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- Publication:
- The Daily Telegraphi
- Location:
- London, Greater London, England
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- Page:
- 17
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THE DAHY TELEGRAPH MONDAY NOYEFBER 7 1927 17 OEBFUMEJtY and TOLLET bmar young SALESWOMAN I REQUIRED about 20 yean of age Must be accus-Vined to od-cJajs trade Apply Staff Manager John Bar k-u- 4 38 -square ft 8 Mannequin agkncy delaroohe Ge- 6792 FIRMS rely on DEXA ROCHE for MANNEQUINS 96 Rgnt-st ar Piocueu Regent-tt 9b Th beat VACANd-5 go to Le Girls RE 5 1 RO HF a red NNEQUIN 56 only AN 7LL 1 a A ClEo for kevp SALESWOMEN busy branches all riXH ON 7A PIST 18-20 Solara 30a 35a Most -fii liairtri Pr ft 3123 or call Monday 52 ft ard Bank Sth ft osbleicn Coliora-w ood atitm I uderg round' Wert -end monn'ir- turer ffica W- -e staring sr sxparieaor speecs sod ater requmd 1912 baauc' Cork A CV Ld 57 M-ruotara- ft I uoMlHAJlD sac Invoice 1TP1ST lady) ft ANTED Cri teedlng Lo non rub ft Experien me sta of age and eatery required 1L B-i 1659 Da Tri graph Fl: -strt EC 4 Iris' ri ft A5w AM 9 55 a -a Juartra 15s 35a Ga leariM cboo Actor and 2 Oall vo book isor 0oir Agency 807 Oxford sri HOLIDAY BOARD APARTS Contd) HmM'HED ERYICE HUTTR facing wt end i W( Pier Warm or rm tenoe tptos- newt Red- Constant Do tc' RAC UXI fir quoLty 6d wkly 9a dACy Garage RIVERSIDE 0 OaK-HJLL SURBITON Private raaiden- ovj growads- ft-auri pvtiicn Five mtna mfs Individual attention From iacL 52 6u MulMCOtXfil rr ccmiy ide Lemon Extensive grad figt: gra imaa ciMt Bo dan- sfie Arwx froflb 42s erkly ci Garog a 4 ina London Te Ktogsfioa 1255 COUNTRYSIDE BARONIAL HALL mod ''razeed Larges pvt A I arc bridge Lib tab Jt" 4 TflcfR lic4M tgato Tei Mum 28 CO TINENTAL HOTEL DE LA PAIR r-cms itb bath -twin ail homely cu nm pecal ater terms BO JK otf Ae nt character and farr eduoatm ae pacaer and aaaistant clerk ui a Ulf Apply own handwriting to Tea Merchant EC n- ge- eetrd RWTttR CLLANL5E Ld require REPPET-XT AT1VL 'or --4 rei- xr over coat and 4res? Ap- PLoaeie mint has aound connect a'tn all des-rabla re Wiara in Load anl vuth Ooaa A ttcrugb know edge aoufiela) s-lk e-acatial Write in the first m- ranoa grtag fu particuArs of age expe-eace and salary raqaired to 8 Waterloo place London 8W 1 SABIN ET FCRNIT aeve- SALESMAN WANTED experau? ui cablets bedat ada 8c next buyer and charge of departmen his absence 25 to 30 jrrv ot age Siaala tuna nnmaoar RoddH Ld HastiagT AN ASSERT NTLD bj lccal rpwr Salary and ooan-4on -Wn Mr MLla 4 ligk-st 1 ANA8fiERfe hojse-to-Lo-s el'her sex tor toilet gooc Wage ard comm v-on to buf- nea -getter Crecia Toilet Co 157 OoeweU-road EC ClAPAXiA and cnerge-c aiN agad 55-40 fiFQVIRED to aa on cf the pacxag and dspa'cb dept a il-kaown company Must hate thojugh kjowledgf of aofcag aal djipatch by po earner and lamign aappeia -nd experience a cootro ng avbouM stweas-M vaing agr aa ary rejuji and fuii particure prevxair ear-nce to Box 905 Ageocv Ld 190 Fie tree I Ef 4 a fable representative required to aquine a 1 obtaiii orders in Burks Beds Berk Oxon lcal reaideav in each county to age expereoce and cou gv part or Manager 1675 Lw-y tgraph FW-et- CHAUFFEU RSM0 1 OR MECHAN ICS 4c la per Una Min 4 Linaa SCHOOLS A 4C1WCIE8 Ida Bd per Lino Min 4 Una SITUATIONS VACANT HA UTPE REQUIRED a thoroughly reliable naan to take charge ot two car Buie and Austin Must have be-1 uad to private service and bate goed retereccei Only expenanted man need apply Write stating age ages and full particular- Mr aalby Daaham Tov teridge 20 el A B-G ARDENER lfigla for Epsom Murt hav had txpe ence in private Writ strung particulars and vages required Box 165 Daily T-grepb Fee-street LC 4 CHAUFFEUR MECHANIC lst-claas RXQD lor Daim ler and Sunbeam Deve- Trading Estate Slough CHAUFFEUB MECH xpe tecced WANTED clUig marufacturers tor Aueta 12 Prefe enoe afven one living at or near Golvi Write tut ng fall pars ex porietsca ge sa ar reqd whrther married or sing A Laofe-s Whlae Co mg Marfs 22 4 Midd-aex st fc 1 DRIVER wanted for 30cwrt Bea lorry Kuowietge of City ial-Appy by lettr Mac Ben: the- 49 Leaden ralitetr et stating expecenue and wag a rtq a red AN WANTED tr look after garaa yard and aehinc cac serving out potro oil 4c Ftet on premise Musk have go-d references Od coachman Apply Centra: Garae- Murray-road Northwood Mddx Motor-driver rfauired for mmerciai purp Mist be willing Write stating age experience and aalarv requriti to 10 Oaas coart Oxford -aL ft 1 MOTOR FITTER (workiaa REQUIRED to take charge of maintenance of fleet East -end Loodon rite elating -xp-rionoe an-i wages rqurid Box 3968 Daily Telegraph Fieet-sixeet LG 4 SITUATIONS WANThD(l8 per Line) C1HAUFFEUR age 39 20 exp know town Any i make Excellent CXleman 3 Ru land-yard aimgctebridge a ft 7 CvHAUFFEUB requ res SITUATION GoM knowledge of L-n an i country runrng rara ft roe Owrtn-41 5 Tunftorth-lafie Mifchaifi CHAUFFEU 26 seek ivste o- rommerctef Sue jrs' 'ip srefu driver Write 3 828 Da ly 1 egrapn eet -street EC 4 RTHA NTVTYP I3T MALEi WANTED kr buLdars and dcc rater's ffioe Wsim distr: tx eac bn a a ffic Write staLng age ex-perit'nca and salary required be a 4290 co tt own 39 TphLi-et Wes maer a ft i MAST JU IO i LERK WANTED for offi-g rk and tracxg Apply is firet stance a ot -ng stating age enperanje and saoriv required to anua A Co 12 I-eg-lLt-ei WAGING CTERK REQUIRED an raarrtn ageo abe-ut 35 Unadmitted man aot objected to Experienced id court work Strict Bex 5R9 Daily Teegrerh 74 VicwiMi SW 1 TGREo QKRK Ri QUTSED nee th exper nee oeei srrfte sta'ng salarv Box 1649 Daily Te grarti Fltet-vra: FC 4 VYLTi- EDUCATED YDCTH pnbic ohooJ Nv pratferred rr fiEUTitED trv arge wboc prodi m-vharte ua City £tote sad full part Wrte Box 3758 Dart- Teiegra FI -street E-C 4 YrOUTH nte "igent REQUIRED for rmta- rf' -ffi-e 4 i strict Excelter references essec aL Com mnc Box 3964 Daiy Telegraph Fieet-srieet LC 4 YorTH ft ANTED for the offi oe of eaole Ctv srarbmise Under 19 year of axe Just 'earing aehoo! vr-te cj VT CA Tf £500 SALARY for rer fi rated bookkeerert A I iU Ps'a! -n nh found when qua! fiei or fee retd Book terii Citv Correspondence College 19 89 New Oxiord-wei London SITUATIONS WANTED 1 per Line) OOKKEEPFJl 201 seeks SIT Five yr exper a ag fur -p-r oee-Aj 323 Wnrtad -road I ford CLERK 27 well experienced ledgers bookkrepmx de irj BERTH Good te-t rtc oiD Mod saLr Write 1 637 Da lv Tnegraph I it et street 4 EDUCATED YOUTH nearly 18 good Vkcef rc Jr w-t ackountants ft th ora thout Wrte 1639 Deilv TelecTsph it-reet 4 Experienced cashier bookkeeper fre SITUATION Abe Ukr complete charige of agcounLa Prerfoua pon on one of reponsbJity ind t'uat Lo of certificate TVieerfa*ged Fx refa Wxfte rating full par-Uulan and mory B-x 3900 Ds Taegraph 4 rENTLEMAN 27 sound axperieno mojert oft' vX routine anabie interviewing istemers deal ng respomence ov initiative knowledge ac-'c*nts ioreign Cnrioms and cnrrencies staff control ft rite Bex 3702 Daiiv Telegraph Fleet-street EC 4 GEXTL MAN 6 wi) ar ed 14 bkg exp 6 I ndon keo nerxe fluent German rVeocn at present dismgd seeks TOclTION secretary or other cap bank sk pptog prtf F'-rr vnt- bohs view tronsf abroad Po mu be 'ogress ve allow fu 1 play for mu ua dev log mas travelling no objection 1699 Daily Tecgraph HatHtree GEJLMAN-ENGLIBHMAN of ftrry tk vo mtary in Wrte B-x 1621 rv rw tw FC -s PIX6IONTX 42 seeks SIT sa office attendant anl po-t cerk Qualified filing bo king despatch ani confid mratmaeor Pv yns epc rd Aocept 5Ca Anywhc-e Wr fti Skh rkJv s'sri Fleet -at Tt EC 4 FL AM NT any Box 767 2 Balv OLiCii'OK i nourmar aetre iO 'a-- pa- urc PROM I VENT rr r-r -ar require TWO liMOl DBAUOHTSMEN ft rte stating age axperv enoe salary raqulreg to Box 569 Sail's Advertising Offije eet-atreet EC 4 K-AJ NOUAT9 VELLER ANTED foe the well-known Norseman weaunesrroof and Noreetnau water-psofs on baais Mat have second conaecuon with her i-aas rade er State fn1 tetter A Haxgrea'vea 4 Co Ld Cher ley REMOVALS an ESTIMATOR to taka charge cf the removal and iepoatory iepartmecta under traffic supe oi oar West Londou branch ate James Hun 4 Co Ldl Good experience of ehouving and remrva! by roa! rail and sea essential Apply in confidence fullest particulars of age experience and iarv requ ad to London Co-operative Aocietv Ld 42-70 Kng-street Haameremth 6 RERES ENT AT TV for private dientei REQUIRED mBoo and conn tie to sell imported Egypt cigar ettes at wbrgeaale pc ca (kma Write K- fo 6 tree a 6 Graoehurrh-ee EC 3 REPREENTATTVE WANTED by Fur Fabric Co Ld- Carlisle Mills Bradford to carry furnshing fabrics on commission bas Only those with proved connections amongst furnishers (retail and wholesale) need apply HEKREsENTATTV eitheT eex REQUIRED 1 towns iv o- WANTED for high-claes beauty 11 eyaranons Only th-te at preaent engaged in theee vngki 530 product need Write A graph eet-etreet EC 4 KnPH LriLNTATI VLs WANTED by well-known firm with good vonnetion amongst bulde'i London area lor sale metal Wrte stating age exper- nee and sa a requ red Bex 3774 Daily TeiegTaph eet i ree 4 RLqI iKLD by nlgb -class firm of pianoforte manufacturers tit -A iALbaMAJ Mutt oe well educated of gJ appearance and aridroea capabe demonstrator and have ex-ft-r know edge of foiow-up syskaii OiLy thdM wio have -d smiar rwpouvole poeitaon need app Good waes and permaaexscy State tul particulars age 4 Reptes treated a confid rite B-ix 3934 Uay Teie--ph Fl-etreet EC 4 13 EQLTRED thoroughly rffiiabe and trait worthy man 4V to a as NlGilT WATCHMAN to important Wesv vn premises tatung iul particular' as to age ex and salary required Box 7663 Daily Telo-rp 161 Piccadilly 1 REQUIRED YOUNG PORTER ior cleaning and mes-ae Mutt hav very good Apply Dubens 25 near Leicester-eqoare Tube Station) UEQl IRED SE LONDON vo or trire flrst-caft MECHANICS w-th xpcriere of mod err methods oc product a of tin ho all Write elating a io experience and w-sgaa reqir-vi no etamp to 52b oare Dl AO'iV ADVFRTI'LNG OFFICES Fenourch- 3 ThEQUIRLD TRAVELLER for ad'V Mist have IV i dr oti-ns and Write 1 683 Doily UTapm Uee -etreet EC 4 outdoor interview-Those navng hed and oape eng aged Write particulars ior ittUmee aleg aph leei-eueet i 4 JEQUIRLD FACTORY ENGINEER rxp-riexire