrs. Sarah Odell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flaherty and Eddie Flaherty, E. Farrell and Mr.

and Mrs. John Blackington of Lanesboro, Pa. Mrs. Herman E. Wright will entertain at a kitchen shower at her home, 214 Main street, tonight in honor of Miss Dorothie Rose, who will be married to G.

Edwin Ash, Oct. 12. Bridge will be played. Marigolds and pom pom chrysanthemums will adorn the rooms and individual tables. The guests will be Mrs.

W. H. Ash, Mrs. Edith Rose, Mrs. C.

B. Rose, Mrs. W. Robert Donigan, Miss Helen Raymond, Miss Jeanette Koerbel, Miss Elberta Dean, Miss Edythe Rose, Miss Geraldine Blewer, Miss Mildred Johnson, Georgia Rath and Miss Blanche Polmanteer Mr. and Mrs.

Frank J. Parke, entertained the members of a card club at dinner at their home, 1 Genesee avenue, Friday night. Marigolds in a black lustre bowl adorned the table and orange tapers in black holders afforded light. Bridge was palyed. Those present were Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aldrich, Mr. and Mra.

Harry D. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Bolton and Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Henwood. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bolton on Euclid avenue.

Mrs. Grant Van Gorden was given a surprise at her home, 23 Lincoln a surprise at her home, 23 Lincoln avenue, Johnson City last night, the occasion being her birthday. A birthday cake centered the table and pink candles in crystal holders gave light. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Van Gorden. Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Van Gorden and son Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Gorden and daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Allen, Miss Van Gorden. William Van Gorden, Paul Van Gorden and Grant Gorden. Mrs. Kenneth Koppler will be hostess at a dinner and variety shower to be held at her home, 19 Miller street, tonight in honor of Miss Louise Koppler who will be married to Ralph Perkins soon. Gladiolus will adorn the table.

The other decorations will be In pink and white. The guests will be Miss Mona Koppler, Miss Evelyn Horton, Mrs. J. J. Smith, Miss Mildred K.

Koppler and Miss Erma Koppler. Mrs. Emory Kelley entertained at dinner at her home on Chestnut street Saturday night in celebration of the birthdays of her husband and Ford E. Mulford. Fall flowers and foliage decorated the table.

Bridge was played later. Those present were Mr. and Ford E. Mulford, Mr. and Mrs.

Lyman Larrabee, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.

Lynn Bryant, Miss Gertrude Booth and Mrs. and Mrs. Leland Sproul of Buffalo. Mrs. L.

Walters entertained at her home. 89 Whiney street. last night in honor of her house guest, Miss Mary Gilbert of Buffalo. Those present were Misses Mary and Peggy O' Nell, Miss Margaret Bulger, Miss Marie Haln, Misses Mary and Dorothy McMahon, Miss Ann O'Shea. Misses Mary and Sara Walters, Mrs.

Walters, Mrs. Frank Hahn. John and Bart Murphy, Richard Terrell, Leo Ivey, William, Joseph and Francis McCarthy, Joseph honor of Mrs. Mary Cable of CamN. who la the Mrs.

guest William H. Briggs, 649 Chenango street. The in others the party were Mra, Briggs, Mra. John Walker, Mrs. William Ellabree.

Mrs. Fine Hibbard Miss Dalsy and Felts, Hotel Jefferson Watkins in Mrs. Jay W. West Jones, North Baldwin' street. Johnson Thursday afternoon.

the home Dr. and Mrs. William Corcoran, 480 street, New York city, guests the latter's brother. Herbert Puschel, 14 Warren and Miss Della Summerton. A was born Mr.

and Mre. avenue, P. Reed. Colfax avenue, Katherine Summerton Hibbard, Johnson City Maternity Hos- street, have Sept. He has named where they Norman.

home of Mrs. Amos C. Caryl Marsh son Marsh, Chicago, who have been Mr. Mra, Edward the California, spending Omaha, guests of Mrs. Sheridan of H.

