The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

4 THE DAILY PROGRESS, Final Rite Today For Miss Carter Funeral At O'Clock At Emmanuel Church, In Baltimore simple funeral service for Miss Sally Randolph Carter, who died suddenly Saturday morning ancestral home" of the Carters, wis beld from the residence at 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon. conducted the Lott Meredith. The body was brought here this morning and "taken on Chesapeake and Ohio train 4, at 9:55 o'clock, to Baltimore, where eral rites also: will be held at o'clock this afternoon in the Peace Chapel of Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church. Miss Sally, with her sister, Miss Mary Coles Carter, founded St. Timothy's School at Catonsville, which they conducted for I period of thirty-eight, years, during which their' reputation spread throughout the country.

Among the students educated at! 'St. Timothy's was Miss Julla, Christian, granddaughter of Stonewall Jackson; Miss Lucretia Garfield, granddaughter. of President Gardeld; Miss Marthi Bacon, daughter of Ambassador Bacon. The standtards of the school were such that graduates could pass examinations for Brya: Mawr College. From California to from Wisconsin to Miss Louisiana, "Min Polly," Carter's slater called, and Miss Sally were held in loving memory by women who went out from St.

Timothy's, They had known their wise and gentle rule, they respected and loved the two Virginia women who presided over the school with grace and charm. Active In Other Fields Nor were the sisters mere sebool mistresses. They Identifed themselves with the Women's Civic League of Baltimore and the Civil Service Reform Association of Maryland, and during the World War Miss Sally was made educatonal chairman of the women's branch of the Maryland Council of Defense: 'She also was a member of the Maryland Branch of the League of Nations Association. She always held keen interesting in national: -and fairs, and up to the time of her death kept in close touch with newspaper accounts of develop mente in Europe. She also was member the Colonial Dames of America, the So-clety of.

Colonial Governors, the United Daughters of the Confedaracy, the English Speaking Union, the Historical of land.and Virrinia. In 1914 she and her sister; with other Americans, were to London. Writing bome she said: "You neyer could imagine the conditions over here. and one literal, ly does not know what an hour will bring forth. The Channel he full of warships, everything mobilizing and being put on a war basis, but I think something will have to be done by our Government to.

get home all these desperate Americans who are stranded here. "We are comfortably Axed in little hotel on Cork street, and will wait until we see our way clear. Brown, Shipley Co. very kind and I think are doing all they can for us, but it is a terrible situation. Safety Slogan' RICHMOND, June 26-UP-Today's State Police safety may smile at safety, but you can't laugh off an accident." A tended the funeral la Richmond Saturday of Mrs.

Irene. Tatum Bivens were Mrs. -0. Deane, J. Mrs.

Ormond Deane, Mra Thurston. rich. Mr. and Mra. Mars via Tatum, and Mr.

V. B. Hades. HOSPITAL NOTES Fountain Garrison' of Doylesville was treated at University Hospital celved walle changing a tire on his Saturday for a fractured Anger Ernest Chisholm -of the Field House, Scott Stadium, is recovering from cuts above the eye sustained Friday when be was struck' by large. plank while unloading tank.

He was treated at University Hospital Saturday and. discharged, Claude is, of Alberene, has returned to bie home after treatment -at University Hospital for broken arm 'received to a fall from a swing. Otis 12-year-old Negro child of Avon, broke his arm Saturday 1 in fall from a bicycle, Miss Clara Cartmel of McGuffey Hall, University Summer Quarter student, was treated University Hospital yesterday for a sprained James Aubrey Carter has returned to him home at Louisa after treatment at University Hospital for sprained shoulder. Mrs. Will of Ruckersville, Greene: County, was treated University Hospital Saturday stter fracturing her ankie in a fall.

OBSERVATORY OPEN The public la lavited to attend "Open House" at the Leander- Mo. Cormick: Observatory tomorrow night from 8 until 10:80 o'clock and to observe the moon. Cars will be permitted to drive to the. top of the mountain. L.

