Chapter Text
“Bad boys get punished, don’t they? You know that yet you still insist on giving me that kind of look,” Tanjirou sighed as he eyed him.
He doesn’t bother answering, he can’t really do that with Tanjirou’s dick in his mouth.
“I know you can do better, Tanjirou shakes his head but the way his hips jerk gives away that Giyuu’s doing a good job.
“Hurts,” he pops off with a lewd noise and gestures to his nipples.
For a moment, Tanjirou just stays still and looks at Giyuu’s body. His lips are red and spit-slick as he gazes up at Tanjirou with slightly teary eyes. His mouth stays slightly open as he breathes and Tanjirou can see the faint outline of Giyuu’s cock. But there’s more, the nipple clamps fastened tightly and the chain that rattles as Giyuu moves makes Tanjirou want to ravish him all the more but this was punishment for Giyuu.
“And who said you could stop?” Tanjirou inhales. Never had he thought that he would find himself in this position and in this situation. He would’ve never thought that Giyuu was this kind of person he also never would’ve dreamed of finding himself married to the two love of his life either. He pauses, searching for any signs of discomfort and when there isn’t any, he gives himself a little pep talk when his hands close around Giyuu’s head.
He likes it. He likes it. He loves it, he told you to not hold back… but what if I hurt him? Tanjirou panics like he always does when faced with this kind of choice but he catches the way Giyuu lowers his head and knows what will await him if he doesn’t do it right now so he steels himself and pushes down on Giyuu’s head. Giyuu takes him into his mouth and practically chokes when Tanjirou pushes a bit further.
“Mnggh,” Tanjirou can’t tell if it’s a protest or an encouragement but what he does know is that Giyuu hasn’t tapped him, their signal if Giyuu would like for Tanjirou to stop. He feels the first tear hit his thigh and guilt starts to eat at him but then Giyuu moves his tongue, swirling around his head and Tanjirou gives him to his desires.
“Such a slut,” Tanjirou thrusts up, holding back his moans as he does. His hands keep Giyuu’s head in place as he fucks his mouth. Ìt had taken him time to get used to all this, even more times for Sabito to finally convince him that it was okay and that Giyuu liked it. He really needed to thank Sabito once he came back. Truly, he enjoyed the way Giyuu would moan loudly for him, vibrations amplifying the sensation as he kept going. It didn’t take long for him to come, whispering encouragements at Giyuu as the other’s jaw was undoubtedly going sore.
“I’m home,” and just like that, Tanjirou keeps Giyuu in place as he comes into his mouth and pants as he watches Giyuu choke and takes it, eyes rolling up slightly. Giyuu doesn’t hesitate to pull off and open his mouth when Tanjirou lets go only for him to show Tanjirou his own come and swallow with a small grin, opening his mouth as if to prove it.
“Welcome home,” Giyuu answers as he turns around and goes to hug Sabito.
Tanjirou’s spent, sitting on the couch with a dazed expression and almost forgets to answer Sabito until he’s standing right on top of him and leaning down to give him a kiss. Judging by the whine that came from Giyuu, he hadn’t kissed him yet.
“Welcome home,” Tanjirou pulls down on Sabito’s neck for another kiss, perfectly aware that Giyuu’s watching them angrily.
“Well, don’t give us that kind of look, you brought it upon yourself. You should be happy that we didn’t put you in a cock cage,” Sabito raises an eyebrow as Giyuu pouts and slowly jerks himself off. He’s not allowed to come, especially not with that little stunt he’s pulled earlier but it’s not the time for that now.
“Thank you,” Giyuu grumbles and moans as he fists his cock.
“Come and you’ll earn yourself more punishment,” Sabito shakes his head as he shows some mercy, squatting down and having fun letting Giyuu try to chase after his lips, hand leaving his cock to grab Sabito’s shirt.
“If you get his clothes dirty then you’ll be the one washing it,” Tanjirou grins as he gets up and checks what Sabito’s brought back for dinner.
He hears a groan and a muffled apology and when he turns around, Sabito’s finally kissing Giyuu.