Wilson, Pennsylvania Chestnut street. avenue, Smith's Mre. Collison. and Mary Mr. Mra.

Stephen McGann Smith Hoose, have returned their home in Mr. Mra. Arthur and Cleveland after visiting Mrs. Edna children. Kerlin Richard.

White, 20 Jerome avenue. returned to their Syracuse Charles E. Kall, 48 Beethoven street. the of guest mother, Mrs. visiting at the Mrs.

Miss Ruth Stone has returned 10 Flynn's parents, and Chicago after spending a. few Mrs. days Anna Stone, of Lower Vestal avenue. Paul's Welfare All A was born Mr. and Mrs.

and all those to Leonard Brokaw, Goethe street, invited. of officers Sept. He been named RichElection will Leonard. place. Miss Mr.

have Mrs. Anne Templeton of Washing- William Deposit after spending a guests of Mr. Mrs. Frank Allen and Mr. and E.

Brown of Mrs. A. city. regular meeting of the Stella Parent-Teachers' club will be held in the school tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. AlL In parents the district are invited.

Mrs. Spencer A. Hull, Pearl avehas returned from a 10-day trip to New York. Miss Eunice Kelley and S. J.

Kelley have returned from a trip to Chicago. Pa, returned home after visiting Mrs. Titchener of Vermont avenue. Miss Frances Ockerman, 99. Main street, has returned to Wellesley, to complete her senior year at Wellesley College.

Miss Mary Blodgett of Whitney Point spent the weekend as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harrington, Moeller street.

Mrs. A. Warren and daughters, Betty and Jane, are visiting Mrs. Warren's mother. Mrs.

was formerly Miss Lillian Reed. Leroy Kelley, 65 Murray street, 1s A daughter was born to Mr. and attending the school of business ad- Mrs. Jerry Duddy of Oneonta, Sept. ministration of Boston University.

26. Mrs. Duddy was formerly Miss Josephine Marrinan. Mrs. John I.

Crawford and Mrs. Edna. White have returned from Sy- Mrs. Marsh Miller and son, Marsh, racuse and Utica. of Chicago, are guests of Mrs.

Cora Sheridan, 90 Chestnut street. The Harry Johnson ParentTeachers' club will hold a regular E. I. Minter, chief clerk for the Will Rogers and the DeReszke Singers KALURAH TEMPLE OCTOBER 2 Attend this concert and note the individual qualities that distinguish the performances of Will Rogers and of the DeReszke Singers. Then go to the store of any dealer in Victor products and hear the Victor Records by these same artists.

Note how faithfully their renditions are portrayed on the Victrola. Ask specially to hear the Will Rogers' numbers, "Will Rogers Talks to the Bankers" and "Will Rogers', First Political Speech" (45374); and "Forsaken" and "On Wings of Song" by the DeReszke Singers (45491). HIS Victor Talking Company, Camden, MASTERS Victor Talking Machine Co al STERLING SILVER We are showing the latest designs in sterling silver Single Pieces, $1.50 Up Have a complete stock of Louis Cinderella, Della Robbia, Etruscan, King Albert, William and Mary and Madame Jumel DARROW, The Jeweler 302 Press Building 18 Davis St. (High, Healthful Location) This property must be sold immediately. It is one of the best built homes in the city.

Hollow tile 8 construction, rooms- -plus. Steam heat, electricity, gas, fireplace, laundry tubs. This place will actually be cisely what It at a bargain and I mean sold I say, not how it premuch will much is worth; it is how you offer. Here is a real opportunity, FRANK H. BEACH 320 Security Mutual Bldg.

American Railway Express at New Haven, guest of friends in this city recently. land New York. of Mr. and Mrs. George JosHin, Mary and tering June, avenue, Cooper, O'Nell, William Phair Norton motor Gettysburg.