rt a 910 ie church -avenue Er 3 LaloLN I REFRE ENTATIVES REQUIRED all large manufacturinfi centes throughout Gt Britain and Ireland to iepre-ent important annual publication Medium furnishes information that no other directoiy includes Applicants must be men and able to appoint and control their own canvas-ers Good wages and liberal oom-mis'ion rflered to suitable applicant inveatmant £100 to £200 secured writing stating qualification and ful parricn ar to fta'es co 4 GA8 Dominion House Bartholomew Close London EC- 1 OALF5LADY REQUIRED West -end general experien od -d aop arance Aopy personailjri from 1030-11 30 cr five-fix The Burma Gem Co 121a Regent SALESMAN with estab'iahed ccnnection amongst the -v anl of underclothing buyers WANTED by manufacturers of popular priced Good stat on for amoltirt ycvg man Write giving full particulars as to age and B- 3144 Daily Teeg-aph Heet-etrcet 4 SALESMAN REQUIRED Birmingham Bteke and Coventry ar-a Attra live wiary nd eommieeloii basis Good prmp'- Write Bow 693 Deiy Ttitgxaph 74 Victoria- 4W 1 A Lb MAN -STOCK KE EPER JUNIOR fog show room -f -iy rt nun uft srer Write with full particulars i to epenoce wage required to Bex 226 at Horncaatie'a -0 FC 2 SALESMEN of abilitv can make big money cal Hag all soon London Essential to all ahopkecnr Electrical an Immediate Write with detailed af or-' to Box 3286 Daily Teo-traph Fieat-otreet EC 4 4LCSXDN BffiDriMCD by leadina maaufaosur I hr ml Man of oh meter who are willing te undergo hhort ep' a-ieed train ng course ahosi 1 PP'y g-vlng detail of past experience not seceawy aeUiag Write Bt 7678 Doi-y Taefraph 161 PUu'm dfclly 1 ALES HITS REQUIRED immediately lor world--wide or ganisatioa r'ft tiamng No travelling Aged 25- 35 rommiaaion only Tha vork hard and exacting and th prospe re cOrretpoadinglv od Write giving only brie! particulars in fl letter Box 3770 Daily Tala aph I- iet LC- 4 ALES MEN ANTED London and province An exe -lent ipoc'aiity lit Exnerencad xnau d-aircus to earn big money only apply Motor car an Sax Wilmar a Co i3 Sa biry-square London EC 4 Cf A LMFN-uoLL ECTOR" REQUIRED for rdt dra trau-' one -a sma: oaaact-on twhrrfd Coc4 prosgkec rite A B-x 1709 Du'y Tc-eTaph Fleet-street 4 CjALRAMEN-DEAfONSTRATGRb PEQITRFX try £je'-O uy bv fiTir of world-wide rTtite Dir-n-etrator arc arrange by th Arm and salesmen have to kep appo rvtrrven already made One week' training is triv-n UBttJiu 'y subatantiel ba'kine by th firm Fi-aud cenegous oommisftira Ual United lot rea ftk'esmen Applicant must live Write tlvifif rial parAUars ol agf axpeeiroce 4c 1713 ialy Teefrra-pa Fe EC 4 SMART a mb YOUNG MEN are offered a chance tc we 1 -known 1 ortdon firm a ealemtR App cante ill be trained Ae 20-26 On'v men who are determined -ucceed as sa-'smea ned Write E- Bex 1689 Da T-wranh Fire -street 4 JMART ASSISTANT na WANTED bdut 30 with f'x M-'ienr either goodn and Wite fui particulas and siiiarv co WilingN Ld 33 8 ft' 1 SMART TRAVELLER REQUIRED for London sod n-rtnmUnr Salary and comnv41 on found Musd txww riararyte Goo p-rnye-t to ul table man ib' Ti-mtrti ader CV Ld 20 24 The Archoa South Harrow SMART YOUNG GIRL REQUIRED for tobioconist bop Mart have good Apply 22 Franc-street -road WC 1 OOUTH For Vs anres Business Openings In forma- read Anlo-Scuth American Guide Is 21 12x per annum post free from the Proprietors 101 t-strert EC 4 OTATIONERA ani FANCY GOODS -Temporary VA CANCY for YOUNG LADY ASSISTANT with slight exp L-rieuoe in stationery and iancy good Must be capable Apply 3 Kukdaie Sydenham STRONG LAD REQUIRED to rdo tricycle and with pa king Apy betwetn twelve sivi enc tc Vo a Ld 62 Etegc-riert Southamptcn-row WC 1 Successful protncial manufacturer non- competitive lima require CANVASSERS experienced calling on ahopo'epers and householder North London V--it her vacuum cleaners nor bTuf Liberal ccminlH n-(au 10 to 12 am Bobervuma Ruoher Company 9 acuta-ampten-streetr Holborn rfALL0RS COAT HAND for bott-doa work A Rose Onxar Essex TAILOR'S smart 4-round cutter ffougv pra-t-caJ about 30 Uied to front h'p Quick City trade DisengAged-Apply Dontbey Sen 63 Bishop-gat EC 2 TAIL' CUTTERS bmart gent CUTTFTI REQI IRED irom for lirge provinctel 'own Miet he quvrk and ab to cut to ag- rtf solan letter Hawk ns 9 Clumber-a Nottingham DOO RAMAN uiM wLK buaioaea Wtit braacn iiy ive uin a to ap to-mot- het-een eleven and 1 30 Ard ns 53 Stroud rpmAVELLEP on With tow hours to spore tolly In 1 yihdon Goo1 pv a lino oommlosson ho Writ Boo 3790 Torsph Flet-tTW EC 4 tltRAVELLEB An olditoblshod monutocturer ot as 1 on ei-nrs g'ns do-ng oil claim ct tDotor-ois hoo VACANCY with splendid opportunity tor grnuo-mon trorell-- wit'l good onn-c ior Own owr contider sb olTonto1 tri support given 3V rite with lwil per ticulors to Bos 780 Froiwmiih Adrg Service 6 lun-burv-pevem-nt 2 TRAVELLER REQUIRED lor Indies- day ond evening wns Only men with good connection London ond sorts n-ed Wortmon Co 73 Oreet ItchBeld- riYRAV ulx REQUIRED lor hlfh-cUe gown Good Opportunity rgit person etauac fullest par eulore ln nftdeace tell 8909 Somson CUii Co U1- 7 Mortimer st 1 TR WELLER REQUIRED for wholesale rrwn mufo turer 'tedium to bettor class Must he nrst-closi soles-m wth live Write gvng lull particulors I Box 3826 Doily Tolegroph Fleevst-eet EC 4 nrYR'VELLEB ASTED with connection om ng whe1-1 gc vo Apply 1L Somuols 30 Igate-avenwe rpp WELLER WANTED for London area to ref recent old-1 company efferng mechanical flke app i-ac To an expnan-ed and capable man wc offer a hieb anl guod mm A good typewriter mxr wrull be euitabla Write Box 1653 Daily Tele- aph Fleet -atrort EC 4 rrai TELLER ANTED wth connection with hotel and 1 e-Uduc- rhe 8a'am coffer Write B- 3 908 Daily TeVgra Fleet atroet E-C 4 TLX VELLER' already call on repar garages crah and A bullcer 4 offer'd 20 pc ccir on sound neoeaay ir London ard warreuers Ld 35b 1 SE TRAVELLERS cabinr upon garage eaxmeer troumon- el trical paint 4c wh''ieMle and through at Great Britain Excellent Ins cn cmlv Bex 1655 Daily Telefraph Fleet -street EC 4 TRsWELLEBS of proven aalliag ability REQUIRED by a London firm of men cloth cap manufacturer Re-mureration bv salary and fivtn fall uar of past expe Rc Box 3014 Daily Te 'Z7vv- FI art-street EC 4 TRx ELLERS WANTED to al parte to represent London rg on Mit be working establuhed connections in confidence Sw-ts co 22 ('ocewaod street Londcn 5 rrxwci JUNTDR ar 16 WANTED whoe 1 hoc- A'dfite strict P-rmanert situa' onj wh good pronedts for quick voatha Write itetin? acre required Box 384 Diuly Telegraph t-ret 4 1 TYPEWRITER MECHANIC WANTED 28-24 Cr ncerv-lane 2 4CANCY for tmrt YOUNG MAN to trato as R-DRTVER MECHANIC Able to pav smai fee fo- fu eoune of ntr-ct --n Cai! even pm Auto rr Institute Ld As or Houe A dwych WaUPAPE traveller RFQU7RED by firm with ooeineclion for South of Erg land Young man prefe-Ted with car Proaent will Wrte stating tern Box 3936 Day Telegriph PWte-street EC 4 ft'ivALJ(jxPLRS A VACANCY occurs in a large Wt I end houae for a SALESMEN the aa'lpaper depart men Ap leant mu be of good addr as ard v-n 25 and 35 veers of Write Box 3 910 Doily Teleenoh Flee -atroet EC 4 7A1-LPAPFB ard Pa Trade -FEPRFSFNTATIVE RF QUIRED for the dooth-Weatera Count ios with exper et'-e -a 't-n pr ferprd ft rte stating expert-ence r-feren nd aaliry required Box 3612 Daiiv leerp -a rat EC 2 LL- EDUCATED LADIES REQUIRED to be trained i- an for ftf knowm Loodm firm Applicants bo tran -1 frr tbe poe ion unv Ud who a-i k-en i nefd Age 25-35 Salary and Write Box 1691 DaJy Telegraph Fleet-street 4 VTHY NOT BE A SALESMAN? a b-x-d a wall-paid on tn fine prosper Ti was the advice given to a mar a ho wa ssat sffed with hs earn ngs and culd see do future The frend introduced h-rt to Mr ft'allare Attwood B- Grtwteet of S-ileemanshlp and to-da he fa draxing £600 a Why n--t Mr Wallace At wood mn you ty pewt vour -pare tuna? baewrxnahip the one ob tl ar world -h wIl hslp souae peg to leav a rrnnd ho and better maelf Sisrash is the on of to-day a ve-v nter-nf The Frofeaalon cf Sasn ans'htp will be sen to you po free rq eat cend for ur "vv to-day TV Wallace Kttwoed College 26a Bedfcrd London wC 1 'Phone Chuxutry 7526) WIRELES 8LHVTCE Our qua l-d stui'n are asu'e a nai ps- uune vacancy Eurnoyers reiuire 500 sh -t courv Inin now Deferred fees 6ec Ihe i Co 21 Manor dr Ho vit 7 tr factory eompoeent cxpwbie mai of pr-v-i ability tacriu dsnplina'ten ual fled modem mmu'ertu net hods of tooling machining aewmb ag and Write ful: ewpertence a an Box 590 FC 4 UNG lady WANTED SALESWOMAN --ria nine bunno Applv 11 to 1 i4 ffo-s Jed 136 Cffapham-rd y-uUNG MAN REQUIRED ex -x-p ce-r: of Lender exort txad ag mixh South aertte farr- knowledge of Snrah i Por rv an advwntefe Ckftportunftv 'or inte 1 gent juni tA ma DV and aduksn-Write rot age exper-e'ce and sa ix rer red to 2 2 528 care Deacons Advertiaute OflU'-w Fe-oh-rrbwvnu EC 3 Yr0UNG GENTLEMEN SPFXJaLITY 6ALEWEN RZ- QU1KETD or London Smart and ecerw tic Salary ex pavs ad oomrc salon Wrte 8 Bex 1667 Daily tel- grH ffi rtreet EC 4 VOUNG LADY REQUIRED for gramophone dep I -yaod rorG man ASSISTANT rmali gocd-c ae shop tn detnet iood knwledae books aod news Early aer Only thee thorough' honest steady rel able nral spp Wrte Box 3454 Daily Teegraph Fleet street 4 LDY REQUIRED with knowledge of I -r jew- rx rep frr London Bex 2 b4f Tiraph 'oer-vtree FC 4 TH 16 1 make himself generally usefu Goad prospe- A 226 Gray a Irg-ri WC VrOCTH WANTED used to packing parrels for port -X Wrte OtAt ng age exper erue and salary required 1 6:9 Dally Teegraph eei-aroe EJC 4 yrorTH abt 20 vra WANTED for JewnCeom-Mjw be god worker and ftrmrth ez'llesi refoeenoea Apply by letter onlv stating full parxrulara wr- r-V Oa 47 Strand parta of the co a try including Load Bournemouth Br Leictstrt Liverpool Mam heater Dubin Success applicants a ho must have had good per ence the nr tag ham falapplici exclusive trade be gua'aneg high remuaerauoc Appicaticaa will vocsidered only if full dnals of experience ag 4c are fated in first letter A Man tie Ld Deot 5 32 A Featherstone-rer City-rood EC I VCUduOiUtt Who eaiei ANlEii a MILLINER all who La hsd good experience ro tae cfiirt a section AddJa by letter ns Conner u4 Barbican EC 4 WAN 7TX an experienced bALEA WOMAN for the