Who Will Iruma End Up With? Will It Be Ameri? (2025)

Our boy Iruma successfully captures everyone’s heart in Babyls Demon School. He exudes that harem king type of vibe, known for making meaningful relationships with others.

His kindness has captivated people and has them drooling in platonic and romantic ways. This is the reason why the fans are constantly engaged in shipping wars.

While we all want our favorite ships to sail, the reality often differs. Most of the fans want Iruma to either end up with Ameri, Clara, and even Azz-kun! But will our hopeful wishes come true this time? Who will Iruma end up with?

Iruma will end up with Ameri as she is head over heels for him, and he is bound to fall in love with her, too, in the long run. He even confessed that he wanted to get closer to her. It may be for their “ambitions,” but the ship is set to sail, guys.

Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun is not a romance anime. It focuses more on the comedy and fantasy genres.

However, there have been hints from Osamu Nishi that both Ameri and Clara are fond of Iruma. It’s up to him now. However, the answer is blatantly obvious.


1. Iruma X Ameri

3. Will It End Up With a Harem Route Instead?

4. Where to Watch Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun

5. About Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-kun

1. Iruma X Ameri

Ameri Azazel is our badass student council president at Babyls Demon School. Ameri is the Tsundere girl who develops a soft spot for Iruma.

She’s got both beauty and brain. She excels academically and is considered the most beautiful girl by those around her.

Hence, as expected, Ameri has her own bunch of simps between the fandom. However, most of the fans are usually stuck between the debate of Ameri being the best girl in the series.

The best part about her is her balanced persona. She embodies a balance between her serious and determined side as a student council president and her softer, more vulnerable side. She is a true maiden at heart.

When you’re dealing with a tsundere like Ameri, the ultimate match would be a total softie, right? Guess who’s rocking that soft boy vibe in the series? Yup, you got it – it is none other than Iruma!

Who Will Iruma End Up With? Will It Be Ameri? (1)

If it wasn’t obvious from her bashful face around Iruma, let me break it down for you real clear – Ameri’s got mad love for Iruma, no doubt about it.

They share a very special bond; Iruma spends time reading her the forbidden books- Shoujo manga, and Ameri is one of the few people who know that Iruma is a human.

Ameri tries her very best to spend more time with Iruma and make him fall in love with her. In addition, the dynamic dialogues between Iruma and Ameri are often used as comic relief in the story, straight-up comedy gold.

We can take Pool/aquarium date they had as an example, In the 20th episode, Dreaming Date. Ameri stayed up all night crafting the perfect date with Iruma after researching Shojo manga.

Her heartstrings were pulled as she responded to Irumas text about her date invitation, and she wracked her brain to decide on a dress that would look good on her.

Let me tell you, when a girl is wracking her brain to choose an outfit for a guy, she is definitely into him.

They met at the Aqua Case water park/aquarium the next day. Ameri even attempted to hold Iruma’s hand, get an Ice cream treat, and visit a souvenir shop to carry out her plan.

Since she was too overwhelmed, she thought that her date was a failure. However, it ended in the perfect Shojo style as Iruma carried her princess-style to a clinic after he noticed a cut on Ameri’s leg and used his magic ring to make her weightless.

Let’s not forget the Deviculum dance, where even Iruma also blushed before asking Ameri out on a dance, and since he didn’t really know how to dance, she gave him a little tutorial.

During the dance, Iruma confesses his admiration for her and that he is inspired by her showing him “Ambition,” and expresses a desire to grow closer.

Ameri reciprocates, embracing him into a lovely hug, which makes Iruma blush, hinting at a possible attraction.

Also, when questioned about Ameri’s significance to him, Iruma struggles to answer, but it’s pretty obvious now, isn’t it?

He likes her too, and she holds importance in his life.Iruma X Ameri is canon after all. I love watching her tsundere personality melt for him, making her go from a cold baddie to a meek, docile, shy girl.

READ: Who Does Kazuma End Up with in Konosuba?

2. Iruma X Clara

I will argue with anyone who believes Clara isn’t precious. Clara is a very unique and refreshing character—I stan her. In fact, we should all stan Clara. She is a cute little chaotic munchkin that adds energy to the storyline.

Clara’s got these crazy dimension powers and was often taken advantage of and exploited her. Iruma, though?- He never played with her or used her gifts. That’s what brought them tight.

Who Will Iruma End Up With? Will It Be Ameri? (2)

Clara might seem dense and clueless when it comes to romance, but in real talk, it’s the total opposite. Ever since Iruma started hanging out with Ameri, Clara was jealous.

She also blushes at the thought of Iruma as her future husband; Clara has a crush on Iruma. However, her feelings aren’t reciprocated as Iruma doesnt like her romantically.

Clara and Iruma have been friends since the start of the series, and Iruma considers a good friend.

Let me tell you, their relationship is too cute to be true, a munchkin and a softie. Some fans want Iruma X Clara to seal the deal.

However, there is no apparent hint that Iruma might think of Clara more than friends.

While it’s pretty obvious he loves her platonically, Iruma X Clara’s ship hasn’t sailed when it comes to romantic interest.

If Osamu Nishi decides to make it canon, then it’s a long way ahead. But, for now, the budding romance between Clara and Iruma is one-sided.

