Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 29, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic viaa GCR: Update as of May 29, 2024

Judy Note:

·The Hour is Upon Us – the largestDeclass yet. The Main Event is on it’s way. The Switch Will Be On Soon. Emergency Alert System Is Coming. BQQQM soloud it will blow their masks off. …

·Tues. 28 May 2024 The BondCrisis is Here – Get your family ready:

·Biden’s Sister is married to Stephen Owens, who ownsDominion Voting Machines – which were certified by the Military of changing thevote from Trump to Biden in the 2020 Election.

·Wisconsin has decertifiedthe 2020 Election.

·On June 4th 1963 PresidentKennedy enacted Executive Order 11110 to issue silver certificates against any silverbullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury

·Tues. 28 May 2024 Arrest War Crimes TrialsComing, Fulford:

·Tues. 28 May 2024: New Charlie Ward Insider's Club BombshellRevelations for May 2024

·Tues. 28 May 2024: BOOM! White Hats in Action: The UnbelievableEscape! JFK’s Foiled Assassination Plot and the Military Witness ProtectionTwist

·Mon. 27 May 2024 Situation Update: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 5/27/24

·Tues. 28 May 2024 Situation Update: Situation Update: Rafah Massacre! TaiwanStrait! NATO's War With Russia! Dumping US Dollar Holdings! Sleepy Joe StrikesAgain! Restore Republic!

·Tues. 28 May 2024: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Alert: It’s AllHappening! Trump’s Devolution: Most Astonishing Military Operation of All Time!Special Intel Report 5/28/24

·Tues. 28 May 2024: BOOOM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report!Trump’s Devolution: The Most Astonishing Military Operation of All –Time!!!Alert: It’s Happening!!! This is it, Patriots!!! Trust The Plan!!!

A. Update on “Ken and Barbie vs GoliathIRS” Case: The brave Patriots who were fighting for your freedom.

·Two IRS agentstestified that they did not know of a law that requires us to file federal incometax returns.

·The judge hassuggested that Ken has grounds for twomotions for acquittalbecause, one, the IRSclaims are required to be signed by someone under penalty of perjury and such adocument doesn’t exist; and 2, that the entire indictment was filed under Title26 IRS alleged violations, when all the claims against me happened during aTitle 28 Judicial Action, thus voiding the entire indictment. So, we aredoing well in our case, to say the least.

·Ken: We’ve had a fewpeople come to court. Thank you! All who would like to come to court arewelcome to come!U. S. District Courthouse, Room 7.300 351 S West TempleSLC 84101801-524-6100Tuesday 28th - Friday 31st 10 a.m. - 4p.m.

·Even though Ken and Barbara Cromarproved in aFederal Court that they owed no monies to the IRS, they remained in a six plusyears battle with them. Two different SWAT Teams had twice descended on theirfully paid for dream home – that was later sold at auction. The SWAT Teams alsothrew away all of the Cromar’s possessions, including expensive cameraequipment Ken used to make a living.

·Ken now sits in jail charged with living in his own home, but undeterred tofight for the rights of the American taxpayer. Ken says,“The daysof the “mighty” IRS are numbered.For far too long the IRS has been backedby a corrupt DOJ and ever-growing big government bureaucrats who have crownedthemselves kings and queens to rule over us as their slaves, as they get fatand enrich themselves on the backs of struggling Americans.”

·The judge hasdismissed all filings Ken submitted and would not even allow counsel to sit byhim during trial. A few days ago Ken was finally informed he would be given onehour on Mon. 20 May to research hisdefense on his computer and to finally have access to prosecutor filings – onehour, one day before the trial. Think his trial is rigged? I do – the case hasbeen all along.

·Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages inpostcards.White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete returnaddress hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail.

B. Scam Alert:

·The so-called Trump Coins, Badges andStickers were NOT, as the advertising claimed, endorsed by Trump, TuckerCarlson, the Trump Organization, or its affiliates. “TheTrump Organization has no affiliation or association whatsoever with TRBproducts. …They illegally use pictures of Trump and others associated withTrump to sell their products. …They are engaged in a scheme to deceive and scamthe public. …We have launched our own investigation and have shared informationwith federal law enforcement agencies. …They have gone so far as to send emailsfalsely representing to be from our employees.” …a letter signed by AlanGarten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization.