undert'otmap deport FLl porticniara and photograph wL ch 'il rtume4 Meosra Room Draper ball ab ary PREbER -female xperienoed for scA and repp trims FVtrilav week Good wages and pemianmcy LVring 'niy exper erred aed anply fiA Co 32 Alfrd-place Tottcnharo-eourt-road 1 Refined girl i6-ia required fr show room Westena lace oaiehouse ft rte stating full par ulari B'x 3834 Dai! I era I IJ IV vc VI have expe ei Appiy A Sa er pf-: Hgh-stree' Rrocn 'ey Kent ADT exper need uade-caot Ac Muw be 2od Jones Co 53 Grot Tricnbeid Co 79 High-stree' Brom Kent ALE' LAP SALESMAN with eight to 10 experience Most CJ knowledge of lce covers and curta ns Apply Plummer Rodd: Ld Bournemcuth ALEs ft A fA-'j -v i Wr re SAiE'W MAN for Brighton branch So nd know edee of fur rite stat ng full particulars of previous xner en'e ate and salarv required to 8 toff Manager 374 Oxf -tr London 1 SAMPLE HANDS ani exp ACH Bf IST 'hoee used tp So We iay and ev nine gowr P4 it nr Me and Regents Pk Stna EX Hnia cxDenenw oeoi AUe -o uVe entre hafe of 'are work room absence fitter Applv per ojny wvo 10 30-12 Faquin Ld 11 Berketey- OTOiK Bright GIBL for trimm up and giving out work th experier-e a lar eat-end coat and costume houe need tr uble to app to Mr Sxm Cecil Black Tailorng Department 9-10 Market-place 1 'I'AlLDRr vS Experienced COAT HANDS REQUIRED A N' Si ft Ay the Secretory Toe ft risen 51 Gr a 'TNRAVELIER -APPRENTICES -A well knoem City who dreaeee jn kritwea gr has VACANCIES fry eever wvl-edu-cated tall YOUTHS ctf good appearance a-'d de irou of lea -nine the trade and trained iuto either sa mn or travelers opportunity for really keen Pull particular of paat knowledge ace Ac must be Write A Box 1569 Daily Telegraph Feet Ueet EC 4 1T NDERCLOTHING (Ladies also Dressing Gowns and i la kets (medium to better) HAND (MALE) REQUIRED by well-known wholesale City house Must thoroughly understand trade and present-day requirement Knowledge ol manulactunng and connection amongst outworkers an advantage Good salesmanship essential and one used to take special journey- with traveller ft rite statmc full particulars of experience age and salorv Box 1571 Daily Telegraph Fleet-street EC 4 SMART DESIGNER anl MANAGER for dres anl yowiaGo -d salary for right A Hackman 21 ALt'WhMAX WANTED for verv exclusive oports w-r Cft te piriiculara In corfioence Box 76bt Dallv Te egraph ltl pKcadiRy 1 SITUAll NS WANTED (Is per line) OUTDOOR WORK WANTED day and eveant rcwn Own work room Pane 276 Ferote Parkrd 8 HAIRDRESSING SITUATIONS VACANT 1 a ner Line Min I 'nee VACANCY occurs Ior an APPRENTICE all bra nc he oL-a-ore mg and beauty culture Hours 9 SO to 6 50 Sat one o'clock Small premium ate Maiaon Jules 63-64 ctrad 2 Phone Recent 6495 ADHB5 slightly grey REQUIRED to act a MODELS a Evan Wi ilia hur-tiiting demonstrations Safety guaranteed Fee Call between ten and twelve a Evan William Co 14 Union 1 (behind Middlesex Hospitall I AD IE? HAIRDRESSING Refined APPRENTICE a ft ANTED II ur3 ten sx 1 Julius 221-222 HigU-t Shoreditch (two minute ftom verponl TUITION AGENCIES 2s 6 1 par Lins Mm 4 Lines BADLYNFEDED aUIEEai-Ltsrn SHtVGLI'Sr kartei ftavag amd Beauty Culture from expert werit Evooing clashes Write for proepeLtus or call Reve Hardreing Acad 333 Oxlord-s 1 4 B0ND-3TREEI TRAINING qua fie ntructors at the London Beiutv Culture and Liairdr sn? School Ld 43-44 New Bcnd-5t ft 1 Phone Mayfair 1938-Principal Mrs Haatinga A HAXRDitELSlNv CAREER -Bhang I ng ft avfffig and Cm Beauty Cuture Expert Tu on v'2ro hei Uy at Ui very lowest fee ftrte or ca for prope tus liaison ft'alvr 10! Sraftekb iry evf ft' OFFICE VACANCIES (Mile) SCHOOLS A AC6NCIE5 2s od per in tMin Lino A afciariAXT OFFICE MANAGER RLQTIRRd bv an old am votab iflhed firm ui Ea: Aaglu Applicanta should between 30 to 35 eax of ag and fully quafied in the oortrol of tocks an- aoa-mta aai the supervuicn of office kaff edgir crtrXa and acould po asua a sound know-tedge of up-to-date office routine Saiar £240 por year it eoe cut Appy gvng full parUrtnors proviouv experience bogother wth nwi of past enspovera ani uate are available ala- rafaicncoa Box 69i iMi Toeqapu 74 VJctria-t 1 WlLlSuL'AL STENOCRVPltEft (MALE RE0TIRFD A for tropics 22-27 years Must have fluent knowledge of French rite staring age speeds experience and salary reouired 6 Box 3744 Daily Telegraph Fleet- vnn ledge of Freuch ft rite staring age speeds experience ana salary reqi fci I I i i-t nit sen ol for so- -or'a App own I I -mart intelligent for derpateh dept City office 8 auung nc and cxptrome boi PHi 1'ejra-h Fie t-f reet EC 4 Ct ASH 1 ARY important mnuia'turinx firm Bu mngtiam strict Mu-t have giod knowledge of Gikkeeping and capabe of control ing oui'e staff else good orgoniar First -clas referenda and credeoGals asental Secutty required Write Box 3786 Daiy Taegrapa Fleet-sGert EC 4 o-v ivu-Ho et to prepare for the Examine tend ''iay (ri copv of the up-to-date Civil service Guide offered free ly the Metropolitan College Dept 2 CS St Albans "XLLriK ex' ce of stockbroker' off REQUIRED to cUenta lerifors r- ng ag- quoliffrati n- ttating age quJ AOM PKTL URAITHTSMAN I -tV ATINO CLERK REQUIRED for id established bicwerc' en gmeers co London Writ lull detail of ex enoe age and salary required Box 3946 Daily i aph C0H gmeers co London Writ lull detail of expei i- -iquired Box 3946 Daily Tele- i uh LC 4 RtAFONDENCE CLERK REQUIRED Epenence motor ana wireless wholesale trade desirable Mu6t be efficient in dictation ol iaes ft i te stating age salary required and full details cf previous excellence ft 392 Daily Telegraph eet reet 4 VARi £150 to £400 salary as nkper eecroterj man Ti xz' Exper jvs-a cirae? at small cost Booke -m ornate fro o' neM Kurau Lomlwit School of Commerce 62 Oxford 1 IDliuft ant i ding VIaN fer Womoa) as PECPF-JLa 1 AhV-AMlfl ANT Miiit hee red edLcauTi and be shorthand -tvplai If with knack of a prac-t cal journalistic trodainf is offer Octitv nrne saary giving age educarion experience (if any! he Box 1607 Daily Trlegraph Fleet-street FC 4 INSTATE AGENTS hav VA 'MY for smart boY jut i arin? rh'X)i or ri sins exp-rcnce Muat spvk and wrte w' am' salarv after six mnthf Ezcai op-porbumtv to gain first-'ati experience tn ffic- routine and maltrht mo the busim-es ply peraonallv with parent possible 115 Bak r-street 1 INTELLIGENT LAD about 15-16 WANTED for office Write giving lull particular age previous ex Prienc if anv Box 7 673 Daily Telegraph 161 Piccadilly ft JUNIOR CLERK about 21 REQUIRED for pTOduc broker's nffior and aefuraev at flgutei abir- lutcly Writ Box 3876 Daily Teiegraph Fleet atroeit UC 4 JUNIOR CUTRK a 16 to 19 REQUIRED for City office vruraev and quickni at nrtret Write stating experience and salarv required and If ditenragid to Mff The lri I in- h- 1 ilosr Aaan Ld 1 and 2 A derm-mbu torn Fl' 2 JUNIOR CLERK REQUIRED with krvowedg of abort-hand and typewriting Write rtaring age exper onew and ssriari- required Box 3822 Daily Telegraph Fleet ftrat EC JUNIOR CLERK REQUIRED Knowledge Wre giving lull particuiart of previous experience ag ani salarv requ red Box 1695 Daly Teitgraph I eet street EC 4 JUNIOR CLERK REQUTRED Must he good writer and I quick and accurate fixurae Commencing -alarv Write Accuracy Box 3958 Daily Telegraph Fleet-st 4 JUNTOS CLERK REQTTIlEJt for Civ office about 16 Amrrote Wrte ce eyperlcnce and aaia-v de'-ed Box 162 3 De lv Telwraah Float -at EC JUNI( CLERK ML WANTED fr pnbM-- by letter to Partner co A Ohurohill 40 Glouc ster-plac Pcvrtxnan-equare 1 htating age and JUNIOR COMMON LAW CL RK nowledge of countv o-! and chamb-" v--rk iwrrtinff essential Sbort-r 7 Vaw-v-iirt Ho'born ft 1 JUNIOR LEWrER CLERK REQUIRED Gd work' wi ccm Apr'y referer to Sec-man Godfrey Co Ld 25 Bickerton-road Upper Holio- KEEN YOUNG MAN WANTED to teke harM of ware- i ise Knowledge of ahorhanfl esaentiul Good ro pacts fer suitable Write etating and utry re-qu to 727 af H'nvra f0 (T'e re-Je (' 2 Law-WANTED ADMITTED MAN With experience to yke mmiiate carre of country pracn-e with Mibility perunership Mut hav had experience In conveyancing and Wnte stating age experience and remuneration to 171 co King Son 10 Tto tesonrt -street 4 LEDGER CLERK for bought accounts eg ebou 20 ist Write Box 333C Daily To sera oh EC 2 MAIL ORDER CLEF- REQUIRED bv London houae th e' nervnet df ar with sm: cor? socndenc and dis'M-nsatioc of crd: for asv pavmnt Ajipl cants mu- 6tate fu 1 4tali of crr and p-xi-Lons held age wheh-r d-ftengxgod ax4 salary req riirxd to Box No 665 London Frees Exchanre Ld 112 bt WC 2 MAN yg accountancy traing to control set ol book-- manfg firm office by lettei rating age exper salary 4c to Davies Trading Estate Slough OFFTCE BOY in public Iteute bveker office One with some t'XRcriencf pri-rd -te stat-ng oartute aad wage te 136 Churoh-lane 17 "iJT OFnCT BOY REQUIRED in uedvx rffl: Salary 15 Arvply on handwriting slat ng age ard any tc Suloinan 51 uoughty-art? WC 1 I work Lniveraol C-: 89 G- Laaurn-gtrc-e FC- 2 OFFICE REQUTRED fresh from chooi not to Must be xrulatf to deLnr letter If required know teu: ot on adwantog Good zpti usg for au tabe ft aJ prtculara and sairy required to Box 608 133 Moorgat E-C 2 OFFICE BOY lor ftc-t-ead ertica Knowledge ihrrind ani tyoewr'uag Good handwriting anh riv giving full pu culars a-'d expcrti te I 138 33 ft OTFICL BOY WANTED by firm of aoi App on a rii tv ft co Uoiue Advertising Agency 7 Warwick xurt WC 1 OFHlri BOY WANTED frut rffir Wage-15 Arpi letter cnly care of Abbott 32 'r ur FFI BOY WANTED for general cfltee vrork wHfi knoiweftr of vrwrttng Wrte rtatng ag xperj enoe and sa'arv required Box 3324 Day Teerraw flee -street 4 Opportunity for youth about 20 in efiineerlng office London Krowdge sborthaAd-tping esrtr rij Tech -a: coleg- trtto ng xfn at- No pterr ea-- -a Ary ocirrrence pr c'--ir B't LCOH Loader '8 i TUITION tperlal rnaiag to he rrq-jri'nmta er buatnem a pe Ui Pvt Course Writ- for free bookie- 4 a Ever ing or Porta PITMAN'S COLLEGE 189 SOithaxp-cn -row WC1 UUALLFlCATlriNS va une oi lu-mary whe beng kept in the business rut througa lack of the definite cua 3cat-rs appliranu ft- better po tions must show? For one fee The School of Accounta'-cy i train yon until you one of the foiina irg exaxnaucna AccouBtoaev 5 Commerce 2 6 MatriculaUoa 3 Bxnkrg 7 Cm De re 4 