Vernon, City and New York. trip made and Mra. Fred of Jay Anderson atreet, entertained the members of Strollers' club at in honor Bert Casper, will leave Saturday for Seattle, Wash. Those present were Mrs. Ella.

Croffutt, Mrs. E. Watson Doolittle, Mrs. Della Whitmore, Mrs. Fred W.

Putnam. Calvin French, Mrs. Isadore Capwell, Mrs. Field. Mrs.

John Charles Wales and Mrs. William Worrell of Dalton, Pa. J. Robert E. McGinnis enterMra.

tained at her home, St. John hue, yesterday afternoon. in honor the first birthday of her Bobble. A pink white color scheme was used and pink favors, lollipop dolls and nut baskets were at the places. Those present were Catherine McKeon.

Buddy Wood, Jean Driscoll. Francis Bowden. Doris Wood, Iris Wood, Sonny Drik: coll and Marguerite Bowden. The C. will hold social card.

party at the rooms, 110 and Conrt street. Wednesday night. All organizations affiliated with them are invited. Women members are asked to bring sandwiches. The committee in charge of arrangementa includes Thomas Keating, John F.

O'Meara and Mrs. Elizabeth Straite. Miss Mary Lenihan, of Honesdale, 19 the guest of her aunt, Miss Rose Stasel, of Chenango street. Miss Lenthan, Miss Stasel, Miss Mary Griffin, of Warren street, and Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Baker, of Sanitaria Springs, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mra. T. J. Hurley in Elmira.

Members of the Binghamton club will hold AL dinner-dance at the clubhouse on Front street, Oct. 9 at. 7 o'clock. The Six will play. Those in Metropolitan, arrangements are D.

Walker Wear, William G. Phelps, William Bloomer, Sidney T. Clark, and Ray G. Pratt. President's Day will be observed the Civic club at a reception at the Monday, Afternoon clubhouse, Oct.

Lewis Seymour, president of the club, the officers and members of the board of directors will constitute the recelving line. Miss Edith Truesdell is in charge of the arrangements. Mrs. Howard Clinton will enterbridge at her home, 777 Chenango street, tonight in honor of Mrs. Lowell Claude Johnson Legge of of Syracuse Akron.

and 0. Salvia will be used in decoration. The guests will be Mrs. Floyd Anderson, Mrs. Fred Goetcheus, Mrs.

Puffer, Mrs, Ford E. Mulford and Mrs. Harold Tolley. Mra. Everett Gorton, 12 Arthur street, entertained the members of 0.

card club at luncheon, and bridge at the Kalurah club this afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Stewart Newing, Mrs. Charles E. Kall, Mrs.

Walter Burlingham, Mrs. Frank Sherman, Mrs. Raymond S. Wingate, Mrs. G.

Nelson Watts and Mrs. Floyd Gould. Dr. Marion Morse and Mrs. Lillian P.

Morse of Endicott. Miss Clara Ensign and Miss Nellie Schilling have returned from aL three Included" motor Boston, trip and New cruise Hampshire, which Scotia, Massachusetts, the Mohawk Trail and Albany. Announcement 18 made of the marriage of Mrs. Fanny Florence Endicott to De Lafayette Curran of this elty, which took place in the Oak Street M. E.

parsonage, Sept. 24. The Rev. John Austin performed the ceremony. Mr.

and Mrs. Curran will live at 66 Thorp street. G. Edwin Ash. who will marry Miss Dorothle Rose, Oct.

12, Was the honor guest at a stag dinner held in the Elks' clubhouse last night with Herman E. Wright as host. Those present were Lester Cole. Floyd Pease, Russell Sullivan. C.

B. Rose, Harry Barney and William Elliott. Mrs. J. H.

Gray, Miss Euleta Gray and Claude E. Hall of Crandall and Mrs. G. H. Perry of Mill street, have returned from an ex tended motor trip through the Catskills to New York city and through New Jersey.

