Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (2024)


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Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (1)

A multiplier is a number that indicates the magnitude of a particular macroeconomic policy measure. In other words, the multiplier attempts to quantify the additional effects of a policy beyond those that are immediately measurable.

For example, a decrease in taxation will have more of an effect than just the value of the reduced taxes. It will lead to greater disposable income which might cause an increase in consumption, which in turn might increase employment in industries that enjoy greater demand and so on.

So the total effect of the implemented policy equals the effect of the policy measure, times the multiplier. This is true for most macroeconomic policy measures because the actual effect of the measure cannot be quantified by the effect of the measure itself.

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An example of a Multiplier


6X3 = 18 Factor Factor Product (or multiplier) (or multiplicand)

In economics, the multiplier is the ratio of the increment in income to the increment in investment.

That is, multiplier, K=AY/AI

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Calculating the value of the multiplier

Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (2)

Consumption Function

As the demand for a good depends upon its price, similarly consumption of a community depends upon the level of income. In other words, consumption is a function of income. The consumption function relates the amount of consumption to the level of income. When the income of a community rises, consumption also rises.

How much consumption rises in response to a given increase in income depends upon the marginal propensity to consume. It should be borne in mind that the consumption function is the whole schedule that describes the amounts of consumption at various levels of income.

The consumption function, or Keynesian consumption function, is an economic formula representing the functional relationship between total consumption and gross national income. It was introduced by British economist John Maynard Keynes, who argued the function could be used to track and predict total aggregate consumption expenditures.

The consumption function is represented as:

C = a + bY Where: C = Consumer spending a = Autonomous consumption b = Marginal propensity to consume Y = Real disposable income

Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (3)

The consumption function, PQ, is a straight line and OT is a straight line passing through the origin making an angle of 45° which intersects the consumption function from below at point T.

This consumption function PQ satisfies all the following four characteristics.

According to Keynes, the consumption function must have the following characteristics:

  • 1. Aggregate real consumption expenditure is a stable function of real income.
  • 2. The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) or the slope of the consumption function defined as DC/dY must lie between zero and one i.e. 0 < MPC < 1.
  • 3. The average propensity to consume (APC) or the proportion of income spent on consumption defined as C/Y should decrease as income increases.
  • From the relation between marginal and average, we know that when the average falls, marginal is below average.
  • Thus, when the average propensity to consume (APC) falls, the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) must be lower than the APC.
  • 4. The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) itself probably decreases or remains constant as income increases.

Average propensity to consume

The average propensity to consume (APC) expresses the percentage of income consumed at any given level of income. In other words, it’s the amount of income the average consumer spends on goods and services.

The basic assumptions are

  • (1) Price level stability
  • (2) Self-sufficient economy
  • (3) No undistributed profits
  • (4) No state sector

The total consumption depends on the total income and there is a positive correlation between the two.

The average propensity to consume formula is calculated by dividing total consumption (what is spent on goods and services) by total income (what is earned) in a given period.

Therefore, the equation for APC is: Average propensity to consume (APC) = Total Consumption Expenditure / Total Disposable Income = C/Y

Marginal propensity to consume

In economics, the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is an empirical metric that quantifies induced consumption, the concept that the increase in personal consumer spending (consumption) occurs with an increase in disposable income (income after taxes and transfers).

The proportion of the disposable income that individuals desire to spend on consumption is known as the propensity to consume. MPC is the proportion of additional income that an individual desires to consume.

For example, if a household earns one extra taka of disposable income, and the marginal propensity to consume is 0.65, then of that taka, the household will spend 65 poisa and save 35 poisa.

Mathematically, the MPC function is expressed as the derivative of the consumption function C concerning disposable income Y.

MPC = dC/dY



Where ΔC is the change in consumption, and ΔY is the change in disposable income that produced the consumption.

Marginal propensity to consume can be found by dividing the change in consumption by a change in income, or, MPC = ΔC/ΔY. The MPC can be explained with a simple example

Here ΔC = 50, ΔY = 60, Therefore, MPC = ΔC/ΔY = 50/60 = 0.83 or 83%.