Insuran Mrk th? course hat vu and poet this adeerise- meat to tn? Pr pal THE OF ACCOUNTANCY lueateys nd Th ays-j You wJi rr-ue po: free th l8C-peg Gudr tc Carer and fuh ooricxars of the trax ta near aert EQUIRED the office a pub oompanv JUNIOR 2 CIJIR-K 12 23 -r 2- year I age he ha ha e-j perinee in double-entry bobkxeefM penaab (xntnencing saiar? £150 per an Address on haBdwrxug stating age exj-c-eace Ac to D- A CC Vcxes A Gc LC 24 Aua'ui firtors 2 REQUIRED for aty co32aercA office LAD ite -ear ing Bep B-x Darias 95 BAhopegate EC 2 OEQUIKED for factory ir NX London a I auooery allied Opportunity ior mat ith in itmtire Cost accountancy exp rience an advantage Ageo Wri stating full expernjo a ovnfloecce and salarv eqired to Bx 778 -Smith Advg cervice 66 haGun-stri EC 2 HIPPING CLERK REQUIRED bv 8 a cr HORTHANDTYPIST MALE RrQHRED by City firm a particular as to experience ag and salarv required tori co Vickers Co 24 A ii i Fr a rv EX' 2 CH r-TY' Pi-T MIL REQUIRED tn iters rt Wr: age experience and aairy required to Bx 789 ErasUttLfib Aaeg fartoce 66 Fixubure-oavcment E-C 2 SHORT HAND-TYPIST MALE exprencd E-QUIRED Good referwncos Coll 4 Att-uaaro-e treat Farr ngdoo -road ftriC 1 (opposite Mount Pleasant Post Office CKaBT BOY 4oe office and act aa aeeee-ger WrM rt s-atitg aard sauory to 310 cxrt DEACON ADVEKTiSLNC OFF1CB6 FenchuicB-ariETc Bv ri tri' -ft RMANEXT P08T5 ring oec rxrMi 8 okke eeekirg office foaUtl all Birch? At nc Wir bet r-ft ltd Brrad oecr raries Kokkeeper cerks Trptrts Office Bcva Ac- eeekirg office poaiuns mol ani female Weet and Cltv 1 EC QH THANri TYPISTS BLGl IRED large firm of mr sri i pri ft etoUhf age and siarv required 5 Bex 38a4 Daily Teiagrai street 4 MAtT vo ng GDBL WANTED uu toft mbooi for gffid Fiai- work Aw bty-flt faie Co Ld 44 Otfhd TtNiXiRACUoR lad aopwr OLv REQ I Bad' nuns La: i usmaai's tce'Phme Putney 0343 xr vs Mar Iax dk Lx-usve Ns Agencv Bwnamp- YOUNG LADY Ui eaehnrp expert-1 'Tv by iinportan Citj company for -Ioh board 6e ae and ft rite sto-uag expen- no eOtar ivi)uiiu to ou8 Co Lieao -n church Telephonist Derry a Tom ken ngton ah -st ft I Must nav nod TO exper ere-Apply peraonoiljr Staff Manager rPYPlST La Very oapa La sui c-nr-Wr1k 1 exnorce hkw and valor 6 box riii Fei-streci LC 4 TYPivT BfQUBBA to dactaphcne W'rte Bex 1 i -i i Feek-sLvrt tC 4 'T'YPIcT REQU1KIJ) xasediateiy lor iOl copying Must aj Stutter Cx 51 Oara -trek Ch wncv: -uoe VN 2 rpvpIST (Girl MgtftMr) wJHnf no be gweraJv uaafBL -8 fc i 4 haritr ac uxl rd-L rP' PI6T6 ay no get a far fatte- than -o 2 filirg now- ft by not bee me a Lady fficritnry ci can dr tns easily in about sx ru nfhs by studying tb ft all ace Attwood Lac Sore tones Couraa Al: that oeoee ear Ard iary lntaenc and in ab ty to Ao shortnond and typear ug it you are aradv a st rU sni vp (bnt nrt rtnrwse send for a beaut uiiv rated end very free book ftx Attw co leg pt 177) 26 Bedivrd-row Loofah TYPISTS BEQUTBED for nnetckiag to and addressing work App beLarecB 10 sad 11 to-day Publicity House B-cknxJVreet WC 2 rJiNi vDY KEwllRLD or general effioe work Must fa and accurate ai flgu-e Writ full portculan Bax 1 63 1 Daily TJgraph KieefastreeV 4 rMcNu LADY Alii RIM ANIMYFI8T and to be wth buoka ft rite stet Ag sary MMind ane Co 3890 LaLy Teugreph 1'mLOL faC 4-YLVG I Alii A'iit la wu knoedg rf rtrtVial A firi system WANTED mnUfactuwrH xe Must be quute and ft'-te suung luJl porucuart t) fa 424 laauon cterk On 57 MriUmakr-etraet 1 SirUAlONS WANTED(1 per Lin) Bte or Sac man fbt-Tvpa B-xxkeepem CTerlts 4c are a a vs 41 vour serv ce so CHku-GE to lU-MMING'i LPtViMMi NT biBKaC 16a Hrddon-elrect ft Gerari 7715 AHAMt LLLPHu CAU to HOLMUMN 6647 ter oHuH Hi A Nl-TYP13Tbf any permanent offio staff TEMPORARY SUORTD AN D-TY PIST8 suppltefa F- sTl TTER a OO 61 Carey -t ft 2 VBKIGmT lut-A The New ne Offioe 11 Queen Victora-st EC 4 Central 7548 'an sno a eaer-ti-n of 6ht -Typists Clerks okhepera fa: emporary or penuene" charge rtnpluvera Est 19C3 1 CUlt EMPLOYER PHONES 1 Gt Win -am chesor-st LC (L-w 7975 4 for 8cr'tar Siirfihacdr) sta Fo-Cfirrmpadnia Bookkpra Cerao 4 al ktaff ma 4 fenia Pruan nt 4 apvarv A Bu 1 rt iiTkNG uUMT 561 oXJMBO-wfa a KFET Gr i 2494 for a faff The bot aemartm 4-typuU Ar regular with ua charge to etuguoyers riVP iM ii LADY 28 seeks BE PNG ACrEMPN xp tx IJ ri Bunt 3G Hsnv rt Huviburv CVMJ YOUNG LADY COMPTOMETER OP Kit Tut exper i need Wishes KK-lNG AofcMENT Knewlrqg of Elliott-Fjah-r tovm'ng nurhn Excellent te'e rvn -ft' rite 31 Ai2red-piae t-rd Vx 4v 2' 'rea KNU MluMaVT Diaen- 8 0 150 50 rimt-cloM rto 13 A- eel vr vc liul! Ian Mttnntto 18 LORLI'iV COR BEBPoND ENTB and other staff with fa I A 'ol' A(iE3 Sippl- 1 tree by pecta ste fer sis LINGUISTS TYPIST I lanslahersv 38 Imperial LudfOteircu EC 4 -City 9T9U AiA roqutres POST serretonai praie hotel or ru-J rt ft rile 3784 Do-ly Te graph Ka-t-treet 4 UY SHORTHD TTP wl SIT Oen off Kaitun Ag IUt- -rd 8 3 ART-Tlue em-acemint qi iseh ia b-nc nnd bokkeper AcCusuinrd to mark th-cut supervision Salary aecordnr to number of hours reqau I- 69 'liMitpeher-m Pcrkham Br'uii Kent NJ and ecreurial caper no daatru POST High speeds shorthand and typewriting Nine yeori exparien Yr In cennany tx-ent 11 Aprw Hendon CHOkTHLV D-TY' Yufig lady r-u re ENGAGE Mr NT st -pahie SOs wM-R LOiO 54 riiivis-r-ad keton ft Obtewtek 0604 CHTUYT? TTP dfteu-Oi RVG WORK anv caacuy Dw-n art ui uv-itoe Rjo 2 Ma rwbrixMprairf Goooqavee a utNvi indy (21 seeks eIT -City) Foiwlgn orrapor' flinch Gorman Nn ththd or ttp 25- nsour-sve Tounho 17 TGl NG LADY 16 -ec' POSITION os jun or aiuirt fa hand-typari Npewx 5 SwUneouabe-rd u-hora a ft 6 HOTEL ASSISTANTS BARMAIDS BARMEN 1 0- per Lin Min 4 Lines) tACkMME 2s tfd ar Lin Min 4 Linoei SITUATIONS VACANT BAR HOTiiL Lc staff Agmo uub 20 vre Ad ntaff faeking best VACANtTE ahouid rjv 'VrRb ph -FRJtAKJ? 1836 1836 1837 HAY 4 111 LL Bur i i3n L- ng re ft 2 i'l 1 -K i i Hoi i vil am vV VNTLI ft 'l -end ab incJfK lug copiet rt tetiffioasais to ho 27 eo 24 Bun -8 A LL EMPLOYERS REQUIRING 6TAFF PLEASE CALL rHvNi kl'H 1 263 HNI M-LKTIoN Or ftAlIUtr IN LONDON CHEFfa ujoks pitRiLRs all male and female eia -Marini leaping hotel ani rlmaurant siaif AGENCk 50 CHAKLont aTKFLT ft 1 Nu IL La ALL HOTEL LI A Rl a I A Ft A N'T STAFF BE Oi IKING Sirs 8HDtIil APPLY TO HARRIS 4 DO thr LKADIt AGT 43 Ii ut RD ST STRAND EMPLOYERS SUITED Fit EL PHONE REGENT 494 A vnIMANT BiN iKKIPER UoK III VND Pi8T am vt NTKD in hotel faxt-h rte enc airig copfoe ot refs and c' na xgr lie 222 Dady Tea-grph 4 VT ftQ-e HEAD UN ENTUCEPE Male Cftfiks Fhal Kteheu ILh and Mold and ail -fiber Hotel viu-tmtsi Lxnpameat Bureau 5 sh-strei yxford etreot Ar once Ca sill CRN 3Ci- it Bomaoid cke4 Tama Oharnhr etiry an and Hte Made IM Boy a and ail Mai and Feaiai staff lloa Agency 14 HiA'yrtt Lmp ars MviSenm Barmaids barmen maiters uaitrebsfi CHFI 5 COOKS JLYLI HoUAE faNTRY KIT PORTERS PAGE BOYs HOUSE STllJRM 4 KIT MAIDS for LONDON COUNTRY and SEASIDE Apply COLLINS COLLINS Suff Offlc 203 htrand Opposite Law Ceurt Essex EMPLOY EPS PROMPTLY SUITED Phrna City 41fi0 CUkTERJNG 'TAFf l'PP A'rtV'MTluN hai ar OPENED at 26 P0RTUGAL--T WC- ft ipeoaliea is all hotel restaur a nri and ci it- permanent end tainporary stafl Emplovt-r suited tree Phone Uhanoery 7903 CHAMBERMAID Prmanefirv 20s fa! loo laundry -App tein lax lita ax Cxoda COXK a round WOSCA) QlTK f'r untrv hotai Busy li nceari mb (YOOK WANTED c1 30-35 fer a private hte! Refer- enoea rj krnrrfor Gardrffa Hotel Lancaster --rat 2 CaOOR and CARVER experienced capabi Man ab! to ossat in lrdr for fliot-cl City ra -Appl arts mierviewod Monday rniog 142 ine-eter Experienced caterer wanted for mdfa- c-xs City vfairan Are undar tknte Mating Box 3926 Luy loogiepK U-te' Street I -1 17 XPERT LNCED Of OK frnnate WANTE for gwod-exoas fijte Ag or poraon icfan afid hd rana tg florr Apply 8 Luk-treet Puvodil: (rt XD plain COOK-GENFAAl WANTED Wagea 25 live and ep Kiai iioff Nri uieLeona Gool referenoaa -aoirial te fuU84 par Leu art Lritmaee The Offotl Ann W8 CSfcednwa3i-ia Loodn 1 Handyman waiter vs anted ramdiaiiy for bn- ng uBisfa t-n' Mu-t b- ia -r ughj reocsd eaung irart a pia an Guu! rvferwa Waft staiiar ae xsrexi squired Box 1641 Daily leiograph Fit st-e-t tC HLD BOOKKEEPER Urge kuik Co Perm near ft'ritv and paut ex- creare in deta Box 5980 Doay ieegrwph Foe HOTEI BTfaFF REQUIRED Cook and bousavharahe'- nud abi relieve aitrs soor-d barn ah (suijlei All wifiu aaperleac and per oaal tl Lie White Ha- Hotel Ch' milord tiril 4 I'BS -N inaoro'ia VCANClEri DAIfaY 11 LL i STTtATP 4FFIC1AL sod ALL DKPTV tA at CC 4-Ls BHinAH A AY kiff voart cartifLexori bv ft iDdhoxn' TL Gnr 70S- I I 0U ALMA ID KEQUIKLd Ioc be 1 aud brsk -t Lu 1 dieep ag-s IS) LaUaaiy ard inaranc po lie Bom Tlaceptonauy xoou wutmgs 4ppi 42 2 Okt'rd-urrics Lise HOI EMAID ft ANTED young Wage 25a Ateo KIT HENMUD ft -go 20a Both to aiee a Good Tr -n required-Apply write Tteg7ph Uctol l5 MabpOord -buh-greeo ft 12 TCHENMAlD WANTED Good wages Prvste rote 2 ravriapU ft 1 toeae t-Ifrdga ADY CASHIER far wa-nd hotel exponanc eaaeotal satery 30a rw wnk Uw to-- ft: ta te ng age fa to Btx 36A5 ft tog's 30 King irteri ftC 4 AVAGLF ler flratrClasa provncial rtu ran Oolr ot exteptionfa experi utte oea apply 0ste satery raquuad Box 427 Daiy ToUgrapi Brew Mancheter UUgL Ltut-u I MMfaD LATELY MAP BXATAUEAJTT (AariTut hu hookJiaegiT? amar reatauranfi barmaids waiter? tr smunisad watxeeea ma and fern cook -u'g k'trikr pc 'ter a stlrooA Loom et off and kitchen maids Appy The London heap cyme at Bureau 14 fntt etre- iMoegaaie SYLaRT Ul'NG LADY WARTFiD for wjooc arc priwfa bar Lxertefio tod gux ra'wecrti ecaaearv Goor hnme and wag Appr BAtrf tfavne Part W-tkfl Hotte ntv 90 15 minute ft'ot xoo 'Pvto ft'-nbedo Oil TAK MAIL) I wM lM7 App 'te or 1 Hotel Lnvame Court I lav tt -race ayo Park TH1KO TILL ROOM -MAID BFQriBED at roe age 1 Uj 20 'p htooc wage- Piereneee Apply Hu PrrUBAfi-f Marble Arch 1 CANCY -ur: lor MAN a rrl WIFE penenrd I ETC HAROf SMALL REBTfaT RANT 1 BCbi NEBS Knowledge ot colter agent i reference- ea-snta Three uafurr hej rceTn fc icd mai gari and wtric light ttmaii salary anl restaiiraiit prr Utci provuteu -service ft full part 1 olart 1 551 Da iHt' -i tree L-t 4 at-c sa Ctv rst a Appltcact ixtenewed M'nda- morrurf l4? Strard atoe-etevtn