A weekend party was held in the New idea "did this ever occur to you TT isn't an easy thing to cut out rich sweets. That sugar craving is hard to conquer when you're dieting and trying to reduce. Did it ever occur to you that there's an easy way to meet this problem--by eating Life Savers -the "stay-thin" candy. Just enough sugar to relieve that craving--not enough to get stout. They surely are "life savers" LIFE SAVERS -for people inclined to be fat Mr.

Mrs. O' Brien. 10 Mitchell avenue, returned card two weeks trip to Chicago, Milwau- kee and Kansas City, The Roosevelt Parent-Teachers' association will hold a special meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Smith, 572 Chenango street, tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs.

F. L. Gleason of Olean Mrs. S. L.

Mitchell, 2 Freder1ck street. Miss Loretta J. Bowen, 24. Crandall street, has gone to Philadelphta where she will enter the University of Pennsylvania. can one of the 147 winners by telling us! 147 in gold 147 different prizes, from $250 to $10 each, will be awarded to those who send in lists of the greatest a umber of practical food uses from one botde of Premier.

This contest is open to those who have used Premier. One can send only more contestant. one than prize one for list- any -but one Premier In caseofties, SALAD each tying contestant DRESSINO will be awarded the full 1 amount of each prize tied for. Contest closes December 1, 1925. Address Francis H.1 Leggett NewYork Premier Salad DRESSING A Perfect Mayonnaise A new beauty is now within your reach Make this test tonight without risking a penny fro 6:4 quits.

7:1 King You can now give your teeth the glorious lustre you have so admired in others. Dental science has at last found a safe method of removing the viscous, varnish-like coating that is clouding the natural brilliance of your teeth. But this sticky mass, called mucin plaque, does more than ruin your appearance. It collects food particles and acid bacteria that actually dissolve tooth enamel. It hardens into yellow tartar, the cause of bleeding gums, pyorrhea and decay.

Wednesday Destroy MUCIN PLAQUE before it hardens tonight! During the day the normal flow of saliva protects you to some extent against these poisons. At night this protective flow is repressed. Your mouth becomes dry. The mucin plaque dries too. It hardens into tartar.

You cannot escape it unless you brush your teeth at night with a tooth paste that really cleans. You must rid yourself of this menace to health and beauty. You can do it tonight- -with a new tooth paste called Orphos. Prove it to yourself or get your money back Modern Science banishes the dingy coating Get a tube of Orphos from your druggist or de- new Orphos method of mouth hygiene strikes at the The partment store now. They very all Brush haveit.

your Tryit teeth with tonight, cause of tooth decay. It renews the natural brilliance it, of the teeth ing regularly for two night and weeks. morn- If without the use of gritty abrasives or harmful bleaches. For your healthier, teeth are prettier, not cleaner, than years your dentist has urged his patients to do what Orphos does ever anused before, portion return to the the -prevent tartar before it forms. store and every See for yourself how instantly you fully paid returned.

will be cheer- Orphos takes away the adhesiveness of the sticky coating, penny causing it to become flaky and disappear before your tooth brush. Orphos THE TOOTH CORRECT Orphos AT LAST duO THE CORRECT TOOTH PASTE -AT LAST No tooth paste can take the place of a visit to your dentist every six months. ARRIVED! The Fall Presentation of I. MILLER Beautiful Shoes MORE varied and more beautiful than ever are the new I. Miller slippers for Autumn.

Clever ideas in step-ins, unusual sandals, slippers showing quaint medallions and tricky little apron effects are features, while slim models with one, two or three Straps are equally the mode. The leathers show suedes, calfskins, kidskins, patent leather and crocodile in a variety of combinations, while in colors, brown in new woodland shades seems to predominate. and see the Beautiful Fall Slippers by I. Miller Come that the smartest women in America will wear. I.MILLER Beautiful Shoes Parlor City Shoe Co.

57 Chenango Street O' and.

Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.