“Now then dinner, why don’t you set the table,” Sabito asks and grins as he yanks on the chain.
Giyuu whimpers but gets up anyway, wobbling dangerously from how long he’d spent kneeling down in front of Tanjirou and does his best to set up the table as Sabito helps Tanjirou prepare. It doesn’t take that long, with all these simple dishes and soon enough, they’re all enjoying a nice meal.
“So, how about we fuck you into the mattress, beautiful?” Sabito asks.
“Really?” Tanjirou turns to him with a fond smile. Leave it to Sabito to bring this up while they’re eating. The way Giyuu squirms on his seat doesn’t go unnoticed, the rules had been simple, he was allowed to touch himself or rut against whatever he wanted to as long as he didn’t come and since Tanjirou had a day off today, he could make sure of it. It shouldn’t have been hard but with how much Giyuu liked having his nipples toyed with, it was probably much harder. He’s had this painful erection the entire day and when it would finally go down, Tanjirou would rub his cock with his foot, enjoying the way Giyuu would whimper and beg him not to as he did his best.
“Really,” Sabito grins as he takes another bite,” Unlike you, I didn’t get all day to play with him.”
“Yes, please,” Giyuu answers, eyes sparkling as he answers.
“Really, both of you,” Tanjirou shakes his head fondly as he feeds Sabito a spoonful.
Anyone could feel the excitement rolling off of Giyuu as he eats and suddenly, he goes still, biting his lips as he did.
“Giyuu?” Tanjirou isn’t stupid, he’s got a good idea of what Sabito’s doing under the table but it’s always fun to see him struggle.
“Y-yes?” He stutters out as he releases his lip, barely stopping his moan.
“What’s wrong?” Tanjirou knows full well what’s going on and he can tell that Giyuu knows. One of their rules is that they can’t lie to each other and he can tell that Giyuu’s debating whether he should or not.
“Use your words,” Sabito grins and he must’ve done something because Giyuu’s whole body jerks and he lets out a pitiful moan.
Giyuu ends up exactly where Sabito planned, unable to answer and drooling from his mouth as he throws his head back and moans. Tanjirou can see the way Giyuu’s hips are jerking.
“You really should let him eat,” Tanjirou says calmly, ignoring the angry look Giyuu gives him as Sabito retreats his foot.
“Well since he couldn’t answer me anyway I guess that calls for more punishment,” Sabito winks at Tanjirou which only makes Giyuu whine as he starts to eat his meal again, pouting as he does.
It really doesn’t take that long to finish eating and Giyuu’s the one who’s doing the dishes, visibly distracted by Sabito’s grinding against his butt.
“I’ll go prepare,” Tanjirou points to the bedroom and soon, he’s taking out what he thinks they’ll need. Admittedly, they don’t need stockings but that doesn’t mean Tanjirou’s about to pass up the opportunity.
Just in time, Sabito comes in with Giyuu walking awkwardly behind him.
“Shower,” Sabito nods to the bathroom as he goes in and offers for Tanjirou or Giyuu to come with him but Tanjirou shakes his head and so does Giyuu, having taken showers earlier.
Sabito huffs but accepts it and goes in.
So of course, Tanjirou takes the time to prepare Giyuu and opens him up until he’s squirming and his cock looks like it’s ready to burst.
Tanjirou smirks as his hand closes around Giyuu’s cock and slowly jerks him up.
“Tan… ji… rouuuu,” Giyuu moans as he rolls his hips only to be met with nothing.
Tanjirou wipes his slick fingers onto Giyuu’s thighs (where the stockings don’t cover) and props him up so that Giyuu’s entrance is on the tip os his cock and grins as he slams Giyuu’s hips down. The way Giyuu’s head is thrown back is enrapturing.
“I’m back,” Sabito opens the door and quickly makes his way to his boyfriends, grinning childishly as he leaned over Giyuu to drip water on Tanjirou’s face as they shared another kiss.
“Welcome back, now then. Let’s spoil him,” Tanjirou smiles as he snaps his hips up.