U7AITKB ft ANTED at -te ac- -houi TITRLni REQUIRED for boarding Loum at occa JL ea wofud s'- Gthars IW Cos- frutP fcT rue Good outtogs Wae 15a la 6d louadrv A 4acffSS 38-40 Bruize Part-f arden HazrpLd v-iru to sisi rixxa riAlTltr UOi A I rkZJ ter work fiqli Af 4 aeea Muat have good ruj sad experui ad IHLi 2 A TTBF Tall refined young ad os -ode Wear- it -c rcauurar taper ate ae Ua 1 Let hours sad unday duty -Apply after 12 nooc Cafeteria 14 Leusuez-K VOUNG LAriY for figh-teB T'fftck Crtm ur Ofay tha experieuoed teed apply Kchowx 58 Baker strari ft 1 VrOt NG LADY WANTED kitchen clerk 27 id per week cd App Spur ad Lo- 10 3 LADY 18 22 wanted earn dutu hotel LatefcmoaA-ww ra G'od aea-- not- Praprtetreae fth-te Lee Hotel Couham Surrey SITUATIONS WANTED 1 a rer Hnt 4 FiRST-iLA6fl woman cAef (58 all round pactufa exp sera hotel restaurtat sarrie ftata open to ENG A GEM ENT PrrrAzor or 'rrp'cary Hgheal re's M--e fu -ac 61 Liv rpooi-r work I I 17 YOUNG WAJTKB raq PO6T Go refa Good wti- fig Bex 10012 Raya Osfai-d WC 2 6 Fuisl-to ecu- vg jri re: or rte 4 4 b-nafc ry WC C'APVER dml uob rostnt xr iiood rets 5 101 Cran Pk rcL atamtrc-hul ig La ngagd Hgtrs? end ttla4 Lrra -is ft et-ead Larea floette Park -Tig Sil1 I IO 2o sred ri rir I ns pe Cb Er my- raff 'gv erc I ria we rtsrt TK wra-nan rjhr- 1 xpi nn'W wwn PriT haul B'U 7 651 Dai Teieg rh Employer will mo it as adtavt vte to STAI THLIR STAFF THROUGH THJ MEDIUM OP SOHO 1 TELEPHONE REGENT W40 M1 SlU 1 1 APT RlfJF AITkEHR ftlasegmsm 1 -eiAat ratap Ae enoet Addna Collier I Sprinft Pxddieju CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHTEEN OF I Cl AL APPOIN TM ENTS(jw) NATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE Ataa TIONs are melted ran subject of til part Britrf: Rui are at present tie ID tit IN ILK Utuul'2 oi lUi of Naiuosj at OF HBCnON ilAse OMBmeOCtof nfniTLi frarce per icrua MLMBEit OF 1XT10S Ucnunenang MOi 000 francs per annua be made by written nation to be b-'rt Appicaat must bare a Ltuversty ecudattcc cr a knowledge of bot Frencn one Uon for the Member of Section poet 'edf of Gernteft ar cne other Ians -nee and Xrnber i Section poa: a really Rood one other ang jegi a knowidgr of ether lan-tnner into ooaeceratien eocc know rig ot enohcaic aa Ag xruts 21 and 35 Tv forma of xtp atcn wui be supofard ov the fi later nauonal Labour office 12 Victoria-v on written rwquK iwavid not at at vetnber 1927 ITY SURVEYOR REQUIRED for the -IC WORKS DEP VRTMrvr of SIERR A wo tour of 12 to 18 rrortha' aavvio wirb ion Salary £540 rial to a year by -menu of £30 Outfit aiowance of £60 on firt Free quarter aad paaag and liberal leave try Can aged 28 to 35 must be fully m'ity uremrora expererv-ed in the prartire of 7 hilling and eatimarirg and metiur-a caayei of building work Sh ld have been a irate ae quantity oflkx and pre-oe givep --an t-dates holding the Fellowship rveyors Institut-oc the Ouartrtij Division by ettcr age qulfi a'ions and x-the Crown Axenta for the 4 M1 nater 1 quoting il277 6i XT fc Eaf kr fust 0L'- lb rfc t-aa apo Jahs NWW rf 5- feta wc UD AS GOVERNMENT Public Works Dg- rt require the erv'ce ol FOREMAN of K' ge 25 tc 32 unmarried Starting rare of ny per an: um aorcrding to ag and Os 6-1 Candidate should be traned or joiners and have experience as genera foramen Strict medical exam natKn Free a passage by giTmg partieu ar of nd exparieree to Advisory Fngineer Audaa London tflne rgton Houae Bn ng- marking envelope Foreman of Works FLS IT VO FLO DON" A ANCT for OVD DIVISION CLETR pn ad fu fehor hand vnd tyflat ea al know firur an advan'ag a 4160 by tb a £185 App a own haadwrr 1 '-er 17th mred Clerkah tatns age fioauwna and expr nc ar r-als wth a'arupid a dlraed eavtljyse fir notifi'aton suit A FRANKLIN MBLY Pr pal Officer vers ty of lnd -ou Kn- ugto- ftw 7 wdr a 5 Female REll 1K1 I 8 I per week rein 7d per week per ann 46 jer A 1el tiA- of It 71 dav for Binl and 7 9d jer Ludririff mwte from 'he salarv I jwu and frw-Appl Med Supt NVtherw Mental Hospital 1 -n Surest nUIHTED iADY HOME TEA( HER and VISITOR WANTED Si Apply stating age er nor and qualiti-auv together w1b cc i'4 the vertarj' A rrr Fve iK I EQl IRD Lady FFferred Alno I A Oeregal h-writal 200 red -Write Matron SITUATIONS YACANT SCHOOLS A ACCNClfS 2ft 6 1 Ling Min 4 Lines (SITS WITH PREMIUM OR INVESTMENT nr Lino) i aljcDailnaflfgrapb INTERVIEW BUREAU BoiUk-Gtle Employer who desire to inle--new App licants at The Daily Telegraph Interview Bureau should make inquiries when handing their Advertisem*nts Full particulars of this convenient and useful scheme will then be given ADEJTNITX OFFER ol aa actua Roaition xno: Bfeerei) 'I'm: vr as sdaig K- pr-enta-ive guaranteed frr ev -v oful ftudeat of liVE WEEKS tranrg ea this vecu'e i tuition ncudew p-actica -tra is or call for Irtpctus URlucking IRe Da NMa Free expert on your suit- a fii iou if you ca Britt School of wiansnp LD 5a ngswa Louocn 2-a Lady INTERVIEWERS VrntED bv a large -3 -rr eK enrgy aw appearance apply peracna'l) and 30 ffiH uu ym iv bviiuvi narr Ld 12 Tav tock-piae Upper burr-p jc London WCJ rEW LADY CANVASSERS are RKyUPLD by firm wor -wide regs-te I ew wfKwe ap are jocewf be res--rxl to ca'i on g- A --'law- houftt Ixder for the purpcee of srrang ng epp't rrvre Tor ApoJoacta mu o' go-d apparan and ini 35 years of aa an3 ir ri'n Salary sace jc xad ggneoarg itaLng ag and whet taaml or single a Bix 1721 Dully Tw'Cgrapo Fteet- areer EC 4 a TRM OF M-ANUF VCTTBEB8 require REPRESENT A JR Ed with counecora gnuogfst fa'iner to ther carta foods aal roscirw No ociect tooUaer w-aeng -aa 2 coajunc rAe Box 3736 FaW 1 street EC 4 4 SPLENwLD vCPufiTu N1TY tor exgreced Vacuum GeaueT ALESLA -nx up rra grow ng oraaaa Lv AnpLenat know the Watford Bamet Edgware arw Oalj ea yeteat to Ae ovtr the duLee cf bnca -oaaagr atar need apply ft rite A Rex IC93 Di TVlgraoh Fl-atreet 4 ELUESTABLISHETi LONDON COMPANY if prepared -o apr nt 'wo addiixmal RLFRLrriNTA'llV FIS reside in Duties wouli be to call on tradesmen ard engage 1 in ouaineas gene ally Not ceoea to have hao prettou igUixg exper ence Liberal urms tor th- nrjt xcn Applicant ut is past buatceas a per no and be a tcw dtse rtU Bex 1555 -y Tiegra 'ts'reV 4 a XTLL KNOWN BriTah firm man Ja turing imnortABt A hi uPENINGs in STAFF England Appcaut must be sngle weU-educated of good appearanc and addrww and own cycle ref cr-abaSuiely eaaantuu Tuition will be K'vec to tho t-eed Anp bv 'er gvnr age and sta'ng dearly but b-vfi' paat expe- enoe the poaitvon offer pe-manen prelate a subfe' intlai nature pe-xonal interview will be offered selected cand dates Add reea at Wllmore: A4vrrr i ng Agency utuaweli-stree EC A YOU VO LADY REQUIRED media tel- for a new touschcld c- in Wifteod stating ag -xperience nd salary required to Box ra Ma'er a Crowther Ld 10-13 New Bndge-st EjC 4 I DVtltTjsfcJONT CA'V ftANlJulX Mn wh A real eo space ate experience -Write Bex 1 93 Dq Teegaph Fee-stree 4 4 DNXRi LSEMLNT REQUIRED for 4 te'drual tiade isuiu Experience Ac tin ocn-ixence Write Bl 1725 DaLy Teltgrapii Fcot-r-eet LC 4 a uvEimalRG AGENTS REQUIRED in ail part of -A a by primers and put after Outside mc only Goud pnuig for exp space aearv High comm and ex Wr suang caaa ot med mi burked A Bx 3916 Day T-iecri eh Float -street 4 Advertising representative with auccetsfui sales -jxrd for well an vo TRADE PAPER Public cl stamp ag 25 30 Salary £lo6 plus excu lien ctr-sc c-mLL PET1Y COMPANY APrtGM MEN I 'PECiALlSTS 58 MJLY YLA RE I aW 1 Pnone GEaJLARL 412-3 Ax A liiA ir: CLERKS Accountant Engineers etii reareraGve puMgf rvd poKt-ota send for parts if as tanre rv nd red urms ar- psa sucoraje Percy 1 to Dept 325 Hgh xiohora WC 1 Bustu-as st 19C3 s-UvlN'j olTLATlON'S 4 ArihLMALaie any GAP Ac ITY MALE or FEMALE an ditarce ap-p Lio a tv-Ll s- -t OCjos -03 si RAND-EMPL SS PROMPTLY SUITE! Ph Crty 6190 AMBITIOUS MEN I Read the loUowag lactr ad figure j- ng the twcnty-oux month enuing 31st Ouiooer 1 na among ecured 30 and to P-rsonn: Manager A Co bf -cr 1 treu Par annum £1000 £bC0 600 £550 £500 £450 £400 £400 £350 £350 £300 £275 1 Saes and Advertising Manager 1 Sales Manager 1 Special Representative I Work Manager 1 Special RepesentauT 2 Sales Managers 3 Special Sales Inst i actor orlL Manager Rpreenfativea 2 Representativet 3- Re recent at rvea 53 present at ire tt -sr'as others at saiares up vs'n ani experses These men studied the Susie urse me ol their pa time Jaat a you can xve -he will succeed The Coarse i postal and a --ar present mb until qnaiifiel when mtro H-e to SALARIED 'Vac es Over 1700 gtest B- -rau hare reques-! supply them regularly with articular of available Russell-trained men lead -ar ler fascina reW rg bk Tuvs-Hrw to Make it e-'n The Rnae" Har Com-Js-v y) Gchen-buiVdngs Hennetta-street Strand lv NT AS LD-BSTAITT TCfTTD FIRM Lc-dr flour mil nr caneMe rTrtf '1711 AN for "he 6 -Write ta-ng ax exprmn and reftunralcii a Bv 5952 Dailv Telegraph eet-etreet EC 4 IC-AL CHEMISTRY' -Lcpdon rvnu Obewilst aae for wi -edutated YOUTH pupl-aeaflat Box 501 Daily Telegraph 74 1 TMENTS a-e vacant on the xtsff wn tumr-al rnstif ttou for ia fie1 SS5I5T- nonuca Fnglish history mathematioa taak- Please tatirg full particulars on and exorrien to Box 137 Barker 88--0 Chic ry-laue London WC 2 TI REQUIRED b- wr ktmwn mUr ov Fx of xf £50 Mar leer Automct Imtitutea Ld Aa- 2 to rRvW back a-d wh: faahicas 4c Ea-n h'e leam ttg Rap tem es cr by post Terms Biack nd ard 13 Bcd'ord st Strand 2 1893 4 NT WANTED a t'm (ourt ICC) rerdn- jt bad g-1 ESxncnuri-r'ad -wood -Wj years cf age Mar- age nr nates con cr ft Wee £36 a y-ar togther wth ard saiung Vpp rally or by letter to it ft -rVv- TTYU YONG L4DYT WANTTD as manageress nrron Icr Lira ciaas confectioner? Ev er giving oetati xrd salary requied to Box A IMvies 95 cm 2 and ODNFECHONKR 5 YOTN E4nrr gi CkH'XTER HAN DR age abcut 20 for str-ta cp in or App'y Allardyoe 98 K-eand 1 LLvl I-ED for Xms bazaar evpvrncen ake charge Koow 'odre of toy trade -w -v-' or by letter to E'dred Sayeth 4 ng-broad way BEL DING and WIRE MATTRFSSE--) Eutdc-n uburbvi dhtneu psubtef RL-PVE bv d-sa -ranuia res Saarr a Box 1661 DJy Tsrv Ete BEST JOBS od for ax -a BooKLFT It should sav you mact sappo-une-ts 0tx 6d poa frW Lurmtcr-at London EC 4 Br Ap tV- Ucr V- ef ev ap 1 fer- I tr lV- JUPT -E nmrmoeti