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For example, you receive a bonus with your paycheck, and it is $500 on top of your annual earnings. You suddenly have $500 more in income than you did before.

If you decide to spend $400 of this marginal increase in income on a business suit, your marginal propensity to consume will be 0.8 ($400/ $500)

MPC and the Multiplier

Writing the equation for the equilibrium level of income, we have Y = C + I. Therefore, ΔY = ΔC + ΔI.

From the consumption function we know, C = a + bY. That is, ΔC = bΔY.

Now substituting this value in the above equation, we get ΔY = bΔY + ΔI.

ΔY – bΔY = ΔI.

ΔY(1 – b) = ΔI.

ΔY = (1 / (1 – b)) * ΔI.

ΔY / ΔI = 1 / (1 – b).

Therefore, multiplier K = ΔY / ΔI = 1 / (1 – MPC) = 1 / MPS.

Importance of Multiplier

Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (4)

The limitations and the criticism discussed here do have validity. However, none can undermine the importance of the investment multiplier in economic analysis. Based on the multiplier, Keynes advocated investment in public works during the depression.

The government as well as the private entrepreneurs can significantly expand the economic activities through the investment.

This investment will have an amplified effect on the income, output, and employment of the economy.

The multiplier is an important part of Keynes’s theory of income and employment. The concept of the multiplier is of great significance in economic analysis and policy.

Saving Investment Equality

The multiplier theory highlights the importance of investment in the theory of income and employment. As the consumption function is stable during the short run, fluctuations in income and employment are the result of fluctuations in the level of investment.

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A rise in investment causes a cumulative rise in income and employment through the multiplier process and vice-versa.

The multiplier theory not only explains the process of income propagation as a result of a rise in the level of investment, but it also helps in bringing equality between saving and investment.

In case of divergence between the two, a change in the level of investment leading to a change in the level of income via the multiplier process, ultimately equalizes saving and investment.

Business Cycles

The multiplier process explains and helps in controlling different phases of business cycles occurring due to fluctuations in the level of income and employment.

The boom period (high level of income and employment) can be controlled by a reduction in investment, which leads to a cumulative decline in income and employment in the multiplier process.

On the other hand, during the depression phase of the business cycle (low level of income and employment), an increase in investment leads to a revival. If this process continues, then depression may turn into a boom period.

Formulation of Economic Policies

The government can decide upon the amount of investment to be injected into the economy to reduce unemployment. The multiplier theory helps the government in formulating an appropriate employment policy during the depression.

During the depression, the Government’s public works programs are more effective than the cheap money policy due to the multiplier effect of investment. It is important to note that any increase in investment in one sector should not be practiced.

Uses of Multiplier

Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (5)
  • 1. The multiplier principle occupies a very important place not only in economic theory but also in shaping economic policy.
  • 2. It plays a vital role as an instrument of income building.
  • 3. It tells us how a small increase in investment can result in a large increase in aggregate income.
  • 4. Multiplier uses control of business cycles.
  • 5. It furnishes guidelines for appropriate income and employment policies.
  • 6. It also explains the expansion of the public sector in modern times.

Limitations of Multiplier

Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (6)

Efficiency of production

If the production system of the country cannot cope with the increased demand for consumption goods and make them readily available, the income generated will not be spent as visualized. As a result, the MPC may decline.

Regular investment

The value of the multiplier will also depend on regularly repeated investments.

Multiplier period

Successive doses of investment must be injected at suitable intervals if the multiplier effect is not being lost.

Full employment ceiling

As soon as full employment of the idle resources is achieved, further beneficial effects of the multiplier will practically cease.

Illustration 1:

In an economy, the basic equations are as follows: the consumption function is C = 300 + 0.8Y and the planned investment is I = $360 million. You are required to ascertain the following:

  1. The equilibrium level of income
  2. The equilibrium level of income when planned investment increases from 360 to 400 million, a total increase of 40 million
  3. The multiplier effect of the 40 million increases in planned investment.


  1. The equilibrium condition is given as Y = C + I: Y = 300 + 0.8Y + 360 Y – 0.8Y = 300 + 360 0.2Y = 660 Y = 3,300

The equilibrium level of income is Y = $3,300 million.