·Judy Note: Patriots, TAKE ACTION: If you feelyou have been a victim toa scamit is recommended that you report such to your local law enforcementand business bureau. If I were a victim of the TRB Scam, I would also type upmy TRB experience including products bought and monies paid out, plus mycontact information and send an original notarized copy of my TRB write upto:Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization. The TrumpOrganization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.

C. Global Currency Reset:

·Tues.28 May 2024 Bruce via Sue: Our number one Intel Guy said we could expectmidday and early evening for notifications and going from tomorrow Wed. 29May to the weekend Sat. 1 June and maybe exchange Thurs. 30 May throughthe weekend.

Another call from a person very high and strategic saidto look for the 800s anytime from tomorrow Wed. 29 to Tues. 4 June.

·Tues. 28 May 2024 TNT: This morning’s notification still says 99.9%.Be Alert!

·Tues. 28 May 2024Patriot Rod Steel: This is EXACTLY what I was told 25 yrs ago!We go first quietly, then the rates & gold back currencies are announced onForex & new bills to the Public

·Tues. 28 May 2024 MarkZ: Mike & Mark discuss plausible scenariowhere we get our notifications 1st and they want us to go through our appointmentsbefore rates go public. So evidence of rate change on FOREX might not happenfor a week or two following.

·Tues. 28 May 2024 Thailand announces plans to join BRICS.

·Mon. 27 May 2024 Wolverine Breaking News: QFS Funded Token Contracts Launched! Howyour QFS accounts linked to DNA signatures are accounted for! Full disclosureunder GESARA! The Quantum Financial System (QFS) heralds a new era in globalfinance, marking a fundamental shift from the outdated and corruption-pronesystems that have long plagued our economic structures. As we stand on the cuspof this revolutionary change, it is crucial to recognize and support theimmense benefits that QFS brings, ensuring a more stable, secure and equitablefinancial future for all.

·Sun. 26 May 2024: Wolverinegot this text from Trump! Greeeeeeeeen Stop2End LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!! As I saidbefore T1 and T2 are already finished. It is a process which should be finishedby June 15th. We should get goodnews this week. I have hadconfirmation that Brazil will start thisweek from the Central Bank of Brazil. Thurs. 6 June is D Day.”

·Sun. 26May 2024 NC Chick: A banker from Brazil did a talk last week. He said Whales would be finished in a dayor so and notifications have gone out to the Bond holders. He was amazed thatT4B hadn’t been notified. Actually, it is the same person that tells Wolverine.

D. Global Financial Crisis:

·Australia's Bankwest bank has announced that it will close all itsbranches and ATMs by the end of 2024, in order to become a fully digital bank.The Cabal’s Great Reset coming soon to a bank near you, as part of theglobalist push towards programmable CBDCs so they can control your life.

·Tues. 28 May 2024 Philadelphia-based RepublicFirst Bank has been seized by regulators, says the FDIC. In a surprising turn of events,Philadelphia-based Republic First Bank has become the latest casualty in astring of bank failures that have shaken the financial sector since lastspring. The bank, with $6 billion in assets, was seized by regulators due tochallenges stemming from the current high-interest rate environment, marking itas the first bank failure of the year.

·Tues. 28 May 2024 Chase Bank building explodes in downtownYoungstown, Ohio; People are missing under the rubble.

·Tues. 28 May 2024: Crack-Up Boom: The Imminent EconomicApocalypse – The Crack-Up Boom in Action!

·Tues. 28 May 2024: BOOM! Trump’s Executive Orders: Dismantlingthe Federal Reserve and Shaking World Banking Systems!

·Tues. 28 May 2024: Behind The Scenes: Military AllianceThreatens the U.S. Government & Deep State – The Price of Silence: Trillionsof Dollars and Deception

E. Illuminati Deep State CabalGlobalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

·Dr. Roma Laybow lays out the undeniable truth of thedepopulation plan being executed through the poisoning of our food and thedeadly vaccines given to children since birth.

F. The Real News for Tues. 28 May 2024

·Sun. 27 May 2024 WHO Director General Tedros has declaredthe collapse of the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty.

·Over 17M people have died from the ‘CovidVaccines’…which is 1 in 800people.

·US Marines Arrest Arizona Secretary of StateAdrian Fontes.