SALESWOMEN -i-t a food-fees trade REOl iR-v Job Ba-ke- 4 Co Ld Kensirg-4-sg Manager 38 Kenaing- on -square 8 Hr 11 a- SL W-- r- ft far- 4 Smart MANAGERS RTQTTIRFT OnD -sr nn-to-date -g vw ik--? cv nd -W alksr Brcs 51-D sten 8 LADY ASSISTANT REQUIRTT 2 preferred r-flv years' erperenc- t-i eantia' before arn 84 Ld 136 Queen Vkb ta-sfree KC4 trad '-t a-' it 16-3 ot re rc ary shear Writ etat-xpe'epoe rtrerw wind be required per-ntaot Bfx 5476 ilaily Te-egraph r-eev arwft House Ld Neweruat BtrwsmgTian vrncy for evperwoced buver far therr 4 vpr waa Five fu ot periuee wre are bctght and aaWry mniitwd gyu (which will be rHuraoi) ad nT 1 I and 1 anl wrk ra iris work 8 bO tr'vii ft qu Dalv need 1 tf sta Ui of 1 State 'h age B- GR Cbll II i r- Brx ti staff rc Cxu 1 New ab cure EC I of B- be 1 La be time Al A qua Ld at te ln 5 reui tho ttie and a The train eLd Vf -y7 Tb i ect CARPET and LINO fimart energetic MAN Must be gxd sa'ewmaa Live out Apply giv pslcaiu first letter to M- Mtwera Nicoi A b- ns Market -place RodhiU Surrey CWU4PET13NT ANflBSTANT lady sb 2 3C vr- WsNT bv rmnactre erf psper pat rn depa net Mdoa Must be 'i jrk meChral ca and ab to aac bality Practiol know of dnafttuiAi dearab- jte givng particular evou bua new rrpe i mary expo -led to 939 co Suwet's 8 Ser- I--! on ft A 2 wanted working manager thoroughly xperwr ed mpe cohtroi medem dairy ant 700 ga-la daily- Onv first--lax ap icaruj wth full particsilarj and roferexxit write 974 rs T7'egwsph Fr t-t EC 4 DAIRY WAjrTBD in Weet-nd dairy Siponor BALKS-9'uAiN tvd tarence end erper ene lt Vx 3878 Duly TV g-aph e'trt EC 4 DESPATCHEB and OHLCIlEB WANTED for ruaion fac fcgrf Pro mas i xo -vap-tal Mart 2 energetic -Apply co*ckrill A Be 151 Farrlngoon-road DISPLAY-W ANTED young ad ambftiwua MAN wrh ird -xperence a htb-ciJs t-e of drn diepay Exc ect proapecta for right nrar Aral invance by Jaye- datiag age ful cxperccce and saian- ro-q irod to buff Manager Lavii' La Market-tret Mar '-hester Draughtsman will tram junior small pm- i i 335 lv Te'egrph Fleet -t E-C 4 DKAFGIITSMAN REQUIRED bv englnoe-- SE -M -t or cooverwint dew'gn rd ivvntTuftou maJ tirbnew ectricU knowiedze an ad'antae W-aflnr vxe experience af Miarv twqusfod Box 3918 Tt ftuh PVtgwt EC 4 DRAUGHTSMAN wanted Erpervnrr of dal nr and re rr r-tnr ftigrhiaery an advantage Apply bv letter mimed pr rate sta ng age -nce and ary rerui-d Co Thin W-m An jl-rnssl FArr onion DRFb-VET Cl'TTKR WANTED bv prngrcave whde a City be abi- to create up-to-date Good futu'e f-r right Write 63 ng-st Cheap Ida EC 2 EARN MONEY WRITING KALES LETTERS -Scvea wavs in nrr a-e urc L-f ime who! or spare-time Earning Rap trsin ng Sai- S-Tvice 1 msbtiry man London rAffrOLN COUNTIES REQUIRE RXFR1EMA lVE to ca ip-n sta rry trade ay i edu ational cont-ac'x-rs scaool a Preference to ooe raauimg Eate lourL Wiitg first i stance gvirg full par 5 i 5 754 Daii Ttegrph I'aei-srre EC 4 Engineer turner improvers wanted for a curat 'entre atoe work Good pmapecta smart intelligent -ad- Apply We ley -Clark Eng Ld 143 A'on- 4nft flsr Mo 10 INSTATE AfKMo require acc-edlted REPREr NTATIVE i ft-in and nrev nc a toxsti wuhn mile of London Par -time bas to start pr tA s-iwr Write Box 7679 Daiy graph 161 Pircaiaily 1 £T1MA1YB RaLTRLD for large pr fona for shoot a i- rk Mu she ti- read draw ngs and from -ai'njiata accurately detal opgatin timea Writ 3 rvi Tel inn EC 4 XXPERIEMCED ASSEMBLERS used i-'uJ peake- of various manufactures- Only those aliped need annlv 42a Brav-agton rd Htrrow-rd 9 E'XPERIKNCED INSURANCE AGENTS WAVIKD lor neieh ing unties A tracfive propci tK-Ei live men Write d-ais r'f experience Box 3806 Telegraph Floet street E-C 4 Experienced lady canvasser required for Stneatham nd area App cant must rroduce first -claa record On lad ea who ar keen and ecrthuaiartlc workers appy Between £3 and 4 a week can be -amed by perwu eaiarv xnd commas W'rte Box fi7 Flret-rt-e EC 4 IX-SERVICEMAN discharged tc be coached as fiiiver-J by vrafigeir nt entertained Anply Automobile es Lc A it or House Jwych WC 2 IOFR MEN ANTED by large sale o-gan eatlor Must be ot appearance and able to furnish first -dais references Excellent p'spects and earnings to man willing to work hard for app-ntmenT City 7186 KN CH CONFECTION KRY (SUGAR -W A highly-ekU1 MAN lr frt-cas ihccruaie and ccnfec- tlooery bouse in North Midlands In Utter Of apphea1 aga wage srs of pa at anf present employment for the last five years AIM principal lines In wich applicant specialises 36 co kin ne Agen Rleckfr-r veer TURNITURE -ernan Bothers Ld have VACANCY for SALESMAN Spftndid prrwpects oi advancement apptranTs who be energetic and have knowledge the Apply Smart Brea Ld 49-51 Sevan Sitter-'Vft'- 1 IT'CRJf rTURE REQUIRED competent to jo a buyer and saeaman a nw branch of hire-purcha baineA on South Coast Only these with first-oass exper ace need trod salary lull par-'1 Box 7670 Tee-'suh 161 PlcoadUlv 1 Box 7670 riNr -m WANTED nart '-Sung fALrsMAN sT-jt gnod-claie trde age height experience salary to live out Evans 4 -T 4 AALBBMAN requtrud cm used to new and -u ndhand urn Apply xtitlnf reference and saary required to Young Ld 71 Cr rk ENKBAL AN AG Capable b'lfines- MAN WANT-x sl Ma agtr frr ompaflv -cu ti try) rg fc-med with Daftisn saaoiatfcnA Capital 6583 Sylvester Hvid 7 Nygade Cop hag-n an 1 Hares a thv CfoyOOB branch of a U-k eior-t-rai fiTii AppUcanta must have ha1 piwi expnene eert- al domestic app nc eo-cem iiv! must he able pas a guarantee tv Apply bv only in tns ryLfinro 351 Fulbam-paWefioad IRL leuv-ng scio2 ieuxD fur trade Good proajxv Appi Krojarke 4 Son 12 Han ver-uL Rrint-t 1 xRY DEP1 KrperienM MAIJE AttttT-AX BEQUIRED for Xroaa per 1 and to commence Age 13 20 Previ vu re a experience esaetitial twelve uff Maiagvr CiiA Ld 136 Quen Virtoria-et EC 4 Hosiery and wi vdo 4 Wfer rf- Qt step! rttr statng age expericccp and w2fts tc- GarilOW Co 28 fit Jvhn't ad LiapLam J-n --on 6W 11 TT06IERY -murt JUNIOR KEQl lettAV a a to rlm'T 4 Co 28 St JoOfi's-road 'w'n Juu-'T on SW 11 JUNIOR OBDElMiX ANTED lor dept of lead- igg artfficiai manufacturers Must have had pre-tImm exper crnce and pcaw -e ability to keep stock Write rivor full parti ''u-ATri Box 3798 Daily Triegph tC 4 JUNIOR SALESMAN BEQl IBED 23-35 Sp'and proa-pect sll-wduWted rran Sste full particulars and ti rerr nr ngham Wrta 694 D-lv Teic'i ph 74 VICvAWia-st 8W JUYENTLF TAIL BINO Inergri YOU SALESMEN RE UIr El) Juv ui la Uilc mg department Vus be ughiy '-xper App parscaaily ana mo-nha' ax-c M'urlav btwen 10 and 11 ocLck or ieita th Manager A Gan ag Ld 107 Hatton Garden KNITTERS WANTED to work Impra knittlr7 ma- txprence not naoeas-ry -'cod wage or Dep- 12 Imneria Hoaiary Mfg Co Ld 97 tjndn WC 1 AD 14 15 for ands and mak- bunse rnunUly us-J-i ful "gee- Bedford Baling Breachea Co 19 Quebec -ot Arch IADi AN Abo ES irvUIRFD 0-vd 'vnw on -i aUarv prevcut vxprnce desirable All London dis-f A 3704 Daily Teieraph Fleet -street IaBGL engmeanng concern in West ar- re-qu re etral ung MIX for service department Ap-plicaati mut be of gxd 'duaton cf aound meebanfrai liy and to Htnall int icte machinery itaUag detata educaton nd expe-ence and saary quired to Box 125 vo Mitchell 4 Cc 1 Snow-hill 1 LADING ENGLISH FIPM of Canned Goods minuter nave a VACANCY occurrng on the ts: and North London area Only these aith an knowledge the territory and sir- ng sound gene al experience win oe considered Ihe a pontment (which carries sale cx-pene and preen' a splendid opening a anitabie MAN with initiative energy and rrogr to nar-Oie firatias oducts No will be consia rd unless par iculars in all i--pe ts are ata ed rite A 3763 Daily Telegraph 1 street 4 11 SALESMAN putn'd t- ague and corned beef slloers pr-par to dep sit 50s demons: rvun machines re-tumaM Da' ''-t-v 6 Mm s-za De bv IVE SALESMEN and LADY INTER VIEWERS WANT -1) s-a-Tog salary and fr Kent Mul smart woU educslfti uaexcepiti enable reference' Previous eriprunce not navwary es women be Apply in wriung to Potc Rest ante Canter- LIVE TRAVELLER WANTED tor imported confectionery Good corn mission pad Must hav- cod connection Apply by letter only to 160 Csmnc-n-rt-rd 1 MAKE MONEY AT HOME writing showcards for us Yu can ea-fy earn 4 to 8 per hour in your spare We teach you how and vou wih steady work par u'ars write or call The w-nderme Showcard chnol rtora-rree! Windermere Westmorland VBINE WIRELESS' SLR ICE urg a requires I Anoplv for p- Lend a i 82-83 High -street Brentford Men wanted now 'o qua if for WELL-PAID POelTIONb as MOTOR DRIVERS (Private ard Commercia alo talesmen Demonstrators Mechanics Fitter? Lc in the MOTOR TRADE Candidate will receive the reoessary tuition in DRIVING MFCHANT5M and REPAIRS ne- iallv reduced lees and take THK ROYAL AllOYItBILE CLUB pffio' al driving examination free of chare THE BRITISH rCHoOL OF MOTORING la'c'? Mote- Tuning sfd Errp'CTinent Di-fan: -ation Eng'h-d has upp: the Meter th men fo- 17 training o'er 60000 rd ir jnv Luyards of ttera from sucoeaaful past rup ard employers prove tnat sM TRAINED MFN APE BFsT We are now receiving OVER 40 LETTER? OF THANK? A WEEK Tall anl rrad them or write tor full THE BRITISH jHOOL F'F MrTftRINO LD CDVFVTRV yTREET PICCADILLY -CIRCES Com or of Rupert- next Comer Hcuae Dtrr7 4 Tmtu KeustnrVw Hgh- v-eet 9 r-qu emnrt SALESMAN with gjod txoTien Muir be us'd to tailoring bh and Appiy ptiwaually atnff Mans? Motor dtiving and MECHANISM man ung mer who wish to qualify fr in motor trade make sure that they receive taeir training at the MT 8 ESTABLISHED 21 EARS Ctenplet train i 'or tne OFFICIAL CEkI 1FICATX ot ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLIP DAY OR EVENING INSTRUCTION IrSKv-m Cu-ree for OB K-DR1VEFS Call or write fr full NSIONS MOTOR TRAINING SCHOOL 78 Pet: France Bn krg ham -fate SU 1 Motor repair pmcticai tra-vlnr motor r-pair wok iachid rg a period cf oonamerci 1 expe-enoe In up-t-date ga-g- and repair alxiH This training is admirat suited tc men anxious tr remunurit: ve poaitiotc? th motor traie given he fineet pract cal engiaerne ch-x hngand Ixvaliabe to tbuae go ne omsrai Fee by staments Cbonfortabla aocomm daticn oee to Full i upon ip'Lat -z --o Department of Engineering British School of Mcionn Ld 5 Coven uy-straeL MOTOR TRADE -MEN and YOUTHS WANTED £75uUCOO axpeadad on cars