JUNE 26, 1939 Funeral Home. the; service being conducted by the Rev C. E. Ander, laterment: was in the plot to. Chestnut Grove Church Cemetery at Early Active pallbearers wore W.

M. Bailey, -Everett Cox, Branch Jen. Hunter Crenshaw, Warren Wood; and A. P. MAs ELIZARFTH RAT Mre.

Elizabeth Ray, widow of Henry Ray, died at 10:30 o'clock last pight at a local hospital, after an extended illness Ray was a native of Athe merlo and wot age Surviving are two cone. Charles Ray of this city and Percy Li Ray of Overton, and one grandson The funeral will be holds o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Slate. Hill Church. the service to bel conducted by the Rev Oscar i Northen, of Brottaville Interment will in the family plot in the churchyard The funeral party will the Funeral Home. -School Group In Quarterly Session Representatives from the twenty.

two Sunday Schools in the Asmociation will meat at a o'clock tonight at the Mooreland Baptist de led dild* 8 Hodge of this city tional Sunday School superintendent, wall pt aside over the quarter. which will he plected ant reporta from 4 the vacation Bibie schools A Dr V. Cook. pastor of the L'niverally Baptiat Church, will de liver the closing addresa, on the topic, "Enlarging for 4 A 1 MONDAY 'AFTERNOON, Obituaries MRS. F.

W. CLARK Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Whitehurst Clark. for more then thirty years resident. of Crosst, were held from the home of her daughter, Mre Sadie W.

C. New berry in Richmond and were conducted by the Rev. A. P. Williams and ber nephew, the Rev.

Rowland Riddick. Interment was in Bland. ford Cemetery, Petersburg. Relatives 'and friends from Crozet attending were Mr. and Mra.

James W. Clark, Miss Jean Owens Clark, Mrs. Andrew J. Clark. Margaret Clark, Andrew J.

Clark, 11, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Mehring. Jr.

James Robert Clark, Mra. A. Harris and Mr. and Mre J. T.

O'Neill 11, William M. Lafferty, William Lafferty and Fred F. J. ARLINGTON BURGESS Funeral rites for James Arlington Burgess, who died Saturday night at the home of his mister, Mra Wu. liam P.

Gleason, 211 North Fourth Street, were held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the HIll 4 Irving Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. D. D. Holt, pastor of the First Methodist Church. Interment in the family.

plot In Oak wood Cemetery. Mr Burgess was a nattie of Net. son County, son of. Mra. Henriette (Gianniny) Burgess and the late J.

Anderson Burgess, and was 60 years of age. He traveled for number of years for the Albemarie Grocery Company, but had been In Ill health for some time. Mr. Burgess married Miss Irene Geary of Woodstock, who survives. Besides his mother, he also leaves two staters, Mra.

R. Ernest Towell and Mre, W. P. Gleason, both of this city. 4', EUGENE A.

COX The funeral of Lurene Cox was held at. 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon -from -the 4. Irvias SOOTHES RUFFLED NERVES Nervous disturbances la dimple of headache, aches and per or U.S. "Nightingale" In China Attending a Chinese child victim of a Japanese bombing raid Alma Eriksen, American girl who has earned the title of the Nightingale of Chunking." A native of Chicago, she has been on duty in the Methodist hospital in Chungking during the ghastly that have killed thousands of Chinese. Crozet News- Mrs.

John James. has had. guests Mri. Randolph Sandridge and Ave children, Mr. and Mrs.

Aubrey O. James and Mr. and Mrs. John James Jr. and Meredith Res James.

Sam Rodes of visited his nephew, Thomas R. Jarman at bis home here. Mrs. Vivian McCauley has had as guests, Mr. and Mra.