·JAG Arrests Former Fauci Advisor DavidMorens.

·JAG Convicts All 4 Colorado Supreme CourtJustices of Treason.

·Since 1938 the government has been cloninghumans, synthetic people,hybrids, cyborgs, holograms & soulless beings. Our government has theability and technology to fool you with counterparts. You can only imagine howefficient they are at doing it today.

·CIA Funded Company To Resurrect ExtinctAnimals Under the Guise ofClimate Change mad scientists are playing God in their underground labscreating Monkey-Human hybrids and lord knows what else. Where is the outrage? Haveyou been following what they are doing with DNA experiments? The horrifictruths of how evil and ruthless these Satanic Freemasons are. They are fillingthe jabs that are pushed on your family with animal DNA as well.

·A German app developer has created an appcalled the 'Insect Food Scanner', "for anyone who wants to ensure that their food is free frominsects". "With the help of the scanner, you can quickly and easilycheck whether a food item may contain insects without having to open it orconduct extensive research." This shouldn't even need to be a thing, butthis is the world we find ourselves in now.

·Tues. 28 May 2024 The Pentagon admitted thisweek, that none of the aid, unloaded from US Navypier off the coast of Gaza, has made it to the Palestinian people. We spent$320 million building the pier and it is already having issues. Boats runningaground.

·Tues. 28 May 2024: Exposed: The Real Story of Vatican’s Secrets– Delving into the Mysteries of the Vatican’s Secret Archives – Evil SecretsThat The Church Kept Hidden For Your Protection

·US Navy Confronts Mounting Threat of ForeignEspionage:

·G. International Child SexTrafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican andhoused in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs betweenthe Vatican and Jerusalem:

·Back on June 27, 2018 Actor Terry Crewsexposed Hollywood whenCrews testified to U.S. Senate that he had been sexually assaulted by asuccessful Hollywood agent that ‘held his genitals in his hand’ and told Crewsthat ‘he held the power’ and that ‘he held control. The now deceased CaliforniaSenator Feinstein criticized Terry Crews for not defending himself instead ofairing out his grievances. Crews also revealed that the Producer for the film“Expendables” with Sylvester Stallone called his manager and told him that Crewshad to drop his case to be in the 4th Expendable film or ‘there would betrouble’

·Fri. 7 Nov. 2014 Child Sacrifices Tied To Vatican, Mafia,Canadian PM Stephen Harper

·Sun. 12 Oct. 2014 Vatican, Queen, Mafia Behind ImprisoningChild Advocate.

·Fri. 3 Oct. 2014: Vatican, Mafia, Elite Businessmen Cult Suspectin Canadian Sergeant's Death .

·Fri. 5 Sept. 2014 Vatican, Mafia Kill Child SacrificeWitnesses.

·Thurs. 28 Aug. 2014 Catholic Popes At Child Sacrifices? MafiaIssued Hit? Missing Witnesses Murdered .

·Fri. 22 August 2014 Mafia Threatens Pope, Court Considers ChildSacrifice Links To Vatican, CIA, Sinclair Oil, HSBC, Cargill, Cameco Uranium,Antony Kidman .

H. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·In 2016, the X-Files Reboot told us about theplans that the Khazarian Mafia Cabal had to inject us all with mRNA which would remove the "God Strandof our DNA" and cause our immune system to completely disappear in orderto MURDER US ALL.

·Secret Documents published by order of theU.S. Federal Court provePfizer, the FDA & Fact Checkers lied when they said Toxic Graphene Oxidewas not inside the Covid-19 Vaccines:

·In an interview w/ Tucker Carlson, racingsuperstar Danica Patricktells Tucker that one of the factors to her first-time interest in politics ischem-trails. She then describes very simply, in a remarkably Normie-friendlyway, what chem trails are and how they contribute to “geoengineering” and“controlling weather”.

·“Over 17M people have died from the ‘CovidVaccines’…which is 1 in 800people…the excess death Mortality rate skyrocketed with every ‘Vaccine Rollout’in participating Countries around the World…” THIS is the Greatest CRIMEin Human History.

·Tues. 28 May 2024: Breaking: Alert: Shocking Leaked VIDEOReveals H5N1 Pandemic Preparations

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 29, 2024 (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.