3. Will It End Up With a Harem Route Instead?

Iruma’s got this natural magnetism that draws people in, and let’s be real, he is quite the charmer. The problem is he’s clueless most of the time about the impact he has on people.

Despite his initial notion of not wanting to draw any attention towards him, Iruma has been the hot topic of the school. It’s understandable since Iruma is heartwarming; watching him cleanses my soul and melts my heart.

Who Will Iruma End Up With? Will It Be Ameri? (3)

With how things are heading currently, Iruma might as well swoon the entire school.

The foreshadowing discloses that eventually, Iruma would become the demon king, and it wouldn’t be unconventional for the demon king to have his harem, right!?

Iruma has already captured Ameri, Clara, Eiko, possibly Kerori, and Elizabetta in his “evil cycle.” But let’s not forget the best boy Azz-kun; he has already claimed his spot in the harem.

However, Considering Iruma’s personality, he is likelier to stick with one girl, which is going to Ameri. He might exude those Harem protagonist vibes, but he will end up with one girl.

READ: Will Iruma Become the Demon King?

4. Where to Watch Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun

Watch Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-kun on:

  • Who Will Iruma End Up With? Will It Be Ameri? (4)
  • Who Will Iruma End Up With? Will It Be Ameri? (5)

5. About Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-kun

Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun is a Japanese manga series written by Osamu Nishi. It began its serialization in March 2017 in Akita Shoten’s shōnen magazine Weekly Shōnen Champion. Currently, the manga consists of fifteen volumes in the tankōbon format.

Iruma Suzuki is a fourteen-year-old kid who is overburdened with responsibilities due to the complacency of his parents.

One day, he discovers that his parents have sold his soul to a demon Lord Sullivan who brings him to the demon world.

Lord Sullivan brings him to the demon world to act as his grandson but by covering up his true identity as a human. This proves to be hard as challenges and adventures test Iruma within the demon world.

Who Will Iruma End Up With? Will It Be Ameri? (2025)


Who will marry Iruma Kun? ›

Maybe a "fast forward" when Iruma is crowned king and Ameri is implied as his queen.

Is Ameri in love with Iruma? ›

When she invites him as a temporary student council member, goes through a personality change, and has her position as student council president put in jeopardy, she realizes that she has fallen in love with Iruma after he helps her and reminds her of her ambitions.

Who does Iruma have a crush on? ›

After Ameri teaches him and they dance together, Iruma confesses he admires her for being the one who shows him "Ambition" and wants to get closer to her. Ameri replies she feels the same and hugs him, which causes Iruma to blush heavily, hinting he may have started to develop an attraction toward her.

Does Sullivan actually love Iruma? ›

Iruma Suzuki

Sullivan allowed himself to be summoned by a pair of humans in the human world, making a deal for Iruma in exchange for money. He's very affectionate and caring towards him, despite being different species, not blood-related (and kidnapping him).

How old is Ameri in Iruma? ›

9 Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-Kun! Statistics Chart
Valac Clara145′0" (153 cm)
Azazel Ameri166′3" (190 cm)
Amy KiriwoN/A5′4" (162 cm)
Naberius KalegoN/A6′0" (182 cm)
4 more rows
Nov 28, 2022

Does Iruma date Clara? ›

Iruma, on his part, views her as a good friend but thinks of her more as a close friend and has not shown romantic interest.

Who is Iruma most shipped with? ›

The ship between the main character, Iruma, and the student council president, Ameri, is one of the most beloved by fans. Their dynamic and chemistry have led to widespread support for their relationship. Fan Favorite: Their interactions are often highlighted by fans as some of the best moments in the series.

Who was Asmodeus love interest? ›

According to the apocryphal book of Tobit, Asmodeus, smitten with love for Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, killed her seven successive husbands on their wedding nights. Following instructions given to him by the angel Raphael, Tobias overcame Asmodeus and married Sarah.

Does Elizabeth love Iruma? ›

It's explained somewhere in the Harvest Festival arc that she sees every male as a potential partner so yes she does like Iruma.

Is Iruma really Sullivan's grandson? ›

Iruma is a 14-year-old human boy who was sold by his parents to the Demon Lord Sullivan, who adopts him as his grandson.

Is Asmodeus Alice in love with Iruma? ›

While not explicitly confirmed, the series seems to hint Asmodeus possibly having romantic feelings for Iruma on multiple occasions. He often tends to blush in response to Iruma's statements or feats.

Who is Iruma's twin? ›

Ichiro Suzuki the younger twin of Iruma Suzuki, the main protagonist of Mairimashita!

Who is Iruma's soulmate? ›

Iruma-kun manga series. The arc centers around Iruma bonding with his best friends Azz and Clara where it turns out that he considers them to be his soulmates, which Iruma views to be a friendship higher than just normal friends.

Is Asmodeus in love with Iruma? ›

While not explicitly confirmed, the series seems to hint Asmodeus possibly having romantic feelings for Iruma on multiple occasions. He often tends to blush in response to Iruma's statements or feats.

Does Iruma Kun have romance? ›

Iruma has multiple love interest as a trope but they're all by accident. If it has a harem theme in it Iruma would have to be aware and stuck between choosing who he want to be with. In most harem anime, the mc is hopelessly dense. However, here Iruma isn't dense, just inexperienced.

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