P. C. Payne, Clifton, Emily, Vivian" and Jean Payne Calvin of Richmond; and Mr. and. Mra.

C. B. Payne of Charlottesvilles Miss Anne Sandridge is visiting her sister, Mrs. Emmett M. Harper in Staunton.

Prof. Paul H. Cale has returned from a visit with relatives in North Carolina. He has had as his guest the Rev. Frank Cale, Jr.

of Tyuer, N. C. Rudolph McCauley has returned to his home at Promt after spend. a week with his brother, Vivian Mrs. Pearle L' Jarman and the Minces Elisabeth, Virginia," Chiotilde, Ernestine and Genevieve Jarman have returned from a visit at Sandy Polat.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowen and Harry Bowen Ill of Portland, Maine are quests of Mr. and Mra. H.

M. Bowen: Miss Eltzabeth W. Clark of Charlottesville Mrs. C. Shelton.

Miss Elizabeth Starke attend1ng Summer School at: Teacher's College, East Ralford. Miss Margaret Posts, who taught at Temperanceville, is at her home. Mr. and Mrs. G.

C. Scullthorpe of Richmond have been guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Bowen.

Irvine Starke of the u. Navy, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mri. W. F.

Starke, is visiting relatives in Newcastle, Indiana before returning to his ship. Mrs. Arthur Sandridge and her children have returned to Waynes What Is 'Good' Used Car First, used that has been honestly and carefully put" into good mechanical condition. Second, it's car, priced so- low that the buyer gets full value for money, Wes have right now number. of Used Cars which we consider to be unusually GOOD ones.

Come: in: and see them! HO Charlottesville Motors, Inc. Block West Of Union Station PHONE 99 7. KATHLEEN: The world's best woman author PRESENTS 4 HER LATEST SERIAL 2 pa 3. Kathleen Norris si G- .6 PEr 5 .1 A. J.

For a long time me embrace held, and when they spent the girl was breschles, with a stinging mouth end farmoving The story of Becky Gibson, who learned that her mother's past was her beginning whose life. was almost wrecked, until she found the understanding and stability her mother had forsaken long A Powerful Story by KATHLEEN NORRIS "THE RUNAWAY" The Daily Progress YOU CAN TRY IT 10 DAYS FREE! 1 COST AS MUCH, $100 LESS! A BIO AND I FULL FAMILY I SIZE! la 5 fresh looper low $100 filing of ice lasts from 4 to 7 daye ad the air condidoned refrigerator: ruLe Lies have changed so thes 300,000 fab SIZE chis lower more advanced We vite you to try it 10. $55.76 DAYS FREE Coolerator vin Air Conditioned Elliott Ice Co. 777 Phone CALL OR PHONE FOR 10 DAY. FREE TRIAL BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER- Just Preliminaries! By EDWIN ALGER HOLY TURNIN' OUT SMOKES! IN DROVES THEY'RE HILL WHY, THE -BILLY.


Saturday's maximum de was as degrees; mint amperature 9 o'clock yesterday 65; 10. Direction of the wind, worth wast. maximum yesterday. was The minimum, 68; o'clock morning. 73.

Direction of the 2 rad northeast. AT PORT C. P. McCue, of V. P.

MONROE: Cadet and Mrs. C. P. Mo son of Mr. Greenwood, is at Fort MonCome of attending the Reserve Oncer's tuning Camp.

ATTEND Members of Crozet Baptist MEETING Union attending the Amocia- annual mating of the held at Albemarle Covesville were J. talon H. Dawson, Mrs. Minnie Mr. Mrs.

Will Critser, Mr. R. Gentry, Gentry, Miss Marie Isabelle Gentry, Mrs. W. Sandridge, E.

Thurs Mre. Joca Mrs. Clayton, J. C. Garrieon, Mrs.

Mitchell and Miss Anne Mitchell. Also his the guest, the Rev. E. D. Poo, Rev.

John Robert Stir sad Miss Anne: Mitchell, and D. of Roanoke. Marie Isabell Gentry mag. LEAVES FOR REACH G. Durrer and son" George, for Virginia Beach to attend the State Pharmaceutical Convention, being beld Association the Cavalier Hotel.