at this year Vi: OFFORTUNITIE' N04 'or CABMEN HANDYMEN ROUNDSMEN I UbOOMbMEN ar the to for WfcJLL-P ID PERMANENT 4PLOYMENT a MOTVi3-CE D2U VS TLSTFRS SiLIfMEN and THE MANY POSITIONS 2 the MOTOR TRADE Our Efficient Pracucal Trarng Ensure ess Ti rr nrg ar rrocn or THE LOW FEX IS PAYABLE BY AREA OCMENT CALL b-Vween 7 (Sat 9-230 or WRITE MoB LF IV'T Tl LD ASTeR ROrF ALDWYCH rrand WC 2 MR Vizt INTERVIEW GENTLEMEN who ixaift- arknla-ata va faff ct a vacuum e-euarr tft rvaataatua twcweec 10 and four T-wday ft-d-day 12 Brght-luaBla 110 John Bruit ZXFFICE PUKNrTTM aALBSOLAN easaatta n-w aiK woidhand ae ag and lry requhwd -A-x 1907 Pool' Advertiamg Service 18C rLTDUO LR PRESENT ATI VT PDQUIRE3 P-eu rW a ae i aouty nv n' ig'n Oni lisengagad ante 12 reed write Pe-m-acy to man and foc-4 Hate git nuruouUrs cl 1- enct tc 15a3 err -h e'- -re 4 ft VINT and K'u kLFVA with red a b-f ouve Write sg- -v ne-'e dr- ccw-i nfii-nce B'i 1611 r1rj-aU3li I AV Dr Vft 4c Sale- £t5 per rfT' mxh bonS Kxipa k) a ferx mb he p-o uocs of the Po Law Buparannua-ji Act 1896 Exper eac motor ambuenoe dr jit wmiial Appcatwas upon pcnprd forma te be obtaaed atmy Offioa or by 'irwardmf to me a taraped addraaaed yWacap mvekrw muet be mued not later than tee ear teturdv 1 2th November 1927 PRICHARD Arting Terh to the OuHnw GuardiaoT Offioaa 129 uhaxr Pajoe-road London PRINTERS PRESSMEN Ac SITUATIONS VACANT VFAST-GBOft'ING aivprtising agency require first -clasa deta service MFN Lutiea: Each to aesirt ac account executive Eant al qual JiMtona Gocd knowirdg4 of blocks pygraphy rough layouts and ginoral a0eny practice Only men who can work without constant s-per-vis' ju ne apply Knowledge of wireless or motor trade an advantage Prospects deerd upon tested abity All our staff have xen this ft te gv mg full particulars A th salary required A- Box 1541 Daily Te-egraph Fleet -s -et EC 4 VDVERTISING -First -class LAY-OUT MAN with ideas 1 ij) lor occaionai wrrk in the evening in oonfidtace A Box 3972 Daily Telegraph Fleetotreet EC 4 LL ROUND ARTIST WANTED in a well-astablished studio Mu be really first-claes Good salarv and Box 1587 Daily Telegraph Fleet-street UC 4 CLERK WANTED experienryd in photo-earaving office Age not over 30 Eugravtng Locapany 12 Farr ngun -avenue EC 4 ERC1AL REPP E8ENT ATTVE RF-V- QUIRED i London by provincial firm Applicant i must state in first lcttar turnover claae of trad Salary and 3ommis5i' would be paid First-class poeitrin for right Write Box 3604 Daily Telegraph Fleet-street EC 4 CtOMJN ITOR jobbing hand West -end of London Non Write Box 7658 Dady Telegraph 161 ocadilly ft' 1 ClOPY LAYOUT CLERK REQUIRED for busy public ty Writ Box 7676 Daily Tlegraph 161 Piccadilly 1 FRON i' rank firm of designers and chr-fno-Iitboni jhrs oun ld 1382 vritffi works in and office ard studio in Lnln desire to appoint a qualified London RE-PRE8ENTAT1VE with established connecLon among buy rs of first- las advertising and labelling W- -p f-- 3 832 Daily Telegraph Fleet-st 4 Opportunity for 0DPY and ideas an small dary to Grove Adveruaaig semx 5 1 eaiinrst one- buildings WC 1 THE EDITORSHIP of aa Important textile touai -rill rt'e vacant ApplxanU must poeata a Jund t- chnioai knowledge of the productive side of th textile industry all its branch and have th abilitv to write art clee on modern textile ft rite fun detail ntf qu'ldtoatiou and vxperenc together with an ludicatiou of remuneration required A Box 1677 Daily Telegraph Feet-atreet E-C A SITUATIONS WANTED Or ner Line) A MASTER son 34 fully expd omp mscluii-a eet mating management requires IN'tSJlIuN a eet rra ung management reqa: MANAGER QVERbEEJL Three yea ra daily new per -Boraiian Greenfleld-rd Greeooioae Whitchurch Cardff ViA BOOKBlN l)LA exp miacc ancoue Uindng cutting blind flnshng loose -leaf and tabbed in dexa 20 yr one Write BjX 1617 Daily Teievraph Fc 4 MP i good gonara and comtoe-v rite Box 3874 laiiv Teiauriph Ftesi-sira EC 4 COYfPt-SJTCR JOBBING lit teok '5 Lewis am-hil Si 13 PHOTO OPERATtAR proowaa or lilho wet and drv pt drei g-od SIT London area Capable also if cf prinUng down Good reta Writ Box 1665 Lwlv Telegraph Fioot-stree EC 4 READER 45) good all round Take charge Language- Writ Box 1706 Daily Telegraph Fieet-et LC 4 DRAPERY DRESSMAKING MILLINERY BOY waxiXD for dxmpenr shop Uf 14 to 1 Senary appearancp Applv Leavy'a 185 Lambeth -wa'A SLTl APABLE MHBf HAND abic take Ait-ng ft ANT ED at on a Call ten to eleven five to six Modern Textiles 46 Bauchamp-plare Sft Sir-ane 4967 CriilLDREA WANTED to tran oe mean quins Attra- tv- aad vlvuuau PaUi'uiarv 2od 22 iu and 24 Actual espcncoce Mondqu tt Fouhorts- SIZ44 PLC COMPETENT STOCKKF-EPER for wholesale gown Ft- 4 QU1 RED rite with fullest particulars in confidence to 8908 Samton Clark Co Ld 57 Mortimer- reet ft 1 CS I SALES I ADY REQD for King meet Hammersmith smart and cap ndowdressr Good and lib cornmiiision Full parts stating age exp to Law 9a Ch isp-st Roplar DRESSMAKERS REQUIRED lmaaedi- Tiziana Ld 58 Baker-street 1 DERRY a T0M Kenamgton Hgh-s ftp requ re 1LM-P' iKAKl SALESft'GMEN for CHRISTMAS TRADE in th loilowlfig departments FOREIGN FANCY PERFl MERY tRTIFIl IAL J1WUAUY ORIENTAL STATION ERY Must have bad exper ene perscnallv Staff Manager DESIGNER ani CUTTER lor hgh-cUsa day and even ing was REQUIRED for lead-ng fteeuend bcure Must thoroughly experienced Highest talarv Write 1 Bov 7677 Teieeraph 161 Piccadilly ft 1 luNrik aud MAN AGriRriSK- 4 work ior hagh- as goM-on tncae experienced ned apply Uoa Id 4 Gt MvrlbOTOugh-st ft 1 WANTED smart junior let man for the so 1 luinishing dpt (live out) with about ix to eight yo-ira experience In good-cl furnishing drapery nonnee Appv per'Onally tc Mr Edwin Rca (Dire- OfE-'ei XNtfS Matthew Rose Sons Ld Majre-kt Ha kney LS je T-urday one APERY jiAN under 35 control indowdreasing of ddie-claea atore in Liverpool and act a under manager Must nave practical know lodge ol the trade and eocuatoihod to staff control Good opening a man with initiative and up to-date iova statin? in confidence agr 3eta of experience and salary A BjX 3 714 Da lv Tcegra Fl0ttr0t tC 4 DR APERY-REQUIRED erporidneed YOUNG LADY to hosiery dep' and how room raJary phedo (wh tetter Vlner Plnrh ft'et bnalno Live Full Vry photo which will be returned kc first Mi in? Kent TVRAPERY Experienced ASevISTANl REQUIRED for J-e between 9 30 and 11 am Draperv Manager Army and Navy Stxxes 105 Victoria -su eet Wat-minuter YOUNG MAN for aoft furnishing (about ane years' exper ence) Medium cash trad Good knowledge Minds and casem*nt Live out by letter atirg Jud expenenc and talar Svdnev Church Enfield wanted rour junior assistant for soft furnishing dept Live or Evans Evans ii 1 oze ri-rrad I''rmirgbann DRAPERY -wanted exper YOUNG LADY for foreign fanev ull partcular? saiary £: first letter Wickham (Maidstone La 23-27 Hlgh-strev stone pVRA PERT YOUNG MAN WANTED nge with CrA LJ experaace rt irriehing Age about 25 Mutt be od colecman Foker-Aone App Pumme! Roildte Li Hastin' DRAPERY (Lace and Neckwear Dept) JUNIOR YuGvG LADY ANTED to live Applv personally (preferred) or by letter stating full particulars and saiarv required Wright Bros Ld Richmond Close one Wednesdays DRESS MACHINsT WANTED Work all the year round Mast be Apply Wyman 182 War- dour-n one door frm Oxford-st -W AVi HAND firl- esn -end drfta-mana eitabliah int nt- Coll 69 yar TYRESMAKERS and ASSISTANTS WANTED Per lL ruanent situation and 8 Covent Garden lYRESSMAKERS Machinists ft AN TED PermantDt XJ -ituations Apply 7 and 8 King CovenA Garn i DPESS3LVKER: HAN a- Guo HAND ata u4ghtt-cla W-a-rtid experience WANTED once Permanent atuatioo and best wages ft ft Kvlle-Terrv Ld Court Dressmakers 50 Meuni-row Daviet-etrei't ft T'hRESSMAKiNG ACANCx for an experienced DILE HAND ft A-hi i liigh- ft 'get DRESSMAKING Messrs REVILLE (1926 Ld require eXPERIE-NCFD PLEATING and SLEEVE HANDS with the highest Wst-nd exper ence 299 Oxford-street KW HANDS ft ANTED thorough iip -cW nigh-cj wore rvtaii ouoa At ov oe lai 14 1 DPENaMAKlNG ANTED tAptnenced 00ft H4 ND cl ASSISI AN An- 7 licd -on EXPERIENN'EiD DESIGNER T1 TRACER WANTED vi vagas Short hours personally I on 28 Brad-st ft Experienced manageress saleswoman rl iL lHLL Ior lit-class dres salfn Knowledge of Irench Box 637 Daii" Telegraph 74 tonu-s ft 1 Experienced go lands and assistants io Young L4v to help dei gning 38 Port-ii Iren A ter Co Experienced saleslady wanted for gowDt ua --Apo Wvmaa 215 iiiechapl-rd 1 tIRST SALES REQUIRED fer exilunv buboes in Knigntsbrdge West-end experience Appiy Fernanda 39 Brompton-rd between ten and cr ax and seven TTMTTER oapabe exper eac eaeeotial High-cinaa trade svsnc'sd Otfportunty Good wage Aao SALESLADY West-end exptrieac eseen-rial Sirar appeajne Hgh-oae trade- Apply between nne and ten e-in only Marv Na 27 Piccad ly GIRL ANTED for draprt-y shop Age 14-16 Smart appearance Lambeth -walk 6X 11 CiOODULliEK aud FlilEK WANTED dreiLmak Appiy Ruth Gooaam 83 Duke-itreer Grcs-venor-quaie CIQWN FiriER-A VACANCY occurs for a thoroughly exper nc1 fitter i rustomed tn high-class trade to fr and uke enura control oi work room 30 to J5 ar? eg John Barker A Ov Li Kt-nsuig -n Appy rsoae iv cr eLter iff cnfi c- statng age salary end full pa i of experience to Manager 38 Kennguia-squore ft 8 GOWN' 5 STOCKKEEPER REQUIRED to tkn charge of piece rook Previous --miAr spen- nr -Appy ater five pm to Mr Ernt E-Tot Samuel El iott 21 Eoauaaaie-st Oxlord-at ft GoWSs mea-m and better ernar experirtKed YOUNG LAi riBA LLLEB HEOLIReD by 11 -known and o-4-rtablined London house Mur thorough- the bus Jioas and have first rate lire connection either in London or p-ovuora or both and able to ccnvmand good u-aie Gofa appearance ani addrea and first rate referencta and no encumbrances essentai Good per petition rr in conMeace fui part-cmars Box 1 53 Daily Teleffr'h EC 4 GOWN'x (Vry Boat) Wboteau MAClTiyiTP ab lutel capable fixing on stand and taking tcroughou rure-aaj eek Constant Sepret 1st Flo a Carburtcn-street Gt PorJaad-it i lailsTAMs titcai ntadl loni 1 ti Tr -it pV ears 4 Welts reu- tie strt of in eye-uiri MA 'fit fottls ji4itcw branch Know euge of fur and diaptar work ese ntiai The pot'jn is ne of rtgyi nsibilitv and a proepects ft giving fuL of previous experence age and sa-ar to Use Managing