  1. The equilibrium condition is given as Y = C + I: Y = 300 + 0.8Y + 400 Y – 0.8Y = 300 + 400 0.2Y = 700 Y = 700 / 0.2 Y = 3,500

Hence, the equilibrium level of income is $3,500 million.

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  1. The equilibrium level of income increases from 3,300 to 3,500 crores when planned investment increases from 360 to 400 million. There is an increase in income by 200 million. Hence the multiplier effect is m = 1 / (1 – 0.8) = 5.

Illustration 2:

Presume in an economy the marginal propensity to consume is 0.75 and the level of autonomous investment decreases by 40 million. Find the following:

  1. The change in the equilibrium level of income
  2. The change in consumption expenditures


The change in income is given by AY = m * AI, where m is the investment multiplier. Also, m = 1 / (1 – b), where b is the marginal propensity to consume.

Wc know ^Y / ^I = m

Therefore, the decrease in autonomous investment causes a decrease in the equilibrium level of income by 160 million.

Y = C + I, Therefore, AY = AC – 40 AC = -120

The consumption expenditure decreases by 120 million.

Illustration 3:

Compute the value of the investment multiplier when the marginal propensity to consume is (1) 0.80, (2) 0.65, (3) 0.40, and (4) 0.25. Find the effect of a decrease in the equilibrium income when autonomous investment decreases by 60 million when the marginal propensity to consume is (1) 0.80, (2) 0.65, (3) 0.40, and (4) 0.25.


The value of m, the investment multiplier is: m = 1 / (1 – b)

Therefore: (1) m = 1 / (1 – 0.80) = 1 / 0.20 = 5 (2) m = 1 / (1 – 0.65) = 1 / 0.35 = 2.87 (3) m = 1 / (1 – 0.40) = 1 / 0.60 = 1.67 (4) m = 1 / (1 – 0.25) = 1 / 0.75 = 1.33

Thus, the decrease in the equilibrium income when autonomous investment decreases by 60 million is: (1) AY = AI * m = -60 * 5 = -300 (2) AY = AI * m = -60 * 2.87 = -172.2 (3) AY = AI * m = -60 * 1.67 = -100.2 (4) AY = AI * m = -60 * 1.33 = -79.8

Illustration 4:

In an economy, the marginal propensity to consume is 0.50. The level of autonomous investment decreases by 60 million. Find the following:

  1. The change in the equilibrium level of income
  2. The change in autonomous demand
  3. The induced change in the consumption expenditure


  1. AY = m * AI, where m is the investment multiplier. Also, m = 1 / (1 – b), where b is the marginal propensity to consume.

AY = AI * m = -60 * 1 / (1 – 0.50) = -60 * 2 = -120

The decrease in autonomous investment causes a decrease in the equilibrium level of income by 120 million.

  1. The decrease in investment by 60 million is the change in the level of autonomous demand.
  2. Y = C + I, Therefore, AY = AC – 60 AC = -60

The consumption expenditure falls by 60 million.

Illustration 5:

Presume that in a two-sector economy, the income is $1000 million while the marginal propensity to consume is 0.40. Suppose the government wants to increase the income to $1600 million, by an amount of $600 million.

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By how much should the autonomous investment be increased?

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The income level = $1000 million The planned income level is $1600 million Change in income = ΔY = 1600 – 1000 = $600 million

Thus the autonomous investment should be increased by $360 million for the income to increase to $1600 million. An increase in income by $600 million.

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Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics (2024)


Understanding the Multiplier Effect in Macroeconomics? ›

The multiplier effect refers to the effect on national income and product of an exogenous increase in demand. For example, suppose that investment demand increases by one. Firms then produce to meet this demand. That the national product has increased means that the national income has increased.

What is the multiplier explained macroeconomics? ›

In macroeconomics, the multiplier effect refers to the increase in national income due to an external stimulus, like an increase in demand or spending power. It is calculated with the formula M = 1/ (1–MPC), where M is the economic multiplier and MPC is the marginal propensity to consume.