DA. LOWRY BACK Mr. H. 6. Lowry of Rio Road has returaed from Louisville, where attended Southern outing of the Br.

of L. T. 4 F. IN CITY A resident of Hot Springs, New Lexico, driving 20-year-old modesT Ford, passed through here retarday enroute to Weedonsrille, Eng George County. J.

C. Caywood, a retired freman of the El Faro (Texas) Fire Department, stopped over in the city raterday afternoon after driving 120 miles from Hot Springs. He left there last Tuesday for virit in Weedonsville, where he made his home more than 20 years ago. ATTENDS CONVENTION W. M.

Balley of this city is in Baltimore where he" he attending Shriners' convention. QUICKER SERVICE Arthur Balanis, of the Univerhis Dr. A Balanis tty, recatred a letter today from. Athens, Greece. The letter which came over on the Yankee Clipper arrived la four days.

It usually takes from 10 to 15 days for lettar to get from Athens to Char lottesville, it is said. CUB MEETING The weekly meeting of the KInad Club will be held pat 6:30 d'elock evening at the Fry's Studio. The program will be in charge committee on vocational guidance, of which Fred a chairman, Other. members. of the committee are Albie "Barksdale, wad Alex.

Ivar Thompion, Hugh Li Sulfridge, Gedda. the Following the dinner, a number of the club members will go out to Kiwanis Soft Ball team play a the Night League. THIRD WEEK High The summer session of Lane week Scheol entered upon its third rollment this of morning, with a total en223. The Tuesday pupils will be riven a holiday hot the day of lost. next will be week, made July 4 later, sirice there must be 40 full up lays of regular class room teach404 exclusive of all registration examination days.

T. C. PICNIC business instead of the regular monthly Training Union meeting, of the members First of Bap the that Church will morrow bold a picaic. toThe group evening in McIntire Park. church 'at will assemble at the 6 o'clock.

GUEST Goer. SOLOIST service soloist at the 11 o'clock Church the First, Methodist tine Gunlaughson. was Mias Chris tor assistant Summer music at the Univer. Quarter. LICENSES Marriage TO WED the following licenses were issued to Wheeler Shipp.

Saturday: 21, city, Lewis and Al West, 31; Mae: Price, 17, Ruby of Promtt, city; and John Forrest W. Wood. Draper, 21. 20, of Earlywville, Promt; Albert L. 18, of and Hazel Earlysville.

ATTEND Amonz FUNERAL those trom here who at16 again In 1939 SSS let SASS be YOUR Spring Tonic a 1 01 is Miss "Florence constant air raids boro after visiting her parents, Ar. and Mra. J. T. Wood.

Mrs. John James, Mr. and James. and Meredith Res James were week end of relatives in Hopewell. Miss Hope McCauley, who spent winter In the home of her brother, Vivian McCauley, Is now visiting her father, Ernest McCauley at Profit.

Miss Ella Layne spending sometime with Mre. 8. K. Garrison. Sidney Sandridge has returned to Mt.

Fair after visiting D. W. Sand. ridge, Jr. Mrs.

Carrie Clarke of Dallas, Texas and her sister, Mrs. Kirby of Charlotterville have been cuesta of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. Miss Patricia Chaffin of Char lotterville the ruest or her.

ter, Mrs. D. L. Hale, Thomas Lackie of Louise, and his ruesta, G. Lackie, and Miss Margaret Lackie of Roanoke have been guests of Miss Virginia Lackie.

Miss Christine Sandridge home from visit to her grandparents, Mr. and Mre. J. James. Ambrose W.

Burtoot, Jr. who tended the University, is now his Miss Nancy Martin Johnson spending sometime with friends in New York. Mias Edwina Gentry home from visit with Prof, and Mra Rowland Wildman 'in Wytherille, Mrs. Carrie B. Miller is spending sometime at Atton.

Mr. and Mrs. Moses M. Sandridge, and their daughters, Percy and Gay Sandridge of Charlottes: ville visited Mra. Meredith.

H. Clarke in the home of Mr and Mra. Charles FL. Clarke. 4 tr..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.