Director 374 Oxford -street Lcodu MANAGER and BUYER for iadri drapery dept oi leading fs store in heal-hy Br-sn Utou? Good terms and prnopect fer caLie anc ccergeuc can aged Zc-lS th firat-rioa o--rcnd exper ence- Write gv full part 'nla-s exper etct Ax a ccufidenoe Bex 66 Wiring' Mocrrgate EX 2 MAN AGER Wanted for mahte and gown hop Must efficient wtndowgrcaeer and oh to take ooutroi-Mua be smart app oronce aci cf a atv tivd salar and Commission Wr sJa full part If iu srs aci en oaiug opv of rerferarcee B- 3618 Dai i Te-frapk Fleet-mrtm EC 4 rmjtej earner rt appliaatf fnr Mannequin trom-ig a trdrate rtAVF XN KOUIN kD STAFF BUREAU 11 GT HIriH HDLBORN WC 2 or Oiancerylawe Stations EMPLOYER PROMPTLY SUITED H0LB0RN 2489 wanted in fashion houses We give porter training at axyferat fee THE HONOURABLF MRS COLSON THF MANNEQUIN TRAfVTNG SALOW 122 Regrt'ri -etroet I oppofaU New Gallery Kan era a MODELS SUPPLIED TO FASHION HOUSES 161 Pioondillv 1 18 L-jcd Matrix eteks more progrcMlv FIT kn wkySg bkkg and shorthand 22 months' office experience Box 382 Doily Telegraph Flec-F 4 V0UTH eek POST of bo'kkeep'ng ehorthaad- tv ng s-d off utine 18 mooth-' cor mer' a train-rg Saarv ft xiu Box 3653 Doaly Teiegraph Feet-jet EC 4 TYPISTSLADY CLERKSl Min- Line (Min 4 Lina) A AGENCIES 2a rtd par Line SITUATIOiNS VACANT A BACKBONE TO BLB1XS9B -fficancy MAYFAIR BUREAU 40 isA( KV LLc-81 PICCADILLY Ger r-rid 8101- suppios PERMLN'ENT SH OF THAN D-TY IbTS fa frJ TfaMPUAARV cJPDRTHAND TT PIST8 4 BbrTTLR POST -HuLi PHONE OPERATORS AN I El) £0 40 TYPISTS 40 SHORTMA D-TYPISTS 14 cnciea 60a 25a Also several CLERKS No Bo king Fe BTDDY MGvtaGUF (Agent) 103 K1NGSW WC 2 A BIG SHT -TYPS nd 25a 40s 19 35a ft 12 40s Clerks K-W 1 20s Acton 20? i Ctv 15 Other ta(acii No hocking Call aany Appts Bureau 16a H-ddon- cfl Rer nt- i Sri CAPABLE SHGRTHAND-TYPI'T REQUIRED at cr PnigTeasdve post- Apply Hed-Tlioratoa 17 uep 12 SECRETARIAL POcT IOR I You can use your spar time to secure a seoretarvri poL gh salaries are paid to trained non scrU4e The Institute of Women Secretaries will train you and wh qualified you are in trod ed to ghlv-paid vacant secretarial Write to-day without obligation for The i ft man in Business (free and poet free) the of Women Screwries Ld 21 Goechen-buiidings 12 13 Ha- i ritu -street btrand WC 2 VACANCY for GIRL to larr shorthand tjrpinr i gtr office na PROFU IFNCY Gl ARAN TEED Small in- M- Mada Busli-lan use Cann n-t EC 4 4 LL BOOKK EPKR8 CTEKKS -HOBTHAND TYPISTS SLuRETa HiLh JUNIORS recuirmg or a'e invited to app to the TLMPLE BUHtAU TREET Tr 5812 Centra EDUCATED LADY will receive PRACTICAL TRAIN- A INu lecretarial work shor had typewriting Pd for work Gotxl prc pcu Law General Typvwrltng Cx Ld 8 Bedfobi-squar WC 1 ApSt personally AN efficient sH FT LAN'D-T PIT frtegn correspondent te'kk- per or cierk for p'rmanent or tmporar work be had on demand from Margaret ft toon's ample meat Bureau Paiar -chvnbeo gft' 1 Victoria 3838 SST SHOE THAN D-TY PINT KLQD for larg office near London Bridge Good exp Ron eo work eaten 6ai £91 pa with prepeots Appiy Laurie 4 Co Employment 26 BasinghaA-at LC 2 No preirnnoxy frt OOKKEEPFJt TaLRK to rake charge of en office LI Ole expe lento ft ut ng qoa i-La dons and salary required A Sox 37o Daiy Talc rapn Fet-r trtet EC 4 Butcher? young iody required liv ft rite ful or coil 10-12 lbmfaa 61 Gt Titu-tic Id -st Oxfrtd-rtircu rfIVTL REQUIRED fr Lrndun telvphoa ex chansres educe G1KLS between 16 and 19 veers of ag annum height 5ft or condition of service appy ov letter to Controller 32 Brde st LC sLERK (Lad' REQUTRED Age 25-35 general office accuracy in Personally or bv letter full parljruiars nagej requred Jf3'fll ji Harrison Kltham Middle! COUNTING H0Ut-As b'lAM LEDGER CLERK REQUIRED under 25 v-- of hv Jon Barker A Co L-i Kensingwn Sinuiar draperv counting hous Apvly Stafl Manager 38 Kaus-irgt-'n itxoie Exp in! junior Lady aect Clerk REQUIRED Working kniwldee of Burroughs aid mo'ia no ueful but not es nta pe- aalv any ruing exorpt Saturday between 10 'nd 11 ri-ock or by letter to the staff Manage' A ft Gaiioge Li 107 Garden EC DIRECTING Jun oc total: gent WASTED for oftee City house eatertnx for wear to kep records of ia and pur-haos aamgftes 4c Muat be quick at figufr and neat in a id oe--von PwnMnAnt proe'es- aituat ion Give pnr i lar of Jtawiou exper eac and rate rtf and usee rite Box 1577 Daiiv Telegraph Flert-rireet EC 4 EVR ON LY I TING SA LTTE FS Seve war to a rti mi 'toc Ease nf ng hoh or spare ne work Farnn guh-anreed Rap training Detai free -SVe Sot-v j'? 1 Bloennahun mans London Educated shorthand-typists with two or thre yta r' exper nce ft' ANTED immediately for superior pocs Also Juniors 11 MI KAY BUREAU 20 HTGH HOLBORN WC 1 EFHCILNT JUNIOR SHORTHAND-TYPIST REQ ft 1 Ag 18 20 In tlal sal 35 Coil Leslie 4 Co Employment Socialist Empire Hou bt prrtiminaTv fes I EXPERIENCED b'ukki-r PLU RFQriRFD Tharmiffh -i 'o vledge of ail ligers ah to fake charxe of full set of bonRa Permanency between 10 and II o'clock only 89 KmeVebrdre ft' Experienced lady clerk accustomed to invoicing and work room records REQUIRED cat on state ge exoenen ce and salary r-qu red to be fc-warded with reC-rences Box Davies 95 Bisbopsgate 2 gXTEBlEXCLD fcH0BTBOD-n'PIST Rfa QUTRED for aioouata sectioa of a largo departmental 6tor Only tboee thorough I proflcieat need Wnte fully ing ezpoiiaxxte age salary required h' in or oat and when disengaged to Mr Ben toll Bntlla Ld Klngrto on-Thamei Expert lady horth4Nd-typist reouhtet bv chartered accountant Muat be accusvorned to bnef ma ch abe to type balance her statements 4c Apply by letter with full -art u'ars sa tq ag? eperenot a required to 67 I 'BENCH CO ERE 5 PON DENT TRANS i TOR th abort cor rbrekera LTerocol SWISS HERO AVTILE feOCifafY Eaaoloym rr Ie 24 0 Vlctorlo-etref flC 4 iCa 19-2) GROCERY uKuLH ClLRK about 21 veers of age RL QLIKLD accait roed to taka erders on telephone Hi ur seven a tc fire Apply btaff Manager John Barker 4 Co Ld 38 Kens ngten-square ft 6 INVOICE CLERK Jufiirt young LADIES REQUIRED by City whateiae draper house Neat quick writer and at figurea State exorencc age and Writ I I Box 1575 Da TKgrapt EC 4 UNIOR CLERK LADY for good office in Holbom Knowfudge rang and good edur esen Aged 16 Sal sfct £65 a-Apply Laor 4 Co Cmplc-me-1 28 "ensU-sT 2 Ko preliminary fee JUNIOR LADY CLERK REQU IRLI tom pororlv stating age and exper chc Bex 1645 Daily Tei graph street EC 4 I nrj Oliver ft'rit giving -a:" kc Celebrity Gramophone Co Ld 40 Borough Hlgh-s 1 LADY CTXRK REQTUFf) -n ocreU ffi' 13 66i co Good handwriting esert al Muat be State eatiie-tene rd aalarv 'eouired 3 3 VC 4 TT NI0R LADY CLLRK fix 9 edge of -ping A pertence age and sa-ary rqured Jcsep ariturate at to b- No Box 45 Cndur I I NT0R SHORTHAND TYPIST REQUIRED bv Lfe in suraooa offio ftee'-ond Muat be gncA x- Prosper foe no able worker tu tiny sf solar A Box 766P Dal-iy TlfrtPh 151 1 I firi M'Ut be expenenc ucd i ne rite full portoua-a expe-ene' age snd a vy Bx 7 675 Dsly 161 P-sd: ft TNTOR SHORTHAND-TYPIST Lodj Wv nineter Age 16-18 gen ral cj ole-phoa 4 itafiing age speeds expenen -if an and aalary required to Box 6 21 DaUy leUgaph "4 v' torartt vW 1 JUNIOR SHORTHAND-TYPISTS requ ling auifAb! ps Bireau Id 49 Oxford- Frqun! vacancies No backing UNIOR eHoBTHAN'D-T'i PI ST ft ANTED be en 1 gen and thorough App r-atinf ag expe- bce if ary peuj and salary ird to Mj-'-Mrer Reent Institute 15 Victoria- LADY 25-30 to tc Ma-J-iculatioo standard REQUIRED for prorr oave Ma hv good 'rance id if sho-thand write and typust Exte-f h-rotoufth delrd Box 1S33 La-y ertn graph t-tr-t EC 4 I TY offer TRAINING to amb iicur JLs girl knowing Gerruar Pad or wprk GERMAN SHORTHAND aped orn Monday I-perrfa-b dgw Ludea e-ri-oue Er 4 PROPICILNT SHOBTHAND-T oi REQUIRED tm poreruT Wnifa ta rr spells age arf exprieaoe B-x I 643 Dalv eet-itreet EC 4 REOUIIED fJiorvafti know led 1 French experienced in motor tod strv Wrte fullest parliruUra and saury C- Box 3556 Dl Ttlegreph Keeu REQUIRED GIRL with exrfTen and knowledge horthnd-U pwriting teiepj-ne invoicing junior -ffi w-k and assist in despatch ft rie Brt 1671 Daily Telegraph FVet-trt EC 4 EQUIRED Lv fix Lr Ira fa LADY HORTHA D-TY IST depart ment also a -ompe'nt TY'PTT fir copying In boh 'aaes previoua experience in a imilar capacity este riu tinting 1 alary rauuired and ain pi-ticulirs of prericua xperino to box 942 Bcrnel 8 Serla-st Lond--n ft 2 likiJ weL -educated ard capable SH0RTH A VD TY'PlaT av junior crx Gord charorter poaiUot -o su table WrK erooing cae of '-sutooioi ard staUeg war) re quired C- c-r King i 10 B--courfi Fleet-Street 4 RLQt IRED JUNIOR SHriRTHAND-TY PlST female 1 rence wftfi agent offlc preferred stating age expend ca salary r-q aired Cmham Lac b-t 23 8 wile-row h1 Required oi offlj junior lady short HAND TYPIST oatxence 30t Wrte co ft ckera Co Ld 24 Austin fr ten 2 TREQtTKPD LADY TYP sT ri: 11 eOv or Wrte A I'AAj Da Tfanrraph1 Fleec -street EC 4 i lqcirijd junior 'Horthand -hpl'T on Xa jl and ocriiiwt F-xar te-none ft: ui cxterieno salary kc Box 3926 Da: Tregiaph -streri LC- 4 RtiQlTKED I 4DY to tvpe rranuacrint In own hott Accuracy and neatness esse- Ml -g near Write BM aJH5 Lcndo- WC 1 TY EQUIRED SHORT HA ND-TYPIST aud TLLEPH0N i5t age about 18 ft ft rt stteting ox pereioe old nury required Bca 3606 Da lac grapfa iatrueet 4 I bQL litrAi II'NG LADY i ETGEW CTETIK also Ik a ior rro'if fa find ter- a-: vid P'ev-us rp-'to Ihft rnddin leefillv or Apn2y by letter Mat Inf age ard salary requ red to Mr rH' TMv 451 H's'owray-rftOC N' 7 Required xo-rcd tftxvew cxfbk lady' ro take -ba-x eeta M'1' O': ard az-'-uraie awrt arprNv -f current Address i 0 -taung fu Pr-trtutera and age salary requred 1469 Dally egraph Ft rree WC CfHOBTHAND TYPIST 'oar REQt TIED -O agnt 'ri ftemn r-ftrte a 1 fic aod saar requred to 6 8 CrirK-s-reet Weatit*r AW 1 OHOB HAND TYPIsT 30 BFQtIBFD fl for Ci' office Morgore ftfi pioyment bureau 15 mtoster No booking HOBTHAYD TYPIST tor- Pa4acte-chambers Brdge-sueet Wut faea SHORTHAND TYPIST RErilBED Expen-ncL-fasr gvng partMMlar ok exp ri-ace aca and sfaory Bex 5944 Daiy Teieeraph HO RTH A ND-TY PT ee rtrt-t CC i REQUIRED borkkep-IL- tee New lan- ard Curtain- rd pooio.
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