What is the main idea of the multiplier effect? ›

The multiplier effect refers to how an increase in spending ultimately leads to a far bigger change in GDP than the amount spent. For example, if a person spends $1,000, that capital will grow to the extent that it increases GDP by far more than $1,000.

What is the multiplier effect and how does it work in real time? ›

The multiplier effect is a core concept in macroeconomics, especially the Keynesian economic theory. It is the idea that because of the flow of money, an increase in wealth will pass through many hands. Therefore, the implications of additional money extend beyond the person that first receives it.

What is the multiplier effect in the economic cycle? ›

The multiplier effect works by creating a cycle of spending and income. For example, if the government increases spending on infrastructure, this creates income for workers who build and maintain the infrastructure.

What is the multiplier effect in simple terms? ›

The multiplier effect refers to the effect on national income and product of an exogenous increase in demand. For example, suppose that investment demand increases by one. Firms then produce to meet this demand. That the national product has increased means that the national income has increased.

What is the reasoning behind the multiplier effect? ›

A key tenet of Keynesian economic theory is that of the multiplier, the notion that economic activity can be easily influenced by investments, causing more income for companies, more income for workers, more supply, and ultimately greater aggregate demand.

Why is it important to understand the multiplier effect? ›

Understanding the formula for calculating a multiplier's effect helps measure the real impact of changes in government investment. It also allows specialists to compare the impact of different investments to determine what has been most valuable for the economy.

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Lesson Summary

The multiplier effect (also known as a chain reaction) reflects the impacts that change in spending and investing have on the economy. The multiplier is calculated by dividing the change in income by the change in spending. The multiplier effect relies heavily on backward linkage and MPC.

What is the reason behind why the multiplier effect exists? ›

Because a change in expenditures leads to changes in income, which generates further spending. This is the correct answer because the multiplier effect is based on money creation. It is also called the credit creation process.

What is a real world example of the multiplier effect? ›

A real-world example of the multiplier effect is government spending on infrastructure projects, such as a new bridge or highway. This creates jobs and stimulates the economy, leading to increased spending by consumers and businesses, further increasing economic activity and growth.

What weakens the multiplier effect? ›

The multiplier is weakened because some of the increase in aggregate demand is absorbed by the higher prices and real output does not change by the full extent of the change in aggregate demand.

What can cause multiplier effect? ›

The multiplier effect occurs when an initial injection into the circular flow causes a bigger final increase in real national income. This injection of demand might come for example from a rise in exports, investment or government spending.

How does the multiplier work in macroeconomics? ›

The multiplier is the amount of new income that is generated from an addition of extra income. The marginal propensity to consume is the proportion of money that will be spent when a person receives a certain amount of money. The formula to determine the multiplier is M = 1 / (1 - MPC).

What is the Keynesian multiplier effect? ›

Keynesian models of economic activity also include a multiplier effect; that is, output changes by some multiple of the increase or decrease in spending that caused the change.

What happens to the multiplier effect if the economy is at full employment? ›

Answer and Explanation: If an economy is at the full-employment level and the government imposes expansionary fiscal policy, it will have a multiplier effect on aggregate demand, which is different than the multiplier effect during a recession.

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The money multiplier is the amount of money that the banking system can generate with each dollar of reserves. The money multiplier is calculated by dividing one by the reserve ratio. In other words, the money multiplier is the reciprocal of the reserve ratio.

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The multiplier effect. The process by which any initial change in a component of AS results in a greater final change in real GDP. This is known as the multiplier effect and it comes about because of injections of demand into the circular flow of income that stimulate rounds of trading. The process.

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Multiplier Formula (Simple)

In a closed economy with no government sector, the multiplier shows the impact of a change in investment on national income. There is only one leakage from the circular flow. Example: In a closed economy with no government sector, the marginal propensity to save is 0.2.

What is the multiplier ratio in economics? ›

The multiplier ratio

This is the ratio of the rise national income to the initial rise in AD. In other words, it is the number of times a rise in national income is larger than the rise in the initial injection of AD, which led to the rise in national income.

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